Jokowi Minta Waspadai Penyebaran Cacar Monyet

  • last month
Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) meminta kepada para menteri kabinet dan kepala lembaga untuk dapat melakukan upaya preventif atau pencegahan cacar monyet atau Mpox bagi delegasi dari Afrika ketika menghadiri acara Indonesia Africa Forum (IAF) 2024 di Bali awal September mendatang.

Hal ini diminta Presiden seiring menyebarnya virus Mpox atau sebelumnya dikenal sebagai cacar monyet dari Afrika. Saat ini, Mpox tidak hanya ditularkan oleh monyet, tapi bisa dari berbagai hewan lainnya.


00:05We start with the first information from President Jokowi Dodo, asking all parties to be careful with the spread of monkey pox in Indonesia because of the extraordinary increase in the number of monkeys in the Congo.
00:16Jokowi also reminds that the disease has become a concern for the health of the world.
00:22Jokowi also asks for a preventive effort for the delegation of the Indonesia-Africa Forum Agenda or IAF from Africa.
00:31As we know, IAF will be held in Bali from 1 to 3 September 2024.
00:37Not only in Bali, the head of state also asked for supervision at the entrance gates of international visitors in various places in Indonesia.
00:44Jokowi asks the Ministry of Health to immediately carry out maximum prevention.
00:50There is also a case of monkey pox that has been detected in Indonesia since August 2022.
00:57The first case of monkey pox was confirmed by the Ministry of Health after receiving a report that an Indonesian citizen had monkey pox after traveling abroad.
01:08Since then, monkey pox cases have continued to increase in the last two years and have infected 88 people throughout Indonesia.
01:21The outbreak is very widespread in the Congo.
01:28There is also a second case of monkey pox as a public health emergency of international concern from the WHO.
01:41Therefore, I ask for a preventive effort, especially for delegations from Africa.
01:54Fourth, not only in Bali, supervision at the entrance gates of international visitors
02:02must be carried out immediately by the Ministry of Health and other ministries.
02:08Preventive measures are needed due to the experience of the COVID-19 pandemic.
