Ein Knacki wird vorzeitig aus der Haft entlassen, allerdings nur unter der Bedingung, dass er mit 5 anderen bei einer lebensgefährlichen Undercovermission mitmacht, bei der das Team Schwerverbrecher ausspionieren soll. Doch gleich am ersten Tag werden seine Kollegen getötet und in Mafia Wars muss der einzige Überlebende sich den Verbrechern im Alleingang stellen.
00:00War is common, I'm the messenger and death is what I will deliver.
00:27I signed your release.
00:29That makes you mine, my friend.
00:30You're a cop?
00:31The only way out of it is working for me.
00:36You are going to help my undercover unit burn this operation to the ground.
00:43You sure about this?
00:45Am I speaking to the White Knight?
00:48My brother, he says that you are creative.
00:52Show me what you got, baby.
00:55You must be new.
00:56Bet you were in prison, Ter.
00:57I just got out.
01:01I'm going to give you a chance.
01:04I'm about to supply all of Europe with enough fentanyl to keep everyone high for the next
01:09ten years.
01:10You don't corner one market, we corner them all.
01:16There is a rogue detective in Rome.
01:19He thinks he's John Wayne.
01:22They're everywhere.
01:23They control everything.
01:24We need to get out of here.
01:26No one moves in here without us knowing.
01:29I'm a man of action.
01:31Make sure these rats are dealt with accordingly.
01:33I need you to call me now.
01:37Griff knows.
01:38You have to get out of there.
01:41I can't protect you.
01:43He's coming for all of you.