Les autorités françaises n'auraient pas arrêté le fondateur de Telegram sans l'autorisation de l'ambassade des États-Unis

  • le mois dernier
00:00Hell would sooner freeze over before France would unilaterally arrest the founder and the guy who unilaterally runs Telegram
00:09without at least notifying, let alone coordinating, getting permission from the US embassy in Paris to do so.
00:16Because Telegram is absolutely essential to United States statecraft and has major implications for the war,
00:22which means it's a major Pentagon interest, because Telegram is also a huge font for Russian propaganda.
00:29All the Russian military channels use Telegram channels. All the major civilian networks in Russia use Telegram.
00:37But because Telegram is an open playing field for intelligence, because it belongs to neither Russia nor the US,
00:43the US has been trying to co-opt it in order to rig the playing field and win the information war, win the propaganda war,
00:50and to be able to spy on all Russian troop movements, all Russian communications,
00:56which are currently inaccessible because of the end-to-end encrypted technology,
01:00and the ability to simply use a burner phone so that a new account using encrypted chat can't be easily surveyed by the NSA,
01:08because it would be a new device not identified with a person.
01:12So you could have 15,000 people in a Russian squadron, effectively,
01:17all using the same Telegram channel on burner phones to be able to coordinate movements.
01:21We know this is what many of these military groups have done,
01:27which is why all the foreign policy blob folks with Ukraine emojis in their bios have been celebrating like it's Christmas Eve
01:37because of the arrest of Pavel, and military officials from Russia have been telling everyone to delete all of their Telegram messages,
01:45delete all their history, because now the CIA may have it all.
