Limonov (Inizio film) English Movie

  • last month
Un'opera visionaria sulla travolgente e complessa vita di Èduard Limonov, dalla strada alla fama.

Regia di Kirill Serebrennikov. Un film con Ben Whishaw, Viktoria Miroshnichenko, Tomas Arana, Corrado Invernizzi, Sandrine Bonnaire, Louis-Do de Lencquesaing. Genere Biografico - Italia, 2024. Uscita cinema giovedì 5 settembre 2024 distribuito da Vision Distribution.
00:00I am an independent communist.
00:14My name is Edouard Limonov.
00:18Also known as Dzhizhka or Edi Bebi.
00:21I was born somewhere in Russia in 1944.
00:25Domicile known in the 50s and 60s, Kharkiv.
00:29Great industrial city of Ukraine and Moscow.
00:33Occupations, student, criminal, worker, poet.
00:39Emigrated to New York in the 70s.
00:42Occupations, dishwasher, butler, poet.
00:47Last known home, rue de Turin, Paris.
00:51Do you think it's difficult to be a writer in Paris today?
00:55A Russian writer, an immigrant?
01:00Being a writer is difficult everywhere.
01:05Is it difficult to be an immigrant?
01:08Well, for me it's okay.
01:12Writers should be kicked out of their country of origin.
01:18They should be kicked out, that's my opinion.
01:23There are two images of the Russian writer.
01:27The dissident and the Soviet writer.
01:30I was something new.
01:33A new type of writer, neither official nor dissident.
01:40If he's not a dissident, why doesn't he return to the Soviet Union?
01:46Some people can't imagine that there are other places.
01:51For me it's not a question of living here or there.
01:55It's stupidity.
02:16Come on!
02:18Come on!
02:21Come on!
02:24Come on!
02:31One, two, three, four!
