How to Massage the Hips & Buttocks | Deep Massage

  • 14 hours ago
00:00So now I'm going to be showing you how to work with the glutes, the buttocks and the
00:09hips with a deep tissue massage.
00:12So go ahead and place your hand right underneath the ankle for support.
00:16You're going to be going up and accessing those glutes.
00:20Your hand's basically going to fall right into that groove.
00:24And you can even do some motion with the leg and allow your knuckles to fall right
00:32in to that glute.
00:38When you move the leg like this, it's doing some of the work for you because you're able
00:42to access muscles in there and the origins and insertions that you normally wouldn't.
00:49And then just gently place it back down.
00:52You can also use both of your knuckles here to access.
00:56The glutes actually can be somewhat sensitive.
01:01Again, it's the largest muscle in the body so you can have a lot of knots and adhesions
01:08in there.
01:09So be initially gentle, sink in slowly.
01:14You'll access much deeper and be sure to check in with your client.
01:18You can also use your forearm.
01:20I say your forearm because you're going to want to start with your forearm at first and
01:24then you can move in with an elbow if the client says that they're okay with that, they're
01:29comfortable with that.
01:32So I can tell that she's going to be okay.
01:34So right there in the center.
01:36Again, avoid the spiny processes.
01:39Right there where the muscle is, you can sort of actually turn, you can rotate your elbow.
01:47It allows you to access more of that spot than just doing simple direct pressure.
01:52I find it sort of tricks the pain receptors when you add a little bit of motion with your
01:58deep tissue massage.
02:00So rather than just direct pressure where the brain can register as that hurts, that
02:04hurts, giving it just a little bit of motion, you get to actually apply more pressure and
02:09the brain sort of says maybe that hurts, maybe it doesn't, maybe it hurts, maybe it doesn't
02:15and then it ends up sort of going, that feels good.
02:19That's a little trick that I'm sharing with you.
02:22So that is how you work with the hips and the buttocks.
