• l’année dernière


00:00Women on the Crown, a tale that is yet to be approved by society.
00:23They are either rejected or have to work extra hard to install their leadership over their
00:30Plus, the September 7, 2025 Nations Cup qualifier, Pitting Cameroon against Namibia, originally
00:41scheduled for Douala, has been delocalized to the Amadou Ahejo Stadium in Yaoundé.
00:47The development of these stories and more in the next 30 minutes.
00:54Good evening, dear viewers.
00:57Glad to have you on the 7.30 News with me, Uncle Lady Raihana Toussali.
01:03President Paul Biya and Madame Chantal Biya have returned to the country after a month's
01:07stay in Europe, during which the first couple participated in various international events,
01:13including the 2024 Paris Olympic Games.
01:16In France, the first couple jetted into Yaoundé this afternoon and were received by a small
01:22number of government officials.
01:23We will bring you details and images, of course, in the later part of this newscast.
01:30Female traditional rulers and prominent female figures from across Cameroon have met in a
01:34maiden conference in Yaoundé to reflect on the need of promoting dialogue, gender equality
01:40and the respect of traditions.
01:42The event spearheaded by RETSVAC, an organization that champions the promotion of cultural values,
01:49was attended by administrative authorities, as Joyce Abigail Fochi tells us.
01:56These women are looking quite colorful in their traditional regalia.
02:00There are over 30 in number, both within and out of the country.
02:05While some of them are traditional title holders, others are being distinguished for their merits.
02:11They have come together for the very first time to reaffirm the place of a woman as a
02:16traditional authority.
02:18It's to gather, first of all, all the women, female rulers, traditional and distinguished,
02:25to show their works and to make the people know that they exist also and that the society
02:33is based on them.
02:35The importance of tradition in conflict-solving, political, social and economic development
02:41cannot be over-emphasized, and a woman's unique touch will make a good situation even better.
02:48Reasons why the government of Cameroon have greatly applauded such an initiative.
02:54The female traditional rulers do not exist in some parts of our country.
03:00When this initiative came out, we said it's extremely important and I was very pleased
03:05to see men in the room, particularly the paramount chief of Bafosan, which means that male traditional
03:13rulers are understanding the role that female traditional rulers can play within the community.
03:22It is going to be two days of intensive talks on redefining the place of a woman traditional
03:27authority, promoting gender equality, valuing distinguished women, promoting dialogue and
03:34international influence.
03:38And Women and the Crown is a tale that is yet to be approved by society.
03:43In Cameroon, most women who hold the position of traditional rulers are either rejected
03:48by their subjects or have to work extra hard to install their leadership over the masses.
03:53In the following report, Beatrice Ngum says historically and anthropologically, women
03:58are eligible for chieftaincy positions, even though society sees it differently.
04:06A lot of traditional women who are chiefs, it's not easy for them to administer because
04:12people don't want female traditional chiefs.
04:16Heavy lies the head that wears the crown.
04:19Hashimette Elmitang, a third class chief in Douala, is a living witness to this assertion.
04:25In Douala, in my area, I'm the first woman chief and I'm Muslim.
04:30It was not easy but I was struggling to get my own place.
04:34With my work, now I make them say, OK, a woman can be chief.
04:39Difficult it has been to accept that the crown that fits a man can size a woman as well.
04:44When you go to Paris, you will see it's a man who is leading.
04:49But now she's a woman.
04:51Because you already see her work hard, that is what we have already accepted.
04:55But beginning is not easy.
04:58According to anthropology, women have ruled great kingdoms.
05:02For example, the Chika's chiefdom of Bankim was founded by a woman named Wuten.
05:11We can also have the founding mother of the Bangso chiefdom who was known as Ngonso.
05:21Regrettably, matriarchal chieftaincy has been replaced by patriarchal and sexist societies
05:27which claims that the sacred is incompatible with the menstrual cycle and the physiognomy of the woman.
05:35That women are chiefs does not make them equal to men.
05:39It's just a matter of parity and inheritance, the women say.
05:45Away from women issues, a three-day conference to tackle water crisis and its impacts on Africa is underway in Yaoundé.
05:53The meeting organized by the German Academic Exchange Service is coming at a time when the UN estimates
05:59that over 115 people in Africa die every hour from diseases linked to contaminated water.
06:06Solange Awasom reports.
06:09Water is life.
06:11The United Nations says lack of it in its clean and potable form claims the lives of more than 115 people in Africa every hour.
06:20Key experts and scientific researchers from the German Academic Exchange Service
06:25converge on Yaoundé to brainstorm for three days and backtrack these flaws.
06:30In Cameroon in particular, I don't think up to 50% of the population has got access to potable water.
06:37Water is a real problem in Africa.
06:39They have to travel several miles to get water, especially women who should be dedicating their time to something useful.
06:50And then also we have the issue of accessibility where there is water, but people don't have access.
06:58The conference will fine-tune measures to mitigate the diminishing water supply on the African continent.
07:04Key actors recommend desalination and water reuse.
07:07We need to protect our aquifers.
07:10These aquifers are underground water and stop from drilling a lot of boreholes,
07:17but also be able to stop planting trees.
07:21Water implementation policy plays a crucial role in achieving socio-economic and sustainable development
07:27to boost the livelihood of the population.
07:32Some 100 social centres in the country have been refurbished with ICT equipment
07:37in order to better their capacity to identify and register socially vulnerable cases in their respective regions.
07:44The donations were handed over to the heads of the social centres in Yaoundé today
07:49by Social Affairs Minister Pauline Irangini.
07:52Journalism student on internship Cynthia Ebott was there and now reports.
07:59Computers, Wi-Fi boxes, photocopying and printing machines are contained in these boxes
08:06handed by the Minister of Social Affairs Pauline Irangini
08:10to representatives of social services from all 10 regions.
08:13The donation made in partnership with UNICEF supports the Unified Social Register Project
08:18which has been enrolling vulnerable individuals and households since 2017
08:23to ensure the benefits from social protection programmes.
08:26Whose fields of application concern all sectorial aspects of social protection?
08:33It's health, education, employment, special protection,
08:38assistance to refugees and internally displaced persons, monetary transfer, etc.
08:44The ceremony provided an opportunity for interaction between ministry officials,
08:48development partners and recipients who expressed their gratitude for the much-needed equipment.
08:54These computer materials received today from this program
08:59I think it will really go a long way to help us.
09:02We are very happy, this is going to be the first of its kind
09:05and I'm very sure with identification and support the social centre is going to have a lot of flooding.
09:11Authorities hope that by assisting those in need
09:14they will build a robust human capacity for a healthier emerging Cameroon in the years ahead.
09:21Didactic materials for learners with special needs are either inexistent or very expensive when found.
09:29The few that are used by learners are gifts from well-wishers and non-profit organisations.
09:34This has made things difficult for parents of children with special needs
09:38as they prepare for the 2024-2025 school year.
09:42In the following report Victor Sigur tells us more on the hurdles parents go through.
09:48Pressing among issues raised by learners with special needs and staff of specialised institutions
09:55is the non-availability of specialised didactic materials.
09:59If back-to-school seems smooth for learners of mainstream education
10:04it's rather a shaky ride for parents of children with special needs.
10:12We are two weeks to back to school and preparations here are slow.
10:15The materials are scarce compared to those of mainstream education.
10:25It is not easy with us because we don't even find them on the markets.
10:29We adapt old ones, refer to other techniques to meet up with the challenges.
10:34Most of them are being imported and most of the parents don't have the access to import those didactic materials.
10:43Besides dealing with the scarcity of these materials, the cost is another source of worry.
10:58At our level we use different materials made out of waste to make learners understand the mechanism.
11:03The school fee is first of all very expensive.
11:09Aside from the fact that the materials are costly, most parents don't have the means to afford them.
11:15Most often we work with partners who offer us the materials we use.
11:19Most kids and persons with special needs with any materials is gift from well-wishers.
11:26We make everything possible to import some so that those parents can come and get them from us.
11:33These challenges have made back to school preparations a dilemma to parents and teachers catering for children with special needs.
11:44As announced earlier, President Paul Biya and Madame Chantal Biya have returned to the country after a month stay in Europe
11:52during which the first couple participated in various international events including the 2024 Paris Olympic Games in France.
11:59The first couple jetted into Yonde this afternoon and were received by a small number of government officials.
12:05Chief Unity Palace Correspondent Ashu Nyenti reports.
12:11Just like the hunter with plenty of game in his game bag to the joy of the village,
12:15Paul Biya comes back with some diplomatic accolades in his arsenal to the honour of Cameroon after spending one month in Europe.
12:22He is received in a relaxed atmosphere by a small number of government officials
12:27including the Prime Minister, Head of Government Joseph Djangoute and the Minister of State, Secretary General of the Presidency Ferdinand Ngongo.
12:35In July ending, Paul Biya was in no safari tour.
12:38He and Madame Chantal Biya attended the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympic Games
12:43and the President worked tirelessly to persuade representatives of French business persons that Cameroon is a good business risk.
12:51Meanwhile, before then, President Paul Biya revealed relations with France
12:55in a man-to-man talk with the French President Emmanuel Macron.
12:59Three weeks later, exactly on August 15, President Paul Biya again flew the flag of Cameroon
13:05on a major global stage at the 80th anniversary of the Provence landings.
13:10Memories of the Second World War and speaking on behalf of his African peers,
13:14Paul Biya delivered a speech long enough to cover the subject matter but short enough to entice
13:21reaffirming the pivotal role foreigners and Africans in particular played in freeing France.
13:27All of this struck a chord among Cameroonians and once more raised Cameroon to the full moment of global discourse.
13:34It sounded like a job well done.
13:37So Paul Biya thus returns home looking refreshed and energized to meet the challenges of governance
13:43which are in no short supply.
13:47And preparations are underway in Bafousam for the screening of a documentary on President Paul Biya
13:54as a statesman with an extraordinary destiny.
13:57The projection, which will take place at the Toget Stadium at 2pm tomorrow Saturday,
14:03will be chaired by the Secretary General of the Central Committee of the CPDM, Jean Quetel.
14:08Charles Ebuneh reports.
14:10Cameroon will be made with the West or will not be made.
14:15That is according to President Paul Biya in his speech in the West Regional Capital Bafousam years ago.
14:22The statement from the New Deal Architect profoundly tells the importance of the West Region
14:27in the construction of an emerging Cameroon fixed for 2035 as enshrined in the National Development Strategy,
14:35taking into account the entrepreneurial, the economic and the financial power
14:41of the people of the West Region in the development of Cameroon.
14:48The West and its population, profoundly integrated, occupy a unique place in the country
14:55because as a roundabout, they connect the North, North West, South West, Littoral and Centre South.
15:06And the loyalty of the dynamism of the people of the West to their champion, Paul Biya,
15:12will be attested once more this Saturday as from 2pm at the Toget Stadium.
15:18This will be during the Bafousam screening tour of the 1 hour 24 minutes documentary
15:24on Paul Biya as a statesman with an extraordinary destiny,
15:29directed by two female Cameroonian producers with the supervision of the Civil Cabinet of the Presidency of the Republic
15:36and the artistic assistants of the Ministry of Arts and Culture.
15:40The General Secretariat of the Governing Cameroon's People's Democratic Movement is headed by someone from the West Region.
15:48The constitutional successor of Cameroon as he stands today is from the West Region.
15:53The mobilisation is expected to be total after the Betwa, the Douala and Marwa show of force for the same purpose, show loyalty to Paul Biya.
16:06Cameroon's carbon balance for the period 2010-2022 reveals the country's carbon absorption stock
16:13to the tune of over 4 million tonnes of grams in equivalents and economic assets to the country.
16:20The presentation of the report by the National Observatory on Climate Change,
16:24both de Bauchier and Director General of UNAG praised government support
16:29in the accomplishment of the exercise in the five agroecological zones.
16:34Details in the following report by Mukwele Prince Wilhadoma.
16:39The Mayore, Mvina and Nun divisions hold the lion's share of Cameroon's carbon reserves following findings from 2010-2022.
16:48The price of carbon is around $20 and $30.
16:56Estimation we have done is 4 million gigaton equivalent.
17:03So you can yourself try to calculate.
17:08The Mbankomo workshop that presented the greenhouse inventory for agriculture, forestry and other land use
17:15cover three agroecological zones, the Sudanese Sahelian, the High Guinean Savannah and the High Plateau.
17:22We are carrying out a project that will help us regenerate our mangrove forest
17:29and we hope to take advantage of the mangrove forest in the littoral region to capture carbon credit, gather carbon finances.
17:37To both the Director General of UNAG, Professor Amugu Joseph Amathi and the Board Chair Eno Peter Ayuk,
17:44Cameroon increases her chances of economic recovery through carbon dioxide.
17:49You may use it to pay your debt, to sell your carbon credits to the international market
17:54or for the big polluters who produce emissions into the atmosphere.
17:59But most importantly, the country can do business in every form using this carbon balance.
18:05The promotion of the use of manure, restoration of degraded farmland and old cocoa trees
18:12with an extension of the crop to the savannah would, according to participants, add value to the country's carbon riches.
18:21Elements of the Yonde Central Police Station No. 3 have laid hands on a gang
18:26suspected to be specialised in persuading people in a taxi to invest huge sums of money into some fake deals.
18:34The group members usually disguise themselves as taxi drivers and passengers from where they carry out their malicious acts.
18:41They were presented to the press today for the population to be on their guard against such practices.
18:47Clovis Bawe tells us more.
18:50On a regular day, you would think 44-year-old Patrick Zefak is a regular cab driver.
18:57But on the contrary, the three passengers he carries are his accomplices in the dirty act of brainwashing other people
19:04who bought the same vehicle to invest in an imaginary deal.
19:08Victims who have fallen into this trap ended up emptying their bank accounts and sometimes giving their life savings.
19:15The gang of four has finally fallen into the dark net of Elements of the Yonde Central Police Station No. 3.
19:22They will go to the first person's either house or a bank.
19:26And you will see the person either entering a bank or entering a house.
19:30Later on, come out with a rapport.
19:33They come out with about 2 or 3 million, which is part of the money that they have been using to carry out their action.
19:39And you, who is innocent, who has just entered and they have proposed that kind of thing to you,
19:44you hear the sum of about 500 million, 300 million, you are very much convinced.
19:49The operation which brought about the arrest of the culprits came as a result of multiple complaints,
19:55which the police now cautions on vigilance on the side of road users.
19:59Now that they are preparing for back to school, so many parents at least are going to the banks
20:06and trying to take money to buy the school needs for their children.
20:10And so he told us to put at least security measures around banks and other microfinances.
20:17And so the General Delegation for National Security has vowed that such an incident will be the last of its kind.
20:24But while they are at ease, the population needs to watch out.
20:30More than 1,500 youths in Dende Division West Region have received school materials to boost their back to school efforts.
20:38The donation was made by Minister Celestine Kecha Kutes and her partners at the close of Dende Youthful Holidays,
20:46spiced with the festive Paul Bia Holiday Leisure Program.
20:50Aise Gonkun files in this report from CRTV Bafsa.
20:54The strong mobilization of the population of Dende at the Bangante Classical High School Stadium
21:00shows the greatness of the Paul Bia Football Feast.
21:03Samuel Etofis kicks off the final between Bazu and Basamba.
21:08The former captain of the Indomitable Lions has offered an envelope of 2 million CFF
21:13to the participants of this football festival, alongside an additional 5 million CFF
21:19for scholarships to the students involved in Dende Youthful Holiday activity.
21:24The promoter of this activity, Celestine Kecha Kutes, Minister of Housing and Urban Development,
21:31encourages young people in Dende Division to follow the ideals of the head of state.
21:36I'm happy to see that many people came out.
21:39Today we are celebrating two months of effort.
21:42And tomorrow, Friday, at 9 o'clock, we'll be celebrating 1,000 stars that we granted
21:51through the partners and all the elites who support this wonderful project
21:57who has the name of the head of state.
22:00This final, which saw the victory in favor of Bazu with four goals to three against Basamba
22:07after a penalty shootout, was chaired by the Secretary General of the West Governor's Office,
22:12Audrey Epente-Tazou, in the presence of the Dio of Dende, Agustin Esomba.
22:17The appointment has been taken for next year,
22:20during which Samuel Etofis promises the participation of the former glories of Cameroon.
22:28And it's yet another weekend to have a swell time with family and friends
22:32and the company of exciting movie concerts and cultural events across the country.
22:38This evening, Canal Olympia airs a new and intriguing film titled Black Twice.
22:44These are more on our weekend cultural agenda with Emanuela Chifuya.
22:54It's a week end and a little fun won't hurt.
22:57The Valerie Ndongo Comedy Club in Etwa, Meki, in the nation's capital, Yaoundé,
23:02is a cheer pill you should take this Friday.
23:08Cultural enthusiasts in the economic capital, Douala, this is for you,
23:12vibrates the reams of the first edition of the Basambo-Bati-Likoda Unity event
23:18to take place tomorrow in Bonamusari.
23:22Saturday, August 24, the Bright Bar at the Safari in the town of Garoua
23:28will be steaming with energizing music from Cameroon's music icon, Minx.
23:36From Garoua, we take a quick ride back to Canal Olympia in Yaoundé,
23:41this time with lots of popcorn to catch a glimpse of the new movie titled Blink Twice,
23:47airing as from 8.30pm.
23:52Out of Cameroon, flex with Blacky Star at the Refuge restaurant in Paris.
24:01You have an amazing weekend.
24:06The West Regional Council has outlined the strategic development plan of the region,
24:11laying emphasis on projects that will better the living conditions of the population.
24:16The Minister delegates to the Minister of Economy, Planning and Regional Development,
24:20Paul Tasson, supervised the official presentation of the strategic document.
24:26Kinkei Angelapa reports.
24:29Strategic projects in areas of renewable energy, road infrastructure, tourism,
24:35agriculture and technological innovation amongst others worth over 5,000 billion CFA francs
24:43will see the transformation of the West Region to an industrial hub
24:48through coordination, cooperation and the participation of all development stakeholders.
24:54Debok Gemeng, Director of Land Management Minapart,
24:58says the government has entrusted the Regional Council with the necessary competences.
25:03The next step will be to follow up with the Regional Council
25:07to see how all those projects can be put in place,
25:12how we can find funding for those projects
25:15and how all the partners can be involved to ensure that the region of the West can be developed.
25:23Speaking at the handing over ceremony,
25:25the Minister delegates to the Minister of Economy, Planning and Regional Development,
25:30in charge of planning, Paul Tasson,
25:32says government looks to the effective implementation of these projects
25:37to ameliorate the living conditions of the local population.
25:41This strategic development scheme, he says,
25:44will take into consideration the inclusion of minority groups, youths and aged persons
25:50and falls in line with the Head of State's Sustainable National Development Agenda 2030.
25:58The mortal remains of Suzanne Kalalobe, a celebrated media personality,
26:03have been buried in Douala during the coffining ceremony earlier today at the Military Hospital.
26:09Mortuary mourners were urged to reflect on their lives and the inevitability of death.
26:15Cabinet members and other dignitaries, including CRTV's Director-General Shawn Ndongo,
26:20paid tribute to Suzanne Kalalobe for her significant contributions to the Cameroonian media landscape.
26:27Skola Maloke reports from Douala.
26:32It was a somber atmosphere that characterized the chapel of the Military Hospital morgue.
26:37Mourners from near and far who knew the late Suzanne Kalalobe as a journalism professional,
26:42politician or lover of the arts, gathered to pay their last respects to the legend.
26:48With songs of adoration, the mourners uplifted the soul of the deceased
26:52as the pastor, drawing inspiration from the Book of Ecclesiastes, Chapter 3,
26:57reminded everyone that there is a time to be born and a time to die.
27:01He used the occasion to urge all present to live their lives on earth
27:06with the awareness that they will have to give an account when the time comes.
27:10Suzanne Kalalobe, who died on August 1, was a professional media icon
27:15who would be remembered by many, including the General Manager of the CRTV.
27:36Administrative authorities present, like the Minister of Employment and Vocational Training,
27:41Littoral's Governor, as well as heads of media enterprises,
27:45paid their last respects to the legend, who was later laid to rest in their family compound.
27:53Lawyers have equally paid their last respects to the late barrister, Nambeli Antoine-Joseph,
28:01who passed away last May 8, 2024, in Yaoundé.
28:05The homage-paying ceremony was presided over by the Attorney General of the Supreme Court,
28:10Luc Jodot. Details with Sidonie Giammanti.
28:14A gloaming atmosphere at the courtyard of the Supreme Court
28:18as colleagues and family members came around to honour the fallen barrister at Law,
28:24O Nambeli Antoine-Joseph, who passed away after 34 years,
28:28as a professional person authorised to practice law at the Cameroon Bar.
28:34Born in 1961 in Yaoundé, the late lawyer has been described by many
28:40as one who fought for the good of the country.
28:53And I remember him for having created people without borders,
28:58tributes and frontiers in France.
29:00While expressing condolences to the bereaved family,
29:03barrister Fodjou Robert presented late O Nambeli Antoine-Joseph as a good mentor,
29:10always available to help the younger ones.
29:13For family members, barrister O Nambeli was an exemplary father.
29:18He was very expressive and very honest in his feelings
29:22and he was a man of justice.
29:24And I also remember him for his passion, his passionate love for family.
29:28After judicial honours at the Supreme Court,
29:31the remains of late barrister O Nambeli Antoine-Joseph
29:35were transported to the Mary the Mother of the Apostle Cathedral in Nvoli,
29:41where a mass was officiated for the repose of his soul.
29:45He will be buried tomorrow Saturday in Ahala.
29:50In sports, the 2025 African Nations Cup qualifier of September 7
29:57between Cameroon and Namibia, originally scheduled for Douala,
30:01has been delocalised to the Amadouahejo Stadium in Yaoundé.
30:05The resolution was taken today at the first preparatory meeting in view of the match.
30:10Gideon Tazo tells us more.
30:13These are the recent images of the Douala-Japoma Stadium
30:19that convinced the attendance of the need for the delocalisation of the match venue
30:25from Douala to Yaoundé.
30:27The PowerPoint explanation of the National Office of Sports Infrastructure, ONIS,
30:34was technical and scientific.
30:37The degraded images of the water stock stadium under renovation were self-explanatory.
31:08We are undergoing a cure of treatment of 30 days to upgrade that pitch
31:16and in that condition the quality of the show, the health of the athletes
31:22and then the comfort of the game is not guaranteed.
31:27After attempting to convince the attendance of the need to rather delocalise the game
31:33to the Rumdadja in Gagwa, Fekafu representative Povothon Kumvondo worked out of the meeting.
31:39A choice to Gagwa, we need a complete evaluation and I cannot guarantee that can be done within 15 days.
31:49The meeting was chaired by the Minister for Sports, Narcisse Buolakombe
31:53and attended by partner structures.
31:56It wrapped up with a review of measures taken at various levels for the smooth hosting
32:02of the September 7 AFCON qualifier between the Indomitable Alliance and the Brave Warriors of Namibia.
32:11And it's a wrap for the 7.30 crew.
32:13Thank you so much for being with us and do have a good night.