• last year
NCT 127 talks with Brooke Morrison during their visit to Los Angeles.
00:00Hello, everybody. Welcome. We are live from the Odyssey Studios in Los Angeles with the
00:06one and only NCT 127.
00:09One and only.
00:11One and only. I mean, this is a big deal. Thank you guys so much for coming out.
00:14Thank you for having us.
00:16I mean, let's jump into talking about the new music that you have out. Intro, Wall
00:20to Wall. I mean, this is like a massive moment of reflection, I feel like, for you guys.
00:26And it's saying a lot about your journey and how you guys are connecting to fans and connecting
00:29to each other as NCT. What did it feel like writing these lyrics and what does it mean
00:34to you?
00:35You know, I'm really glad you pointed this out first. First of all, no one ever brought
00:39this up. But I think the song is really, really special because it is the first track of the
00:45entire album. And I feel like it is the perfect opening track to start off Walk. And Walk
00:52itself is an album that we felt very different even from the start of the whole process.
00:57It felt like a new chapter. And so like what you said in the lyrics, it really talks about
01:02how we really want to take responsibility of what we've done so far in our music and
01:07to really show that we've grown but also have a lot more ahead. And I think our emotions
01:13and our vocals and our rappings really kind of conveyed that. And so it is a song that
01:20we're very proud of. And yeah, it's the perfect song to listen to before listening to the
01:26title track Walk.
01:27Right. And let's get into talking about Walk. That is such a powerful song, which is so
01:32you guys and your sound. What was the inspiration behind this? And what message do you hope
01:36listeners take away?
01:38Okay, so like, in English, it's Walk, but in Korean, it's ์‚๊ทธ๋•. It's a Korean word,
01:44which means like slightly tilted or like slightly different. So like our, since our debut, we
01:52always went like a concept as a neo kind of concept where it's always challenging and
01:57kind of new. So the way we walked until now, this song ์‚๊ทธ๋• Walk means that we're
02:05going to walk like how we walked, like in a different way, in our own styles. And through
02:13the song, lyrics, and the performance, it's all like, all in one.
02:18Okay, let's talk about the choreo. Because for this, I mean, how does it compare to some
02:22of your other really strong choreographies? We have Simon Says, we have Cherry Bomb. I
02:26mean, we have Kick It. Like, how does it compare?
02:28I feel like the choreography this time around had a lot to do with kind of older hip hop,
02:37like the dance style. And when we've talked with the choreographer, he, he kind of said
02:44he got a lot of the moves from the club. So like, that's what the whole vibe is like, how
02:51you feel like we're feeling really good right now. And like, if you look at the dance moves,
02:55it's like, kind of tight. But like, it's loose when it's loose. So we got both sides in the
03:04whole choreography. And I think that's what makes it really fun.
03:07Nice. You do have some great point moments in that choreo. Yeah, I love it. So the entire
03:12album is super vibey, which I love hearing from you guys. We have Time Capsule, Orange
03:17Soul, we get a little bit spicy when it comes to Pricey and things like that. Do you guys
03:21feel like as you are going through your career, and you are becoming a little bit more seasoned
03:27artists, you can be a little bit more expressive with your music and maybe even a little bit
03:31more adult when it comes to your music?
03:33I remember Doyoung saying this in another interview, and I really liked that. And so I'm
03:37gonna kind of cheat off his answer. But um, he really said that this album is a good album
03:45to really notice how experienced we are. And I think how he said that we're kind of seasoned
03:53artists. Now it really shows in the way we express our vocals and our raps, and our
03:58performances as well. So this might actually be one of the well the most skilled we've
04:05ever been in an album. And yeah, I think there are a lot of aspects where you can feel that.
04:09I love that. And continuing down with Gas, which in my opinion, it's like a crunchy song.
04:16It's the best song on the album to me. I love it. But I have like a walking a hiking playlist
04:21and it was an immediate add to me because I just it puts you in that vibe like to really
04:25get something done. What mood do you hope it's putting people in? What do you hope people
04:29are doing when they're listening to Gas?
04:30I've been wanting to perform this song at a concert since the moment I heard it. And I think a lot of
04:37our fans are really looking forward to our performance of Gas at a concert. So I think it's
04:43going to be really cool if we can connect it with our previous song, Bring the Noise, and
04:49put it on the album. So I'm really looking forward to it.
05:01Nice. I can't wait to see that live. It's gonna be so good. And your music videos, obviously,
05:06often have visually stunning concepts. Are there any in the past that have been the most
05:10challenging or rewarding for you or anything right now or that you're about to put out?
05:15I feel like the music video for Walk, actually, because if you watch the music video, there is
05:24actually a lot of acting. It's not like acting, acting, but like we have to pretend our shoes
05:29are on fire, we'll be running and like, just goofy stuff like that. Obviously, our feet weren't
05:35really on fire. So just having fun while acting, I feel like that's that was what was kind of
05:43difficult this time around. Yeah, but it came out pretty good.
05:47It came out really good. So this was actually a fan question. And I loved it. A pre performance
05:52ritual. People are really interested in knowing what you guys are doing, because you guys do have
05:57such challenging choreography and put on a great show. So what what do you guys do before heading
06:02out on stage?
06:03I think everybody has kind of their own ritual. Like Jungwoo, Jungwoo is stretching a lot with Yuta.
06:14So these two will be stretching. He will be doing vocal exercises. Haechan will be playing games.
06:24I'll go with mind training.
06:26Mind training. Mind training. Mark, what do you do?
06:31Eat food, eat food, eat. No, no, no. Oh, he does. He does have a prayer.
06:36I go into prayer mode. Yes. And what does Johnny do?
06:41I just drink a lot of Red Bull.
06:43Me and Celsius. Yeah, I totally got that.
06:46So I think everybody has their kind of own ritual.
06:48Garlic, garlic, garlic.
06:55It's like vitamin IV.
06:57It's IV shots.
06:59Oh, wow. Okay.
07:00Yeah. Okay.
07:01So a little, a little boost up.
07:04Of energy. Yeah.
07:05Yeah. Because again, intense choreos. So I get that. As an artist. What's one thing that you
07:10think a lot of people misunderstand about the music industry that you wish people would understand
07:13a little bit better?
07:15The one that I had was like, when I was young, when I watched TV shows, I thought like the
07:20stages and the places were huge. Like, I imagined like, like the music, like stations and places
07:28were huge. But once I debuted, I realized that it was really small.
07:35Camera work.
07:36Yeah, the camera, all the all the directors, camera directors.
07:40True. Very, very true. Anyone else? Any misconceptions, misunderstandings?
07:46I think that there is a broad misconception on us,
07:52NCT 127, because we're very known for our neo experimental color and our concept. We're very
08:02conceptual. But I think once you really get to know us, we can be very romantic at times as well.
08:10And like, you know, like, yeah, like, there's a song called meaning of love.
08:16In the album. And I think that's one of the songs that is in a way rare to hear from NCT 127. But
08:22that song is like, a song that kind of represents that we can also do this type of music as well.
08:28And so I wanted to say that to the world.
08:31Got it.
08:32I'll just do it short, because Mark mentioned like neo. Like one thing that popped up in my
08:37mind was that, like, since debut, as we did the neo concept, we also were confused, like,
08:45with our outfits, or like, sometimes with the choreos. But as we like, as time passed by and
08:51did what we had to do. Now we like, now we are who like, the people who do our own music and like,
08:59yeah, all the fans to notice us as the concept of neo. So like, that that was just the one thing
09:06that popped in my head. Yeah, I love that.
09:09If I add on to like, what both of them said, yeah, I would say, I really hope like,
09:17people like listeners don't just listen to our title track, and just really go down through the
09:23whole album. And they'll really realize that whatever kind of music they like, whatever
09:29genre they like, NCT 127 is also doing that in their own way. And like, yeah,
09:37we have your taste. It might not be the title track all the time.
09:42We have it.
09:43Oh, we have it. Yeah.
09:45Like Pricey.
09:47That's a good song. The lyrics, my god, that's a good, that's a good one right there. The Okay,
09:51the most interesting or unexpected place that you found inspiration for either a song, a choreo,
09:57anything you've done in your career?
09:58I think it's not strange. But like, I think there are times where we get inspired by pain.
10:06Oh, yeah.
10:06Or just like, from like hardships. And then you like, look back and be like,
10:11Oh, that was in a way an inspiration. But it's I don't have a specific, a specific place or time.
10:17But there are times where you just look back on your previous pain, and then turn it into
10:27Romance. I get it. I get it. Okay, if you could switch places with any member for a day,
10:31who would it be?
10:35He is a super, super rich.
10:41Oh, all right.
10:49That's such a such a compliment. Yeah.
10:52I think I would.
10:53Joke, joke.
10:54No, no, no, no joke.
10:57Really super rich.
10:58Two baddies, one Porsche.
11:03The song is written about him.
11:04The song. Yeah.
11:05I think I would be Yuta.
11:07Yeah, I think I would want to be Yuta and just have his kind of attitude on life.
11:13He's very, he's very kind of rough, but very smooth. At the same time.
11:23It's very tough to explain. But like, he lives a very nice, cool lifestyle.
11:30And he can scream really well.
11:33One day I like I wish I could be like hype up the crowd like him.
11:37You gotta have that voice. But like, I don't have the
11:39So true.
11:41I can't do it. Yes.
11:42Like he has that.
11:44And I don't want to be Mark.
11:47No one asked you.
11:54I don't want to be Doyoung.
11:56Additional questions.
12:10I'll buy you chocolate.
12:13I'll buy you some Yuta.
12:15I'll buy you chocolate.
12:17I didn't know you wanted chocolate.
12:19Just girls.
12:21All right.
12:22Last question before you guys head out is what is your go-to karaoke song?
12:25If you're trying to impress each other or your friends or something, one song you would pick?
12:32For the members.
12:34Eric Benet, The Last Time.
12:41All right.
12:42Mark, do you have one?
12:44Brian McKnight, One Last Cry.
12:48Haechan liked that.
12:50So romantic.
12:52Oh my god.
12:55One more answer.
12:57Meaning of Love by NCT 127.
12:58There we go.
13:00There we go.
13:02And on that note, listen to Walk, everybody.
13:04You have to.
13:05And thank you guys so much for coming in.
13:07Thank you for having us too.