Die True-Crime-Serie I Am a Killer beschäftigt sich in jeder Episode mit einem anderen Fall. Dabei rücken Gefangene in den Vordergrund, die beschuldigt werden, ein verheerendes Verbrechen begangen zu haben und nun zum Tode verurteilt wurden. Dabei reflektieren die Gefangenen ihre eigene Geschichte, wie es zu ihrem Verbrechen gekommen ist und was sie seitdem in der Todeszelle erlebt haben.
Mehr dazu: https://www.moviepilot.de/serie/i-am-a-killer
Mehr dazu: https://www.moviepilot.de/serie/i-am-a-killer
00:00I killed my wife, but I'm not gonna harm anyone. I've changed.
00:06Why should people trust you?
00:08They have to see. That's the next chapter.
00:12You know, so many people have lost their lives just out of this one case alone.
00:17How did this guy get out to do it again?
00:20He thought I betrayed him, and we went at it, and he died.
00:25I had a metal baseball bat. When he dropped, I started kicking him.
00:29This was a brutal, brutal beating.
00:32Anybody injured?
00:34Yeah, there's a guy laying on the street.
00:36Every human being on this earth can be dangerous if they're pushed to that point in their life.
00:41I'm not sitting here saying I'm innocent. I'm not.
00:44But to die like this is beyond me, though.
00:48It's so horrific to even visualize blood all over them.
00:54You're gonna have to stop.
00:59It's hard for me to feel this sense of guilt because I feel justified.