Dana Power, Bridgnorths very own dragon in trainers brought his friends along to hand over money to Severn Hopsice.

  • 2 weeks ago
A bunch of colourful characters paid a visit to the Severn Hospice shop in Bridgnorth to hand over money from a charity trek up Snowdon.
00:00It's a little gift for you Nicky. Thank you very much Dana. I know this dragon, I recognise this dragon. Dana, Dana and some pals, who've we got then?
00:13We've got Mickey and Minnie, Puddycat and the pink Flamingo. Hello there. What's this all about then Dana, what's going on here then?
00:23Well this is the cheque handover from the recent Snowdon climb on the end of June. Snowdon, you didn't actually climb in all this kit did you?
00:31We climbed in all this gear and there's about another 12 missing from the group today who all went up. The Wolverhampton bobsled team took their bobsled.
00:37I thought you were going to say missing, they're still looking for them on Snowdon. The bobsled team.
00:43The Wolverhampton bobsled team kept us entertained with their music and blaring away. Mr Blobby, loads of others.
00:50How was it getting up in this kit? It was tough, tougher than I anticipated. Right, let's have a look.
00:57What about you guys, how did you guys manage in the kit then getting up? How about you Mickey?
01:03We didn't actually join them, we actually fundraised outside the shop here. Very wise.
01:11Wise decision because it would have been very hot in the cottages, we weren't quite brave enough for that.
01:17So we just raffled the buckets and the generous people of Bridgnore helped build them up for us.
01:26I've never interviewed a six foot mouse before, 22 years I've been doing this job and I'm just watching you talking and thinking, this is new.
01:35Who's our pink flamingo? I don't know, I've grown by about 8 inches.
01:41Has your flamingo got a name? Flamboyance. Flamboyance, cool.
01:47You know what, someone told me the other day, it's a group of certain animals. I think it is a group of flamingos, it's called a flamboyance isn't it?
01:55And a group of zebras, he's a dazzle apparently. So there we go.
01:59It did go up, but that was easy, I mean you're just sitting on the back, the flamingo's doing all the work isn't it?
02:04I had to slow her down down the hill, keen downhill.
02:09Did you have to take a bunch of kit with you? No, we were alright.
02:13Yeah, good stuff, good stuff.
02:15And er, Nicky, you know there's a good amount here isn't there?
02:18It's an incredible amount and we're so proud of Dana and friends for, one, taking on the challenge because I know it was tricky at points,
02:26but this amount of money is such an amazing amount to raise and so important to us, so thank you very much to everybody.
02:33A very poignant time isn't it, because we were hearing about the hospices and how they're really struggling at the minute.
02:39Seven hospices need to raise an extra million pounds this year just to keep all of their services going,
02:44so we can't do it without people like Dana and friends and this money is just incredible, so thank you very much to all of them.
02:50Well let's do one cheer then guys, HIP HIP HURRAY!
