"Part 2 "Today on Wrestle Talk with Arabbidb3aver The Golden Child Evan Golden Returns and does he have alot on his mind? lets find out together. This stream is 100 percent supported by viewers just like you. if you like what you see dont forget to hit t

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"Part 2 "Today on Wrestle Talk with Arabbidb3aver The Golden Child Evan Golden Returns and does he have alot on his mind? lets find out together.
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This stream is 100 percent supported by viewers just like you. if you like what you see dont forget to hit that like, share, follow, subscribe, and notification bell so you never miss out on any action! Dont forget the Wrestle Talk with Arabbidb3aver, CamelToeAdventures, Opinfox, and NerdyGaming with arabbidbeaver merch is up on the store get you some today! www.streamlabs.com/arabbidb3aver/merch
00:00in question number two, which Casey Kazana also stated you wouldn't be able to beat him
00:04fair and square in that ring after you instituted the afterburner one, two, three, it was just an
00:11afterthought to him. Tell us who all the afterburner is purified and who you got the one,
00:16two, three over. The afterburner is basically a lethal weapon that I use on every individual
00:24I work at a ring with. As soon as the afterburner's hit, it's over. Matter of fact,
00:30nobody's ever kicked out of the afterburner. Now, there's rumor on the street that Casey
00:36Kazana has footage that he's kicked out of the afterburner, but I would love for him to find
00:41that and I'd love for him to show that off. Matter of fact, Casey, why don't you take that
00:44footage that you've easily doctored and put it on the show? Because I don't think that that's true.
00:50In fact, I don't believe a word that you've ever said to me in this whole friendship that I thought
00:56that we had. And you know what, rabbit? I don't know if you can see it through the screen, but
01:00I've got a knife wound this big in my back because my dad was right. You can't trust a Kazana. And
01:06Casey, acting like you don't fear the afterburner, it's just another one of your cocky motives.
01:12You know that as soon as the afterburner is hit, you stand no chance and it's over. One, two,
01:19three. So you know what, Casey? The fact that you've done this whole scheme to stab me in the
01:24back, to screw me over, to screw over Michael Gabriel, just because you want one of these,
01:31the East Tennessee title. That's what this has all been about. You've been screwing me over because
01:37you want this. You know what, Casey? If you were a real man, you would have told me from the start
01:42that this is what you wanted. Just like you tried to do when you wanted my hybrid title. And guess
01:47what? You couldn't get that either. So you know what, Casey? This is just a brilliant scheme of
01:53yours, but I'm sorry to tell you it's not going to work out because as soon as I hit those ropes
01:58and I grip your neck and I flip over you and twist that neck in half and hit the afterburner like no
02:05other, you won't be kicking out. And guess who's going to be walking out with the East Tennessee
02:10title over his shoulder again? Me. And rabbit, I'll bring it right back on the show to show it
02:16off to show you that I still have that in that he just couldn't do it. Well, I mean, it's really
02:23easy to say that, but Casey was bringing up the point that you cheated. I don't know if you were
02:27watching, but Casey had the goal to say the only way the golden would ever beat him was by cheating,
02:33specifically by holding the tights. What are your thoughts on this, sir?
02:37A day in my life. And you know what? If Casey wants to pull up the footage, I'm sure he's got
02:42it because I'm sure he used master class editing to make sure that this, these new 2024 visual
02:49effects were in full use. I know that Casey spends his time on his computer clicking and
02:53clacking, trying to make sure the footage is doctored. Casey, pull up the footage. You will
02:58find nothing of Evan Golden pulling your tights. There's no footage of him pulling your tights.
03:04Tights. There's no footage. There's nothing that would insinuate that I've ever cheated. In fact,
03:10rabbit, I think right now I want to announce on your show that I Evan Golden have never cheated
03:18a day in my life, nor would I ever, because I love the good people of SOM live and I would
03:25never cheat in front of them. I love it. Well, it seems your rivalry with Casey
03:32Kazanda is going to get white hot. Uh, will you accept the challenge that he laid out on our show
03:38before you? And if so, when and where can the fans see that match? I'll accept the challenge
03:44in Casey Kazanda. I want you to know, and I'm going to say this one last time. You can take
03:50as many mountains as you want. You can go around these long, long tracks to get to this, but guess
03:56what? It's never going to be around your shoulder. I've said it here and I'm going to say it one
04:01last time. I will hit you with the afterburner. You will be in the hospital
04:09and you will not have this over your shoulder. End of discussion. And you know what rabbit,
04:15you know, on September 29th, what would be the greatest birthday gift for the golden child,
04:21Evan Golden, the day that I was born. Evan Golden day. I would love to raise this title high on my
04:30big day at SOMs return event overdrive. And Casey, once I wiped the floor with you, and once
04:40you're spazzing on the mat, because you just couldn't take it, you will realize that you've
04:46been playing with fire. And you know what? Michael Gabriel, he may have quit SOM, but I hope he
04:52watches that match in spirit. I hope he watches this match from home and thinks to himself,
04:58Evan Golden is the success and bestest friend I could have ever had, because I want everybody
05:03on September 29th to sit back and realize the truth. And the truth is there. The Goldens are
05:10better than the Kazanas. I've been saying this for a year and I'm probably going to say it for
05:15the rest of my life. We are better professional wrestlers and that's why I'm still going to be
05:20champion. I know you got hot over that wannabe cowboy, but let's change directions for a moment.
05:26Let's talk about your win over Amp Dominic at the Green County Fair. Now the master of the Milky
05:33Way has said, and I quote, to beat me again, you'll need an army. What are your thoughts on this?
05:40Well, obviously Amp Dominic couldn't handle the army. In fact, I'm the one who got Eddie
05:45Golden, my great legendary father, to get off the couch and show up to SOM for the first time. And
05:50I don't know if you've seen the footage, Rabid, but Eddie Golden came out and Amp Dominic had the
05:54nerve to put his hands on my father. One of the most historic professional wrestlers in professional
06:00wrestling history. NWA wild side star, former NWA wild side television champion, the Eddie Golden,
06:07the greatest old man I could have ever asked for, showed up to cheer me on. And Amp Dominic
06:15in the middle of this match decided to put his hands on him. Amp Dominic, you know what? You've
06:19got a lot of nerve after laying your hands on my family to say that you want this back, to say that
06:26you want to go at it again. Amp Dominic, I'll tell you what I just told this simpleton, KC,
06:31you don't stand a chance. And you might need to really realize that you're making a huge mistake
06:37here, my friend, because I've already brought the army to the table. Do I need to bring Eddie
06:42Golden off the recliner again? Do I need to bring him back to SOM to whip you back in the shape?
06:47Because I think that's exactly what you're going to be asking for. I'll get Bunkhouse Buck out of
06:51retirement to whip you in the shape. Don't make me do it. I think you brought up something great
06:57here, especially talking about the real Golden, Eddie Golden here. I believe that he's booked
07:03somewhere, isn't he? Coming up? Yes, that's right. Jimmy Golden, he's off the couch. He's back. He's
07:10ready for action and he's ready to set people straight. Amp Dominic, do you understand exactly
07:15what you're messing with here? You're making a huge mistake. Jimmy Golden could show up anytime.
07:21My father, one of the greatest wrestlers in the history of this business, could show up at any
07:25time and he has. Better than any Kizana any day of the week, right, sir? My entire wrestling family
07:33could take the Kizanas on and destroy them in two seconds. That's all I'm going to say about that.
07:39I would love to see that. And it could happen. And one day I think it should, just so we could
07:43prove the point and settle the case here. But you know what? I'm sure, you know, if you're a Kizana,
07:48you're too scared of the thought of that taking place. I'm sure they'll, you know, have pee
07:53running down their legs and I'm sure that won't be happening. So I'm sorry to say that match may
07:57not see the light of day just because one party wouldn't want to cooperate if you know what I'm
08:02talking about. Well, we're going to change directions just for a minute. We're going to
08:06talk about the industry. So are you worried about, let's say, one godfather of the industry,
08:11Sean Cruz? He has made mention that either you will kiss his hand or kiss the canvas,
08:17but he seems to be demanding a shot at that title as well. What are your thoughts, sir?
08:23Well, the only thing I kiss is this beautiful East Tennessee championship and that's all I'm
08:27going to do. It's what I'm going to do on my free time. It's going to do what I'm going to be doing
08:30at the shows. It's what I'm going to be doing right after I get off this podcast. It's what
08:34I'm going to be doing tonight in bed. This East Tennessee championship is my life. It's everything
08:39I've ever worked for in professional wrestling. I came to East Tennessee and I'm the one who took
08:45it by storm. My family ruled East Tennessee for over 50 years. Jimmy Golden held this title for
08:52a very long time when I was only five years old. And now I'm here. This is my title. Sean Cruz,
08:59who do you think you're talking to? Who do you think? Why do you think I need to kiss your hand?
09:03You need to be kissing my hand. I'm wrestling royalty. I don't care. What are you, a mob boss?
09:08Where are you going to put a hit on me, Sean? I don't care. I could care less about this.
09:12If you want a shot at this, get in line. Get behind your little pal, Casey Kizana. Because
09:18I'm hearing word on the street is you guys are good friends. Why don't you get in line, Sean?
09:22You know what? You have a lot of nerve poking wrestling royalty like this. And Sean Cruz,
09:29I have the utmost respect for what you've done in this business. You've been in this for a very
09:33long time. You're a veteran, and I respect that. But you're just another future victim
09:39of the afterburner. And I'm sorry to say it, but you really need to think before you speak,
09:45Sean. And Casey, you too. Let me guess. Does Sean Cruz have footage of me cheating too?
09:50Is that what he's got? I don't know. I didn't ask him. I didn't have the chance to ask him.
09:54I wasn't on the phone long enough with him to find out. But I'll let you know like this. We
09:58have a fan that's asking some questions inside the chat box. Miss Cassara Croft has come in
10:05and said, have y'all ever tagged team together, father and son, like the Kizana brothers?
10:10We have, and we plan on doing it again. I tagged with my dad one time in 2022,
10:16and it's actually the most recent match that he's had. He doesn't really tend to get out of the
10:21house too often for anything that's not worth it to him. And the reason I say that is there's
10:27nobody strong enough to step up that's worth it for him to, you know, tie the boots up one more
10:33time. I would say that if we were to come back and have a full tag run, it would have to be
10:40something very worth it to us. But like I said, he's more than welcome to come out of the house
10:45to help me out. Cheer me on at ringside. That's exactly what he did at the Amp.
10:50So you're saying Sean Cruz and Amp Dominic aren't enough for him to come out of retirement?
10:56No. You don't think so? No. I think if they push him far enough and hard enough with his baby boy,
11:04he'll do anything to get a piece of them. I'm going to say this right now. Sean Cruz,
11:09if you lay a hand on me, I will call my father and he will show up. There may not be a match,
11:14but I have, he's my dad. I can call him Sean Cruz. I know what, I don't know what mafia you run.
11:22I don't know what family you operate. But if you even lay so much as a finger on this and on me,
11:29I will call my dad, Sean. If you want me to do that, I will call my father. And I really wouldn't
11:35want to have to do that. And you know what? Speaking of a tag match, I think if that happened,
11:42it would be easy work, easy business. Sean Cruz and my dad are both veterans in this business,
11:48but I think that Sean knows that he's, he's, he's, he's asking for too much. All right.
11:53But you know what, Sean, if you keep up this bad attitude, you're going to rile us both up. And I
11:58don't really appreciate that you're even talking about this. The thought of this being around your
12:02waist shouldn't even be on your mind. All right. So why don't you focus on your family? Why don't
12:06you put some hits on people and keep focused on other things like things that you actually
12:12could obtain, not the East Tennessee title. Kurt Kazana or Casey Kazana rather has come
12:18into the chat box first. He says, shut up, Evan. And he said, how's that SPCW junior
12:23heavyweight champion title run going? You shut your mouth. Look, I'll tell you one thing. That's
12:29another example of Casey coming in here and bragging about how he's putting knife wounds
12:33in my back. Shut up, Casey. You know what? Why am I the bad guy? Why am I the bad guy here? Oh,
12:40I'm the one pulling tight. He stole my title. It's the historic La Follette screw job and nobody
12:46wants to talk about it. See, he made mention of that. He said that you were going to call it the
12:51La Follette screw job. And he was absolutely right. You just did. Can you tell us about how
12:57that La Follette screw job took place? Well, it's a very simple rabbit. A screw job is when
13:02there's a conspiracy. And I was the reigning SPCW junior heavyweight champion. I'm probably
13:07the greatest champion they've ever had because I actually put it on the line against these
13:12Neanderthals. I eventually was going to paint the title gold and stop putting it on the line
13:16because the competition at SPCW was very slim. The junior heavyweight division is more like
13:22the super heavyweight division because I'm the only one who's got a jacked body around there.
13:27But let me tell you what. I put my title on the line against Casey Kizana because he swore
13:34it was a friendly competition. He swore that he would never screw me over. I kick out at 2.5 and
13:44Casey Kizana has my title in his hand with his best pal, the referee, who I'm sure is related
13:51to Sean Cruz, by the way. And they celebrated together like it wasn't my title. Casey,
13:59I'm not the bad guy when you're putting daggers in my back. All right. And look,
14:06I'm just going to say this. I've never felt more disrespected than that night because it was a
14:12conspiracy. I was screwed over. I was thrown on the back burner so Casey could get what he wants.
14:19And I hope you and that referee pal of yours had a great steakhouse dinner that night, pal,
14:24because guess what? I'm still East Tennessee heavyweight champion and you're not. So sorry
14:32about it. Well, he said a lot while you were talking. The first thing was, oh, that's right.
14:37It's mine. Then he said, Evan is all bark and no bite. Then he said, I can read Evan like a book.
14:44Then he said right underneath it, I like to lie sometimes. So he just admitted that he likes to
14:49lie right here in the live stream. And then he said, all a part of a plan, pal, hold on to that
14:55East Tennessee title close because that'll be mine one day is what he said. Well, you heard it here,
15:02folks. Casey Kazan is a no good backstabber. And guess what, Casey? I don't care that we're not
15:08friends anymore because I never trusted you as far as I could throw you. And you know what else,
15:13Casey? You have got a lot of nerve coming in here and basically telling the world that you're a
15:17backstabber. So why don't you and your new pals, ICT and Sean Cruz, why don't you guys go out and
15:24have a great steakhouse dinner together? Why don't you guys go have a great time? Why don't you tour
15:28the country together? Because guess what? That's all you're going to have time to do because you're
15:33not going to be able to defend this because you're not champion and nor will you ever be. And you
15:38know what? I don't want to have to pull this card out again, Casey Kazan. How am I no bite?
15:46When I hit you with the afterburner, you're not even going to be able to move. It's over. One,
15:52two, three. Nobody's ever kicked out of the afterburner and nobody ever will.
15:58Because Sarah Croft came back and said a couple of things. She said,
16:02I think if y'all do a tag team, it would be a great show and y'all would dominate the Kazanas.
16:07That was the first thing that you said. And then a little bit farther down, she said,
16:11the golden will keep the title. I guarantee it. So you've got some people watching you that are
16:18definitely out here looking to make sure that you hold onto that title. How do you plan on doing it
16:23against Casey Kazana? Casey Kazana, when you least expect it, you're going to get a boot to the gut.
16:30You're not going to be able to breathe because I'm going to kick you right in the diaphragm.
16:33I'm sure you don't know what that is. It's basic anatomy, but you're going to go.
16:35And then I'm going to hit the ropes. I'm going to grip your neck and then I'm going to twist it
16:42and I'm going to somersault over you to where you land right on the top of your shoulder.
16:46And it might pop out of its socket. And then I'm going to, I'm going to fly over you. I'm going to
16:51lift your leg and I might see some pee roll down it because this is going to be brutal for you.
16:57And then I'm going to pin you one, two, three. And I hate to spoil the show again. This is
17:03Overdrive on Evan Golden Day, September 29th. This is my birthday. It's the day that I traced
17:08the planet. Not only is that the day that I showed up and made this world better, I'm going to remain
17:13East Tennessee champ. And that's exactly how it's going to happen. So when you're watching Overdrive,
17:19September 29th, watch the Afterburner because that'll be it. One, two, three. And
17:26about what Ms. Croft said, it's very simple. It's a match. The Goldens versus the Kazanas
17:32that nobody ever thought they would see. Unfortunately, since the Kazanas have no backbone
17:38and since they have no nerve and since they're soft, you probably won't ever see the match.
17:43And they'll make some great excuse up about it. Oh, they just, they just didn't have time. Oh,
17:47they just weren't prepared for it. Well, guess what? Nobody's getting younger. And I think I
17:52would love to see my father, the greatest professional wrestler of all time, Eddie
17:56Golden slap around Joe Kazana right before my eyes while I stand on the apron and laugh about it.
18:02And it could happen anywhere, anytime, but you know what? We're game, but are they?
18:08That's a great question. While you were talking, Casey Kazana came in and said a couple things.
18:13First, he said, I am the number one contender for that title. Then he said, never said Sean
18:18Cruz was my pal. He's weird. I want to warn you, Casey, you got to watch what you say about the
18:24godfather of the industry. You either kiss his hand or you're going to end up kissing the canvas.
18:29And he might be a man that you might want in your corner, especially if the Goldens come full force
18:34after the Kazanas. What do you have to say, sir? Well, he's going to need the mob to protect him
18:41from the afterburner. This is a classic Casey Kazana move. He needs the mafia to protect him
18:47from Evan Golden. That's horrible for you, Casey. You know what? Why don't, instead of you kissing
18:53Sean Cruz's hands, you be a good friend for once in your life. How about that, huh?
18:56All I ever wanted to do is be pals, pal, and all you've done is stab me in the back,
19:01but I don't care. It doesn't upset me at all. I'm not bothered.
19:04Casey kind of hit something personal here. He says, get on an NWA schedule, pal,
19:09and you'll stay busy. What do you have to say to that, sir?
19:12Well, I mean, that's exactly what I just told you to do. You would use the NWA schedule to
19:17thus make an excuse to not make the match happen. That's right, man. If he was a real man,
19:22he would make the match happen on the territories where it belongs, but he won't want to do it
19:25because he's just too busy and he's got to make excuses all the time because he doesn't want to
19:33get whipped by the Goldens. He said, I don't need a mob. I got a clothesline from hell. That's all
19:40I need. Oh, you know what? I've eaten this clothesline from hell. Look, it didn't bother
19:47me none. Look, my neck is fine. Sure, I had to have a brace on it for like a week, but that's
19:52fine. What's something I can't handle? A brace for a week? He's not even going to be able to
19:57hit it in overdrive. And you know what, Casey? I know you're going to go for it. I'll just duck it.
20:03How about that? Wow. Yeah. Sarah Croft came in and said they might need to borrow your tag
20:08partner's book of Gabriel in order to win against you. Do you have any comments on that, sir?
20:14Well, speaking of the NWA, Michael Gabriel and myself, Casey, stay out of this. This is my
20:19business. Michael Gabriel and myself are going to be gracing another National Wrestling Alliance
20:25territory this Thursday. And like I said, maybe we'll pull this out of our bag. I don't know if
20:32they're ready for it or not. Michael Gabriel is a real friend and I love him and he's one of the
20:38bestest friends that I've ever had. You know what else? I don't think Michael Gabriel would ever
20:44put a dagger in my back the way my old pal Casey did. So, you know, Michael Gabriel,
20:50he's currently quit SOM. He left. You know what? And before he left, he actually made a huge
20:56mistake on hurting me. But he was just joking around. He didn't mean that. I'm sure he's going
21:00to come back to SOM. He's going to give me a hug and he's going to be my friend. He was just in a
21:06bad mood that day. Well, it seems you're not gaining a whole lot of friends at the School
21:11of Mourn, but making a ton of enemies in your stint with them. Call me crazy, but it seems as
21:17if even Bronson Garrett seems to be having some second thoughts about this unholy alliance he's
21:22made with you. What are your thoughts on that? Are you telling me right now, live on air,
21:28that my political partner, Bronson Garrett, my friend, is wanting this?
21:34I believe so, sir. I believe that he's got a little bit of jealousy in his heart for that.
21:39And he's kind of made it mentioned. Think about this. He got in that Royal Rumble with none other
21:44than the crooked cowboy. And what happened, sir? I mean, you tell me what happened. He eliminated
21:51himself just so that he could supposedly show his friendship towards you. But you could tell by the
21:58look of disgust on his face that he was setting something up, sir. What are your thoughts on that?
22:04Bronson Garrett, just when I think that I can trust someone,
22:08just when I think that I could wrap my arms around you and give you a hug, a good old
22:12friendly hug, what do they do, Rabid? What do all these people have in common? They claim they love
22:18Evan Golden. They get jealous of Evan Golden. When I'm giving them a hug, they pull out a knife
22:25and they stab it in my spine. And I'm sick of it. Bronson Garrett, I'm going to tell you exactly
22:32what I just told Sean Cruz. You need to get in line. Because sure, after Overdrive, I'm sure I
22:38will still be the reigning East Tennessee champion. But you know what? That doesn't mean you can just
22:44get what you want when you ask for it. The only one around here who gets what he wants when he
22:48asks for it is me. Because I'm wrestling royalty, and you're not, Bronson. You're not, Sean Cruz.
22:54I don't care what family you operate. You aren't wrestling royalty. I'll give it to KC. At least
22:59he is. But you know what else? He's a backstabber, too. So you three, Amp Dominic, what is that,
23:06four? Four people want to stab me in the back. I can't even look in the mirror without these
23:12shadows wishing that they were Evan Golden. It makes me sick. I can't even look at them.
23:19KC's Kazana came in and says, do we need to see the tape from School of Morton? Followed by Michael
23:24Gabriel came in to the chat, and he said, KC is too busy walking down the streets.
23:29I would never touch a hair on Evan's head. I leave that to him. Then followed by KC saying,
23:35maybe Evan can trust Christian Lee. Come on, now. That's a bit of a stretch, don't you think?
23:45What's his name again? Christian Lee. Yeah. Who's that? I don't know who that is.
23:54Christian. Christian. Does he want my title too? Christian. What's his name? Christian Lee.
24:04Let me tell you, I know that one thing that all my enemies have in common, at least they're
24:09fantastic professional wrestlers, but I don't know anything about Christian Lee.
24:13Is it was, is he a passenger? I don't know who that is.
24:17KC says, don't lie to him. They're all best pals is what he's come back and said.
24:23These are false accusations. I know no Christian Lee, and he's not my friend. And I don't know
24:29who that is. I don't, I don't associate myself with him. Not that I know who he is. Can we
24:34change the subject by chance? Well, absolutely a little bit we can, but I want to get it from you.
24:40So SPCW on the seventh has a mystery guest facing Connor Martin. We have to ask you,
24:46sir, is it you? Are you going to be the one challenging the radar of the wasteland?
24:50Connor Martin. Well, I can tell you that I do in fact have a very busy schedule.
24:59I've been defending the East Tennessee title all over the place. I've taken this title to Virginia,
25:04West Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina. We might be taking it to Georgia soon. I have
25:11had offers to take it to Texas. This is the East Tennessee championship and I've made it national
25:18nationwide, but you know what? It would mean everything for me to get back on the board at
25:25SPCW. Am I the mystery opponent? I really can't say, but I would say if you buy a ticket to this
25:31show, you won't be disappointed. Fair enough, sir. I'll give you that one. I'll definitely
25:37give you that one and a one for the road. Now for the guys that missed it earlier,
25:41the guys and girls that have come in and missed it earlier, we're going to go back to the live
25:45screen and I'm going to show them what you were talking about earlier for August 31st,
25:49RT3 versus none other than the golden child, Evan Golden. Here it comes right here. Boom,
25:56right there, guys. It's going to be taking place at none other than the Beside the Ring
26:00Championship Wrestling, August 31st. Evan, talk a little bit about it. Let's find out what's going
26:06on. It's zero to zero for the score. The first time you two are ever meeting in the ring.
26:11Let's figure out who's going to be the best one. I believe it's going to be a golden.
26:15Well, I think it's obvious. This Saturday, Mountain City, Tennessee, which by the way,
26:21I feel very disappointed that I even have to lay my tires into. I hate Mountain City.
26:26Mountain City, I hate your guts. I don't ever want to look at you. I don't want to look like
26:30you. I don't want to smell like you. But Evan Golden is going to be gracing your shite town
26:36to become the inaugural Beside the Ring Wrestling Champion, RT3. I have nothing
26:44but respect for you. And I know what you've contributed to this business. And I know
26:48that you're very, very talented. But you, my friend, are just another victim of the afterburner.
26:55Matter of fact, I think that RT3 is a fake, a fraud, and he's playing Mr. Nice Guy,
27:03but I don't trust him as far as I could throw him. This Saturday, I'm going to show Mountain
27:07City that not only is RT3 a whiny, pouty jerk, he's not even going to be able to hang in the
27:16ring with Evan Golden. Now, look, I know the talent that he brings to the squared circle,
27:21but go this Saturday. Rabbit, go. Just come to the show. Go and ask RT3 for a picture.
27:29Ask him for an autograph. You won't get one because he's going to be in too bad of a mood
27:34because he lost to me and he couldn't become the inaugural Beside the Ring Wrestling Champion.
27:40You are looking at Evan Golden, the man who, when you see him next, is going to have three straps
27:45right here over his shoulders because RT3 just couldn't cut it and he couldn't withstand the
27:52afterburner. Evan Golden, Casey Kazana just came back in and he said, just another title I can
27:58take away from Evan. What are your thoughts on that? Well, my thoughts are simple. When I win
28:07the Beside the Ring Wrestling Championship, the Beside the Ring Wrestling Championship,
28:12I will be locking it in a case because, Casey, I am sick and tired of you being on my back
28:20and sniffing after everything I've got. So, Casey, I'll have you this word. You won't be
28:25able to even look at this title because I'm not even going to have it around you because you're
28:29a backstabber and all you want to do is take me on in the ring and take what's mine. Well, guess what?
28:36You're never going to have this. You are never going to have the Beside the Ring Wrestling
28:41Championship when I win it this Saturday. And you know what, Casey? I think I'm going to file a
28:47restraining order. Rabid, will you help me file a restraining order against Casey? I'll do my best,
28:53sir, but it's between you and Casey Kazana, but if you're going to meet him in the ring,
28:58you can't file it until after you meet him in the ring, sir. You already accepted the challenge
29:03right here, anytime, anyplace against him. Now we've got to see it come to fruition. September
29:1129th, Overdrive, Casey Kazana. If I retain this title, which I will, I will be filing a restraining
29:19order against you. Mr. Kazana says you sound like a jealous girlfriend, Evan Golden.
29:26No, I'm not. No, I'm not. I'm fine. Not fine. Freaked out, irrational, neurotic,
29:34and definitely out of shape. Come on, buddy. You got to be better than just fine to be to Kazana.
29:40We know that. Wow. I have to say it. I have to be on both sides here. I have to tell you.
29:47I have to tell you to your face, Evan. Sometimes you do act like a jealous girlfriend,
29:51but I'm your friend. I'm your real friend. I can say it to you.
29:54You would never stab me in the back. That's what makes me happy to be on the show.
29:59I'll at least say it to your face, Mr. Golden.
30:02Well, look, I'm going to say this right now. I understand that Casey Kazana is absolutely
30:05a worthy competitor, but I want to tell you right now something that I should have told
30:10him when I trusted him, but I'm never going to be able to say this to his face again.
30:14Rabbid, you are the bestest friend that I've ever had.
30:19I appreciate that, sir, but I don't think I'm as good of a friend as Michael Gabriel has ever
30:24been to you. I thank you for that great compliment, Mr. Golden. We're just about out of time for today,
30:30so I've got to get the next bookings from you. Where are you going to be at besides August 31st?
30:37Where are the places you're going to be this coming month?
30:40Well, Evan Golden will be returning to Premier Wrestling League. We have a couple of big shows
30:44coming up. Actually, we have tons of shows coming up next month. Evan Golden, Premier
30:48Wrestling League, we're going to be there the 26th and the 27th of September. And on the 27th,
30:53there's actually two shows in Kimball, West Virginia, and another one, Mullins, West Virginia.
31:01I can't remember these dates and times because I don't care to go into West Virginia very much
31:07because I don't want to look like him or smell like him.
31:09That's God's country.
31:11Yeah, well, look, I don't like the look of it. But you know what? We do have titles there,
31:16so I will be back at both Premier Wrestling League and American Pro Wrestling West Virginia
31:22with Michael Gabriel next month. I will be releasing more of the dates specifically on
31:26Facebook and Instagram and whatnot. Now, this Thursday, Michael Gabriel and myself,
31:31we'll be making our NWA Crossfire debut. We're going to be at the Sevier County Fair.
31:36There's nothing more old school than watching NWA territory wrestling at the fair, Rabid,
31:42at the fair. So get you a funnel cake like all of you imbeciles do, all you out of shape morons do,
31:50eating funnel cake while watching me be a star. Come do it this Thursday. Me and Michael Gabriel
31:56are going to sweep the floor with Rabid and Jamyle. Wow. Strong words coming from Mr.
32:03Gold. Mr. Golden, before we let you go, KC Kazana said one last thing. He said,
32:07after we win the NWA US Tag Belt at NWA 76, maybe we will go you and your partner a shot,
32:14give you and your partner a shot. KC Kazana, I want you to know one thing. Those titles
32:20one day, somehow, someway, will be over our shoulders, and I'll hold you to your word for
32:26that. All right, guys, I believe that's going to conduct our business here today. Before we go,
32:32be sure to check out the all-new School of Morton that's going to be coming your way,
32:36Sundays, 5.05, directly. You can check out none other than the golden child himself, Evan Golden,
32:43right there. KC Kazana will be a part of that as well. You can definitely check out their YouTube
32:48channel at Ricky Morton and follow them on Facebook at SOM505, and go to a live event,
32:54see the golden child, Evan Golden, in action. And remember, you guys heard it here first.
33:00Thank you so much, Mr. Golden, for being here today, and I hope to have you back on soon.
33:04You got it, buddy.
33:05All right, bye-bye.
33:07See you, man.
