• last year


00:00At a distant time, when miracles were still happening, there was a magical climate opening the door to the enchanted world of Simsala, where all the characters of fairy tales really lived.
00:21Simsala Grimm!
00:31Are you ready for a new adventure?
00:34Let's go!
01:01Simsala Grimm
01:03Simsala Grimm
01:05Simsala Grimm
01:07Simsala Grimm
01:09Simsala Grimm
01:11Simsala Grimm
01:13Simsala Grimm
01:15Simsala Grimm
01:17Simsala Grimm
01:19Simsala Grimm
01:21Simsala Grimm
01:23Simsala Grimm
01:25Simsala Grimm
01:27Simsala Grimm
01:29Simsala Grimm
01:31Simsala Grimm
01:33Simsala Grimm
01:35Simsala Grimm
01:37I've been thinking about it. I haven't gotten angry with anyone in at least 15 days
01:44Oh! My father!
01:48What a nightmare! He fell in the water! What am I going to do?
01:52If only a brave prince full of love for me could come to my rescue and help me!
01:58Dry your tears, beautiful princess
02:08Thank you, sister!
02:09There you go! What a delicacy! A real little friend for the fish
02:19Hey, isn't she nice? Poor boy!
02:22On the contrary, he's lucky to have gotten rid of her
02:25She doesn't know yet that the real beauty is the one inside
02:30Are you the one who says that?
02:32But it's a...
02:38What's going on, young prince?
02:40Goodbye, Your Majesty!
02:44It's the 9th prince who's trying to win my daughter's heart and he's a fool!
02:49This situation can't go on any longer
02:52Leave immediately and invite all the young nobles of my kingdom and all the kingdoms around it
02:57I'm going to throw a huge party and I want them all to leave
03:01Maybe we'll find a suitable husband for Constance
03:06If I were in the king's place, I'd lose my patience too
03:12What? You? The father of a wonderful princess?
03:15So what?
03:16What do you think? These things happen
03:19Of course, when the rabbits have wings
03:36Bernard! Baron!
03:40He's so fat that when he moves, it's as if he's been hit by an earthquake
03:45Simon! Duke of Slimville!
03:47I'm afraid he might become invisible
03:50Pierre! Prince of Pompidouville!
03:52There, I'm on all fours!
03:54He's too fat, he should do some sport
03:57Say, if your mistress continues her whims, she'll never find a husband
04:01Here, this exceptional one is good enough for my beautiful princess
04:05Bernard! Baron of Bibrouville!
04:07It looks like he's just been born
04:09He'll come back when he's dry behind his ears and he won't need Bibrou anymore
04:14Richard! King of Richerville!
04:17What a hideous Barbie! Her chin looks like a brush to polish
04:25Continue your sarcasm, princess. One day you'll be my queen
04:29What audacity! Marrying the king of Trucmachin is ridiculous!
04:38The king of Trucmachin, poor thing!
04:42Shh! You didn't notice he was in love, did you, Yoyo?
04:47Constance! You rejected the last of your suitors!
04:51And what should I have done?
04:53Have I rejected the first one without liking him?
04:56The first one? He was the 33rd!
05:00Well, who knows? The 34th might be the last one
05:04Or the 44th, or the 54th
05:07That's enough! I've had enough of your whims!
05:09The first menestrel to pass will be your husband
05:12What? A menestrel? A vulgar street singer?
05:16Exactly! The first one to have the idea of taking part in the court of the castle will be your husband
05:27What a beast!
05:29A menestrel?
05:31She'll never accept to marry someone of such modest stature
05:35Unless the king likes good music
05:38Yes, let's hope so, Yoyo
05:42Thank goodness you don't know how to sing!
05:44I suppose you'll be the first menestrel if you don't want to embarrass me
05:48What? But I don't know how to sing!
05:50One and two and one, two, three!
05:53When I see a pretty princess, my heart skips a beat
05:57And I feel like dancing with her
05:59And when I see a pretty princess, my heart skips a beat
06:03And I feel like dancing with her
06:06And when I see a pretty princess, my heart skips a beat
06:10And when I see a pretty princess, my heart skips a beat
06:16I was walking in the forest
06:20The birds were singing under the branches
06:24Their song so sweet, their song so tender
06:29What a pleasure to hear it
06:33That I love their song of love
06:37That I love their song of love
06:42Sing, sing, little rose
06:46Sing for my beloved
06:50Tonight, tonight, little rose
06:54You'll sleep with me
07:02Hurry up and introduce this young menestrel to the castle!
07:06And fetch my daughter at once!
07:15Night has fallen and I'm off to join my beloved
07:24I knock softly at her door
07:28I knock softly at her door
07:33Open up, open up my heart
07:37I've been waiting for so long
07:41Open up, open up my heart
07:45I've been waiting for so long
07:56Are you coming, lazybones?
07:57I'm coming, I'm coming
07:58Constance, I've got a surprise for you, my dear
08:03What is it?
08:04A new jewellery?
08:05A new attire?
08:07A summer castle?
08:08Much better!
08:09A husband!
08:14My respects, Princess
08:16What a joke, Dad!
08:17I warned you, dear!
08:19The first menestrel to introduce himself!
08:21And here he is!
08:23What? This clown?
08:25I should have just accepted the King of Troublemakers
08:28Too late, my dear! You're going to get married!
08:30Here and now!
08:32What's been said has been said!
08:33Go and fetch the cursed man from the castle!
08:38A hard blow for the King of Troublemakers
08:40This king only thinks about business
08:42A musician who knows how to govern a whole kingdom?
08:44With good advisors, why not?
08:46A scientist, an expert in my field, for example
08:52And why not a great adventurer like me?
08:56That's right!
09:04Be very brief, my dear
09:06Ask her if she wants to take him as her husband
09:09And who should take whom?
09:11My daughter Constance and this menestrel here!
09:15Ask him the question
09:16Which one?
09:17Well, before God and my people, I declare you husband and wife
09:21And what's been said has been said!
09:22But I don't have a say in this
09:25You're right! Do you want to take my daughter as your wife?
09:28Oh yes, certainly! With pleasure!
09:30Good! And you, are you going to take him as your husband?
09:33No way!
09:35Let all those who are in favour of this marriage say...
09:40Clear and distinct, at least from what I've heard
09:43I'm sure you've heard it as well as I have
09:47Here they are, blessed!
09:49I think it's only right for a menestrel's wife to continue living in this castle
09:54You're going to travel the world with your dear husband
09:58May God be with you and good night
10:09This way, my dear
10:17So, are you coming?
10:20Your car, Princess
10:25In there?
10:26That's right
10:30Come this way, my dear
10:33I was walking in the forest
10:37The birds were singing on the branches
10:41Their song so sweet, their song so tender
10:45What a pleasure to hear it
10:49That I love their song of love
10:54That I love their song
10:58In front of us! It's still a long way!
11:02Oh, that's our house, over there near the town
11:05Oh no, dear Constance
11:07I don't have the means to live in the city
11:10Not in a thousand years, that is
11:12Who's in charge of this town?
11:14A man you call the king of something
11:16The forests, the meadows, the gardens, everything you see belongs to him
11:20As far as the eye can see
11:22If only I could marry this king of something
11:25What can a menestrel like you offer a princess?
11:29My songs can make you happy
11:31That's true, I forgot about that
11:36Welcome to my castle
11:41Are you saying we're going to live in this miserable mousetrap?
11:44Without servants, without Constance?
11:47It's a good thing there's a roof over our heads
11:49Come on, get in
11:52Do we have anything to eat?
11:56We're starving!
12:01Can I have a potato?
12:03How about a fried egg?
12:05A fried egg it is
12:07Can I have a potato?
12:09A potato it is
12:12I'll have a potato
12:14What are we going to have for dinner?
12:16Pork feet
12:18Don't be so stupid
12:19After having nibbled on them for a few hours with a lot of garlic, salt and pepper, you can eat them
12:31Don't you two look like big mouse hunters?
12:35Look at the cat, she's a royal mouse hunter
12:45Oh no!
12:51The house is full of nasty animals!
12:54If the mice bother you a lot, ask your cat to catch them
13:00Bon appétit, my dear
13:03In our castle, even the dogs wouldn't eat that
13:07I think you've forgotten something, this is your new castle
13:10And we don't have any dogs
13:12So I'm going to eat everything
13:14And what's my beloved cat going to eat?
13:16That she catches the mice
13:28So, where are we going to sleep?
13:33On the floor?
13:52Don't make a hole!
13:53Oh you know, the breathing technique is very important
13:57And I know a bit of it without having to brag
14:05Do you see the soles of the riverside?
14:07Yes, the poor people cut off their branches to make baskets
14:11Well, that's exactly what you're going to do today
14:22We'll see about that
14:24Help me! Help me! My princess is drowning!
14:28We're coming! Super yo-yo, super save!
14:33Wait! I'll help you!
14:37Oh look what my husband's done to me! Do you see that?
14:42Who are you anyway? I recognise you
14:44I'm the mouse hunter
14:46I'm the mouse hunter!
14:48I'm the mouse hunter!
14:50I'm the mouse hunter!
14:52Who are you anyway? I recognise you
14:55I'm the guardian angel
14:59I always thought they were much taller and much prettier
15:02Let's say, like angels
15:04Next time, I hope you'll come back sooner
15:08Hold me back!
15:09No, you're the one who's gonna hold me back
15:11No, you're the one who's gonna hold me back
15:13No, I said you were the one who...
15:17You might be more skilled at that
15:19At what?
15:20Tending sheep, we need wool
15:24What for?
15:25Socks, gloves, scarves and berets
15:28Unless you prefer freezing this winter
15:37That's enough! Stop looking at me like that
15:39or I'll call the big bad wolf
15:45What a wimp!
15:48That can't be true
16:01You make a hell of a pair of guardian angels
16:03You never come when we need you
16:11Here's how you're gonna do it
16:13You steer the wheel and you shape the pottery with your hands
16:17Like that, see?
16:19What's there to understand? I'm not stupid
16:38Back to work!
16:40Reanimation by mouth to mouth
16:42Don't worry Doc, we'll make it
16:44Look, I can do it
16:46Not bad indeed
16:48And once they're dry, we need to bake them and sell them on the market
16:51And with the money we'll get, I'll buy myself a mirror
16:55I totally agree
16:58But I haven't sold it yet
17:05Maybe this spoiled child will become a perfect housemaid
17:12Don't worry, I've got an eye on the whole market, nothing escapes me
17:15Very good! Worker with responsibility, my arm
17:18I see, you can possibly ask to be unloaded
17:25What a charming town
17:26Oh yes
17:27What are you doing here?
17:28Hey, this is my place
17:31Oh yes, it's written somewhere
17:33There's no need for it to be written!
17:35It's been my place for about 15 years now
17:38It won't come out like that
17:49That's the best
17:54That's enough, you two! You can share this place
17:58It'll only cost you 2 coins, do you have any?
18:01No, I don't have any money on me
18:05What about you? You'll have to pay for what you've broken
18:08That's incredible! How much? How much?
18:12I'll settle for 2 coins
18:18Here you are, your 2 coins
18:22Oh no!
18:36This uniform, this cape, it can't be...
18:39Of course it is
18:50Your case is really desperate, dear Constance
18:53But it really wasn't my fault
18:56We should give your name to a hurricane
18:58But that's the truth!
19:00The rider arrived suddenly, his horse got angry and caused all this mess
19:04And you think I'm gonna believe that?
19:06Believe whatever you like
19:09But she's telling the truth!
19:11Who are you two? And how do you know what happened?
19:14We were here and we saw everything!
19:16I understand everything. So you're in cahoots with my own wife
19:20You might be an excellent singer
19:22But as a husband, let's say that you...it's up to you to decide, do you understand?
19:26I don't understand anything about your story
19:28We know very well that you were the crazy rider, aren't you ashamed?
19:31Who do you think we are? What do you think we're doing here?
19:34Why are you acting in such a strange way?
19:37To put her to the test
19:38And for that, you had to break all her pottery? How nice!
19:41Listen, it's because...don't betray me, ok?
19:44I'm gonna replace the damaged pottery
19:46In the meantime, I'm gonna go to the castle and ask if there's any work for me
19:50But Constance, the king lives in the castle
19:53Don't worry, no king pays attention to his servants
19:56Go with her, you'll bring her good luck
19:58These two? They've never brought me any bad luck
20:07Oh sun, oh sun
20:15Do you know how much this plate you broke cost?
20:18It was an accident, you see
20:19Well, you'll have to work for me to pay for this accident
20:33Oh no, poor idiot!
20:35He almost destroyed my kitchen!
20:38Oh no!
20:39I don't have any money left!
20:41Take it!
20:44Take it!
20:47Take it!
20:48It's not for a month that you won't be paid, but at least not for a year
20:52and don't risk being fired tomorrow for the wedding
20:56If this big-nosed guy doesn't want to pay you, at least take something to feed you
21:09Your wife really didn't do it on purpose
21:11He's the one who started it all
21:15I'd have liked to have watched the show
21:17Next time, I swear I'll tell him what I think
21:20Make him eat his food, don't let him do it to you
21:23Don't worry, I know how to defend myself
21:43Come on, dance with me
21:45No, I can't
22:05Let's not stay here, let's go
22:09You'll see!
22:17Stop it!
22:19Your Royal Highness, please spare me, I didn't do it on purpose
22:22She's the one who's responsible if the banquet is a failure
22:25She's also responsible for the mess in my royal kitchen, in her dish perhaps
22:32How do you know about all this, Your Highness?
22:34You told me
22:36I was walking in the forest
22:40Oh, it was you!
22:42The minstrel
22:43The soldier
22:45King Trick-or-treat, your husband
22:47Oh, that's impossible
22:48Do you want to be my wife?
22:49But I'm already your wife
22:52Not quite
22:54One thing is missing, your consent, my dear
23:00Well, here's another story that ends well
23:03I don't want to get involved in this kind of situation
23:05Stop it! You've got no say in this!
23:11And they lived happily ever after
24:03The End
24:33The End
