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The Rifleman S04E27


00:00It didn't arrive for well I guess we'll have to wait for the afternoon stage
00:19The lady can't show herself in public these days without being insulted
00:31I didn't do it a purpose leave the boy be he's a good boy you flesh out some
01:23Go, go, out, out, I'll fix it right away, don't worry I'll fix it
01:39Caramba, what pressure
01:41The Rifleman starring Chuck Connors
01:59What are you carving?
02:07Link chain
02:09I'm Mark McCain
02:13Howdy, I'm Carraway
02:19That's what she called me after Pa snuck out on us
02:25A name like that you must really have a time in school
02:27I could whoop lots of grown men if it wasn't my elders
02:35I wonder what hit that poor lady
02:37Fits, had a cat once ran clear off the wall
02:41That lady didn't have any fits
02:43Her, in doors she'd crawl right across the ceiling
02:46You know they've been in there a long time maybe we ought to go in
02:49Two women with a chance to feel sorry for each other it's better than whiskey for them
02:54What do you know about women?
02:56Enough to have stayed single
02:59There's sour grapes on them
03:01Me, I love the little critters for cooking and washing my shirts and that's the way I want to keep it
03:07Poor woman, she's had a terrible experience
03:12Much worse, a husband
03:16Ay pobrecito
03:18She's alright now son
03:21Come here to your mother Habcook
03:23That there's the father who abandoned you on your birth night
03:27You said what ma'am?
03:29Norman Ambrose Carraway, my lawful wedded husband
03:33That I've stood by faithful and true going on 16 years and give him a fine son too
03:39How could you do it to us Norman?
03:41We've searched this wide weary world
03:44But the closest we ever gained on you was the print of a boot heel on the bank of the river Heeler
03:50With the water slowly seeping into it
03:56She's talking about me?
03:58Well you all know me, my name isn't Norman
04:01I'm old Micah Torrance, your elected marshal
04:04Alias Ambrose Dickey, alias Dick Hickey, alias Major Pantoole, alias Charmin Billy
04:11He was Charmin too
04:13Oh Norman, there ain't no need for you to go on lying and perjuring
04:20In this here bosom you'll only find wifely forgiveness
04:26But I never saw this woman before
04:29Ay mentiroso, you are a liar
04:32It's not just two minutes I hear you call this poor orphan son
04:37But I call every young man son
04:39Charmer old buddy maybe you better let me explain
04:41Well I'd sure be obligated to you Lucas
04:44Look one thing first, are you so help you guilty or not guilty?
04:48Well uh, to the best of my knowledge and recollection
04:54To the best of you
04:56Look man the marshal's a little shaken, maybe we ought to discuss this tomorrow in his office about 10.30
05:01Nice and friendly we'll thresh it out
05:03Everything's working for you Norman, nobody's brought up the subject of lynching so far
05:11Hello Abigail
05:14You uh sublet to these animals?
05:17Cats are always welcome, they appreciate comfort
05:20Oh I must get this fixed someday
05:31Hello little mother
05:36There you are
05:42You know Micah, the way I see it this woman is an adventurous
05:46She's cold, she's smart and she's ruthless
05:51She picked your name out of a hat
05:53She rented that boy from an orphanage
05:55And she's here to shake the bushes
05:57What can she shake me for, my wealth?
06:00Political pull, social position?
06:03Of course there's always the charming Billy
06:06Oh it's not you, that's some filthy lie she made up
06:08So sure of it huh?
06:13You know Lucas, you must try to understand
06:16There actually are certain men who have this mysterious power over the female sex
06:20And we don't lose it just because we live to be after 40
06:32Well, may I ask ma'am where this alleged marriage took place?
06:36Me and Norman was jined in wedlock at Massacre Texas
06:4016 years ago, come October
06:43And our son was born the following year, July 30
06:47Well that would seem to settle it
06:49As soon as we get a peek at that Lone Star marriage voucher
06:53My husband can tell you what become of my marriage lines
06:56All printed up so pretty
06:58And at a fee of one dollar paid by me
07:01Oh Norman, I tried to be understanding
07:05But why did you set the house on fire when you was leaving?
07:10I never set the house on fire
07:13Mr. Dem Flames was busting right through the roof
07:16And me and Habcock busted out with the stool backs
07:21Anybody got a rope?
07:24Quiet folks, quiet
07:28I'm sure it's real kind of you offering to lynch my husband for me
07:33But how'd that get my poor boy his paw back?
07:38Supposing we just leave that up to Norm's conscience for a few days
07:42Then if he still ain't got one, me and Habcock will go away
07:46And never bother him no more
07:49Not in this life anyways
07:53Mr. McCain
08:04At least your manners has politened, Normie
08:12Well charmer boy, you really have her eating out of your hands
08:17Man must have been a fool to desert a woman like her
08:21Really wasn't you then, huh?
08:24That's what teases me, Lucas
08:26As near as I can figure I was in Texas about the times he mentions
08:30Near as you can figure?
08:32You forget that for almost 22 years I never drank much less than a quart of whiskey a day
08:37So my memories of that stretch are naturally a little spotty
08:41So you could be her husband
08:44Could be her husband
08:46Deserted her too
08:49But as far as setting a house on fire
08:52I'm glad we can cross that off
08:54Lucas, if you desert me I won't have a friend left
09:00I'll tack these up for you
09:02Believe it or not I still have duties to perform
09:05I've got to ride out of here, I'll be back for supper
09:15Hello, son
09:17What are those, Pa?
09:19Now don't you start teasing me that you want to tack these up on the bulletin board
09:23Are those wanted posters?
09:26Oh gosh, Pa, why not? Let me hang them up, please
09:31All right then, here
09:33Gee, thanks
09:37And now you can sit back and catch your 40 winks in Micah's armchair
09:45All right
09:55Pa, come here, hurry!
09:56What did you do, smash your thumbs?
10:01What is it?
10:45Why, ma'am, what's this?
10:49No man with my brand on him lives in the skunk hole
10:52When I went to pick your supper there was a batch of kittens in there
11:01Smells mighty good
11:03Ought to, it's your favourite supper, spring lamb stew
11:07How do you know that, ma'am?
11:09How do you know that, ma'am?
11:11Now, Norman, there's certain of a man's taste and preferences that a married woman don't forget too soon
11:18And quit calling me ma'am
11:20My name's Leota, as you know quite well
11:25Would Lee do?
11:27Always has
11:29In private, that is
11:39Al, what are you doing up there?
11:42Seeing the marshal around, son?
11:44You got visitors, Pa
11:52Howdy, Lucas
11:54Been wondering if something happened to you
11:56No problems now
11:59Son, go check the horses
12:01Evening, Mr. McCain
12:06What are you up to here?
12:09Well, you were right there with me
12:11The whole town insisting that I'm a husband and father
12:14What's my opinion against so many?
12:16And conditions aren't so bad
12:19You'll have to excuse my bare toes
12:22My, uh, my socks are in the wash boiler
12:25Wash boiler
12:27Well, the lady's waiting
12:29You know a gunslapper named Walt Hacklock?
12:36Yes, by reputation
12:38I understand he's been working Stud City recently
12:41The law leaves him alone?
12:42Oh, yes, he's old past his prime
12:44Just, uh, sticks to shaving cards and petty gambling
12:49Well, like I said, if North Fork needs any law tonight
12:52They'll find the marshal in the spare jail cell
12:55Good place for him
12:58Oh, Herb, I, uh
13:00I want to thank you for mending the bed
13:02Oh, that's all right
13:04You know, that's, that's mighty handsome Whitlin
13:08The only body I ever seen could match it
13:10Was a lifer in Galveston Penitentiary
13:14Maybe he didn't have no paw neither, pa
13:18You don't mind staying alone a couple of nights?
13:20Of course not
13:21You know, son, this just could be Micah
13:24Not if we're his friends
13:26Well, as you get older, things don't stay that simple
13:28I'm sorry to say
13:30Yeah, but, well, once you bring back a real husband from Stud City
13:34Then we can call it quits
13:36Well, you know, I've got to go
13:38I've got to go
13:39I've got to go
13:40I've got to go
13:41I've got to go
13:42I've got to go
13:43I've got to go
13:44I've got to go
13:45I've got to go
13:46Then we can quit worrying
13:49I hope you're right
13:52Well, have a good trip, pa
14:16Oh, Micah
14:47I don't fancy you looking over my shoulder, stranger
14:51I'm not interested in your poker hand, mister
14:53I'm looking for Norman Ambrose Carraway
14:55Alias Walt Hacklock
14:59And who might you be?
15:01You long, lanky, ornery-looking...
15:03I'm the fellow holding this gun on you
15:05And it's loaded
15:08Don't you know it ain't polite or manly
15:10To behave so unfriendly to a man you ain't even been introduced to?
15:15This'll do for an introduction, mister
15:18And get that hand back on the table
15:23What's your pleasure, mister?
15:25I'm bringing you in, and it's no pleasure
15:28Just a minute, long drawers
15:30What makes you imagine you can deliver me?
15:33That answer you?
15:35Very interesting
15:38But you just spent your last bullet
15:40If that's your hunch, draw to it
15:44Oh, I don't like to look in them eyes
15:48You're pot, long drawers
16:03Would you be obliged enough to de-gun for this judge?
16:05He seems nervous
16:09Ain't you a miniature loco?
16:11To get off from being killed quick on Friday afternoon
16:14A man settles to have his neck stretched slow on Monday morning
16:18Mortimer, get that little utensil behind his neck
16:26You've been around, ain't you?
16:28Let's hit it
16:33Jesus, Lee
16:35He said to give this to his pa
16:37He's such a good lovin' boy
16:40He's like you, Lee
16:43When he's full-grown, I want for him to be exactly like you, Norm
16:47Kind and true
16:49With a shinin' star on his chest
16:54And I want for him to be just like you
16:57With a shinin' star on his chest
17:04These has been happy days in ours
17:09Learnin' to know you for the man I really believed you was
17:16Such a dunce I've been
17:19Wastin' half of my years alone
17:21Oh, let's not remember about that
17:28When you gonna quit that jailhouse and
17:32Really come home?
17:52Lucas, is that you?
17:54I brought a man
17:56What man?
17:57Yours, ma'am
17:58Get on up there to a half-lock
18:00I ought to make you crawl
18:06Dear Lord have mercy
18:08It's my Norm
18:11Deoda, darlin'
18:13My, what the years have been kind to you
18:16They spared me nothin', Norman
18:19Except gettin' to hate my boy's pa
18:24Try and forgive me, Mr. Torrance
18:27I so wanted you to be my Norm
18:30I imagined you, you was
18:34Mr. McCain, ain't they just as like as two thumbs?
18:37Yeah, sore thumbs
18:39Well, I don't see any resemblance
18:42Me? Look like him?
18:44What did I tell you about her laundrars?
18:46Always workin' to break down a man's self-respect
18:49And another thing
18:51I don't take too kindly to a galoot
18:53Chasin' after me wife the second my back is turned
18:56And another thing
18:58Marshal or no marshal
19:00It's just a good thing for you
19:01I'm not in a fightin' mood
19:03It's a good thing for you, I'm not either
19:06That kind of braggin' don't impress me in the least
19:09On the ladies, I dare say
19:12Maybe a punch in the nose would
19:14I dare you
19:21Thank you kindly, Marshal
19:23Is he hurt bad, Mr. McCain?
19:25No, I'm afraid not, ma'am
19:31Knock, knock, knock
19:37Dear Michael
19:39I still pray
19:41He like you when he's grown
19:44Well, this is a fine chattel of fish
19:47And I guess I know when I'm not welcome
19:49Now, where's my betty horse?
19:51Hurry, Pa
19:56It's a lie
19:58My saber ain't no bigger than a hoppy's hole
20:01What's your name?
20:07Well, that ain't a name
20:08That's a fightin' word
20:09Now, see here
20:10From now on, we're gonna call you Tom
20:13Not Thomas, not Tommy, but Tom
20:15T-O-M, you understand?
20:19Well, now, it's been awful
20:20What's your name?
20:22Well, Habcock
20:23It's been awfully nice meetin' up with ya
20:25And see here
20:26Don't you pay no mind to all of them rumors
20:28The government has been spreadin' around about me
20:31You ain't goin' nowhere, Pa
20:34What's that?
20:35This time you'll stay
20:36And you'll do your fair share of listenin' to her
20:39You, uh, you're forgettin' yourself, Tommy boy
20:43Now, you just go on upstairs to your mother
20:49No, no, no, Thomas
20:51That word's very respectful
20:54My, but you, you hit like an outlaw mule
20:59Come here, come here
21:05What's the matter, boy?
21:07I wouldn't hurt you
21:09I don't mind, Pa
21:10Just one good weapon like the other kids used to got
21:15Tommy, Tommy
21:18I want to tell you somethin'
21:23I was blind drunk when you were born
21:27Been losin' my wits for three days
21:29And when I heard you squallin' inside, I
21:32I just took off
21:34I must've rode 20 miles through the dark night
21:37When I walk in my saddle
21:39I knew there was, there was something wrong
21:42I was afraid
21:44And I thought, what am I doin' here?
21:46I'll go back to him
21:48But that wasn't it
21:50And suddenly it came to me
21:52Somethin' about knockin' a lamp over
21:56I turned and I run from it, boy
21:58And I kept on runnin'
22:00And even when I found out you were both alive and trailin' me
22:04I just couldn't pull up no ways
22:09So you see, boy
22:12What good's a daddy
22:14You can't but look down on
22:17But Pa, at least you're some better than nothin'
22:23Keep sayin' that, boy
22:26Yes, keep sayin' that
22:28Just keep sayin' that
22:36I'm obliged to you for kidnappin' me
22:39I have some settler driver eight pack
22:42Adios, Tom
22:43Hasta la vista, Mark
22:47How long, George?
22:48I don't deserve this
22:50Who does, Norman?
22:53If it's any consolament to you
22:55There has to be somethin' wrong with a woman who
22:57Fall in love with such a shitless no-cunt in the first place
23:01You think you'll stay put this time?
23:03He's older and tireder
23:05Maybe lonelier
23:07I think he will
23:18Right, right, right away
23:20Come on, giddyap, you beast
23:22Come on
23:48Well, Micah, at least you got window curtains out of it
23:52Hey, look, pa
23:54Hab forgot his chain
23:56He didn't forget that, Mark
23:58He gave that to me
24:01And you know somethin'?
24:03I'm awfully glad he did
24:29Let's go home
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