France on charm offensive as New Caledonia simmers

  • 2 days ago
The recent unrest in New Caledonia has further strained its relations with Paris #bbcnews #bbc
00:00For the Pacific Islands, climate change, geopolitics and security have often been
00:05the bread and butter of any summit. But at this year's Pacific Island Forum leaders' meeting,
00:10the region's biggest diary event, there was another hot topic thrown into the mix,
00:15that of New Caledonia and the unrest that hit the French overseas territory back in May.
00:21A controversial French proposal to extend voting rights to people who had lived on the
00:26islands for more than 10 years sparked deadly protests. Eleven people have since died,
00:32nine civilians and two French gendarmes, and there are still French police on the ground.
00:37President Emmanuel Macron visited New Caledonia and, in June, halted the reform.
00:43But tensions remain high, with a growing push towards independence among the indigenous
00:48Canucks, who make up 41% of the population. The French have said they want to set the record
00:55straight. They were on a PR mission in Tonga, where leaders from all 18 island nations and
01:00territories gathered this past week, including New Caledonia's President Louis Maypoo.
01:06But small island nations were sceptical, the violence in New Caledonia had seen support
01:11for the French wane. And many saw it as an attempt by France to hold on to a strategic
01:17part of the world where the US and China were fighting for sway.
