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Memoir Of a Snail Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Grace Pudel (voiced by Sarah Snook) is a book-loving, snail-collecting misfit that falls into a series of misfortunes after being separated from her twin brother Gilbert (voiced by Kodi Smit-McPhee). Despite her hardships, inspiration and hope arise when Grace begins a friendship with an eccentric elderly woman named Pinky (Jacki Weaver). From Academy Award-winning writer and director Adam Elliot, MEMOIRS OF A SNAIL is a heartfelt and hilarious chronicle of the life of an outsider finding her confidence and silver linings amongst the clutter of everyday life.

directed by Adam Elliot

starring Sarah Snook, Kodi Smit-McPhee, Jacki Weaver, Eric Bana, Dominique Pinon, Nick Cave

release date October 25, 2024 (in U.S. theaters)
00:00Dad used to say that childhood was like being drunk, everyone remembers what you did, except
00:12My twin brother, Gilbert, we had two souls, but one heart.
00:22Look, Gracie.
00:37Why are you dressed like an ant?
00:39No, I'm a snail.
00:41Oh, funny.
00:46I believed in glasses half full and silver linings.
00:52Life was fleeting, but so precious.
01:02Aw, now she's got a boyfriend.
01:09Life can only be understood backwards, but we have to live it forwards.
01:15Say cheese, Gracie.
01:17Snails never go back over their trail.
01:21As soon as I'm old enough and got money, I'm coming to get you.
01:25Childhood was life's best season.
01:28It never lasts, but everyone deserves one.
01:35I remember everything.
01:51I remember everything.