stories in english - Best Education - English Stories - Moral Stories in English

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stories in english - Best Education - English Stories - Moral Stories in English

#storiesinenglish #englishstories #moralstoriesinenglish #englishfairytales #newstoriesbookenglish
00:00Once upon a time, in a village called Mahabaleshwar, there lived a rich man by name Balwinder Singh.
00:10He had the only son by name Yashwant, who was inactive and non-focused towards life.
00:16He had no interest in anything, so much that he did not even focus on his studies.
00:22All he would do is roam with his friends all the day.
00:26Son, Yashwant, concentrate on your studies now.
00:31You are growing.
00:32Don't roam around with your friends all the time.
00:35You need to study now.
00:36Papa, why do I need to study at all, as we are rich, and should I do a clerical job by
00:42studying now?
00:44Why are you insisting me to study?
00:46Son Yashwant, knowledge is divine.
00:49One should study to become wise, but not to do a clerical job.
00:54One should know wise ways to live, and one can get it only through gurus.
01:00There is a lot to learn in this world, my boy, and you should start paying attention,
01:06Papa, I am not interested in studying, and please do not force me to study.
01:12Please leave me alone."
01:13Balwinder ponders upon how to change his son, as Yashwant is arrogant and not ready to study.
01:21Meanwhile, his wife Amarbir comes there.
01:24She sees him worried, and tries to convince him.
01:28Please do not bother yourself.
01:30He is our only son, and we have pampered him a lot.
01:33He is still too young.
01:34It will all be good with the passing time.
01:36That's true.
01:37We pampered him as he was a small boy, but now he is not.
01:42If he continues to be a lazy bone, I am afraid of his future, and he does not understand
01:47my intentions.
01:48I am clueless about his future.
01:51There is only one way out to get rid of this problem.
01:55He must be away from us and his friends.
01:57That is the only solution I see for now, for him to realize the importance of life.
02:02Oh God!
02:03To send away our only child?
02:06Can you stay without him?
02:08We should take this tough decision for his good future.
02:12Till now we were pampering him, but now when we ask him to change, he sees us as his enemies.
02:18So sending him away is the only solution.
02:21Our love should help him to grow, and that happens only when he studies well and away
02:26from us.
02:27This is what I think.
02:29Do you agree with this?
02:30I like the idea.
02:31But where can we get a teacher who can be patient with him, to teach him properly?
02:37Of course.
02:38We have Acharya Vishnu Sharma, the most efficient teacher in a nearby village.
02:43Even my brother's son Satbir was mischievous like our son.
02:47But now he has changed a lot in his behavior and attitude.
02:50Hence we will send our son also in his ashram.
02:54You talk to your son and crack the deal.
02:56I will talk to Vishnu Sharmaji and take Yashwant to ashram tomorrow itself.
03:02I will talk to my brother and find out details.
03:05You start the preparations.
03:07I will.
03:08After having a word with her husband about the admission and travel, Amarbir thinks
03:13of way to mend her son for the journey.
03:16Meanwhile, Yashwant reaches home.
03:18Seeing her mother in a state of deep thought, he asks her,
03:21Ma, did you have your lunch?
03:24Or are you waiting for me to turn up?
03:26How could I have my meal without you, my dear son?
03:28We both will have it together.
03:30I overheard you and your father talking about something this morning.
03:34What was that about?
03:35Ah, Ma.
03:37You always pesters me to study and does not listen to whatever I say.
03:41No, dear.
03:43Do not say this.
03:45You need to do something productive in life.
03:47What should I do, Ma?
03:49Nothing much, son.
03:50We have one of the best scholars in the world in our nearby village by name Acharya Vishnu Sharma.
03:56Your father wants you to go there to pursue your education and I told him that you would
04:01never deny my desire because I am sure you are ready to go.
04:06Am I right?
04:07How come I will go, Ma?
04:08You know I am not interested in studies at all.
04:11Don't worry, my son.
04:12You need not have to study there but just go with your father and observe the environment
04:17and you come back if you don't like it.
04:19Sure, Ma.
04:20I will go because it is your desire and to stay away from father.
04:24He scolds me and pesters me to study all the time.
04:28I am going only because you are saying and if I don't like it, I will come back very
04:34Yashwant decides to go to Vishnu Sharma's ashram only to escape from his father.
04:39Accordingly, Balwinder sends a message to Guruji Vishnu Sharma about their arrival.
04:44Acharya used to live there with a small family, a wife named Lakshmi and a small son named Aditya.
04:52Lakshmi, our Zameendar Mr. Balwinder is bringing his son, Master Yashwant to our ashram.
04:59He will stay with us until I make him a competent person.
05:03All glory to God!
05:05All your disciples have achieved big in life.
05:08They have earned a good name for themselves in society all because of your education.
05:13And now I suggest that you please start with the same process with our son Aditya too.
05:18I think it's the right age.
05:22Why not?
05:23I would love to have my son as my disciple.
05:25I will start the training from tomorrow.
05:28Next day, Balwinder arrives at Vishnu Sharma's ashram with Yashwant.
05:33He met Acharya and told him,
05:36Namaskar, Guruji.
05:38Here is my son Yashwant and I am leaving him with you in your ashram.
05:42Now it is your responsibility to shape him into a wise and competent person.
05:47Sure, Balwinderji.
05:49In no time, your son will excel in all the areas of competency.
05:54Yashwant, you should concentrate on your studies.
05:57If you do what I tell you to do, you will become wise and soon you will return home
06:02as a wise boy.
06:04Sure, Guruji.
06:06And Yashwant, meet my son Aditya.
06:09He is younger to you in age, but I am starting the training along with you.
06:14So you both should enjoy learning.
06:16Now go inside the ashram.
06:18After Yashwant goes inside the ashram, Balwinder starts talking to Acharya Vishnu Sharma and
06:23requested, Acharya, my son is your responsibility from today.
06:27I request you to teach some common sense and culture to him.
06:31Good God!
06:33Why do you say that, Balwinderji?
06:35Your son seems well mannered.
06:37Acharya, he is not the person as he seems.
06:40He is lazy, stubborn and does not pay attention to what I say and he thinks me as his biggest
06:47Hence, we thought of joining our son in your ashram and training.
06:51I am worried about his future.
06:53I am clueless how will you change and deal with him.
06:56I hope he behaves himself with you here.
06:59Don't you worry.
07:01Yashwant is immature.
07:03He will gradually learn everything and I am confident he will be responsible and competent
07:09in no time.
07:10He will be wiser when you see him next.
07:12I have full faith in you, Guruji.
07:14I will see you soon.
07:15Balwinder takes leave from Acharya and starts proceeding towards home.
07:21And from the very next day morning, training started for Yashwant.
07:26So, Yashwant, I am starting your training from today and you will have to be prompt
07:32in your approach and should do everything by yourself.
07:36That is the way of my ashram.
07:39You will have to abide by rules.
07:42Yashwant bursts in anger after listening to Guruji's words.
07:46In a deeply saddened tone, he told Guruji,
07:50Guruji, you are also like father, always dictating me what to do and when to do.
07:56I came here to stay away from such instructions.
07:58I don't want to do anything.
08:00Is that so?
08:02But you cannot shout at me like this way.
08:04This is not your house and you will have to face the music if you do not follow my instructions.
08:11Understand boy?
08:13Acharya said in a stern voice.
08:15Yashwant follows half-heartedly whatever the Guru instructs as he does not want to go back
08:21to his father.
08:22That's why there was no other way out.
08:25And one fine day,
08:26Yashwant, I asked you to by heart a shloka yesterday and reproduce the same today.
08:32Did you do that?
08:34Guruji, I have not learnt it yet.
08:38Don't you understand what I say?
08:40I reiterated that you would have to face a punishment if you do not follow what I say
08:46and read aloud the shloka for hundred times today and that is your punishment.
08:53And this became an everyday routine.
08:55However, Yashwant started to follow whatever Acharya said.
08:59Over the period, he developed hatred towards this Guru, thinking that his Guru is consciously
09:05forcing him to do all nonsense and his Guru does not love him at all.
09:09This routine follows for couple of more days.
09:13Then one fine day,
09:14Yashwant, we are going for a marriage to a nearby village.
09:19Take care of yourself and Aditya.
09:21Ask him to by heart all the shlokas.
09:24If you do not remind him about the shlokas, he will play all throughout the day, play
09:29outside and waste his time.
09:32I don't want that happening.
09:35Will you do that?
09:36I will take care, Guruji.
09:38Giving Aditya's responsibility to Yashwant, Vishnu Sharma leaves along with his wife to
09:43nearby village for a marriage.
09:46And Yashwant deems it as a respect to take up the responsibility of his Guru's son.
09:52Listen Aditya, Guruji has assigned me your responsibility, so you should obey whatever
09:57I say until he comes back.
10:00Do you understand that?
10:01Tell me.
10:02Yes, my dear brother, but I want to play now.
10:05So please leave me and let me play a little.
10:08No, my dear little brother, I cannot allow you to play until you by heart all the shlokas
10:14for the day.
10:15Yashwant tries his level best to mend Aditya and let him learn the shloka by showing his
10:22But even after four days, Aditya could not get the shloka by heart as his entire concentration
10:28was on playing.
10:30Evidently, Yashwant was very upset about this.
10:34What is this Aditya?
10:35How come you are unable to learn a small shloka despite being the son to a scholar?
10:39If you do not read the shloka now, then I will have to punish you.
10:43So please read it Aditya.
10:45Brother, nothing is going into my head.
10:48Please leave me.
10:49Let me play.
10:52This way Aditya does not pay attention to Yashwant's words and does not concentrate
10:56on his studies and plays all the time.
10:59However, Yashwant wants to try his luck for one final time.
11:03So he calls up Aditya and tells him.
11:07Aditya, if you do not recite this shloka today, I will punish you.
11:13You do whatever you want.
11:14I cannot study and I will not recite the shloka.
11:18Fearing upon such an arrogant answer, Yashwant loses his temper and slaps Aditya.
11:24The slap was so hard that his cheek turned red.
11:28Little Aditya went inside crying and started learning shloka.
11:32Oh God!
11:33I slapped my guru's son out of anger.
11:37Now what will happen?
11:39What will happen now?
11:40Yashwant was terrified and lost in his thoughts.
11:43But he observed that Aditya started reading with utmost concentration.
11:48Very next day, Acharya Vishnu Sharma returned home along with his wife.
11:53Subsequently, Aditya complained about Yashwant slapping him on the face.
11:57Maa, maa, see how brother slapped on my face.
12:01It swelled too and it hurts a lot.
12:05Oh my God!
12:06Yashwant, why did you slap this hard?
12:08It's hurt him so bad.
12:09His cheeks are red like apple.
12:11Maa, I warned him many a times to recite the shlokas, but he did not pay any ear to what
12:17I said and played all the time.
12:19So to bring him back on track, I had to slap him.
12:24So what?
12:25Will you slap someone so hard if he does not buy hard the shloka?
12:28And you, why don't you utter a single word?
12:30What do you expect me to say?
12:32I entrusted Aditya's responsibility to Yashwant and he did his duty.
12:38He asked our son to recite the shloka to which he denied.
12:41So there is no other way for a guru rather than to punish the student.
12:46One can pamper the kid in all other aspects, but not in studies.
12:50One is not a teacher if they do not discipline the student.
12:53As a teacher one wants all the disciples to progress and achieve greater heights in life.
12:58Yashwant also did the same.
13:01You go inside.
13:02I will talk to Yashwant.
13:04While listening to their conversation, Yashwant understood his guru's intentions and remembered
13:09his father, who tried to sort the issue with love.
13:12His father wanted to see him grow and reach heights, but he never paid attention.
13:18Now he realized his mistake.
13:20Acharya, you should forgive my ignorance.
13:22I never understood your good intentions.
13:25I developed hatred upon you and always thought you are persisting me to study, but never
13:30realized it is for my bright future.
13:33Now I will study hard, Guruji.
13:35Yashwant, you should apologize to your parents, not to me.
13:39Remember, parents are our first teachers.
13:43They always wish child's good and bright future.
13:46If you become wise and cultured, you would be the one to be benefited.
13:51Without realizing this, you hated your parents.
13:54The one who wants you to achieve greater heights will fight for your good and wants to choose
13:59good and wise path.
14:01Remember so as you reap.
14:04Concentrate on your studies and do well in life.
14:07Acharyaji, I am indebted to you.
14:10Thank you for your lessons.
14:13From that day onwards, he followed the footsteps of his guru and completed his education within
14:19no time and returned to his village.
14:22Upon his return, he took all the responsibilities from his parents and looked after them happily
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