• last year
Liberals candidate Chiaka Barry talks about the value of work - and the day her brother was murdered.
00:00When I arrived in Canberra on a temporary visa I knew that I had to work really hard and I had to study as well.
00:08So I worked four jobs. I worked as a personal carer with an aged care facility.
00:16I also run a really small business, catering business as well.
00:21I also run a very small salon where I would braid hair on the weekend.
00:29But I also worked as a paralegal with the Office of Director of Public Prosecutions.
00:36And had to obviously, the biggest or the most significant role that I had was obviously being a mum to my two kids.
00:46The day my brother passed was a really terrible day.
00:51I think that day changed the trajectory of life for me and the way that I see the world.
00:57I had just finished uni and I had come home and I had community members in my house.
01:04I think it was nine o'clock or so at the time.
01:07And I was wondering, I was like, why are these guys in my house?
01:10I want to go to sleep because I have to go back to work the next day and do the rings and repeat.
01:15And I was told that my brother had passed, that he'd been murdered.
01:20And I think, like I said, that day changed the way that I see the world.
01:26It just made me think more about what people or how tragedy affects people and victims of crime and families who've lost loved ones in such a drastic way.
