Ava and Beatrice - Their Story

  • last month
00:00I understand that you're scared, but you need to calm down.
00:05It's reacting to your emotions.
00:07What's reacting to my emotions?
00:08The halo.
00:09What halo? What the hell is going on?
00:12This is gonna be a long day.
00:17No smile, unreadable expression, not actively hostile.
00:21I can work with that.
00:25We all have a past, Ava.
00:28Secrets that are ours alone.
00:32But none of that matters once you realize that not everything is about you.
00:56Do you believe me?
00:59I think you're thoughtless and self-centered.
01:02But dishonest.
01:16Beatrice is a badass.
01:17But I...
01:29Ava. Ava.
01:32Are you okay?
01:37You're gonna be okay.
01:43Can you hear me?
01:45I'm right next to you.
01:50It's okay. You did it.
01:57But when you're punished just for being different...
02:02You begin to hate what you are.
02:07And what you love...
02:11What should make you happy...
02:15Only brings you pain.
02:23Pain is what made me a sister warrior.
02:29Don't hate what you are.
02:32What you are is beautiful.
02:40I'm sorry for your pain.
02:45Don't be.
02:49Because now we get to tap into yours.
02:54It scares me as being alone.
02:57It scares me as being alone.
03:01Abandoned in some sick bed with no one to...
03:05With no one.
03:06But that will never happen.
03:09You would still have us.
03:12And we will never leave you.
03:19You made it!
03:26Only thanks to you.
03:46Please just stop drawing attention.
03:49Do your best to act like a nun.
03:53Bless you, Richard.
03:55Too far.
03:57This way, sister.
04:02Divinium, hide!
04:05They're gunning for you. Stay out of sight.
04:25Then let's...
04:28Friggin' do this.
04:35And the dead center.
04:39Is this our thing now?
04:42If trading terrible puns is wrong, then I don't want to be right.
04:49In this life or the next?
04:52In this life or the next.
04:58Am I pointed opposite right now?
05:01Can you hear me?
05:03Ava, can you hear me?
05:07Can you hear me?
05:10I think I've lost her.
05:27We're gonna get you out of here.
05:32What the fuck?
05:33Can you...
05:40What was that?
05:42What was what?
05:43A glance.
05:44There was a glance?
05:45Yes, you and Hans shared a glance.
05:47That's more of a look.
05:50You don't have to be so perfect all the time.
05:55You don't stay out too late.
05:57You train tomorrow.
05:58Yes, I better.
06:01I'm just messing with you.
06:02See you at home.
06:09Have a drink with me.
06:10Fine, I'll have a water.
06:11No, no water. Not tonight.
06:13Oh, but...
06:15You know that I... I don't...
06:17I've never...
06:20What, you've never had a drink?
06:22No, not with alcohol, no.
06:24What about communion wine?
06:25I'll just take tiny sips.
06:28Oh my God.
06:30Okay, this is gonna be great.
06:32What is?
06:33I get to be the one that gets you drunk for the first time.
06:35Drunk? No, no.
06:36I thought it was just one drink.
06:37No, uh-uh, not anymore, sister.
06:39I'm not letting this opportunity pass.
06:41A row of shots, please.
06:43Free-wheeling, secret-ass-kicking...
06:56It's Miguel.
07:00What is he up to?
07:05Come on, let's catch up to him.
07:06No, no, no.
07:07You go ahead.
07:08But he's...
07:09I'll see you at home.
07:10He looks like he's up to something.
07:11He's not.
07:12He's not.
07:13He's not.
07:14He's not.
07:15He's not.
07:16He's not.
07:17He's not.
07:18He's not.
07:19He's not.
07:20He's not.
07:21He's not.
07:22He's not.
07:23He looks like he's up to something.
07:24Are you sure?
07:33It's time to go.
07:35Say goodbye.
07:39He's brilliant.
07:43I know what you're gonna say.
07:44Don't care, he's hiding something.
07:45We're all hiding something.
07:47But we know what we're hiding.
07:48What we don't know is what he's hiding.
07:51You're jealous.
07:53Jealous of what?
07:55I just sometimes get the feeling that you don't like it when I make new friends.
08:05That's absurd.
08:07What I dislike is when your rash decisions and poor judgement making threaten to get us killed.
08:13That is not what's going to happen this time.
08:15I am not the same person I was and I thought you knew that.
08:19I cannot watch you die.
08:24Why? Because of the mission or because he's easy on the eyes?
08:31Because he is passionate about the cause. Because he is in the fight.
08:37Excuse me.
08:41I've been watching you watch that girl for 20 minutes now. There must be something you want from her.
08:47Yes, to listen to me for once.
08:49If they find out who you are, it's not only dangerous for you, it's also dangerous for them.
09:19I'm sorry.
09:20Are you? Because saying sorry indicates regret. And people who regret tend to take care not to repeat their mistakes.
09:29You just...
09:33You just... You do whatever you want.
09:36You let your emotions carry you head first into danger, sweeping the rest of us, the rest of the world up in your wake.
09:42Well, excuse the fuck out of me.
09:46You think this is easy for me?
09:48You think my choices are clear? I'm doing the best I can.
09:57I'm sorry.
10:01I'm sorry.
10:18And now we swing by the Royal Palace, or the Prado Museum.
10:24You want to go sightseeing? Right now?
10:27Yes! I spent my whole life in an orphanage. I mean, this is Madrid.
10:33Villa y Corte. The City of the Bear and the Strawberry Tree. I want to see everything.
10:38I understand, but now is really not the time.
10:42Come on, it's this way.
10:45Someone else is following us. Someone quiet.
10:57Hi! Just hang on, okay? We're nearly there.
11:06No, not in the front. Back through the alley.
11:18The Madrid OCS HQ.
11:21So we had to get creative.
11:24I love this scene.
11:30Alright, that's enough cinema. Let's go.
11:35The Crown of Thorns.
11:52Where is she?
11:54It seems she has a new protector.
11:57A young man. Not much of a fighter, but he can take a punch.
12:09It's too late, Bea.
12:12There's no point in hiding.
12:15I know what you are.
12:18No, please stop.
12:19I know what you are!
12:23You're not real!
12:37Are you okay?
12:38My leg is seized up. I might need your help to walk.
12:46I've got this.
12:48There's too many. They're possessed. They'll kill us all.
12:50We have to do something!
12:53Let go.
13:01Hang on.
13:39We have to find another way out. Come on!
13:45Come on!
13:51Get the halo out of him now!
13:53Now, while it's distracted.
13:56Hang on to me.
13:58Hang on!
14:12What's wrong?
14:13What's wrong?
14:14It's happening again.
14:15Like someone switched off the halo.
14:19I'm kind of paralyzed.
14:25We have to help him.
14:26No, we're not going back in there.
14:27He will die if we don't.
14:29But Ariella had something that he did not have.
14:34Her sisters.
14:37They were her true power.
14:42No one in history has ever defeated Adriel and lived.
14:53Let me know the same.
14:55What do you mean?
14:57I think you know.
15:00I'm not sure I do.
15:04You and Ava.
15:06It's a misunderstanding.
15:07It's my duty to worry about the warrior nun and her safety.
15:11There's nothing more to it than that.
15:12There's no shame in it.
15:19It's easy to fall in love with a warrior nun.
15:23It's loving the warrior nun that's the hard part.
15:28They're never yours.
15:32They never last.
15:36I know.
15:41I trust you.
15:42You know I do.
15:45We'll beat him.
16:00Ava, no!
16:05I know the world is hard and unforgiving.
16:08And I know that warrior nuns die.
16:11Please don't leave me.
16:15I don't want you to die.
16:25You know,
16:28I'd like to avoid that myself.
16:37It's okay.
16:38It's okay.
16:41We can't beat SP.
16:44Man together.
16:46I know that.
16:59Forget it.
17:01Listen to me.
17:06It's time to go.
17:11I'm good.
17:13Let's do this.
17:16Ava! Now!
17:17It has to be now!
17:29I left.
17:32Would you come with me?
17:35We could go back to the Alps.
17:38To the bar.
17:41Hans and the regulars.
17:44You could teach me how to dance.
17:47I could teach you how to drink.
17:54I can't.
18:06Are you all right?
18:14You've got that look in your eyes.
18:16What look is that?
18:19That look right before you IQ'd on someone in the submission.
18:25better not test me then.
18:37She's incredible.
18:38Yes, she is.
18:45See you after the fireworks.
18:48I'm doing this so you can live your life.
18:51So live it.
18:55I won't.
19:06You all stand between me and Ava.
19:09I offer mercy to whoever walks away now.
19:15and you'll never walk again.
19:18Take her.
19:21Never say I didn't warn you.
19:26I'm sorry.
19:29I'm sorry.
19:31I'm sorry.
19:33I'm sorry.
19:35I'm sorry.
20:19It's okay.
20:23I told you not to follow me.
20:25You're gonna make it.
20:26You'll make it.
20:27Why are you always trying to save me?
20:35Eat free.
20:38I love you.
20:48I love you.
