Cain Sandoval vs Romero Duno (31-08-2024) Full Fight

  • 2 days ago



00:00Mr. Salvador, Mr. Dunaw, we went over to Rusev's dressing room, both of you guys know what
00:10I expect out of you, a good, strong, clean fight.
00:12Let's touch them up and we can go to work.
00:16Gerard White getting this main event assignment.
00:19We are scheduled 10 rounds of boxing, this in the super lightweight division.
00:26It is the KO King hailing from Sacramento, California, the undefeated Cain Sandoval taking
00:32on the wild card product in Romero Dunaw.
00:36TJ DeSantis, Pearl Gonzalez, we are underway, our main event of Tom Loeffler's Hollywood
00:41Fight Nights.
00:42Sandoval in the red with white, Dunaw in the black with gold.
00:49Beautiful jabs.
00:53A lot of hype around Cain Sandoval and for good reason, he brings a ton of power each
01:01and every time he takes the ring.
01:03Big weight cut for Sandoval as well, Pearl.
01:05When you look at boxers, they don't generally cut as much weight as MMA fighters do.
01:09Sandoval has a similar weight cut to a lot of MMA fighters.
01:12A lot of weight he cuts and for that he brings a lot of power on fight night.
01:15Wow, that's awesome that he cuts weight because again, not very many boxers do, but he is
01:23here and just finding fantastic positioning already, has a beautiful jab, has landed it
01:30several times.
01:32You've got a very tough fighter in front of him, the man they call Ruthless, Romero Dunaw
01:40training out of the wild card gym.
01:44Looking at Sandoval, incredibly motivated, he feels like boxing is his future and these
01:52guys are getting after it early, Pearl.
01:54Yes, Romero Dunaw has landed some big shots here, a nice sequence of them.
02:01Came upstairs, went to the body, is landing some beautiful overhand right now.
02:09We've seen the evolution of Sandoval time and time again here on Hollywood Fight Nights,
02:13but this is a very tough task he has in front of him and that's kind of the matchmaking
02:17that they have here at Hollywood Fight Nights.
02:19There's no easy fights and Sandoval in there with a very experienced and very tough fighter
02:24in this main event.
02:25Yes, and if you look at Dunaw, he's intentional right now, he's laser sharp focused, he's
02:31found a good rhythm right now, he's finding some good targets, but one of the beautiful
02:36things that I love about Cain Sandoval is his efficiency when he fights.
02:41Not much movement from him, he does a great job of weathering storms, he opens the fire
02:46fights, he really does, but he has such good efficiency with his energy as the fight continues
02:52The overhand right for Dunaw has found a home.
03:03Sandoval content to try to answer with volume inside the final 30 seconds of this opening
03:10He has an incredible amount of volume.
03:13He likes this high paced fight, Sandoval does, and he does, again, he welcomes firefights,
03:20he welcomes and opens up and shows that he's able to get hit and then comes back and just
03:26lands big ferocious combinations and tons of volume and eventually wears his opponents
03:34That's what I've seen his tendency.
03:35He's not afraid of a fight in a fight he has on his hands with Romero Dunaw.
03:41Very competitive opening round, and I think we're going to be in store for a good one
03:47over the course of 10 scheduled rounds.
03:50Very competitive opening round.
03:53Dunaw came out, immediately took the lead, landed some great shots, big shots there,
03:58significant strikes.
04:00The overhand right seemed to find a home for Dunaw here, and he's got great movement.
04:06He feels and looks confident.
04:07You can see that in his fight thus far.
04:10Dunaw, a product of the wild card gym, Sandoval actually did some sparring at wild card, made
04:15sure to not work with any of Dunaw's training partners, but that's the other thing too.
04:21Sandoval, incredibly dedicated to this game, you know, he lives in Sacramento, was putting
04:25in the literal road work and traveling eight hours down to Southern California to get work
04:31in, and now he's in there with a very tough fighter in this main event.
04:36Looking at Sandoval's last performance at Hollywood Fight Night, it was kind of a fight
04:39of the year performance on UFC Fight Pass, and you mentioned Sandoval not afraid of a
04:44fight, and he's showing that here in our main event once again.
04:47Absolutely, and you can see Dunaw has a lot of confidence right now in that overhand right.
04:54Right hand finds a home for Sandoval, Dunaw firing back though.
05:03Beautiful work there from Sandoval.
05:06We talk about the power of Sandoval, a lot of knockouts on his record, but a lot of knockouts
05:11on the record of Romero Dunaw as well, 26 wins, 20 of his wins come by way of knockout.
05:16Nice right hand landing from Sandoval, and Sandoval's starting to find his timing, find
05:21his rhythm in here, and land more shots and come forward.
05:29Talking about the evolution of Sandoval, we talk about his power, and we've seen him very
05:33patient with his power.
05:34While he has that knockout ability, Pearl, he waits for it to present itself and doesn't
05:39mind earning a knockout by an accumulation rather than that one big heavy shot early.
05:43And he's so efficient as the fight goes on, he does a great job of not moving unnecessarily,
05:49not throwing big shots and putting more power in his shots than need.
05:54He can land nice, clean, crisp, short shots and then comes with power once he finds his
06:01He does a fantastic job of going to the body, going downstairs, constantly mixing up his
06:07targets here.
06:10Just past the halfway point of round number two.
06:22Getting after it here in the second round are both gentlemen.
06:25Both gentlemen are finding success in this round.
06:32Talking to Sandoval and asking him what motivates him, and he said simple, I just want to get
06:37out of my current situation, I want to help my family.
06:41When you come from humble beginnings, Pearl, that's the greatest motivator of all.
06:45His goal is to get his family out of the neighborhood that he grew up in, and he talks a lot about
06:50the neighborhood and the things that he saw as a young kid, and he knew that he wanted
06:57more and he wanted better, and that's what he fights for.
07:00Not only to get himself out and to become a world champion as every fighter, but to
07:04get his family.
07:05Oh my goodness.
07:06Two big right hands there from Sandoval, and he's got him in the corner, which he does
07:16so well at pressing his opponents to the ropes, to the corner.
07:21Really setting up his shots here as Sandoval, and they're finding a home.
07:24Final ten seconds of round number two.
07:26Nice hook though, landing by Duno.
07:30Well, we've got a main event that is living up to the billing.
07:37Two rounds in eight to go, and Pearl, I'm here for it.
07:41Oh my goodness.
07:42I think Kane did such a fantastic job of finding his stride in that second round.
07:47Finding his forward pressure, his forward momentum that he does so well, and landing
07:51some really big shots, especially at the end of that round.
07:55Let's take a look at some of the action Pearl walk us through.
07:59Here we see Kane.
08:00He's got him up in the corner here against the ropes.
08:03That beautiful forward pressure is where he probably lands the big right hand here, and
08:09then follows it up with another big right hand.
08:12Very competitive first six minutes.
08:14Doug Fisher, how do you see it?
08:16Got it even after two, 19 to 19.
08:20I scored the opening round for Duno.
08:22I thought that he landed the power shots in round one, and I thought Kane Sandoval opened
08:27up with his power shots in round two, landing some nice combinations.
08:31Duno's still a threat with that right hand, both to the head and the body.
08:34I think Doug's scorecard emblematic of what we have in front of us, and that is a very
08:38competitive fight, and very deserving of this main event spotlight as round three is underway.
08:46Beautiful combination from Kane here.
08:56To the head and the body is a Sacramento native.
09:00Such a great job of mixing up his attacks, constantly going upstairs, downstairs, around,
09:07right through.
09:08The variety, his creativity in his fights are beautiful, but big right hands here.
09:16Right hand might have rocked Sandoval a little bit.
09:19Duno living up to his nickname as the ruthless one as the left hand finds the chin of Sandoval.
09:25Duno said, not tonight.
09:28Another left hand finds a home.
09:34There are no easy fights here at Hollywood Fight Nights, and that is definitely the case
09:39here in our main event.
09:41Beautiful big body shot from Duno.
09:44Duno coming forward now, putting on the pressure.
09:49Oh, nice right hand.
10:02Halfway point here of round number three.
10:05Gentleman trading here, shot for shot to the body.
10:13Still seeing volume here from Sandoval, but has his output changed here in this third
10:17round at All-Pearl?
10:18I think that big shot did.
10:20He's recovering a little bit, but he's efficient, so he knows when he gets hit with a shot and
10:28he's got to take a break or take a step back and find his rhythm again.
10:32He does a fantastic job of being efficient throughout his fights.
10:35I think that's what's most scary about Sugar Cane Sandoval is that controlled aggression,
10:40and we're seeing it on display here.
10:42Oh my goodness, both of these gentlemen are finding such good shots on each other, good
10:47positioning and openings.
10:51Under 45 seconds remain here in round number three.
10:54Duno coming alive with a right hand, and Sandoval trying to answer in kind.
10:58The beautiful thing about this fight is we get to watch both fighters come forward.
11:03Both fighters set the tone in this fight, and see their will overcome one another's
11:09in these moments.
11:10It's an absolutely beautiful fight from both athletes.
11:22Coming up on the final 10 seconds of this third round.
11:28Nice right hand by the ruthless Juan Duno.
11:35Three rounds in the books.
11:37I wouldn't want to be a judge because they have to do math, but I also won't want to
11:41be a judge because this one's hard to score.
11:43Oh my goodness, but it is exciting.
11:45Look at the big right hand landing here from Duno.
11:48Comes upstairs, this is the big moment he had in this round here.
11:52But then, as always, Cane does a great job of being efficient, taking the shots, and
11:59then finding a way in on his own.
12:01Look at the volume, the combinations that are coming from Cane.
12:05Both gentlemen are having their moments in this fight.
12:08This is a fantastic fight tonight.
12:11The composure, I think, is on display of the 22-year-old Cane Sandoval, because I think
12:16he was a bit hurt in that round, but he collected himself.
12:19He never stopped being aggressive, and it was that controlled aggression that not only
12:23kept him in that round, but also made it very competitive and made an argument that it should
12:28be his.
12:29We'll see how the judges score.
12:30We'll check in with Doug as this one continues, but man, this is everything you want in a
12:33main event fight.
12:35When Cane talks about this, he says, I can fight anywhere, and we've seen this from both
12:40They can fight forward, they can fight going backward, they can take shots from each other,
12:45they can weather storms.
12:56Setting up behind that jab here in this fourth round is Sandoval, but Duno firing in kind.
13:03Cane's starting to wear this fight a little bit if you look at his left eye.
13:07Beautiful uppercut.
13:20You can feel the mood in the room.
13:23People are almost holding their breath a little, because these shots, they're so impactful,
13:26so thudding.
13:27Anything can happen on any strike thrown.
13:31On any given notice, yes, both athletes have the ability to hurt one another.
13:35Both are creative enough, both are risky enough to come forward, and yeah, this is a beautiful
13:44Very high level, intelligently fought fight.
13:48Sandoval getting aggressive here.
13:52Duno firing back to the body.
13:56Duno doing a great job of coming in and out.
13:59In business here, Sandoval, Duno trying to weather the storm.
14:03Beautiful body work here from Sandoval.
14:08Just past the halfway point of round number four.
14:14Right hand is found a home multiple times for Duno, and you can see the swelling underneath
14:18that left eye of Sugar Cane.
14:21I love the range manipulation that Duno's doing.
14:25Without necessarily moving his feet, he can come in and out and change the range up while
14:29still staying still.
14:31It's beautiful to watch.
14:33Cut opening underneath that left eye of Sandoval.
14:41Another right hand finds a home for Duno.
14:45Cane still creative, going upstairs, downstairs, around, and that's what makes him such a tough
14:52athlete to deal with because you never really know where he's coming from.
14:55He doesn't really, you know, stay consistent with his strikes.
15:00He's constantly mixing up the fight.
15:05Inside the final 30 seconds of this fourth round.
15:08Beautiful shot.
15:10Big right to the body by Sugar Cane, uppercut, two uppercuts find a home for the KO King.
15:19This round is a story of volume.
15:20Sandoval has really picked up the volume as we can see here, and Duno's having a hard
15:26time keeping up in this round.
15:28Sandoval's just constant, constant pressure, constant combinations.
15:35Four rounds in the books in our main event of Hollywood Fight Nights here inside the
15:41Chumash Casino Resort.
15:42We will now check in with our Doug Fisher.
15:44Doug, how are you scoring this one through four?
15:4638 to 38.
15:47I've got an even two rounds apiece.
15:49I scored round three for Duno.
15:51He forced the shootout, the firefight.
15:54He was the effective aggressor for two minutes.
15:57Cane came back in the final minute.
15:58Not enough to edge that round, but in round four, Cane got back to his jab, put pressure
16:03on Duno and just outworked him with power punches.
16:08Incredibly competitive is this main event.
16:09Pearl, if you're in the corner of either of these gentlemen, you know, the corners probably
16:13know every round it's, you know, flip-flopping or up for grabs.
16:17What is the mindset as you find yourself in this competitive of a fight?
16:21I'm in a fight.
16:24It's a real fight.
16:25And now we're going to figure out, one, who's cardio, who did, who did more conditioning
16:30and two, who can withstand the chaos, who can stay calm and composed under chaos, because
16:36that's what's happening right now.
16:37We've got a very chaotic pace and environment for both athletes and who's going to overcome.
16:46Round five underway, TJ DeSantis along with Pearl Gonzalez, Doug Fisher here inside the
16:51Chumash Casino Resort, Sugar Cane Sandoval in the white with red, taking on the Ruthless
16:57One, Romero Duno.
16:59It is our main event at Tom Loeffler's Hollywood Fight Nights on UFC Fight Pass.
17:04And I think, TJ, a big, a big part of conditioning and staying calm and cool under, under the
17:11chaos is breathing.
17:14They're just going to maintain their breathing and continue their breathing.
17:18And you can hear Cane has always been a very vocal puncher, someone who kind of controls
17:23his breathing by, you know, breathing and outwardly making that sound every time he
17:30And look at these shots.
17:31Beautiful ones and twos coming from Cane here.
17:34Great pressure.
17:36Oh, beautiful left hand finds a home for Sandoval and another one.
17:45Duno staying upright, but taking the best shots and Sandoval has thrown another left
17:54Right hand to the body by Sugar Cane.
17:57Oh my goodness.
18:00Sandoval starting to put it on.
18:02Here's Romero Duno.
18:09That left eye, though, of Sandoval.
18:11It is swelling and getting bigger.
18:13The cut underneath it, you can see that blood flowing.
18:18Right hand for Sandoval finds a home.
18:20He's focused, though.
18:23He's focused.
18:24He's aggressive.
18:25Duno is still very dangerous here, but Sandoval is starting to take over a bit here in round
18:32number five.
18:33Oh my goodness.
18:34Beautiful left hand again for the KO King.
18:39And you can see that Duno has now gone into defensive mode.
18:42He's not offensive at this moment and, you know, he's got caught with some big shots.
18:48Let's see if he can kind of weather the storm, find himself, get his feet back underneath
18:52him in his range.
18:56Another right hand finds a home for Duno.
18:57Are you concerned about that swelling and cut underneath the left eye, Sandoval?
19:02No, it's a fight.
19:03It's a fight.
19:04I think that it's not bothering him at all.
19:06It's not affecting his eyesight at the moment.
19:09You can see, though, he's got some urgency right now in his fight, and that may be because
19:15he is concerned about that eye.
19:19What an answer.
19:20It is a fight.
19:21You're right.
19:22It's so much fun.
19:26Final ten seconds here of this fifth round.
19:33Beautiful movement from both athletes there.
19:36Beautiful fight as we reach the halfway point.
19:38Let's take a look at some of the action from that fifth round.
19:42Pearl, walk us through.
19:43You know, this fight, Sandoval, or this round, Sandoval really came forward, and you could
19:48see the urgency.
19:49You can see him.
19:50He's blowing it up against the ropes here.
19:52He's landing beautiful straight shots right through the guard of Duno.
19:57The movement, the short shots here, I mean, this is just a beautiful fight.
20:04Up next for 360 Promotions, it is the return of the king, Dublin, Ireland.
20:09Callum Walsh defends his WBC Continental Americas title.
20:14Tickets are on sale right now.
20:17The king is coming home, Dublin, Ireland.
20:20The three arena, King Callum Walsh looks to shine once again.
20:26Both athletes shining tonight in our main event here inside the Chumash Casino Resort.
20:31We are on the backside of our main event, six of ten scheduled.
20:37TJ DeSantis along with Pearl Gonzalez, Doug Fisher live tonight inside the Chumash Casino
20:43Resort here for Hollywood Fight Nights on UFC Fight Pass.
20:48I feel like this is a battle of volume versus power, and Duno has found the more effective
21:01strikes, yet Sandoval has just incredible amounts of volume, constant, constant strikes.
21:11He's never not striking, it's beautiful offense.
21:15I think uppercut misses there for Duno.
21:19Sandoval goes to the body and then quick with the jab to the head.
21:30And we see that fast speed, yeah, absolutely.
21:35Duno trying to come alive with some speed of his own, but Sandoval, when he just explodes
21:41with volume, it's lightning quick.
21:42It is, and it's creative, he's everywhere, it's so hard to defend.
21:49He's constantly mixing up the speed of his punches too, he'll go fast, then he goes slower,
21:55he'll go light, he'll throw a power shot, mixes it up completely, and he looks to be
22:00picking apart Duno in this moment right now.
22:04Duno staying upright, but he cannot afford to keep taking the punishing shots that he
22:09has here from Sandoval.
22:10Beautiful right hand to the body, and that floors Romero Duno.
22:11Referee laying in the count, Duno in some serious trouble, he's not going to get up
22:12from this.
22:13It's a wrap, it is done.
22:14Sugar King Sandoval with another sweet performance.
22:15He's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got
22:16it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's
22:17got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it,
22:18he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got
22:19it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's
22:30got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it,
22:36he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got
22:42it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's
22:43got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it,
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25:56it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's
26:00Looks sweet once again as he shines under the main event spotlight as he gets another
26:08knockout victory.
