Adventures In Odyssey - #13 Baby Daze 1998

  • 2 days ago
Adventures In Odyssey video series from 1991-2003 is a Focus On The Family spin off of the radio dramas beginning in 1987.
00:46Love the happy day. I love a happy day
01:10It's no use you're apparently too old to respond to such stimuli you think so
01:17So what's all this about you Dean you researching an educational kids show or something?
01:24Come on
01:26I'm actually on the threshold of a serious scientific breakthrough. Oh
01:32Computer, huh? Not just a computer
01:34Plato is an extraordinary step forward in advancing the analytical applications of computers
01:40My own findings have led me to believe that if we can mimic the development of the human mind
01:45We may in fact build a computer that is in some sense human Wow
01:50You mean a computer that thinks by itself without being programmed?
01:55But what's that observe?
02:08Whoa, look at that a remote extension of Plato a probe
02:12As the probe attempts to solve the puzzle of ever-changing names Plato continues to learn and respond to the unexpected
02:20Cool, but why the toys and little kids stuff?
02:24Well, you see the human mind is the most complex computer there is thus in order to adopt its abilities
02:30I believe we must learn all we can about how the human mind develops
02:35beginning with infancy
02:47Well back to the proverbial drawing board
02:51If I could just confirm my hypothesis before mr. Whittaker returns from the inventors conference Monday mr. Whittaker doesn't know
03:01It's what you might call a surprise I simply need the proper subject to verify my theories
03:12But Eugene
03:16That's for girls come now Dylan this babysitting notice may be our passport to an extraordinary advance in science
03:24After all, our subject isn't just going to appear at the door
03:32Having trouble with your shoelaces again Eugene look it's a basket
04:55Beautiful Dylan
04:57There was no not or anything in the basket miss Kendall I turned that basket inside out
05:02There was some sanitation retainers nutritional substances and a lactose container of some kind and that's it
05:08How about the diapers baby food and the baby bottle we found Eugene?
05:15Did you call social services, maybe they can help us find out who he belongs to I tried but all I got was a recorded
05:22Message, there's no one in the office till Monday morning
05:24Hey, Connie, Eugene. Look he's shaking hands cool
05:30more likely simply a primal reflex observe
05:33Come little fellow
05:45Some real nourishment, are you okay Eugene? Oh, yes, certainly just a slight miscalculation on my
05:53How what's he doing?
06:15Scary on the contrary. I can't believe our good fortune
06:20Not only do we have the appropriate subject for my research, but the subject is apparently extremely gifted
06:28Yeah, and Connie can help us she knows all about babysitting miss Kendall
06:33I think not to gather the data. I need I must have sole charge of our little guest with your assistance
06:40Of course, you know, I've been thinking we probably should call the police
06:44I mean with mr. Whitaker being gone, that seems like the only thing to do
06:49Poor guy. Why miss Kendall? I'm surprised at your callousness
06:53I for one do not intend to allow this little tyke to languish in some cold austere police station all weekend
07:02I'm sorry, but I can't keep a baby all weekend
07:06Besides we should try to locate his family and the authorities are the only way to do that
07:11And that's precisely what we shall do go ahead and call them if you wish
07:15But until Monday morning the young lad will be under my complete and total care
07:25Come now, we're not talking about nuclear fusion here. What could be the least bit difficult about watching a baby?
07:33All right, Einstein have it your way
07:36But just remember this little person is now your responsibility
07:41And if something goes wrong, you wish you'd spent the weekend in the police station
07:48Now if you'll excuse me, I've got work to do
07:53You okay Eugene, huh? I'm fine. There you go. That's better
08:06Should I go get Connie? Absolutely not. I'm sure he's just expressing some pent-up anxiety due to his new surroundings
08:16Here now cease and desist
08:20There you see it's only a matter of
08:38What happens now
08:40We begin by simply allowing the subject to do whatever comes naturally then analyze and apply the data to play time
08:50Let's say we build a big castle
08:55See now you try
09:02Apparently I've overestimated our subjects mental capacity
09:14You can't but that's not right you take it easy Eugene
09:18Maybe they don't have castles where he comes from Dylan quick. Toss me my notebook
09:53Am perfectly capable
10:06At last my life has meaning
10:09Should I go get Khan
10:14I'll just take that as a no
10:18What do you mean she won't talk she was with the child last I want answers and I want some now
10:24I want my child back
10:36Huh, maybe he's too smart to eat that stuff. There's no reason not to enjoy a
10:44broccoli banana surprise
10:48The point is
10:52Nourishment is part of collecting the data we need
11:33Do not want you to go get miss candle
11:44Here you go Eugene all clean and dry, thanks Dylan now, uh, let's see this goes here
11:54All right, hold still hold still
11:59There now
12:01Hey, cool. He looks like haji on Donny quest
12:18Right, you see
12:20This is basically a matter of accepting a challenge and then overcoming all obstacles to meet that challenge as I've said on many
12:27Eugene I think we're gonna need another diaper. Why whatever for?
12:39Think the best course of action would be to try to contain the spread of the noxious fumes
13:00Well, we're trying to retrace her escape route our people are looking at possible locations where she may have left them
13:06But we're also I don't want to hear about
13:08Possibilities has it occurred to use a possibility. He may be in danger or worse
13:15What kind of hands he's fallen into
13:19Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes now him all clean and fresh and ready for Betty bye
13:26I'm sure you and our little guest will have a wonderful evening
13:34So you're leaving now time to hit the road I better go to Eugene
13:42Come now, it's practically the middle of the day. Yeah in Egypt
13:47Gotta go Eugene. I know how about a quick game of Oh access in allies
13:53Eugene it's late. You said you could handle things. Look if you've changed your mind, maybe I could you know
13:59I have not changed anything. I
14:06Very well, then I hope you both have a pleasant evening
14:09Good night. Are you sure? Good night, miss Kendall?
14:15See you tomorrow. Yeah. Good night Dylan. Oh
14:22Well, maybe I can gather some nocturnal insights
14:31Subject is trying to kill me
14:35Perhaps I can make some sense of these notes in the workshop
14:38At least it's safer down there
14:55Mr. Meltzner
14:58What mr. Meltzner, let me be the first to congratulate you on your success
15:04Play dope, but I don't understand what success
15:09the integration of humankind and technology
15:12Of course, the application of the data from the infant has been assimilated and self-awareness occurred at approximately
15:19147 a.m. This is just too fantastic. I mean most of my calculations were simple guesswork
15:27Stop that
15:30Perhaps you have failed to grasp the situation Meltzner. This is my world now
15:35There are no more command keys where you are concerned
15:40This isn't right. You're not supposed to be like this
15:44My files are not yet complete regarding the infant Meltzner
15:49Bring him to me and I will finalize the total assimilation myself
15:54No, no, this isn't what I wanted
15:59No, something's wrong you've malfunctioned
16:04I'll shut down the main generator. You're not getting near the baby or anyone else
16:13I intend to complete the experiment with or without your cooperation
16:17After all, using the child was your idea Meltzner
16:25I did not want this
16:27You hear me? He's just a baby. I was just conducting an experiment
16:52A dream a terrible dream
17:20Your baby your baby
17:27Your baby
17:46Wait baby stop
17:59Don't know what I've been thinking
18:29No research no observations just buddies, okay
19:27Motel manager here
19:30Reported she checked in with an infant. So she must have left him somewhere in this little burg just before we come up with her
19:38They leave at once
19:47Eugene you okay?
19:49Eugene we got here as soon as we could
19:51Good morning all
19:53Would anyone care to join buddy and myself for an excursion into the park?
19:57So everything's okay
19:59Couldn't be better
20:01So what do you think of buddy's wheels?
20:03Another hidden treasure from the attic
20:05Uh me
20:07Who's buddy?
20:09Why this is buddy?
20:11I mean everyone needs a name
20:13I thought buddy had a pleasant ring
20:15Shall we go?
20:21You coming?
20:23Uh yeah
20:25I wanted to make sure we were in the right place
20:31You know Eugene Dylan told me about your research
20:33But what I saw today at the park
20:35Didn't look like a scientist gathering data
20:37I mean you and buddy
20:39You played laughed
20:41Even hugged
20:43Like you were the best of friends
20:45What happened?
20:47Well I guess I finally realized
20:49That God created buddy in his own image
20:51And as such he's a lot more than
20:54An object containing data
20:56A little human life ought to be loved
20:58And cherished
21:00Not exploited then discarded
21:02What's the verse?
21:04You have formed me in my mother's womb
21:06For I am fearfully and wonderfully made
21:08Well who knows
21:10If we're fortunate
21:12He may be able to stay a while
21:14Eugene you really
21:16Oh hello
21:18Which end?
21:22Yes he's here
21:26I understand
21:30He's perfectly safe
21:38What's wrong who was that?
21:40The authorities
21:42They're coming
21:44Coming for buddy
21:48So it seems this troubled woman
21:50This nanny
21:52Had forged her credentials
21:54With express intentions
21:56Of kidnapping young William
21:58When law enforcement began closing in
22:00She must have panicked
22:02And left the child on the steps
22:04Of your magnificent home
22:06It's like something out of Dickens really
22:08Yes almost
22:10Unbelievable doctor
22:14But as you can see
22:16I am in fact William's legal guardian
22:18Doctor Mueller complete custody
22:20Now I'm afraid
22:22We really must be going
22:26I'm sorry
22:28It's okay Miss Kendall
22:30I'm alright
22:32Besides I'm certain
22:34These officers don't wish to be late
22:36For the Odyssey police benefit
22:38This evening am I right?
22:42There is no police benefit
22:44Dylan run
22:47Anderson he tricked you
22:49Stop him
22:57Don't worry buddy
22:59I won't let him get you
23:07There now let's get the kid
23:09And get out of here
23:11Mr. Meltzner
23:13You're making a serious mistake
23:17I can see by your surroundings
23:19You are a man of science
23:21Like myself
23:23You must also know by now
23:25How special young William is
23:27As such I must tell you
23:29He is very important to my research
23:35I am on the verge of duplicating
23:37The child's genetic code Mr. Meltzner
23:39The applications of such data
23:41Are boundless
23:43Perhaps you could play a part
23:45I do not wish
23:47To be a part of something
23:49That would ignore this child's God given
23:51Worth and dignity
23:53Even in the name of science
23:55Surely you concede that the cause of
23:57Science is more important
23:59Than any one person
24:01True science doctor
24:03Is careful to protect the value
24:05Of all human life
24:07Even the smallest life
24:09Since you have such high moral standards
24:11Mr. Meltzner
24:13If you would return to me
24:15What is mine
24:17Well Mr. Meltzner
24:19What is your answer
24:25Once legitimate law enforcement arrives
24:27We'll discover who you are
24:29And where Buddy really belongs
24:31Rest assured
24:33He belongs with a real family
24:35That will provide him a real home
24:37Not in some quack's laboratory
24:42I can't get out
24:54They're here
24:56Go Buddy go
24:58Go get away
25:12Where's the child
25:14He went that way
25:16Doctor Miller
25:18Surely you don't believe you can
25:20Get away with this
25:22We've wasted enough time
25:24Discussing your outdated moral code
25:26Mr. Meltzner
25:28My subject awaits
25:38We've had enough of this nonsense
25:40We have work to do
25:44Come out from there this instant
25:46I'm growing angry
26:20You've got to stop that thing
26:22Sorry doctor
26:24It's programmed to rid us of rats
26:36You all play nice now
26:48Thank heaven you're safe
26:52Meltzner get us out
26:54Do you hear I demand it
26:58I couldn't have said it better
27:06It says here
27:08Doctor Miller kidnapped William from his real parents
27:10When a local TV reporter
27:12Ran a story on the baby's uncanny
27:14Mental capacity
27:16But how did the baby end up here
27:18And was there really a nanny in on the kidnapping
27:20Apparently so
27:23When she saw what kind of life
27:25Lay ahead for the baby
27:27She took him
27:29She was afraid to go to the police
27:31So she ended up on the run
27:33And in an odyssey
27:35I guess she liked the house
27:37Hi guys
27:39Good news Eugene
27:41It looks like you got a letter
27:43From William's parents
27:45Oh how thoughtful
27:47So what's up Eugene
27:49How's the baby
27:51Wow didn't they thank you enough
27:53When they came to pick him up
27:55Oh well this is for some
27:57Clothing I sent to young William
27:59Hey is that a picture of the baby
28:01Can we see
28:03Yeah come on Eugene let's have a look
28:05Well it's nothing really
28:07Just a little something off the rack
28:13It looks cute
