Emmerdale 28th August 2024

  • 2 days ago
Emmerdale 28th August 2024
02:46Hi, you're through to Moira Dingo.
02:49Come on.
02:51Come on.
02:55Here we go.
02:56You get the baking just right.
02:59It's not what my life's added up to. Kill me now.
03:03That's the kids dropped off.
03:06Jimmy, you've got HMRC up at the oil yard, you know.
03:10I don't know. Something about an inspection, red diesel.
03:13We'll look pretty scared.
03:15You better be clean.
03:17You're already getting fined after the last inspection.
03:20Yeah, he is.
03:21I've got nothing to hide this time.
03:23Look, come on, I'll give you a lift up the hill.
03:25I'll get the coffee later.
03:26No chance of a fry-up.
03:28We'll leave wound-up Will to deal with it.
03:30Fair play.
03:36Mum, you smell.
03:39Yeah, well, that's what happens when you fall asleep in a barn.
03:42Well, the cow's worth a lot of money.
03:44I had to be nearby.
03:46How can you help the cow if you're dead to the world?
03:50You thought she were dead, didn't you, Dad?
03:53Don't be silly.
03:54No, he's not being silly.
03:56When you were hovering over me, you looked terrified when I woke up.
04:00Not looked that concerned for months.
04:03What do you want about now?
04:07Please, can I go to Amy's with Kyle?
04:10No, they're out.
04:11I'll go upstairs, then.
04:12Oh, Isaac, me and your dad are not going to fight.
04:20You know, Cain, I don't think I'm very well.
04:24And you've really hurt me.
04:26You're accusing me of drinking and God knows what else with God knows who,
04:30and it's just...
04:32I just can't do this right now.
04:34Where are you going?
04:35I'm going to check on him because one of us has to.
04:38Look, your eyes are all bloodshot. What am I supposed to...?
04:46Where's the inspector?
04:48Done and gone.
04:49Someone's tipped him off about red diesel.
04:52I can smell it everywhere and all.
04:54Do you know about it?
04:56What are you asking me for?
04:58Well, it wouldn't be the first time you've cut corners recently, would it?
05:01Me? Why would I take the chance? I've just been done for the tachograph.
05:04Well, if it's not me and it's not you, then it's definitely not me.
05:08But someone is trying to sabotage our business.
05:10Wow, that was a bit of a jump.
05:12Look, you can take that smirk off your face, all right?
05:14Can't help my face.
05:16It's a driver on the take. Simple.
05:18Why do you always have to jump to the darkest conclusion?
05:21I'm supposed to be the hysterical one.
05:23No telling Kim until we have to.
05:25Oh, well, it's a good job you're not talking to her then, isn't it?
05:37Hold the front page.
05:38Lost woman given directions by friendly local.
05:41That's me, by the way.
05:42What, lost? You're never friendly.
05:45I directed her to the haulage yard about half an hour ago.
05:50Was she from HMRC?
05:52Well, I didn't strip search her,
05:54but with all the air of a low-paid official on a day out in the country,
05:58I'd say yes.
06:00I thought it'd take them weeks to turn up
06:02and I'd be sneaking over there every night with a red diesel.
06:05I wonder what that smell was.
06:06So will we have a haulage burn by Christmas?
06:08Well, sooner, I hope.
06:10Poor Will.
06:12It's one thing after another.
06:14Mm, especially as you keep setting him up.
06:17And then there's Jimmy with the tachograph fine.
06:20What's a tachograph, Ruby?
06:22No idea. One I couldn't care less, but seems to matter to you.
06:26He'll be desperate to offload the place.
06:28Well, we need to take our time.
06:30Ah, you spoil sport.
06:33If you exchange contracts on Halloween,
06:35you could do it dressed as the devil.
06:46The way you spoke to me yesterday.
06:48Do that again and you'll regret it.
06:50I don't care if you're my daughter's husband or not.
06:52Your daughter's done with you.
06:54You brought all that on yourself, you idiot.
06:56Look, now you've only got Kim and I pity you.
06:58You chose her over us.
07:00I mean, you thought she might have killed Dawn's mum.
07:03Yeah, well, I know she didn't now.
07:05Yeah, but when you thought she did, you were going to protect her.
07:07And it's not about what Kim has or hasn't done.
07:09It was about what you were prepared to do.
07:11Yeah, look, I love her and I won't lose her.
07:13Then why didn't you tell her that then?
07:15Because she's not here.
07:16So now you've got your big house and your little trucks to play with
07:20and that is it.
07:21Hang on a minute.
07:23Was it you?
07:24Was what me?
07:25Someone's been messing with our trucks.
07:27Like I've got time to do that.
07:29You sound mad.
07:30You are mad.
07:31You must be to throw away your family.
07:33Dawn chose to leave.
07:34Look, he's never you, is he?
07:37Never you.
07:45I hope that's the milk, men,
07:46because my husband won't be due back for hours.
07:51It kind of fits, doesn't it?
07:52All the accusations you've been chucking in my direction lately.
07:56I only asked about Nate yesterday.
07:58Because you're paranoid.
08:00No, because you made comments about him.
08:02You brought it up like you wanted some kind of reaction.
08:06So anyway, I talked to him.
08:10You did what?
08:13Have you any idea the trouble you're causing?
08:15He's as embarrassed by you as I am.
08:16You'll be having me sectioned next.
08:18Just tell me what's wrong.
08:19Because of course it couldn't be you.
08:20What have I done?
08:21You've looked at me,
08:23questioned me,
08:24and accused me,
08:25and not once,
08:26not once have you asked me if I'm okay,
08:28when I'm obviously not.
08:29And I might be ill with some virus,
08:31or it might be the menopause.
08:35That's what you've done.
08:36Just that.
08:39You know, I am sorry if I have changed.
08:42And I am sorry if I am not what you want,
08:46this is what I am.
09:17Shall I just smash the glass and help myself, or what?
09:19Two ticks.
09:20Will reckons it's sabotage.
09:22After the tachograph thing, Jimmy,
09:23you're more than capable of sabotaging yourself.
09:25That was to earn money for us.
09:27No, plus it kept you away from the house,
09:29and me crying over Angel.
09:30We both miss her.
09:32Three more months at the uni, it's just not fair.
09:35She hit somebody.
09:37So how big's the fine for the red diesel?
09:39Bigger than the tachograph fine,
09:40and we can't fine that either.
09:42Well, can Will grovel to Kim?
09:44They're terrible at the moment.
09:46She'd happily see the business go under just as punishment.
09:49And anyway, she's away.
09:51Evil people get an easier ride than us.
09:53Takeout, wasn't it?
09:54No, I'm happy to just...
09:55I'll have a black coffee, please.
09:59Come on, you're smiling, aren't you?
10:02Can't wait to see him.
10:04Yeah, love you.
10:06Just a couple of cakes for the kids for later, please.
10:10How's baby?
10:12More treatment.
10:13Get in there.
10:14Dawn's got the brunt of it.
10:15Call these a housewarming.
10:17Cheers, Nicole.
10:20Can't you make up with Will?
10:22He's a nightmare at the moment.
10:24Look, I want nothing more to do with him.
10:26They're both snakes.
10:27Him and his wife.
10:28Bit harsh on Will.
10:29Look, open your eyes.
10:31He's just had a massive go at me
10:32about whatever's happening at the orange yard.
10:35Look, everyone thinks it's Kim who pulls the strings,
10:37but I could tell you a few things about him.
10:39Like what?
10:41Let's just say that...
10:42...me and Dawn had a lucky escape.
10:47Oh, stop sighing, Jimmy,
10:48and get yourself to the pub.
10:51Go and have a big dinner while we can still afford it.
11:01Yeah, do you fancy a drink?
11:03What do you do now?
11:04Catch yourself down the pub.
11:08I reckon I've been burying my head.
11:10I mean, she's denied it,
11:11but I think you're right about the drink.
11:13And I think it's definitely connected
11:14to what happened with Matty.
11:15Well, it's not like Moira not to be up front
11:17if there's an issue.
11:18Well, she's definitely been up front
11:19about how much she can't stand me,
11:20and then she covers it all up by saying
11:22maybe she's ill or it's a menopause.
11:25Well, maybe she's right.
11:30Please say you took her seriously.
11:32I did.
11:33I did.
11:34I did.
11:35I did.
11:36I did.
11:37I did say you took her seriously.
11:41Did you shrug and roll your eyes?
11:44Oh, for God's sake.
11:47So, why hasn't she gone to the doctor?
11:49Because men
11:50don't get the monopoly
11:51on being stupid
11:52when it comes to taking care of themselves.
11:54And what about all that stuff went out?
11:57Rubbing my face in it,
11:58deliberately goading me with it.
12:00I mean, is that a health issue?
12:01Because it didn't feel like it.
12:03It hurt.
12:04It brought a load of stuff back,
12:05and she knew it would.
12:07So, anyway, I spoke with Nate.
12:10What did he say?
12:12Well, he was upset because me and him, we've been good, you know.
12:15I mean, it's different to my other kids, but we are getting there.
12:19Particularly after that stuff with Tracy and her brilliant brother.
12:23Get back to Moira.
12:27She's a loose cannon with a glint in her eye.
12:29Flirting with Nate, deliberately winding us all up, and I hate it.
12:33For the kids as much as me.
12:37So gutted you've had the last steak and kidney pudding.
12:44You can have this bit if you like.
12:47As if.
12:49It's been ages since I've had a steak and kidney pudding.
12:52It's made me all wistful for me grandma.
12:55Tell you what,
12:57I can't eat right now.
13:00Oh, you're a peach.
13:02And you're a princess.
13:04Oh, er, Jimmy.
13:06Might want a wipe there.
13:07Oh, thanks.
13:09Can't even get eating right.
13:12Nobody enjoys a big dinner in here like you do.
13:15Now, how about some afghans? We've got a-
13:17Are you trifling with me?
13:20Yeah, that's exactly what we've got.
13:22I know. I saw the menu.
13:24I better have a big bowl.
13:27So, er, what's your secret?
13:33Well, you know, your cars get burnt out, people dish you in the street,
13:38yet you still get shaved every day and you smell great.
13:41Are you coming on to me?
13:43Well, you should be down and out, and you're not.
13:46So why are you Tigger and I'm Eeyore?
13:50You're being too hard on yourself, mate.
13:53And I'm Eeyore.
13:55You're being too hard on yourself, mate.
13:57You've got a lot of family stuff going on.
14:00And it's spread across so many businesses.
14:01Too many.
14:04An angel being away is killing us.
14:07Another few months, is it?
14:11I just, I can't catch a break.
14:19I'll have a cheese toastie then.
14:20Bring us one of those trifles, will you, Gail?
14:23And another pint for Jimmy.
14:24Yes, sir.
14:51Don't worry, I won't tell Dad you went all wobbly again.
14:55He's a right big grumpy bum.
15:06I'm not complaining, but I work all night,
15:09and then I get home and it's a school run or whatever,
15:12or a million other grinding little things,
15:15and Nicola's knackered cos she's driving up and down to see Angel all the time.
15:19The car will pick up more.
15:22I don't want to be disloyal.
15:23But you're dealing with his problems and all.
15:26Between you and me, we had an inspection this morning.
15:31What, another?
15:32The first one was my fault.
15:34But this one's red diesel, and we're shouting the odds and blaming everyone.
15:38Like who?
15:39Me a bit. Billy.
15:41That's bizarre. He'll be a driver.
15:44Which is what I told him.
15:49You do need a break, don't you?
15:52Do you want to buy half a Horley, Jack?
15:55You've just told me Will's a nightmare.
15:58Damn! Me and my big mouth.
16:01You wouldn't sell up anyway.
16:04For a long line, I'd give it away.
16:09Don't you think Caleb's got such a positive vibe?
16:14Positive he loves himself, yeah.
16:17You're so funny.
16:20You won't be laughing when I tell Ruby you're after her husband.
16:24Well, actually, I think I can take her.
16:26Just a pint, please.
16:30Oh, Gail.
16:34For the lady.
16:37I asked and I received.
16:39What more could a woman ask for?
16:41Cheap date.
16:43In a nutshell.
16:47Hi. Just a lime and soda, please.
16:51Buy yourself a proper drink.
16:53It's changeover at the B&B.
16:56You and Ernie are free up some time to be together.
17:01I've always thought you were a bit up yourself, but that...
17:05Well, that was the nicest hour I've had in months.
17:10Are you sure you don't want to buy the Horlage?
17:12See you, mate.
17:17It's been ages since you looked at me like that.
17:21I offered him twice to buy the Horlage,
17:24and I think I'm only half-joking.
17:26We can manage the fines.
17:28Oh, it's not just that.
17:30It's Will.
17:32He used to be this massive, solid, bound door of a man,
17:36and now he just isn't.
17:38And I'm too tired.
17:42How much do you think we'd get for it?
17:51Jimmy just offered to sell the Horlage firm.
17:54Just like that.
17:56And he was only half-joking.
17:58So you bit his hand off?
18:01He's not ready. Not yet.
18:04It's the family firm, and he loves it.
18:08We need him to get to the point where
18:11the exhaustion outweighs the sentiment.
18:14What about Will?
18:15Well, he's losing a plot.
18:17It won't take much to push him out.
18:22I suppose I'll be doing Jimmy and Nicola a massive favour, really.
18:27So why have you got ants in your pants?
18:31Because he's decent.
18:33And he's having a terrible time, and I like him.
18:37You were talking about him yourself the other day.
18:40Yeah, something about his face.
18:43But I got over it.
18:46Tell me what you most admire about me.
18:50I thought I was talking about Jimmy.
18:52Humour me.
18:55You don't care what anyone thinks about you.
18:58And what I most admire about you is that you do.
19:01If this project comes off, all the bits you're buying, all the deals...
19:05Yeah, well, it's good fun, isn't it?
19:07Yeah, it is. It's great.
19:09And you'll be at the top of that hill, looking down on everyone.
19:12But your family, your new pal Jimmy...
19:15Things will change.
19:18Yeah. Yeah, you're right.
19:22But with this smile, I can win anyone over.
19:25Hmm. Well, it's worked on me enough times.
19:29Now go and muck.
19:40Where's Dad?
19:45Please, can we go out for tea?
19:51Just let me get a glass of water first, son.
19:56Kyle's had burgers twice this week.
20:00I'm not saying no, I'm just saying we'll talk about it when we get back home.
20:05You're bonkers. We are at home.
20:16Seeing Maura like this makes me feel guilty about the way I treated Mum.
20:20I must have been to hell with Shadrach.
20:23It's the never knowing what state, you know, what mood.
20:26And when you've been in here, you barely look at each other.
20:30You need to talk to her, Cain.
20:33I've tried loads.
20:36You know how much I hate talking.
20:39But right now, all I feel like is I'm talking at her or to her.
20:43But not with her?
20:45Yeah, because she won't.
20:47It's like I've done something really bad
20:49and she's waiting for me to work out what it actually is.
20:52But until then, she's just looking past me or through me.
20:56It's like I'm not even there.
20:59I mean, I might as well not be.
21:01Is that bad?
21:02Well, it soon will be.
21:04And there's no way I'm going to do what Mum did and abandon my kids.
21:07So one more freak out or blow out or black out and that is it.