Male Infertility and Oxidative Stress: What Every Man Needs to Know

  • 2 days ago
00:00Good day.
00:02Today we'll be discussing a very interesting topic, oxidative stress and its impact on
00:06male infertility.
00:09Have you ever heard of oxidative stress?
00:11I've heard the term but don't know much about it.
00:14What exactly is it?
00:17Oxidative stress is a process that ages cells due to environmental factors like pollution.
00:23It's fascinating because it's believed that around 50% of men struggling with infertility
00:27are affected by oxidative stress.
00:30Wow, I had no idea it could be that serious.
00:34How does it actually affect sperm?
00:36Great question.
00:39Oxidative stress happens when there's an imbalance between free radicals, molecules that can
00:43damage cells, and antioxidants, which protect cells.
00:48When sperm cells are exposed to too many free radicals, they lose electrons.
00:53This not only damages the sperm but also affects its ability to fertilize an egg.
00:59That sounds concerning.
01:01How can someone tell if oxidative stress is affecting them?
01:05Because the symptoms aren't always evident, it can be challenging.
01:09Nonetheless, tests that quantify oxidative stress exist, such as those that assess the
01:14amount of ROS and semen or DNA fragmentation.
01:18However, eliminating frequent reasons can help lower your risk even in the absence of
01:25That sounds concerning.
01:27How can someone tell if oxidative stress is affecting them?
01:31It can be tricky because the symptoms aren't always obvious.
01:34However, there are tests like ROS levels and semen or DNA fragmentation tests that can
01:40measure oxidative stress.
01:43But even without tests, avoiding common causes can help reduce your risk.
01:48What causes it in the first place?
01:51There are both internal and external factors.
01:54Internally, infections, varicocele, and hormonal imbalances can contribute.
02:00Externally, lifestyle factors like a poor diet, obesity, smoking, drinking, and exposure
02:06to pollution and toxins play a significant role.
02:10Is there a way to reduce or prevent oxidative stress?
02:16Lifestyle adjustments are key.
02:18Avoid smoking, reduce exposure to pollution, wear a mask when necessary, and include antioxidant-rich
02:24foods in your diet like green vegetables and colorful fruits.
02:29Reducing sugar and fat intake, avoiding processed foods, and following a Mediterranean diet
02:34can make a big difference.
02:36Also, use sunscreen, ensure you get quality sleep, and consider taking vitamins C and
02:44It sounds like lifestyle changes are really important.
02:47They certainly are.
02:50Avoiding smoking and drug use, getting 7-9 hours of sleep, and reducing alcohol consumption
02:55are all crucial steps.
02:57Also, avoid overheating the scrotum, wear loose underwear, avoid hot tubs, and don't
03:03place laptops on your lap.
03:05Regular exercise and managing stress are also very important.
03:10You mentioned earlier that sperm counts have been decreasing over time.
03:14Is that related to oxidative stress?
03:16Yes, over the last 30 years, sperm counts have decreased by 50% largely due to oxidative
03:24This is why adopting a lifestyle similar to what our ancestors had, healthy eating, less
03:29pollution, and more physical activity, can be very beneficial.
03:34That's really eye-opening.
03:35I'll definitely be making some changes.
03:39I'm glad to hear that.
03:41Reducing oxidative stress can significantly improve sperm health and overall well-being.
03:47If you found this helpful, don't forget to share this information with others.
03:52It's important that more people become aware of how oxidative stress affects us today.
03:57Thanks, doctor.
03:59I'll definitely spread the word.
04:02I appreciate your time.
