• last year
उधमपुर, जम्मू-कश्मीर: जीएनएम पैरा मेडिकल कॉलेज के छात्रों से भरी एक मिनी बस आज सुबह उधमपुर से 12 किलोमीटर दूर संसू पंचायत के भरपूर गांव में दुर्घटनाग्रस्त हो गई। दुर्घटना में 15 से अधिक लोग घायल हो गए, जिनमें से अधिकतर सरकारी पैरा कॉलेज के छात्र हैं। उधमपुर पुलिस तुरंत मौके पर पहुंची और घायलों को बाहर निकालकर जीएमसी उधमपुर पहुंचाया। स्थानीय लोगों ने व्यक्ति ने बताया, "मैंने एक वाहन को बहुत तेज गति से आते देखा। दो मिनट के भीतर, वाहन यहीं पलट गया। वे मदद के लिए चिल्ला रहे थे। मेरे सिर पर एक दुपट्टा था जो मैं मंदिर से लाया था, और कुछ बच्चे कॉलेज से थे। हमने जल्दी से उनकी मदद की, उन्हें पानी दिया, और उन्हें सांत्वना देने की कोशिश की। कई लोगों को गंभीर चोटें आई हैं। कुछ के मुंह से खून भी बह रहा है। कृपया उनकी मदद करें।

#Udhampur #JammuandKashmir #GNMParaMedicalCollege #SansuPanchayat #GMCUdhampur #accident #RoadAccident


00:30There is nothing else. Their parents are not here.
00:32They have gone from Srinagar, Ramban, Jammu, their parents and siblings are not here.
00:38Get them treated first. After that, whatever happens, it is your responsibility.
00:43All the cars are full. Not a single car is safe.
00:46I went to sweep. My daughter was also coming for tuition.
00:50I told her, don't go now, let it be today.
00:53After five minutes, I saw that the car was coming at such a high speed.
00:58I told my daughter, look, the car is going so fast today.
01:03In two minutes, the car turned here. They were screaming a lot.
01:06They came quickly. I didn't have a scarf on my head.
01:09A man brought me from the temple and put it on my head.
01:11There were children. No, they were not our children.
01:14They were someone else's. They came quickly. They were college students.
01:16They picked someone up, gave him water, hit him a little here.
01:19He was a little alive. That's it. Nothing else.
01:22He has suffered a lot of injuries.
