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Danzig - ABC In Concert - New Artist Spotlight (1992)
00:00We may be some form of rock, whatever, you know, variant we are, but we're not rock and roll, and we're not good-timey rock and roll, you know.
00:10If someone gets a feeling of elation from our music, it's from something else, from an inner, something inner, an inner spirit, you know what I mean?
00:21Or an inner message in there that they relate to, and it makes them feel good about themselves and about their life and about the world.
00:27And we also have, you know, things in our music that make people feel crummy, you know, and realize that other people feel crummy and that the world isn't always going to be great.
00:40It's good and bad. It's, you know, it's the world.
00:46We are not mainstream and we are not alternative, so we're disliked by both sides.
00:51But what it says to me is that we're not in any clique, so we don't play to the, you know, the elitist alternative, you know, where you have to have a certain uniform and certain look and your music has to be this or that, or you're not alternative.
01:06And we also don't play to the mainstream, where they have their look and their sound and you have to be this and that.
01:11We just do what we want and it's basically a middle finger to everybody and our fans like that because most of them are a middle finger to everybody too.
01:23Basically, a lot of bands that make it without the support of major radio or music television, those are, to me, usually those are real bands.
01:33They've done it on their own. It can't be taken away if somebody from MTV said, well, we're never going to play a video by you anyway.
01:40Not that they do anyway, but we'd say, so who cares? We've done it all without you anyway, so what are you going to do to us? You're going to ruin us?
01:47You know, and it's the same thing with radio too. Well, we're never going to play you. Well, okay, good, you know.
01:52Whereas I'd love for them to play our stuff. I'd love for people to see what we're talking about and doing.
01:57I'm not going to change what we do just so they will play it. I'm going to do what I do and that's it.
02:02And the band feels the same way. They're, you know, not going to change.
02:07These guys are great players. John is an incredible guitar player, classically trained.
02:11He can pull off anything he needs to. And Chuck, in my opinion, is the greatest drummer around.
02:16I see a lot of bands that have really just lost their soul, lost their emotions.
02:22Whatever people say about us, if you put on any of our records, there's emotion, there's anger and frustration.
02:29There's screaming and yelling. It's loud, it's obnoxious, parents hate it.
02:34This is it, you know what I mean? That's what it's about, saying something and taking music to new areas.
