El Señor de la Querencia - Capitulo 27

  • 2 weeks ago
00:00I don't have anything to tell you.
00:04I don't have anything to hide.
00:05I don't believe you.
00:06And I have every right not to believe and distrust you.
00:10You were hiding this information about our daughter.
00:15I already told you, I didn't give it importance and I was wrong.
00:18I don't think I'm the only person in this house who has been wrong, don't you think?
00:21Be very careful with your words, Leonor.
00:24Excuse me, my intention was not to offend you.
00:30What are you going to do with Teresita?
00:32It is obvious.
00:34This brat will never see Manuel again in his life.
00:38And why not?
00:39Because he is a broken man.
00:40He is an ordinary man.
00:41He is a Calichero.
00:43He is a Bolchevique and he is an atheist.
00:47I don't want anyone else to talk about this topic in this house ever again.
00:50And you.
00:52You are going to be punished for your part and you are not going to leave this house again until I tell you.
00:56I hate you.
01:00I hate you both.
01:03You are such an insolent brat.
01:07Do you realize how rude you are to this girl?
01:12And you, Leonor.
01:15You are not going to hide my information from me again.
01:22Don't lie to me again.
01:30Don't lie to me again.
01:51Here is your mate con quesillo.
01:58It's delicious.
02:01What happened?
02:05I wanted to thank you.
02:12Because you have been very good to me.
02:17What do you want me to do, my little girl?
02:19I am your father.
02:21I have to take care of you.
02:24And what?
02:28I am ashamed to have failed you as a daughter.
02:33Come here.
02:40You have not failed me.
02:44Neither I nor anyone in this town, Lucho, is holy to be able to judge you.
02:49No one can judge you.
02:51And you, no matter what happens, my little girl,
02:56I will always love you.
03:00What about the boss?
03:02What about the boss?
03:04What do I do if he bothers me again?
03:06He is looking for you, girl.
03:09I defend you.
03:13Look, I'm going to tell you a story.
03:17Look, I'm going to tell you a story.
03:21Just like when you were little.
03:26The boss has little left, my little girl.
03:31The boss will take care of him.
03:37Because he is a bad man.
03:40When he dies, it is so bad that the devil goes to sleep with the light on.
03:47Listen to me, Violeta.
03:50Every dog has its day.
03:59The boss has little left.
04:02And he will pay for everything he has done.
04:08Now, sit down so you can eat.
04:13Eat, my dear.
04:15This question is to be eaten, isn't it?
04:22Did you talk to your parents?
04:24I swear, cousin, I told them everything.
04:26And what did they say?
04:28They don't approve of my marriage to Manuel, but
04:31at least I told the truth and my heart is a little calmer.
04:35I am very surprised, Teresita.
04:38You are really very brave.
04:41Yes, I congratulate you.
04:43I should knock on the door before coming in, Mom.
04:45Leave me alone with my daughter.
04:46I'm talking to Lucrecia.
04:47Please, Lucrecia.
04:49I'll be back later.
04:51Excuse me.
04:56Have you gone crazy?
04:59I just told the truth.
05:00In this house everyone lies and I'm not going to be part of it.
05:03You are crossing too many limits, Teresita.
05:05If you are jealous, it is better that you get the idea that sooner or later Manuel will be mine.
05:10Listen to me carefully.
05:12I will never let you marry him.
05:15I will never allow it.
05:21Teresita is completely crazy.
05:23Dad, calm down, please.
05:24Teresita is a girl.
05:25I assure you that in a while she will forget you.
05:27No, that's not going to happen because she's crazy.
05:30Dad, you know women.
05:32They are complicated.
05:33And especially at my brother's age.
05:34No, but I didn't educate Teresita to be staring at a Don Nadia, a Bolchevique Calichero.
05:40I'm sorry to be the one to tell you.
05:42But Manuel stopped being a Don Nadia a while ago.
05:45I already told you that it is very likely that he will become rich.
05:47But he will continue to be a broken man.
05:50All his life.
05:51Dad, one more time.
05:52Manuel is going to stop being a bad match for any woman.
05:55And unfortunately that includes Teresita.
05:57Don't say that again, Luis Emilio.
06:01Let's organize things a bit.
06:03You want to recover your land and keep the gold deposit, right?
06:07Yes, yes. That's what I want the most.
06:08And I'm not going to rest until that happens.
06:10Well, what's better then?
06:11What's more perfect than a marriage to achieve your goal?
06:14What are you talking about, man?
06:16I will not allow that man to approach my daughter.
06:19That way he becomes the richest man in the world.
06:22And enough with your advice.
06:24I don't want to hear it again.
06:25I'm already getting closer to Manuel.
06:26And do you know what I would have done a long time ago?
06:28I would have killed him.
06:29I would have done that.
06:31You have always had the impression that you hate that man.
06:34And not just for the usurpation of the land.
06:36Don't talk nonsense.
06:37We should get them married.
06:39It makes it much simpler.
06:40No, no, no. Don't get into the subject that doesn't belong to you.
06:42But what's wrong with you, dad?
06:43It doesn't matter.
06:44Why don't you want them to get married?
06:45Enough. I don't want to keep talking about this.
06:47Teresita can't marry Manuel.
06:49Do you know why?
06:50Because Manuel is my brother.
06:59Manuel and I
07:03are brothers.
07:05He is my father's son.
07:13Don't provoke me.
07:16You are behaving like a child. Do you realize that?
07:19Stop doing that.
07:21That man doesn't feel anything for you.
07:23You saw us kissing.
07:26Doesn't it seem like a little proof of love to you?
07:27Why don't you let me be happy?
07:29You will never be happy with a man who doesn't love you.
07:32He loves me.
07:33And that makes you very crazy.
07:34No, that's not true.
07:36All I want is to see you happy.
07:37If I wanted to be happy, I would let myself be with the man I love.
07:40That man is not for you.
07:41Why don't you realize that?
07:43Because he's not honest, mamacita.
07:45Why not be honest once and for all and admit
07:47that what terrifies you is seeing me married to him.
07:49That's what you've been dreaming about all this time, isn't it?
07:52What is this war that was invented?
07:55It's not a war.
07:57Go away.
08:00Get out of here.
08:01I don't want to talk to you.
08:16It can't be.
08:20I don't think it's true.
08:24I don't believe it.
08:25I don't believe it.
08:27But at the same time, it's also the only reason I can find for my father to have given the land to his mother, Bernarda.
08:33We all knew it was his favorite land, but I think you're lying, that you lied to my father.
08:38But it wasn't my father, it was everyone.
08:40Do you realize that?
08:43That's why Teresita can't marry Manuel.
08:46No, Dad is wrong.
08:48That makes it much easier, even.
08:52What are you talking about?
08:54Luis Emilio, what are you talking about? Didn't you hear what I said?
08:57Listen to me, listen to me.
08:58If Teresita marries Manuel, and he suffers, let's say, an accident, that same day, before he manages to consume the link,
09:08Teresita inherits all of Manuel's assets.
09:10That means that everything goes back to scratch.
09:15It wouldn't be necessary to eliminate all the Pradenas, just Manuel.
09:19No, no, no.
09:20You're wrong.
09:22Because all the Pradenas are heirs of the land.
09:25Yes, Manuel.
09:27They wouldn't dare do anything against you.
09:31Think about it.
09:45Manuel, I need to talk to you about something important and delicate.
09:49Sit down.
09:50What happened?
09:53I need to know
09:56if you have given any reason to Teresita, my daughter, for her to fall in love with you.
10:03Where did you get that from?
10:04She told me.
10:05I guess you're aware, man.
10:07What are you talking about? Your daughter is a girl.
10:09She's not a girl, she's a woman.
10:12That's why I want to ask you to be very careful with whatever you do.
10:15Don't worry, Mr. José Luis. I would never look at your daughter.
10:21Well, I want you to know something.
10:25If our business goes well,
10:28you could become a very good candidate for her.
10:34Are you thinking that I'm going to be a rich man?
10:36I have no doubt, Manuel.
10:39And if so, would you allow me to commit to your daughter?
10:44Why not?
10:49You only care about money.
10:54Is there something more important?
10:59I wouldn't marry your daughter because I'm not interested.
11:02But above all things, because don't forget that she's my niece.
11:08But that's something that she, or anyone in this world, will never find out.
11:15You are pradenas.
11:18I am an Echeñique.
11:21I am offering you to join the Echeñique family.
11:25Something that has never happened.
11:29Think about it.
12:03Sit down.
12:06I want to talk to you.
12:07I want to talk to you.
12:13I want to talk to Manuel.
12:16What did he say? Did he do something to Manuel?
12:18I didn't do anything to him.
12:21We just talked.
12:25And I only did it because I realized, Teresita,
12:29that Manuel is going to become a good candidate.
12:33He's always going to be a loser.
12:36With a lot of money.
12:39So I'm thinking, and...
12:44I'm getting the idea that he could be a good candidate for you.
12:50Really, daddy?
12:53Don't be so happy either, because he hasn't said anything yet.
12:57Yes, it's great news. I'm sure Manuel will accept.
13:01Thank you very much, daddy.
13:02No, don't thank me.
13:05I realized that Manuel is...
13:07a good person.
13:10Sorry for the imprudence, but...
13:12just that made him change his mind?
13:16I want your happiness.
13:18Thank you, daddy.
13:20This is a dream for me.
13:24I'm glad.
13:26I'm very glad.
13:28I do want to ask you something.
13:29Until Manuel speaks about this commitment,
13:33you won't see it.
13:38Is that clear?
13:41Thank you, daddy.
13:43Go, go, go.
13:51Today is the happiest day of my life.
14:10What's wrong with you, honey? You look so happy.
14:15Life smiles at me, Violeta.
14:18You're so lucky.
14:22do you know why?
14:26It seems like you and I are going to be relatives soon.
14:32What do you mean?
14:34I want to marry your uncle.
14:36My daddy already talked to Manuel.
14:38Now, everything depends on him.
14:48You know Teresita is obsessed with you.
14:51Please, I'm begging you, stay away from her.
14:56It seems like you don't know about your husband's plans.
15:00What plans are you talking about?
15:03He was here.
15:05Do you know what he came for?
15:10He came to offer me his daughter's hand in marriage.
15:16Jose Luis proposed to her?
15:21I imagine you rejected him right away, right?
15:28I haven't given him an answer yet.
15:34What are you doing?
15:37Don't play with me.
15:40We both know you don't feel anything for Teresita.
15:47And we both know that what I feel, and a lot of it, is for you.
15:57Don't complicate things, please.
16:03I partnered with your husband because I want things in the family to change.
16:07And with this, I'm going to get rich.
16:10And I'm going to be able to give you the life you deserve.
16:13My life.
16:15I'm in a different position now.
16:20Why don't you come and live with me, Leonor?
16:28But that bitch went crazy.
16:31What do you mean she's going to marry Manuel?
16:33That's what she told me, Mom.
16:35I don't know.
16:37This was the last thing I needed.
16:39The daughter of the boss in love with your uncle, Violeta.
16:42Poor thing.
16:44And she doesn't even know that he likes her mom.
16:47And where did you get that?
16:49I knew a while ago, Mom.
16:51If she was going to give me the letters to give to my uncle.
16:56Shut up, how can I lend you for those things?
16:58But what did you want me to do, Mom?
17:00If she's the boss, I can't say no.
17:02Oh, Holy Virgin.
17:03The only thing I know is that she's going to have a heart attack when she finds out the truth.
17:08What truth?
17:10A little Violeta.
17:12Don't take me into account, okay?
17:14Don't worry.
17:22It's up to you, tell me.
17:26Don't do this to me, please.
17:28But we are two adults who love each other.
17:30What's wrong with that?
17:31What's wrong with that?
17:34You know things aren't that easy.
17:51Are you ever going to be able to leave your husband?
17:53I don't think so, Mac.
17:58Then we have nothing else to talk about.
18:01If I came this late, I needed to ask you not to get involved with my daughter.
18:07Not for us to talk about us.
18:09What is it?
18:11Explain it to me.
18:13Is it the social pressure?
18:17The fact that you don't want to talk to me?
18:20Is it the social pressure?
18:22The fact that you want to see her with a man like me, a worker?
18:28It's not about that.
18:30It's about shame.
18:32You're ashamed to be with a guy like me.
18:34You don't understand.
18:36Then tell me, I'm listening.
18:38What is it?
18:40I want to understand.
18:42Promise me, please.
18:45That you're going to do what I ask.
19:05I don't understand how you can be seriously thinking about that man.
19:09Ignacio, don't ruin my day, please.
19:11I want to make you think.
19:13I want you to understand that that man is not for you.
19:15I know perfectly well what is for me and what is not.
19:17Now leave me alone.
19:18Listen to me.
19:20He's almost twice his age.
19:22We're not even going to mention that he's a worker.
19:25I never thought I could be so prejudiced, Ignacio.
19:28So classist.
19:30And so you say to be Catholic?
19:32I'm a realist.
19:34It would be better if you start to be happy for me.
19:36Or else.
19:38Or else what?
19:40Or else I'm going to tell the whole family about your secret relationship with Aunt Mercedes.
19:42That's a matter for men.
19:44Yes, sure.
19:46Besides, it's over.
19:48But I'm going to warn you one thing, Teresita.
19:51If you open your mouth, you're going to be ridiculous.
19:55Just like you are now.
19:58Excuse me.
20:11José Luis.
20:13Mercedes, look, I'm glad you're here.
20:14The clowns of your liberal party friends are going to have a party on April 25th.
20:18Leodoro Yaña and Alessandra Iván.
20:22Now listen to me.
20:24I need to talk to you.
20:26It's important.
20:28It's about Ignacio.
20:30What happened to Ignacio now?
20:32He's paying Herminia to sleep with him.
20:36No, no, no.
20:38That can't be happening.
20:40The only condition that Herminia has to be in this house is that she stops exercising.
20:42Stop doing that shit.
20:44Answer me.
20:46It's true.
20:48I've been sleeping with Herminia, Dad.
20:50And you're stupid.
20:52Yes, he is.
20:54Don't you know that if a man wants to be a father,
20:56then he only has to be with his wife?
20:58Don't you know that?
21:00I apologize, Dad.
21:02I let myself go.
21:04You only have to worry about Lucrecia.
21:06You understand, right?
21:08Yes, I know.
21:09Your answers don't help me, man.
21:11You have a commitment to me.
21:13You're going to give me a lot of grandchildren.
21:15And you're messing with a whore.
21:17Dad, it's not going to happen.
21:19I'm going to worry about my marriage.
21:21I promise you.
21:23Oh, what a big disappointment.
21:25I hope so.
21:27Otherwise, I will have to intervene personally in your marriage.
21:29I'm very sorry.
21:31Let's see.
21:33Tell me one thing.
21:35Lucrecia surrenders completely?
21:39I don't understand.
21:41How can you not understand me, man?
21:44Let's see.
21:46Listen to me.
21:48Sometimes there are women who are a little more complicated, Ignacio.
21:51Do you understand me or not?
21:53Yes, yes.
21:55Yes, it's like that, Dad.
21:57Lucrecia is a complex woman.
22:01See? You realize that I know a lot about women.
22:03I have a lot of experience in that.
22:05So let me tell you that you are doing the wrong thing, Ignacio.
22:09What you have to do is possess Lucrecia.
22:11As many times as necessary.
22:15Possess her until she gets pregnant.
22:17And if she doesn't want to, you just have to force her.
22:20You understand me, right?
22:22Yes, I understand.
22:24But I don't want to force her.
22:26But how are you going to be such a fag?
22:28Do you understand that women are strange?
22:30They are complicated.
22:32They get tangled up with words.
22:34And when they are saying no,
22:35what they really want to say is yes.
22:38Do you understand that or not?
22:40Yes, I understand, Dad.
22:42I will do everything you tell me.
23:00I can't believe that José Luis has accepted
23:03that Teresita will marry Manuel.
23:05It's very strange.
23:07And at the same time he is asking me to live with him.
23:11That man is crazy about you.
23:14I don't know when I fell in love like that, my God.
23:20You don't know how much I understand you.
23:23There is nothing sadder than being away from the person who loves you.
23:35Sorry, I shouldn't have said that.
23:39Are you talking about my son?
23:44I told him that with Ignacio everything was over forever.
23:50So don't worry.
23:59Let's talk about Teresita.
24:01What are we going to do with Teresita?
24:03That's the important thing.
24:05We have to get Manuel out of his head.
24:07That marriage can't be done.
24:09But what are you going to do?
24:12What I'm going to do
24:15is make Teresita fall in love with someone
24:18who is going to arrive at any moment
24:21to the inheritance.
24:41Again in this woman's house.
24:43How dare you tell my father about Herminia?
24:46What would have happened if I told him the whole truth?
24:48Why wouldn't I have done it?
24:50Listen to me, you don't have to get into this house.
24:53Maybe I could...
24:55You could what?
24:58You could what, Mercedes?
25:00You could what, Mercedes?
25:06Can I tell you something?
25:08Life is too short.
25:10I'm not going to waste time with you.
25:12Excuse me.
25:14Well, can you tell me then
25:16what you're trying to do with all this mess, Teresita?
25:20I know what I'm doing.
25:22Trust me, Mom.
25:24The thing is,
25:26you're getting more and more into trouble.
25:28I'm doing it for the Maria family.
25:30Do you understand?
25:32I'm doing it for the Maria family.
25:34I'm doing it for the Maria family.
25:36I'm doing it for the Maria family.
25:38I'm doing it for the Maria family.
25:40I'm doing it for the Maria family.
25:41I'm doing it for the Maria family.
25:43You're cheating on me, Manolito.
25:45You're up to something.
25:47What is it?
25:49It's impossible for you
25:51to want to get involved with that crazy bitch.
25:53You're in love with her.
25:55That Leonor turned out not to be the woman I was expecting, Mom.
26:02I knew it.
26:06I knew that woman had something to do with all this.
26:08Maria, I'm telling you for the last time,
26:09it's the only way to defeat that bitch.
26:11If you're doing that,
26:13you have to know
26:15that you're playing with fire.
26:18I have nothing to lose.
26:20Think about it.
26:22I'm the only one who can do it.
26:27And what?
26:31And yes,
26:33if Leonor recovers with this...
26:39I would be the happiest man in the world.