Raiqa Broke Tasbeeh | Islamic Cartoon | Kaneez Fatima Cartoon in English

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Raiqa Broke Tasbeeh | Islamic Cartoon | Kaneez Fatima Cartoon in English

#Tasbeeh #Raiqa #KaneezFatima #MadaniChannelEnglish


00:00Kani is a Fatima, good girl, Kani is a Fatima
00:04Everyone loves her, she is truthful
00:09She struts around and enjoys the ride
00:14Everyone loves her, she is truthful
00:19She struts around and enjoys the ride
00:31Hmm? Hmm? Hmm? Hmm?
00:37Oh wow! What is this?
00:39Hmm? Hmm? Hmm? Hmm? Hmm? Hmm? Hmm?
00:46Where are these dolls coming from?
00:49Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar!
00:56Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar!
01:03Sister, what were you reciting on the tasbih?
01:06Raika, after offering every salah, I recite tasbih-e-Fatima
01:13Sister, what is that?
01:15Subhanallah, Alhamdulillah, and Allahu Akbar
01:19Reciting these is called tasbih-e-Fatima
01:22Sister, how many times are we meant to read it?
01:25Raika, in tasbih-e-Fatima, Subhanallah is recited 33 times
01:29Alhamdulillah is also recited 33 times
01:32And Allahu Akbar is recited 34 times
01:35It is that tasbih which the final messenger of Allah
01:39я╖║ gave to his beloved daughter Hazrat Fatima to recite
01:47and said to her that this tasbih is better for you than a maid servant
01:52meaning that this tasbih will remove all your tiredness
01:56and you will perform all your chores yourself
01:59If I read this tasbih as well, will I not feel tired as well?
02:03Because I also go to school, I go to tuition, I do all my homework
02:07And then I also do all the chores you and mum tell me to
02:10So I also get very tired
02:13Then Raika, you should also recite it
02:15This is absolutely wonderful
02:17This will be very beneficial for you
02:20Subhanallah, can I read it right now?
02:23Why not Raika, you can certainly recite it
02:26However, it is more superior to recite this tasbih after every salah
02:30There you go, offer salah and then sit down respectfully and recite it
02:34And after you finish, fold up the prayer mat and make sure to put it back where it goes
02:39so that mum can get it from there easily if she wants to offer her salah
02:43Okay sis, Jazakallah Khaira
02:46Jazakallah Khaira
03:16Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah
03:18Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar
03:20Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar
03:23Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar
03:25Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar
03:27Allahu Akbar
03:31Oh no, what have I done?
03:42Yes sis?
03:43Come downstairs quickly and have your milk
03:47Stop, why are you running away?
04:00Slowly Raika, you'll fall down
04:18You see Raika, you fell down
04:20Did you get hurt too much?
04:22No sis, I'm fine, not hurt
04:25You see, you got hurt
04:26How many times have I explained you to walk slowly
04:29and make sure that you come down the stairs very carefully
04:33and say Subhanallah whilst coming down
04:35and keep reciting Allahu Akbar when you go up the stairs
04:39Remember this
04:40Come and sit down here
04:42I'll go and grab you some warm milk and medicine
04:44Your pain will be relieved
04:47It's fine, just give me the milk
04:52Raika, this is very bad
04:54Firstly, you picked up the glass with the left hand
04:56and drank it with the left hand
04:57which is against the Sunnah
04:59We should make sure that we eat and drink everything with our right hand
05:03and we should make sure that we give and take everything with our right hand
05:07Secondly, before drinking the milk
05:09neither did you read Bismillah
05:11Remember the du'a which is recited before drinking the milk
05:16What are you saying?
05:18Are you asking about the du'a?
05:21This is the du'a of drinking milk
05:28Oh Allah Almighty, for us, place blessings in it
05:33and grant us even more
05:37Raika, what's wrong with you?
05:39Normally, you don't stay quiet
05:41And now, why are you just doing mm-mm?
05:43Why aren't you saying anything?
05:45Hmm, you've got something in your mouth, isn't it?
05:49Raika, you shouldn't be lying
05:51You know that, don't you?
05:52How bad and evil it is to lie
05:56Who is it?
05:57One minute, I'm just coming
05:59Just stay here, I'll be right back
06:02Thank God, I'm safe
06:04I would be in trouble if sister found out about it
06:07She would have been very upset
06:09Raika, didn't I tell you to wait for me downstairs?
06:12It is very, very bad if you don't listen to your elders
06:15And hold on, what are you hiding in your mouth?
06:17Umm, this
06:19Umm, actually, I've umm
06:22I was hiding this from you
06:24What is this?
06:25Umm, this is a secret
06:27Umm, actually, I've umm
06:29I was hiding this from you
06:31What is this?
06:32Sister, it's bead of the tasbih
06:34How did it come out?
06:36Not only this, all of them broke and fell out
06:41Raika, what have you done?
06:43You broke the tasbih
06:44I didn't break it, it just broke
06:46And all the beads fell out of it
06:49This one fell in the glass of milk
06:51That's why I couldn't speak downstairs
06:53Because I was hiding this bead inside my mouth
06:56Oh ho!
06:57So it means that you had that bead in your mouth whilst drinking the milk
07:01Raika, Allah forbid, if this bead got stuck in your throat
07:05Or if it got stuck where you breathed from
07:08Then do you even know what trouble you would be in?
07:11Raika, always remember
07:13Children should never play with having the beads of the tasbih
07:16Or any kind of corn
07:18Or with any dangerous thing in their mouth
07:20If it gets stuck in the throat
07:22It can also be dangerous for one's life
07:24Do you understand?
07:25Yes, I understood now
07:26Inshallah, I would never do this ever again
07:29Jazakallah Khaira
07:31May Allah Almighty enable you to act upon what you have just said
07:36Summa Ameen
