ప్రియాంకగాంధీ , కుమార్తె భద్రత పరంగా ఆందోళనగా ఉంది

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Robert Vadra Visit Hyderabad City : తన భార్య ప్రియాంక గాంధీ, కుమార్తె భద్రత విషయంలో అప్పుడప్పుడు ఆందోళనగా అనిపిస్తోందని రాబర్ట్​ వాద్రా ఆవేదన వ్యక్తం చేశారు. ముఖ్యంగా దేశంలో మహిళల భద్రత ప్రధాన సమస్యగా మారిందని పేర్కొన్నారు. మహిళలు భద్రంగా ఉండాలంటే వారితో ఎలా ప్రవర్తించాలో ఇంట్లో నేర్చుకోవాలని సూచించారు. ఆధ్యాత్మిక పర్యటనలో భాగంగా ఇవాళ హైదరాబాద్​లో ప్రముఖ దేవాలయాల సందర్శనకు ఆయన విచ్చేశారు. ఈ క్రమంలో మీడియాతో మాట్లాడారు. పరోక్షంగా కోల్​కతా ఘటనపై ఆయన మాట్లాడారు.


00:00There's never a political motivation. I'm on a spiritual visit. I'm here to just see what is happening in Telangana.
00:08It was a very beautiful visit today, a spiritual visit. I met lots of people. I understood the history of the temple.
00:18And I also went to the mosque and understood how many people are very happy to go to the mosque.
00:23And whenever they have issues, their temples and their mosques always help them.
00:28Most importantly, I also, when I'm talking to media, I talk about the main issue of our country is women's safety.
00:35And I'm very, very troubled about what's happening in West Bengal, in Calcutta.
00:40Core issue is women's safety. We need to find a solution for the men to understand, to respect women on the road,
00:50as if, like they respect their mothers, they respect their sisters, and they respect their wives.
00:55We need to educate men that rather than troubling women, they should be saving women, making sure that they are safe.
01:04Most importantly, I think if there's an instant justice that happens when we have an incident as such,
01:12people will be scared to ever repeat this incident again.
01:16As I'll say, that I have a daughter also, and why should I be feeling that she's happy and safe outside the country?
01:24I want her to be as comfortable to walk on the streets, to go out being safe.
01:31I also worry about Priyanka when she goes and campaigns, and at night she goes to villages and meets people and so on.
01:37Why should we be feeling like this? Our country should be equal for men and women, and safety-wise,
01:42we should really, really find a solution, and I think the most important solution is to have instant justice.
01:48And what I'm seeing, how they're covering up all the issues of the case and so on,
01:53it's just a whole political motivated thing, it should not be.
01:57We should find justice for the victim's family and for the victim also, and it should be an instant justice.
