Adventures In Odyssey - #16 The Caves Of Qumran 2002

  • 2 days ago
Adventures In Odyssey video series from 1991-2003 is a Focus On The Family spin off of the radio dramas beginning in 1987.


00:00Stanley? Stanley, are you alright? Come in, Stanley.
00:18I read you, Sarah. I'm fine. I'm simply trying to navigate my way across a small little puddle.
00:29Stanley, I don't think we should have split up. I just heard a strange noise.
00:33Sarah, don't tell me you're suddenly developing a case of the creepy crawly...
00:46Stanley, what's happening?
00:48Nothing. Just taking a little breather.
00:52Well, I've got this strange feeling we are not alone in here.
00:55I promise you that no one has been in here for over a thousand years besides Pierre Leroux.
01:02And if we're going to find whatever he hid in here,
01:04then we shouldn't be wasting our time chasing shadows.
01:07There is absolutely nothing to be afraid of.
01:12I'm sure you're right, but I'd still feel a whole lot better if you got back over here.
01:18All right, I'll be there as fast as I can.
01:25Oh, my word, it's here.
01:47Sarah, Sarah, oh, you're right.
01:49There is someone or something else in here.
01:52Run, run, run, run, run, run.
02:05The final piece.
02:14No, please.
03:43Looks like someone was awfully generous.
03:46Who did you say donated all of this?
03:48Uh, I'm not sure.
03:50I'll have to ask my partner.
03:54Let's see.
03:56It looks to me like this is a small little device-like object
04:00for stapling paper and stuff.
04:03It's a telegraph transmitter circa 1870.
04:07Excuse me, sir.
04:09Could you tell me who I need to thank for this donation?
04:12I believe the donor wishes to remind you
04:16Hey, kid, catch!
04:22I'm sorry, Mr. Whittaker.
04:24I tried to catch it, but...
04:26That's all right, Dylan.
04:27They were the ones who were careless.
04:35Hey, guys.
04:36Look at this.
04:38It's a telegraph transmitter.
04:41Hey, guys, look at this.
04:44Mr. Whittaker, this looks like...
04:47A treasure map, at least a portion of one.
04:50In fact, this may be the missing piece of a 200-year-old puzzle.
04:54200 years old?
04:56Unbelievable, isn't it?
04:58What's even more amazing is that I believe its author
05:01may be the legendary adventurer Pierre Leroux.
05:04Pierre Leroux?
05:06Yes, he was a French nobleman and archaeologist
05:09and a Christian.
05:10Many of his discoveries were items
05:12that have been very valuable to biblical research.
05:15In fact, his work was what inspired my interest in archaeology.
05:20Does anyone know about this map?
05:22Actually, the incomplete map is widely known
05:24in the archaeological community.
05:26I'm pulling out the records right now,
05:28and if Mr. Whittaker is correct,
05:30this piece should make the map complete.
05:33Leroux's legend goes back to the late 1700s.
05:37The legends say that his map of Qumran
05:39leads to his greatest treasure of all.
05:41The only problem is the part which shows where the treasure is
05:44has been missing for centuries.
05:46Many have searched, but it's never been found.
05:48If this piece fits,
05:50we could know the exact whereabouts
05:52of Leroux's greatest discovery.
05:55Eureka! A perfect fit!
05:57It appears to be authentic.
05:59Well, it looks like we're taking a trip
06:02to the ancient ruins of Qumran.
06:05Mr. Whittaker, this is amazing.
06:08Thankfully, your parents let you come.
06:10After all, this may be your one chance
06:12to see the Middle East firsthand.
06:15Besides, Dylan, you found the map.
06:17You deserve to be here.
06:19As for moi, my knowledge of the French language
06:21will come in handy.
06:23I hardly think one semester of high school French
06:25qualifies as knowledge of the language.
06:28My French is good enough.
06:30La croissant entrée au revoir toilette.
06:34Plus, someone needs to document this historical trip.
06:37And how, pray tell, do you plan to document our excursion?
06:40Say cheese!
06:54Hey! Hey!
06:56What do you think...
06:58Where'd he go?
06:59Where did who go, Dylan?
07:01Someone was going through your saddlebags.
07:03What? Are you sure?
07:05Positive. He was dressed in black.
07:08What's going on?
07:09Someone went through Witt's saddlebags.
07:11Well, the only thing missing is a bag of supplies
07:13I think we can do without.
07:15But I would recommend everyone keep a sharp eye
07:17on their belongings.
07:19Let's get going.
07:22Mr. Whittaker, do you think we'll really find treasure?
07:25Dylan, the reason for this trip is far more important
07:28than simply finding treasure.
07:30Pierre Leroux was a man of God.
07:32I hope that by finding his artifacts,
07:34I'll understand more about his life and his faith.
07:38What happened to him?
07:39Leroux was working at an archaeological site
07:41outside of Qumran.
07:43But then the revolution broke out back home in France.
07:46Eventually, because of his importance,
07:48Leroux was ordered to leave Qumran
07:50and return home to France.
07:52That was the last time anyone ever heard from him.
07:55Well, what do you think Leroux hid in Qumran?
07:58I don't know, but whatever it was,
08:01it must have been important.
08:06It seems that my informant, Mr. X, was correct.
08:10I've personally identified John Avery Whittaker
08:13as the culprit who has the stolen map.
08:16Four, I repeat, four suspects are heading west.
08:19The leader is this Whittaker fellow.
08:22I'm proceeding with caution.
08:25Don't worry, Sarah.
08:27Now that Stanley Martin is on the job,
08:30you'll get your map back.
08:32Follow those tracks, you dirty beast!
08:44They're still on the trail.
08:46Only there's one complication.
08:49What is it?
08:54Some guy named Stanley Martin.
08:57And the problem would be?
09:00Well, sir, it appears this Martin guy
09:03is following Whittaker.
09:05Don't worry, gentlemen.
09:07Everything is going according to plan.
09:09Well, should we keep following Whittaker?
09:11Yes, and don't let them out of your sight.
09:18Well, according to Leroux, this is the spy.
09:23But Mr. Whittaker, there's nothing here.
09:26Can someone translate this clue?
09:29I can do it, Whip.
09:32The treasure is better than a stone.
09:35That doesn't seem right, does it?
09:37Wait a minute, I'll try again.
09:39The gift is better than butter?
09:42Allow me to relieve us of this exercise in futility.
09:47The clue reads,
09:49If the better treasure you would own,
09:52your first small task to roll the stone.
09:56Oh, yeah, that's what I was going to say next.
09:59Move this stone?
10:01And when it came to hidden treasure,
10:03Leroux was known for his harmless pranks and tricks.
10:06In fact, he often used them to teach valuable lessons
10:10and to test character.
10:12There's probably something here that we're just not seeing.
10:19Need some leverage.
10:27What is it?
10:28It may be some kind of trigger.
10:38Be careful.
10:39These caves are extremely old and may be unstable.
10:42Also, there may be some of Leroux's booby traps awaiting us.
10:45Let's keep our eyes peeled.
10:47Nice colloquialism.
10:54Mr. Whittaker, do you have the flashlights?
10:57I did, but unfortunately,
10:59they must have been stolen when we first arrived.
11:02No need to fear, for I am prepared with a backup plan.
11:06Hmm, kind of hard to see.
11:08Does this help?
11:10Connie, shine that light over here, please.
11:13Hmm, Jeremiah 13.16.
11:16It's a Bible verse?
11:18Yes. Jeremiah 13.16 says,
11:21Give glory to the Lord your God
11:23before he causes darkness and before your feet stumble.
11:27Hmm, that must be another clue.
11:32Look at that.
11:34Step carefully, everybody.
11:47Stanley Martin's last will and testament.
11:52I hereby bequeath my lava lamp to...
12:05Whittaker, you've met your match.
12:12Oh, man. Which way, Mr. Whittaker?
12:15I'm not quite sure.
12:23Connie, don't go in there.
12:25Quint, Eugene, come here, hurry!
12:31LaRue's treasure.
12:33Maybe not. I don't think LaRue would be so obvious.
12:37Mr. Whittaker, these coins appear to be from the 12th century.
12:41Wow, they must be worth a fortune.
12:45No, Dylan, stop.
12:49Nobody move.
12:51Replace the coin.
12:57These coins are rigged.
12:59Obviously, LaRue is trying to weed out anyone
13:02who would seek his treasure merely for selfish gain.
13:05I don't think LaRue would have rigged anything that would be harmful,
13:09but we still have to be careful.
13:11Remember, these caves are ancient and possibly unstable.
13:15Before we ran into that cavern,
13:17I noticed this message written on the wall.
13:20Here, let me translate.
13:22Many have sought... something, rather.
13:25But entrance will be... something.
13:28Always helpful.
13:30Actually, the message is another clue.
13:33It reads, many have sought the hidden keys,
13:36but entry is only to one of these.
13:39That's the entrance? You're all too big.
13:41There's no way you could fit.
13:43Entry is to only one of these.
13:46I wonder... of course, that's got to be it.
13:49Did I miss something?
13:51It's a reference to the book of Matthew,
13:53the part where Jesus teaches that only if you become
13:56like one of these little ones will you enter the kingdom of God.
14:00It illustrates how we must depend on God for everything,
14:03just like a baby depends on his parents.
14:05This has got to be the correct passageway.
14:07But I'm the only one small enough to go in.
14:09Well, what are you waiting for?
14:12No, Dylan, wait.
14:14It's all right, Mr. Whittaker. I'll be careful.
14:19Stay, stay, stay on that peg.
14:23Stay, you ugly, smelly, dirty animal.
14:31Here, camel, camel.
14:33Nice camel, here.
14:44Dylan, are you okay in there?
14:47Yeah, Mr. Whittaker, I found a lever.
14:59You brought an umbrella to the desert.
15:09All right, Whittaker, you're more clever than I thought.
15:12You may think your little traps can stop me,
15:15but you've got to get up pretty early in the morning
15:18to slow down Stan, the man, Martin.
15:21There isn't a danger I haven't stared down.
15:24Nothing, I mean nothing, scares Stanley Martin.
15:28Oh, my!
15:37They went right in there.
15:39Hey, Mr. Rex, so how do you know this Whittaker fella?
15:43Oh, let's just say we're, uh...
15:46old friends.
15:47Look at those bonehead camels.
15:49Watch this.
15:58Quickly, through that door.
16:00Gentlemen, I believe we have some business to attend to.
16:13Mr. Whittaker, another clue?
16:15Yeah, it could be.
16:16LaRue seems to be developing a theme in this room.
16:19Look around.
16:20The lamps, the swords, pictures,
16:22they're all images that the Bible uses
16:25to describe the word of God.
16:27These numbers on the wall may be a reference
16:30to Psalm 119, verse 105.
16:32It says,
16:33Your word is a lamp to my feet
16:35and a light to my path.
16:37Lamp, lamp.
16:39Everyone, look for a lamp of some kind.
16:43It appears, Mr. Whittaker, that you are indeed correct.
16:49All right, Whittaker.
16:51You can try to stop me with rabbit bats
16:54or whatever else your fiendish mind can come up with,
16:57but I promise you that nothing will distract me from...
17:04Gold coins!
17:33That doesn't look good.
17:53The Angel Chamber.
17:55The legends are true.
17:58Mr. Whittaker, this is...
18:02Excellent work, Whittaker.
18:06Well, I see your memory hasn't gone,
18:09but what are you doing here?
18:11Isn't it obvious?
18:13I'm here to claim my treasure.
18:15But the treasure's ours.
18:17I found the map.
18:18Oh, come now, boy.
18:20You actually think that the ancient treasure map of Pier Leroux
18:23just appeared in Odyssey of all places?
18:26You mean you planted the map?
18:29Well, actually, it was my men here who made the, um, donation.
18:36And how, may I ask, did you get the map?
18:39The easy way. I stole it.
18:42You see, I needed someone who possessed the biblical knowledge
18:46required to translate the clues.
18:50And now, thanks to you...
18:52Everyone, hold it right there!
18:54Allow me to introduce Stanley D. Martin.
18:59Chief investigator of the International Association of Artifact Recovery,
19:04a powerful Washington-based agency.
19:07Uh, he's the only member.
19:10That may be so,
19:11but I was able to uncover Whittaker's diabolical plot, wasn't I?
19:15Make no mistake, Mr. Martin,
19:17you are here only because I tipped you onto Whittaker's trail.
19:20But why?
19:21Oh, not only did I need your knowledge, Whittaker,
19:23I also needed someone to take the fall for this crime,
19:26and Martin swallowed the bait perfectly.
19:28When the authorities finally discover what's left of this little, uh, expedition,
19:33they'll think that Martin successfully caught you red-handed.
19:36Exactly. Now, would everyone please step away from the treasure and...
19:41The gentleman, Mr. Martin, has served his purpose.
19:43Would you please dispose of him before he molts?
19:48Not until I get to the bottom of...
19:51Thank you, gentlemen.
19:52Now, please, someone translate the final clue,
19:55or my friends will make things most uncomfortable for Mr. Martin.
20:01Two treasures hang before your eyes.
20:04The proper choice strengthens the wise.
20:07One gives you more from day to day.
20:10The other consumes and fades away.
20:15What is that supposed to mean?
20:17Whittaker, solve the riddle.
20:19So far, the clues have been based on Scripture.
20:22Jesus taught that the things of this world,
20:24such as those gold coins, will fade away.
20:27The coins, then, would be the foolish choice.
20:30So, that trunk must contain the treasure.
20:35It's always a moral issue with you, isn't it, Whittaker?
20:38Regardless, it is clever.
20:40Now, be a gent and retrieve the chest for your old friend.
20:47You're not actually going along with him, are you, Whit?
20:50Connie, it's not worth risking the safety of the three of you.
20:58Finally, it's mine.
21:00Fame, riches, fortune.
21:04A book.
21:05What is this nonsense, Whittaker?
21:07I should have known you'd foul this up.
21:10La Sainte Bible.
21:13The Holy Bible.
21:15Of course.
21:16Our greatest treasure is the Bible.
21:19Pierre, what is it?
21:21The Bible.
21:23Of course.
21:24Our greatest treasure is the Bible.
21:27Pierre knew that gold and riches lead to destruction.
21:30The key to the Kingdom of God
21:32is found only in the riches of His Word,
21:35the Word of God.
21:37You can keep your antiquated book, Whittaker.
21:40I won't be so foolish.
21:44Mr. Faustus, no!
21:46The cave's not stable!
21:48And neither are you,
21:49if you think I'm just going to leave all this here.
21:54Faustus, stop!
21:56This is insane!
21:58Call it what you will, Whittaker,
22:00but it'll get me a lot further than your silly ideals ever will.
22:11Connie, follow me!
22:38I need more ballast.
23:06Oh, no! My bag!
23:09Oh, no! My backpack!
23:18Please, dear Lord, save us.
23:32Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!
23:39Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!
23:47Mr. Martin!
23:48Hey there, kid.
23:57Look now, but we're in for a little bump!
24:18We made it!
24:25Proverbs 23.4
24:27Labor not to be rich.
24:29Cease from thine own wisdom.
24:31LaRue, you've reminded me of a valuable lesson.
24:34Now, may it be a lesson to us all.
24:37Here's your passport back.
24:39My apologies.
24:41So, what do you think became of Faustus?
24:44It's a shame, but his money was more important to him than his life.
24:52Fame and fortune at last!
24:58What is this?
25:07Well, Mr. LaRue taught us something very important.
25:10You see, our greatest treasure is the Bible,
25:13because through its pages, God reveals himself to us.
25:16I hope that when people see this antique copy,
25:19it sparks their interest to explore God's word.
25:22Ladies and gentlemen, it is complete.
25:25If you would, please accompany me to the laboratory.
25:28I found myself impressed with the lengths LaRue went
25:31to protect his precious treasure.
25:33Therefore, I thought I would pay tribute to one of his chambers.
25:38Oh, man! Totally awesome!
25:41Cool, Eugene!
25:43Hey, now!
25:45You've outdone yourself, you genius!
25:50John Avery Whittaker, meet my colleague, Sarah Norton, Ph.D.
25:55It's a pleasure to meet you, Dr. Norton.
25:57Stanley told me about your encounter in the caves,
26:00and thankfully, neither of you was hurt.
26:02However, if you hadn't discovered the map in the first place,
26:05then there'd be no reason to celebrate today.
26:07Yes, I suppose you're right. Thank you, Mr. Whittaker.
26:10Ooh, these coins look authentic!
26:13No, Mr. Norton!
26:19Oh, dear.
26:32Oh, dear.
27:02Oh, dear.
