(BL) Ep1 SOLO 2024 (ENGSUBS)

  • 2 days ago
00:00You're going to live a long life.
00:17Why do you think that?
00:20You have a long life line.
00:24I think it's just big hands.
00:28It's normal.
00:31A little over average.
00:34Yes. Yes, it is.
00:37I don't understand how men manage to turn every single situation into a matter of gender.
00:48Is it something you learn at school?
00:51Stop it.
00:53I've talked about life lines, and that's what you're talking about.
00:57Stop it, you pig. I'm talking about hands.
01:00Yes, I'm talking about life lines.
01:04So you actually think you can look into someone's future by looking at the palm of their hand?
01:11A little.
01:15Don't you?
01:18A little?
01:20A lot?
01:22A lot?
01:27What do you believe in?
01:30I believe that everything is a coincidence, and there's no point in any of this happening.
01:39But it is.
01:41Why do you think you're here now?
01:45There's no point in me being here now. It's just a coincidence that we ended up here.
01:51I don't know.
02:14Can you not do this while I'm here?
02:17It's just weed. I don't take anything else.
02:23It's for later, anyway.
02:27I thought we were going to hang out.
02:31Ah, fuck. I've actually agreed with Kip to finish that history assignment.
02:39It's a performance tomorrow, so we have to work today.
02:44You're crazy, man.
03:14What the fuck?
03:20Can you hear that?
03:23Can't you hear it? Our country is screaming. 40,000 people.
03:29Sold out world tour.
03:31Lambo to private jet.
03:33The house is just a bed.
03:34House? We're not going to have a house, man.
03:36No, we are. A fucking palace.
03:38Cribs bigger than your dick.
03:45The hamburger.
03:47Yeah, the same. We're going to have a bigger crib than him.
03:50Don't forget the pizza, then. So much pizza. We're going to bathe in it.
04:08I'm not religious, but I pray to God.
04:17Have I ever seen such a nice rolling joint? I don't think I've ever seen such a nice joint.
05:18What's up?
05:20That song you're working on. Can I listen to it?
05:23No problem.
05:24Can you make it up to me?
05:26I don't have time right now.
05:28What the fuck? You refused to make it up to me.
05:30You nag all the fucking time.
05:32I have to nag when you always say no.
05:34You never say no.
05:35You've never said yes. You've never said yes. You've never said yes. Not even once.
05:38You probably spend five minutes on it.
05:42I was fucking sure I could make it up to you.
05:44Are you serious right now?
05:46Yeah, but you know I'm going to be on that song when it's done.
05:53Yeah, you heard me.
05:57What's up, Lara? What's up, Isaac?
06:00Have you been writing?
06:02No, but now I'm trying to freestyle.
06:04Can you help me out a bit?
06:07Okay, okay.
06:35Money and work, that's important.
06:37But when I'm chilling with my crew, it's mandatory.
06:40Are you coming with an attitude? Are you sad?
06:43It's time to make a sound.
06:45Yes, man! It's going to be great.
06:47And then the chorus comes in.
07:04Where would I go? Where would I go?
07:29What's up?
07:30I'm going to get a haircut.
07:33What do you mean?
07:35I just don't get it.
07:37Am I stupid or am I just talentless?
07:42None of that.
07:44But all the songs I've produced are shit.
07:47And we've been here for two years.
07:49Yeah, but you're not going to be a producer either.
07:52No, but what am I going to be?
07:54A singer, Lara.
07:55Yeah, but what's the point of being a singer
07:57if I don't have anyone to produce the songs for you?
08:03Oh, shit.
08:05Okay, I'm going to produce a song for you.
08:12But there are conditions.
08:14Okay, what are they?
08:17First of all...
08:32Thanks a lot.
08:34For one song?
08:36That's way too much.
08:37It's the price.
08:39You know that you're still going forward.
08:41There's no Quincy Jones yet.
08:43Not yet, but soon.
08:47Second of all...
08:51You have to study better.
08:53Damn, Isak.
08:55You know that it's me, Josefine, who's in charge.
08:59Your problem?
09:25Hey, you know what, dude?
09:27Yeah, what?
09:28Can you fix a session here?
09:30For a week.
09:32I can't.
09:33You know I have a full scholarship until Christmas.
09:35Yeah, but you can change the system a little, right?
09:40That's not how it works.
09:42It's a democratic system, and I'm not in Salks.
09:44Everything you've learned in Salks, just say what it was.
09:54You hang out with Kip a lot, don't you?
10:01Are you done soon?
10:03I can't piss while you're standing so close.
10:07Think about it.
10:11Classy ladies we can chat with.
10:14Chat with?
10:16Yeah, natural ladies.
10:18Okay, so you'd rather have intelligent ladies than nice ladies?
10:21Is that controversial?
10:23You sound so fucking feminist.
10:25I'm not a feminist.
10:27But you are a feminist.
10:29No, but I'm not a feminist.
10:31Okay, so you're saying that ladies should go out and have sex more than us?
10:34No, I mean, I'm for equal rights and all that.
10:38Then you're a feminist.
10:40It's like asking if you like water, and you answer,
10:42no, I only like H2O.
10:44What the fuck?
10:48He's hot.
10:50Maybe, maybe,
10:52if you fix a date with me and Kip,
10:54I can try to get Klem to a session in the studio for a week.
10:58How the fuck am I supposed to fix a date with Kip?
11:00By saying a nice word for me, or something?
11:02You can come to the next party.
11:05Then we'll just do that.
11:07One more thing.
11:09I want him to ask me out.
11:12Okay, so you want Kip to ask you out?
11:15Do you know how much work that's going to be for me?
11:18There's a lot of work in the studio when you're fully dressed.
11:24I can fix it.
11:26But it's going to be expensive.
11:28How much?
11:31That's too much.
11:32That's what it costs.
11:34Unless you want to go on a bobbling date.
11:38What are you guys doing tonight?
11:40There's a party at Spinny's.
11:44What are we going to?
11:45All of us.
11:46All of us?
11:47All of us.
11:50Then I'll see you there.
11:51Hey Kip.
11:52What's up?
11:53Are you coming to the party tonight?
11:54What party?
11:55Hi Spinny's.
11:57I've heard some rumors that you're having a party tonight.
11:59I'm not having a party.
12:00Yes, you are.
12:01Everyone's talking about it.
12:03No, no one's talking about it.
12:05Everyone's talking about it.
12:06Is it okay if I, Kip, Josefine and a few more come?
12:09Yes, tonight.
12:10The last party before Christmas.
12:14And remember, it's a Christmas theme.
12:16Decorate the house.
12:17Decorate it.
12:20Hey Lara, let's go bobbling tonight!
12:25What's that?
12:27Who's there?
12:28It's Josefine!
12:30Someone from class.
12:32It's coming!
12:33It's coming?
12:36Let's go bobbling.
12:38I was actually going to eat pizza afterwards.
12:41But you, Lara.
12:43You know that you have a chance to make some decent money if you actually...
12:50I don't know.
12:51Sing a concert here tonight.
12:53Not again.
12:54Then you'll get some real fun and experience.
12:57I don't have time for that.
13:00You don't have time for that?
13:02No, there's so much school.
13:04But I miss hearing you sing.
13:07Sing a song for me.
13:10Yes, maybe.
13:16Bye, honey.
13:24Hey, do you want to do something with the beat you showed in the building?
13:27Yes, it could work.
13:28Yes, do it. It's going to be really nice.
13:30Yes, and I'll get all of you to write a song.
13:32Guys, guys.
13:33You two.
13:34You have to think much bigger.
13:36Yes, what's big enough for you?
13:38Guys, listen to this.
13:39Nothing is big enough for him.
13:42You know a Swedish guy, right?
13:45He does it really hard in Korea.
13:47How random is that?
13:50It's K-pop, right?
13:53Yes, it's exactly what we do.
13:55But you could be good at K-pop.
13:57Why should we be good at it?
13:59Because it can get you a lot of gigs and maybe a residency in Tokyo.
14:05No, Korea.
14:07Tokyo in Korea?
14:10If you hang out with me.
14:12It plays about two gigs a year.
14:14So easily a hundred records.
14:16And I get a small part of the cut.
14:18For my regret.
14:19Yes, if you fix it, of course.
14:21I can try.
14:22Now my blouse is on fire.
14:27Unfortunately he doesn't know any Swedish in Tokyo.
14:29Now he does.
14:30Or Korea.
14:31Now he does.
14:46When is the kick coming?
14:48I don't know, I don't have any GPS.
14:50I give it five more minutes and I don't want to walk anymore.
14:55Do you really think he likes me?
14:58I'm sure he does.
14:59I feel like I need a slipper.
15:01Then take this.
15:05Here he comes.
15:10Hey Kim.
15:11He's Josefine.
15:13Yes, I know.
15:17What's up?
15:19What's up?
15:20Nothing much.
15:24Can't we play a drinking game or something?
15:26Fuck Me Uncle?
15:27Yeah, that's easy.
15:28Okay, I...
15:29I'll make you some beer first.
15:30It's in the bag next to the stairs.
15:34Have you listened to the mix I sent over?
15:37Yes, yes.
15:38What do you think?
15:39It was really good.
15:41So you haven't heard it?
15:43Why are you saying that?
15:45Because you've never been positive in your life.
15:47Lara, you're at a party now, okay?
15:49Not at school.
15:50So relax.
15:51I'm paying you.
15:52Of course you're saving time.
15:53Do you remember Dubbe?
15:54Yes, I do.
16:02She's hot, right?
16:04Yeah, who else?
16:06She's not my type.
16:08I need you to like her.
16:11I've promised her a date.
16:13Does she like me?
16:14Yeah, she's paying.
16:16Yeah, 200 kroner.
16:17And you have to ask her out.
16:22Take it as a compliment.
16:24I thought a date with me would be worth more than 200.
16:32So you know I'm not joking?
16:33Who are you?
16:34You don't know me.
16:35No, I know a lot of management.
16:36I know a lot of...
16:38What's going on?
16:39What's going on?
16:40You're drinking so much.
16:41Yeah, yeah, yeah.
16:43It's enough for a bobbling.
16:45A bobbling date?
16:48I like artists.
16:49I read Christian Kroh in my spare time.
16:51Did you know that?
16:52No, I didn't know that.
16:54Maybe because no one listens to anything I say.
16:58Just one date, okay?
17:01I've got it.
17:02Jenny Skavlan.
17:03Astrid Rees.
17:05Who else?
17:10Then I would have killed Astrid Rees, married Rihanna and pulled Jenny Skavlan.
17:19I've got one for you.
17:21Jonas will have the bigger one.
17:24It's your turn.
17:26Come on, come on, come on!
17:27It's over now!
17:28I'm sorry.
17:29I'm sorry.
17:30I'm sorry.
17:31I'm sorry.
17:32I'm sorry.
17:33I'm sorry.
17:34I'm sorry.
17:35I'm sorry.
17:36I'm sorry.
17:37I'm sorry.
17:38It's okay, it's okay.
17:39You're hurt.
17:40What's this?
17:41Why are you so light?
17:42Because you're not staying at home...
17:44You don't even have nobody at home!
17:46I'm really sorry, I'm so sorry!
17:48That's the worst thing that could happen to you.
17:50I'm sorry, Astrid.
17:51I'm sorry.
17:52I'm so sorry.
17:53You can't say it's the worst thing that could happen to you, you got one?
17:55What's the worst thing you can do?
17:57I've never been back here again!
17:58I can't bear it anymore!
17:59I'm so sorry, I really need to go.
18:00I can't bear it.
18:01I can't feel my whole body aches tomorrow anymore!
18:02Don't come back.
18:03You're going alone.
18:04How are you?
18:06I'm fine.
18:09I'm just so fucking hungover.
18:20What happened to you yesterday?
18:25I don't know.
18:28I was just thinking about you.
18:32I don't know.
18:35I was a little over the top.
18:38Talking to everyone and just being a joke.
18:47You didn't talk to me.
18:53No, sorry.
18:55Sorry about that. I didn't mean to.
18:59I'm not happy.
19:09Fuck you, Lara.
19:12I have to go.
19:17What's up, Lara?
19:20Fuck, today? Did you get the studio now?
19:24I'm on my way.
19:27Yeah, I'm just going to do something and then I'll be right back.
19:33Yeah, I've got a quarter of an hour. 20 minutes.
19:46Sorry, it was Lara. I have to go to the studio with Lara.
19:51Okay, Ylva.
19:54I didn't mean to ignore you yesterday.
19:57If that's what you felt.
19:59I didn't mean to, okay?
20:01I wasn't trying to.
20:08What's up?
20:14I don't understand.
20:16What don't you understand?
20:29You promised.
20:36Yeah, I know.
20:45Yeah, sorry.
20:50That's what all your friends do.
20:53You don't get mad at them.
20:55I don't want an apology.
20:59If you actually cared about me, you would have stopped a long time ago.
21:03Of course I care about you.
21:06You're the only one I like.
21:09Of course I care about you.
21:49We both know that's not going to happen.
21:51What's so big deal about me taking some coke?
21:55It's some fucking moralizing shit you're demanding of me.
21:58And why? Why do you keep snooping around in my stuff anyway?
22:04I can't help you.
22:06Help me?
22:08Why are you taking care of me like you're my nurse?
22:14I could point out everything you do wrong, but I don't.
22:20What do you think you're doing?
22:26Are you leaving, or what are you going to do?
22:36Yeah, I'm leaving. I have to calm down. We'll talk tomorrow.
22:38No, we're not doing that.
22:40Of course we are.
22:49I love you.
23:19I love you.
23:38Lara, you know why you're singing this, right?
23:41You wrote it for a reason.
23:43You have to sing it like you mean it, okay?
23:45If you fuck up on the first take, we'll do it again.
23:47Just scream it out.
23:49Just scream it out, okay?
23:51Just don't be afraid.
23:53I'm not afraid.
24:15I love you.
24:28Are you okay?
24:32Just a second.
24:43How the fuck can you act like a piece of shit to everyone,
24:46and you get zero consequences for it?
24:48Everyone likes everything you do.
24:54I don't know why you wanted to be with me, though.
24:56Yeah, for free.
24:59I'm so bad, you know?
25:05That's not what this is about, Lara.
25:07You're great at singing, but you have to sing higher.
25:09I can't hear you, okay?
25:11I just don't understand what I'm doing wrong.
25:13You're not doing anything wrong. You just have to sing higher.
25:58Every day
26:03And where has all that I have gone?
26:10It's a long story they've told
26:16So tell me
26:20Just tell me where I'm going
26:23Can you spare
26:27So many questions
26:30I have to think more about myself
26:33My head spins like a carousel
26:38And no one sees that I want to be special
26:45I have to believe in my choice
26:48Think about it all day
26:52And I don't understand anything
27:01Motivation burned, I'm late
27:03And what have I earned?
27:05I stand for all that I have meant
27:07A lot is forgotten and a lot is needed
27:09Dreaming about life as known
27:11Ladies and Benz, but is it deserved?
27:13Do I live without any points?
27:15Just with my gang, do I need anything more?
27:17What will I become? What do I have to do? What do I have to say?
27:19Is it enough that I waste time
27:21And watch everyone just fly by?
27:23Nothing gives me any of this
27:27Do I need help? Do I need...
27:30So tell me
27:33Just tell me where I'm going
27:37Can you spare
27:41So many questions
27:44I have to think more about myself
27:46My head spins like a carousel
27:51And no one sees that I want to be special
27:59And I don't understand anything