• 2 months ago
Mike Kelly on antisemitic stickers in Canberra
00:00So yes, every Saturday there's demonstrations here by the Pro Hamas supporters and they
00:05often walk down City Walk as part of that and quite a number of them use that opportunity
00:11to illegally put up stickers along the way on shops.
00:16So these are the sorts of images that I've been removing as I find them in City Walk
00:20every Saturday, clearly anti-Semitic and illegally posted all up and down City Walk.
00:26And of course on one occasion I saw a gentleman getting his small son to stick these things
00:32up and I raised it with him as being something anti-Semitic and his response was, no it's
00:40Usually I just follow these people on the way back home and if I spot anything that's
00:45blatantly anti-Semitic then I remove it with the band scraper and I want to thank the workers
00:50from the ACT Government who quite often on a Monday morning will come and clean up whatever
00:56else is there so it's a continuous thing we see almost every Saturday.
