Yuri!!! on Ice S01 E02

  • le mois dernier


00:00Can you hear my heartbeat ? Tired of feeling never enough
00:07I close my eyes and tell myself that my dreams will come true
00:13There'll be no more darkness when you believe in yourself
00:18You were unstoppable where your destiny lies
00:23Dancing on the blade you set my heart on fire
00:27Don't stop us now, the moment of truth
00:31We were born to make history
00:34We'll make it happen, we'll turn it around
00:37Yes we were born to make history
00:45Born to make history
00:51Born, born, born to make history
00:54Don't stop us now, the moment of truth
00:57We were born to make history
01:00We'll make it happen, we'll turn it around
01:03Yes we were born to make history
01:07We were born to make history
01:10Yes we were born to make history
01:24Yakov, you were the best coach, and you will always be.
01:28If I quit now, I won't be able to come back.
01:34Dasvidaniya, I'm sorry I didn't listen to you.
01:39I've never heard anyone say that !
01:43Yakov, come to Japan and have fun !
01:47Two Yuuri, Utopia No Ran
01:51Yuuri ! Why didn't you pick up the phone ?
01:53Did you have a stroke ?
01:55I don't care if I had a stroke or not !
01:57I told you that Victor would be Yuuri's coach !
01:59Bitcha is at my place.
02:03Bitcha is sleeping soundly.
02:06Hello, I'm Yuuri Katsuki.
02:08I'm a little bit ticklish, but I'm a figure skater.
02:12It's been 5 years since I retired, and I was wondering what I should do to continue my career.
02:17Suddenly, Victor appeared in front of me.
02:19I couldn't take it anymore !
02:22By the way, Victor Nikiforov is a living legend in the world of figure skating.
02:26I didn't think he was interested in me.
02:31From today, I will be your coach.
02:34And I will make you win the Grand Prix Final.
02:37What is he talking about ?
02:40Yuuri ! Why is Victor sleeping soundly ?
02:44He went to the hot spring, ate a meal and fell asleep.
02:47It's all over the news in Russia.
02:49They say that he's taking a break from the next season to think about his future.
02:52And they say that Yuuri Katsuki, a Japanese figure skater, saw a video of Victor skating,
02:56and he decided to be his coach because he had a lightning-like imagination.
03:00What ?
03:01Victor chose Yuuri and came here.
03:04It was you who brought him here.
03:06It's amazing !
03:09What ?
03:10Victor is going to Japan as Yuuri Katsuki's coach ?
03:14Why ?
03:15That fat guy...
03:17Did he forget his promise to me ?
03:20Makov ! Where are you ?
03:22Explain to me !
03:24Victor wants to take a break until his motivation increases.
03:27I think it's impossible for him to come back if he takes a break now.
03:31To become Yuuri Katsuki's coach in Japan...
03:34There's no way a guy who thinks he's the best can be a coach !
03:42He's awake.
03:44I'm hungry.
03:46What do you want to eat, Victor ?
03:50As a coach, I want to know what Yuuri likes to eat.
03:57Wow ! Amazing !
03:59There are a lot of famous food !
04:03Itadakimasu !
04:05It's delicious ! It's too delicious !
04:07It's a divine food !
04:09I'm glad.
04:10Yuuri is easily fat, so I had to let him eat during the game.
04:15Did Yuuri eat this katsudon recently ?
04:18Yes, yes. He eats it a lot.
04:20Why ? He didn't even win the game.
04:23With such a pig-like body, it's useless to teach him anything.
04:28I have to get him back in shape for last year's Grand Prix Final.
04:32I don't want to be a coach anymore.
04:34Until then, katsudon is forbidden !
04:36Little pig !
04:38I feel like I was told something amazing.
04:40Wait !
04:41Your luggage is in the way.
04:43Can you take it to my room ?
04:45Your room ?
04:48It's so small, it's a classical room.
04:51Do you have a sofa ?
04:54It's too small, I'm sorry.
04:55I only have a party room that I don't use.
04:57You look worried.
04:59I'll pay for your medical bills.
05:02Thank you.
05:06Tell me everything about you.
05:08Where do you live ?
05:10What do you like in this city ?
05:12Do you have a girlfriend ?
05:14Let's build a relationship where we can trust each other.
05:20What ? Why are you running away ?
05:22No, it's nothing.
05:24I'm still afraid of getting close to him.
05:29Yuuri, let's sleep together.
05:31I still have a lot of things to tell you as a coach.
05:34No !
05:35Yuuri !
05:36Yuuri !
05:38Yuuri !
05:41I've always admired him.
05:43I've never had a chance to talk to him.
05:45I can't believe he's so close to me.
05:49I see.
05:50I'm so happy that my heart is pounding.
05:55Hello !
05:58Hi !
05:59I'm Viktor Nikiforov.
06:01I'm going to be Yuuri's coach from today.
06:03What ?
06:04What ?
06:05Viktor is going to be Yuuri's coach ?
06:11He's a youkai, Yuuri !
06:13Leave it to me, Mom !
06:14I'll take care of it.
06:15Can I upload this video ?
06:17No, you can't.
06:18Are you serious ?
06:21I want to use this video as a home link.
06:24Is that okay ?
06:25Okay, okay !
06:26I'll let you talk to him.
06:28It's like a dream to be taught by Viktor.
06:32When I was 12 years old,
06:34I was one of the top 4 victors in the world.
06:37I wanted to catch up with him,
06:39so I imitated him over and over again.
06:42When I saw the video of his program,
06:45my imagination exploded.
06:47What does that mean ?
06:48Where am I ?
06:49Hey, Viktor !
06:51You can't go to the ring until you lose weight.
06:55Do you really think you can beat me ?
06:59You just wanted a reason to rest, didn't you ?
07:01Please, don't.
07:03I feel the same way.
07:05You decided to continue your career, didn't you ?
07:08You have to use Viktor !
07:10Come on, let's go !
07:11I'm going to win !
07:15Mr. Minako is a ballet teacher.
07:18He used to travel the world as a ballet dancer.
07:23When I was a kid,
07:24I spent more time in the ballet class than at home.
07:28I started skating because Mr. Minako recommended it to me.
07:31He has always come to support me,
07:33but also to lecture me.
07:35Yuri, do you like Minako ?
07:37No way !
07:38Do you have a girlfriend ?
07:40What about your ex-girlfriend ?
07:41No comment.
07:42Let's talk about me.
07:43My first girlfriend was...
07:44Stop !
07:49Yuri, what's that castle ?
07:51It's a ruined castle.
07:53Inside is a ninja house.
07:56Really ? Ninja ?
07:58Ruined castle !
08:00Who's that handsome foreigner ?
08:02Ninja !
08:04Yes !
08:07Ruined castle ?
08:08Is he going to be a ninja ?
08:11I finally found it.
08:14Wait for me, Victor.
08:18What ?
08:20Is it true that Victor is coming ?
08:22Are we going to take a bath together ?
08:24It's been a long time since I've seen so many people !
08:28Victor, you're here, right ?
08:30Excuse me, I'd like to make a special program.
08:32I want to skate too !
08:33Me too !
08:34Let's go !
08:35Oh no, he's going to kill me !
08:37I'm going to die !
08:40Victor is coming to the ruined castle ?
08:42He's going to kill me !
08:52Oh, gross !
08:56No !
08:57If I post a picture, Yakov will know where I am.
09:01I'm posting a lot of pictures of this town.
09:05Hey, where is Victor ?
09:07Victor !
09:08Victor !
09:12Oh no !
09:13He's going to kill me !
09:15Yuri !
09:16Why did you go to Japan ?
09:19Oh, he found out.
09:20Do you know how important it is for us to protect you ?
09:24I told you !
09:25I won't go back to Russia until Victor keeps his promise !
09:30Shut up, old man.
09:32I'm thinking about it too.
09:38My next plan is to do a triple salchow.
09:41Could it be...
09:42I can do it !
09:46A quadruple salchow ?
09:47What do you think, Yakov ?
09:49You idiot !
09:50How do you know a quadruple salchow is forbidden for health reasons ?
09:54If you don't obey my orders, then stop !
09:58Yakov, I can't praise you enough.
10:00Don't talk irresponsibly !
10:02I used to get yelled at for doing the same thing.
10:05Listen to me.
10:06You can win without a quadruple salchow.
10:08You can bet on it.
10:09You can win the World Junior Championship.
10:13If I win without a quadruple salchow,
10:15give me the program that Victor choreographed !
10:21If you win the World Junior Championship, come to me.
10:24I'll make your debut as a senior.
10:30Where am I ?
10:32Victor !
10:33Hey, Victor's fan !
10:36There's a skating rink under that castle.
10:38Why don't you go there ?
10:48It's an open-air practice !
10:50Go home !
10:51Hey, don't go in there !
10:53What ?
10:54Triple salchow !
10:56The World Junior Championship ?
10:57Is Victor in there ?
10:59Come in !
11:01Ah !
11:02It hurts !
11:04Yuuri !
11:05Listen to me.
11:06I got my quadruple salchow back before last year's Grand Prix Final.
11:09Now I can finally get permission to skate with Victor.
11:18It's all your fault.
11:21Why are you here ?
11:22And why are you so angry ?
11:25Japan and Russia's Yuuri are together !
11:28This is...
11:29Isn't it possible ?
11:32I was the one who promised to choreograph first.
11:35What about you ?
11:36I didn't think about choreographing.
11:39What ?
11:40What are you going to do until you get a year off ?
11:42A Japanese coach is enough !
11:44A guy who cries in the bathroom during the Grand Prix Final
11:47can't change anything just by making Victor a coach !
11:50This guy...
11:51Just retire.
11:55He's definitely looking down on me.
11:57I don't know much about him.
11:59You can ask him.
12:01Victor came to Hasezu with his own will.
12:04As my coach.
12:06Huh ?
12:09This choreography...
12:10Victor practiced it.
12:12A short program for next season.
12:14What ?
12:15Victor already started choreographing for next season.
12:18But he was in a lot of trouble.
12:20Victor prioritizes surprising the audience.
12:24He's been all over the world.
12:26But no matter what people do,
12:28they won't be surprised.
12:30He knows it best.
12:32It's the same as not having any imagination.
12:36If he's going to take a break next season,
12:38won't he give me that program ?
12:40Huh ?
12:41I can surprise him even more.
12:43To win the Grand Prix Final in his senior debut,
12:46he needs Victor's help.
12:48Huh ?
12:49Huh ?
12:50Victory ?
12:51Victory ?
12:53You're crazy, Victor !
12:55Yuuri, you're here !
12:57I'm glad you came.
12:59Do you need anything ?
13:00That face...
13:01Oh, I forgot to tell you something.
13:06I'm sorry.
13:07I totally forgot.
13:09But you know I'm forgetful, right ?
13:12Yeah, I know.
13:14But I'll keep my promise.
13:16I'll make you a new choreography, Victor !
13:18Let's go back to Russia together !
13:21Huh ?
13:24Huh ?
13:27All right, I've decided !
13:28Huh ?
13:29I'm going to make a new choreography for my short program.
13:33What ?
13:34The same choreography ?
13:35No, I was just thinking about which one to use.
13:41Of course, I'll think about another program.
13:45Let's have a presentation in a week !
13:47Let's see who can surprise the audience the most !
13:50Calm down, Joe !
13:51I don't want to be punished if I lose !
13:53I don't care what Victor says !
13:55I'll do it !
13:56I love that !
13:58Wait a minute !
14:00I'm not going to let you do whatever you want !
14:04The Russian Yuuri vs. The Japanese Yuuri !
14:07Let's have a great battle !
14:11In a week, the Ice Castle will be demolished.
14:14And the Ice Show will be held.
14:17Please come and see it !
14:19What a shabby house !
14:21Where's my room ?
14:22Stay at my place !
14:24It's not fair if you're always with Victor !
14:27I'm here, too !
14:28I don't need your opinion !
14:31The hot spring is the best !
14:32You can't take a bath with a stranger !
14:39Let's have a meal !
14:40Let's take a bath !
14:45Delicious !
14:46Katsudon is delicious, isn't it ?
14:47Il y a encore quelqu'un, Yuuri ?
14:49Quoi ?
14:52Putain !
14:53Il ressemble à mon père !
14:55Il s'appelle aussi Yuuri !
14:57C'est pas vrai !
14:59Tu es Yuuri !
15:01Quoi ?
15:02Où vas-tu, Yuuri ?
15:03A l'étage.
15:04Monoki !
15:05Je dois t'aider !
15:07Yuuri, aide-moi !
15:08Quoi ?
15:12Bien joué, Yuuri !
15:14Shut up ! I'm not Yuuri !
15:18Ah, je vois...
15:23Elle a la chance de gagner la finale de Grand Prix pour la première fois en seule.
15:29Elle est plus prudente devant Victor.
15:32Elle est plus prudente que moi.
15:35Où est Yuuri ?
15:37Il est sorti il y a longtemps.
15:39Il est peut-être au café avec Minako.
15:42Il l'a toujours fait.
15:45Ah, Yuuri ?
15:46Il n'est pas ici.
15:48Il était à l'école de ballet.
15:51Il aime bien s'entraîner quand il a peur.
15:54Et je suis aussi très prudente.
15:57Je savais que l'Ice Castle allait s'arrêter à l'heure.
16:00Il aime bien s'entraîner quand il a peur.
16:05Il n'est pas un génie, mais il s'est bien amusé à s'entraîner.
16:10Il s'est bien amusé à s'entraîner.
16:13Il aime bien s'entraîner.
16:16Il n'en fait pas partie.
16:18Il n'aime pas s'entraîner.
16:21Il n'aime pas s'entraîner.
16:24Je ne veux pas que ça finisse.
16:26Moi non plus.
16:27Il est vraiment très prudent.
16:30Je veux que tu vailles avec lui.
16:36C'est le magie de la vie.
16:39Quoi ?
16:40Rien du tout.
16:43J'ai appris beaucoup de Yuri.
16:49Bonjour !
16:50Bonjour !
16:51Allez, salue Yurio !
16:53Je ne suis pas Yurio !
16:57J'espère qu'aujourd'hui, Victor m'apprendra.
17:00J'ai mis la fin de la saison.
17:02Si je reste ici, je n'aurai pas de chance.
17:05Je ne peux pas perdre cette bataille de l'eau à l'eau !
17:09J'ai besoin de gagner cette finale !
17:14Ecoute-moi cette chanson.
17:24Cette chanson a deux arrangements différents.
17:28Elle parle de l'amour entre Eros et Agape.
17:31Vous avez déjà pensé à l'amour ?
17:34Je vois.
17:35Alors écoute-moi cette chanson.
17:39C'est très clair et pure.
17:41On ne sait pas encore l'amour.
17:43Je n'aime pas cette chanson.
17:45C'est innocent.
17:59C'est complètement différent.
18:01Victor !
18:02Je veux écouter cette chanson !
18:05La chanson d'abord parle de l'amour entre Agape
18:08et Eros.
18:09C'est l'amour en tant qu'amour.
18:13Vous allez danser cette chanson.
18:16C'est comme ça.
18:17Hewie est Eros.
18:18Rio est Agape.
18:21C'est le contraire !
18:23Il faut faire le contraire pour que les gens s'imaginent.
18:26C'est mon motto.
18:28Vous êtes plus inégalités que vous pensez.
18:32Vous êtes plus inégalités que vous pensez.
18:34Quel intérêt !
18:35Vous êtes plus inégalités que vous pensez.
18:39Fais-toi plus aimable !
18:41Il est génial que vous vous soyez fait prendre.
18:44Au but de la machine, vous êtes une petite chouette.
18:47Si vous ne pouvez pas me rendre à mon niveau dans l'autre monde,
18:50vous pourriez faire tout la suite de la même chose.
18:52Vous êtes mes fans, vous pouvez le faire.
18:56Je comprends.
18:57Faites-le, Agape !
18:59Je vais devenir plus jeune.
19:01J'espère que tu vas me donner un programme pour gagner !
19:04C'est à toi de décider si tu vas gagner ou pas.
19:06Si j'essaie, je vais gagner, mais...
19:10Si je gagne contre lui, tu devrais retourner en Russie !
19:13Et tu devrais devenir mon coach ! C'est mon souhait !
19:22Yuri, qu'est-ce que tu veux faire ?
19:24Qu'est-ce que tu veux faire si tu gagnes ?
19:27Je veux manger du katsudon avec Victor.
19:31Je veux gagner beaucoup et manger beaucoup de katsudon !
19:34C'est pour ça que je vais jouer contre Eros !
19:36Je vais me battre contre Eros !
19:40C'est bien ! J'aime ça !
20:01J'espère que tu vas me donner un programme pour gagner !
20:04C'est à toi de décider si tu vas gagner ou pas.
20:07Si j'essaie, je vais gagner, mais...
20:10Si j'essaie, je vais gagner, mais...
20:13Si j'essaie, je vais gagner, mais...
20:16Si j'essaie, je vais gagner, mais...
20:19Si j'essaie, je vais gagner, mais...
20:22Si j'essaie, je vais gagner, mais...
20:25Si j'essaie, je vais gagner, mais...
20:28Si j'essaie, je vais gagner, mais...
20:31Si j'essaie, je vais gagner, mais...
20:34Si j'essaie, je vais gagner, mais...
20:37Si j'essaie, je vais gagner, mais...
20:40Si j'essaie, je vais gagner, mais...
20:43Si j'essaie, je vais gagner, mais...
20:46Si j'essaie, je vais gagner, mais...
20:49Si j'essaie, je vais gagner, mais...
20:52Si j'essaie, je vais gagner, mais...
20:55Si j'essaie, je vais gagner, mais...
20:58Si j'essaie, je vais gagner, mais...
21:01Si j'essaie, je vais gagner, mais...
21:04Si j'essaie, je vais gagner, mais...