• 2 months ago
(Adnkronos) - Dalla musica al cinema: un anno di debutti per Clara, la cantautrice che, dopo aver incantato il pubblico dell'ultima edizione del festival di Sanremo, questa sera si esibirà all'inaugurazione dell'81esima Mostra del Cinema di Venezia. "E' un grande onore e una grande responsabilità - racconta all'Adnkronos la cantante - Come emozione mi ricorda quando quest'anno ho aperto Sanremo che era la prima volta e adesso è la mia prima volta a Venezia". (dall'inviata Loredana Errico)


00:00It's definitely a great honour and a great responsibility.
00:04It reminds me a little of the emotion when I opened Sanremo this year,
00:08which was the first time and also my first time in Venice.
00:11I'm happy to bring my passion, which is singing.
00:14The song I sing is a song I'm very attached to,
00:17which is not mine and you'll find out soon.
00:19So, I have to thank my team that worked with me
00:24to rearrange and create this concept
00:28to bring this cover, because in the end it's a cover.
00:31I can't wait, I'm a little anxious,
00:33but I've been ready for an hour,
00:35so at least we avoided inconveniences.
00:38I've never studied acting,
00:40and in fact I should do it, but I'd love to.
00:43I learned from the experience of Marefuori
00:46that one thing doesn't exclude the other.
00:49It was a great springboard for my music,
00:51which before wasn't really listened to by many people.
00:56So, if there will be other opportunities to challenge me,
00:59I'll definitely take them.
01:02If I came back to Sanremo this year,
01:04I'd live it in a different way,
01:06because I'm much more aware of myself.
01:10If I came back from Sanremo young,
01:12I'd go there with a different mood.
01:17I don't know, we'll see.
01:19I liked it a lot, so I don't exclude it.
