La sindrome degli amori passati, guarda l'inizio del film (HD) English Movie

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Una coppia trova una soluzione singolare per riuscire ad avere un figlio.

Regia di Ann Sirot, Raphaël Balboni. Un film Da vedere 2023 con Lucie Debay, Lazare Gousseau, Florence Loiret-Caille, Ninon Borsei, Florence Janas. Titolo originale: The (Ex)perience of Love. Titolo internazionale: Le syndrome des amours passées. Genere Commedia, - Francia, Belgio, 2023, durata 90 minuti. Uscita cinema giovedì 5 settembre 2024 distribuito da Wanted.
00:30No, aspetta, passati, non mi dispiaggiono le piante sullo sfondo, è bello se restiamo
00:47Metti la tua guancia vicino alla mia.
00:48Che carino, mi piace.
00:49Non lo so.
00:50In che senso?
00:52Dovrei provare a sollevarti.
00:53Tu dici?
00:55Buon compleanno.
00:57Ma non è meglio tra le piante.
01:06Dai andiamo lì allora.
01:07Come degli esploratovi?
01:09Dai, così.
01:10Non ne sono convinto.
01:12Beh, non si vede più la giungla, ma il risultato non è male.
01:16Buon compleanno.
01:17Faccio il cuore?
01:19Do I look like my mother?
01:25Put your head against mine.
01:27I like it.
01:28We look like a dove.
01:29No, but below.
01:30Good, like that.
01:32But let me see.
01:33Hey, it looks good on you.
01:34It's beautiful.
01:35Take your hand off.
01:36Take your hand off.
01:37It's beautiful.
01:38Look, it looks like mine.
01:39Now make a duck face.
01:40What is a duck face?
01:41Shall we look at them or do you have another idea?
01:42Let's look at them.
01:43It's not that simple.
01:44So, this one is not bad at all.
01:45Yes, yes, but let's also look at the others.
01:46Don't you like this one?
01:47Let me see the one with the plants.
01:48This one?
01:49Well, it's strange.
01:50It looks like...
01:51No, it's a bit like if we...
01:52It really looks like you're pregnant and that...
01:53Ah, yes, yes.
01:54...this is a great event.
01:55Really, no.
01:56I don't want people to be obsessed with it.
01:58So it's okay, right?
01:59Ah, yes, perfect.
02:00Where did you get this?
02:01Ah, yes, yes.
02:02Ah, yes, yes.
02:03Ah, yes, yes.
02:04Ah, yes, yes.
02:05Ah, yes, yes.
02:06Ah, yes, yes.
02:07Ah, yes, yes.
02:08Ah, yes, yes.
02:09Ah, yes, yes.
02:10Ah, yes, yes.
02:11Ah, yes, yes.
02:12Ah, yes, yes.
02:13Ah, yes, yes.
02:14Ah, yes, yes.
02:15Ah, yes, yes.
02:16Ah, yes, yes.
02:17Ah, yes, yes.
02:18Ah, yes, yes.
02:19Ah, yes, yes.
02:20Ah, yes, yes.
02:21Ah, yes, yes.
02:22Ah, yes, yes.
02:23Ah, yes, yes.
02:24Ah, yes, yes.
02:25Ah, yes, yes.
02:26Ah, yes, yes.
02:27Ah, yes, yes.
02:28Ah, yes, yes.
02:29Ah, yes, yes.
02:30Ah, yes, yes.
02:31Ah, yes, yes.
02:32Ah, yes, yes.
02:33Ah, yes, yes.
02:34Ah, yes, yes.
02:35Ah, yes, yes.
02:36Ah, yes, yes.
02:37Ah, yes, yes.
02:38Ah, yes, yes.
02:39Ah, yes, yes.
02:40Ah, yes, yes.
02:41Ah, yes, yes.
02:42Ah, yes, yes.
02:43Ah, yes, yes.
02:44Ah, yes, yes.
02:45Ah, yes, yes.
02:46Ah, yes, yes.
02:47Ah, yes, yes.
02:48Ah, yes, yes.
02:49Ah, yes, yes.
02:50Ah, yes, yes.
02:51Ah, yes, yes.
02:52Ah, yes, yes.
02:53Ah, yes, yes.
02:54Ah, yes, yes.
02:55Ah, yes, yes.
02:56Ah, yes, yes.
02:57Ah, yes, yes.
02:58Ah, yes, yes.
02:59Ah, yes, yes.
03:00Ah, yes, yes.
03:01Ah, yes, yes.
03:02Ah, yes, yes.
03:03Ah, yes, certainly.
03:33Excuse me, I only have 5 minutes to dedicate to you. Thank you for coming.
03:57Mr. Ostrovsky, close the door, please.
04:00Please, have a seat.
04:01Good morning.
04:02Hello. Remi, please, have a seat.
04:04Well, we are a little bit between two elections, but I was at a hostess congress in Seattle
04:11and we are discussing during roundtables, we are three colleagues,
04:15and I talked about your case of infertility.
04:19And I think I found the solution.
04:22Ah, you have a syndrome called The Past Love Syndrome.
04:27Here, the translation is The Past Love Syndrome.
04:32So, there is a protocol developed by this team,
04:35the one that discovered this syndrome,
04:38and it wants you to find all the people with whom you had a sexual relationship in your life
04:45and to be able to perform again a sexual act with each of those people.
04:56The protocol is to go to bed with all those with whom we...
05:01To go through your sexual path, if you want.
05:04I remind you that you have a kind of psychological block that causes a mechanical block without...
05:09It's not enough to visualize it, we really have to...
05:11But no, I'm saying the opposite.
05:13No, no, yes.
05:14It's physical.
05:15It's physical.
05:16Yes, yes, yes.
05:17You have to make love.
05:20Do you have consensual relationships?
05:23Yes, okay, then we're fine.
05:25Everything's fine.
05:27It wasn't what you wanted, to have a child.
05:30Yes, but...
05:31Do you agree?
05:32And all your history, all the difficulties you've had, all...
05:36But above all, how long have we been like this?
05:39How long have we been blocked by this and we are...
05:42From the deontological point of view, it is not certain that it works 100%.
05:46It's a new method.
05:47We are still at the dawn.
05:49At least we have a diagnosis and a treatment.
05:51It's still something.
05:53Anyway, come on, be positive.
05:55You don't have to stop in front of these little obstacles.
05:58We will overcome them without problems, okay?
06:00Are we positive?
06:01Yes, yes, we are.
06:02Come on, cheer up.
06:04Yes, thank you.
06:19One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17...
06:46You really have...
06:4720, 21, 22...
06:49Really, with all those...
06:50Wait, wait.
06:53Mertha, what's his name?
06:55It's not that I think there are many.
06:57I'm serious.
06:59Also objectively, I mean.
07:02It's not an exaggerated number.
07:03I've been single for a long time.
07:05I had stories like that, so there aren't that many.
07:08On average, you'll go to bed with five or ten people all your life.
07:13No, but you're crazy.
07:14Five people?
07:15No, but it's okay.
07:17You've been with me for a long time.
07:19In short, we've made love many times.
07:22Wait, wait.
07:23You even forgot one.
07:25The Capoverdiana?
07:26Come on, Estrella.
07:29No, Estrella doesn't count.
07:30And why doesn't she count?
07:32No, no, no.
07:33She doesn't count because...
07:35There has never been a...
07:38We don't have...
07:39Directly, exactly, completely...
07:41You haven't made love with Estrella?
07:43With Estrella?
07:44Fuck, that's a lie.
07:45It happened that I talked a little bit about this story.
07:47What did you say happened?
07:48Are your friends responsible for that?
07:50I just wanted to show off a little.
07:53It's not a strange thing when you meet someone.
07:55No, you just want me to feel wrong to make me feel good.
07:59I didn't want you to feel that way.
08:00No, it was to blame you.
08:02At first we didn't know each other.
08:04Look at my list.
08:05I have three people.
08:06I don't really have anything to brag about.
08:08So I added a few things to a story.
08:10So much to beautify it.
08:12And who is Julie?
08:14Well, Julie is Julie.
08:16I don't know any Julie.
08:18What Julie?
08:19Your sister, maybe?
08:20Yes, Joselle's daughter.
08:25You went to bed with your sister?
08:27At the time she wasn't my sister.
08:29She became one.
08:30We were 16.
08:31Our parents used to hang out.
08:33We used to go on vacations together.
08:34They had been together for two months.
08:35They were super in love.
08:36We spent our vacations with them like an extended family.
08:39We found each other there.
08:41We were just kids.
08:42But weren't we brothers and sisters at the time?
08:44Do you still call her sister?
08:46When you are with your sister's children, she is your sister.
08:48When you choose a gift for your sister's birthday, she is your sister.
08:53So for me she has always been your sister.
08:56Okay, but historically and biologically she is not my sister.
08:59And you don't have to tell her anything or she will kill me.
09:03Seriously, not a word.
09:05Yes, I said okay.
09:07Who are you looking for?
09:10Here she is.
09:11Ah, thank you.
09:12She is cute, Nora.
09:13Did you go out with your dad?
09:15Who is this guy on the bike?
09:16He is DJ Sonsas.
09:18DJ Sonsas?
09:32And who is the basketball player?
09:34One from Berlin.
09:35A Berliner?
09:36A-L-E-J-A or E?
09:41Shall we attach them?
09:53Well, it's done.
09:57I'm done.
09:59Are you coming to give me a hand?
10:01Yes, I'm done.
