रांची: झारखंड के पूर्व सीएम चंपई सोरेन ने कहा, 'मैं पहले ही सब बता चुका हूं और मेरी पीड़ा पूरी दुनिया को पता है। गुरुजी सबसे सीनियर हैं लेकिन वह स्वास्थ्य से कमजोर हैं, वह बोल नहीं पा रहे हैं। मैं किसी दल में शामिल होने का सोचा नहीं था। ना ही ये सोचा था कि भारतीय जनता पार्टी की में शामिल होने का मौका मिलेगा और वहां से काम करने का मौका मिलेगा, मैं तो निकला था की संन्यास लेंगे या संगठन बनाएंगे।'
#ChampaiSoren #BabulalMarandi #Jharkhand #JMM #BJP #JharkhandNews #Congress
#ChampaiSoren #BabulalMarandi #Jharkhand #JMM #BJP #JharkhandNews #Congress
00:00I have already told this in my post.
00:06I don't want to repeat it.
00:11I have already told my pain to the people of the state and the state.
00:19And there is no place in the party where I can keep my pain.
00:23I am a senior in the party.
00:27I am a senior in the party.
00:30I have a weakness for breathing.
00:33I am not able to speak.
00:35Where will I keep it?
00:37That is why I saw that there is no place like this.
00:40That is why I left.
00:42I never thought that I would get a chance to become a member of the Bharatiya Janata Party.
00:48And that I would get a chance to work there.
00:51I never thought that.
00:53I never thought that I would become a member of the party.
00:56Or that I would form an organization.
01:00I had a big hope.
01:02I gave it on the 18th.
01:05When the people and the state showed their trust in me.
01:11When I left the party on the 23rd.
01:15Thousands of people from the state said that I don't want to become a member of the party.
01:20There are many parties who say that they want to work with me.
01:25But the issue in Jharkhand.
01:30That issue cannot be solved by a small party.
01:34I have seen that I am the biggest party in the country.
01:38And from this place, I can raise the issue.
01:42And I can save the tribal situation.
01:44Jharkhand Mukti Mochar and Bharatiya Janata Party.
01:48I formed the organization.
01:51Did I do it or not?
01:56How did I do it?
01:58The person who said it.
02:02I want to know what kind of person he is.
02:05Otherwise, I will not answer you like this.
02:08I have formed the organization with both of them.
02:12Did I do it or not?
02:14I have formed the organization with Congress.
02:21There are two national parties.
02:24Bharatiya Janata Party and Congress.
02:28I have formed the organization with Bharatiya Janata Party.
02:33And I have formed the organization with Congress.
02:38Who is saying this?
02:41A gentleman is saying this.
02:44Or a party member is saying this.
02:46I don't care.
02:48Both the parties have run the government together.
02:51That's why I am saying this.
02:53Think about it later.