Atri My Dear Moments Episodes 7

  • last month
00:06Soda I don't think I know Tokyo Josie
00:12Yeah, so now I get high I'm not looking at Jose wa moto or they're gonna toss you a no Jose
00:19Kona not only Timon it's tonight
00:23Yes, yes
00:25Damn it, I got kissed on it. It's not cool. Oh, it's got your Kana Kota you got
00:33boy, oh
00:36Okay, no, I know she got it
00:46Boy, I don't eat
00:55Yeah, Maro
01:55I can see it.
01:57It's like a ray of hope from a faraway universe.
02:02A star's radiance.
02:04What is it talking about?
02:08Until dawn, I'll wake up from my dream.
02:16What is that light?
02:30We have to admit it.
02:33It's impossible in reality.
02:35She's a girl we met eight years ago.
02:38It's possible.
02:39She's a humanoid, so her appearance hasn't changed.
02:43Looks like there's no problem.
02:45Listen to me!
02:51First of all, her red eyes and smooth hair match Atri's appearance.
02:57That's just a coincidence.
02:59Eight years ago, when you were nine years old, you met a 14-year-old girl.
03:05That's the same as Atri's appearance now.
03:07That's because the appearance of a humanoid is based on a young person.
03:12In addition, Atri is a nurse at an old lady's house.
03:16She remembers the song you sang when you met her.
03:19It's been a long time, Natsuki-san.
03:22Isn't it impossible to say no?
03:26Natsu-kun is being persuaded.
03:28It's unusual for a Ryuuji.
03:31Shut up!
03:33It's impossible.
03:35The woman at that time was Atri.
03:39That's terrible!
03:40How could you leave me lying down?
03:42You woke me up, but you didn't wake me up.
03:45Waking you up is the act of keeping waking you up until the other person wakes up.
03:50If you fall asleep again, I'll wake you up before I go to bed.
03:54What are you talking about?
03:55Natsuki-san woke me up at a strange time, so I ended up like this.
04:00I don't know how to wake up.
04:03Is that so?
04:05Do you want to prove that you're not me?
04:10You're so stubborn.
04:13Of course!
04:14She saved my life.
04:17There's no way she's such a loser.
04:21You said it again!
04:23Double rocket punch!
04:25Actually, I'm impressed.
04:29Isn't that right?
04:30After all that time, you two are getting along like this.
04:35That's just my guess.
04:38But you said,
04:40It's been a long time, Natsuki-san.
04:42I-I guess so.
04:46That's right!
04:47That means you remembered Natsu-kun's grandmother's order, right?
04:51Maybe that's why you ended up in that capsule.
04:55I see.
04:56That's true.
04:58If you know that, you might be able to prove that you're different from that woman.
05:03What do you think?
05:04O-Of course!
05:07I'm Kosei!
05:12I'll call her right now.
05:14Please wait!
05:31King of Pankotsu.
05:36That's mean!
05:37I was born to be a woman!
05:41I'm not a king, I'm a queen!
05:45In other words, I'm just saying that it's been a long time.
05:50That's right.
05:51I just happened to hear you sing before that.
05:55It was on the cliff.
06:03I was sitting on the wheelchair,
06:05and I felt like I was heading towards the cliff.
06:09When I sang,
06:11that scene came back to me.
06:15I can't remember anything else.
06:19I'm sure it's Atri.
06:39It's frustrating, but at this point,
06:42I guess I have no choice but to admit that it's Atri.
06:45What are you writing?
06:47Don't peep!
06:49Is it about Atri?
06:51Well, yeah.
07:00You think she has feelings for you, don't you?
07:04Why are you asking me that?
07:06Minamo told me.
07:08What do you think?
07:11The answer is...
07:14I think it's possible.
07:16Even though you lost your memory,
07:19I can't deny the possibility that your heart and emotions are controlling you.
07:28But if that's the case,
07:30you should think about how to control it.
07:35Humans are wonderful because they have hearts and emotions.
07:38But at the same time,
07:40humans are foolish because they have hearts and emotions.
07:47Just as love and love are born from emotions,
07:50many crimes and violence are also born from emotions.
07:53And the biggest problem is that
07:55those impulses go beyond any logical thinking.
08:00Therefore, it is said that humanoids with emotions are dangerous.
08:04You should make sure that you really have emotions.
08:08For the future.
08:16Even so,
08:18I don't know how to make sure I have emotions.
08:22I learned how to make Minamoni hamburgers today.
08:27I recently learned how to cook at a club activity.
08:31I'll make it tonight.
08:33Can you do it?
08:35Because it's high-performance.
08:37Minamoni also told me that I have a good memory.
08:41Now I'm ready.
08:43Did you learn Minamoni?
08:57This is the correct answer.
09:01Are you happy?
09:10What are you doing?
09:12Are you hungry?
09:14What are you doing?
09:16Hurry up!
09:17Emotions are emotions.
09:19But from the programmed situation,
09:22AI may select and react.
09:28What's wrong?
09:30You're weirder than usual today.
09:34Yes, what is it?
09:36Look at my eyes.
09:40I like you.
09:44What do you think if I say I really like you?
09:54I like you, too.
09:57You like me?
09:59I like you very much.
10:02No, it's not that.
10:04Is it wrong?
10:06No, it's okay.
10:08Let's go.
10:13Are you disappointed?
10:17Did you say something that made you angry?
10:20I was told I like you, so I just said I like you.
10:24Natsuki is difficult.
10:27I see.
10:29What should I do?
10:31I don't think the direction of confirmation is wrong,
10:34but you need knowledge.
10:37If you don't have knowledge,
10:39you won't react even if you have emotions.
10:42Leave it to me.
10:44Yes, yes.
10:45Let's start the class.
10:47Today, we will not do math,
10:49but we will do a special health education class.
10:52Boys go to the roof and girls stay.
10:55Is it different?
10:57I'm sorry.
10:58It's a very important class for girls.
11:01I'll call you when it's over, so play with Natsuki.
11:05Let's go.
11:09Let's start the class.
11:11Today's class is about like and love.
11:14Like and love?
11:20Here it is.
11:21Is this what Catherine said you like?
11:26I don't know,
11:28but she said she likes curry rice and roller coasters.
11:33Is that so?
11:41Is this what love is?
11:45What's important is whether your heart is full or not.
11:49It's more about actions than words.
11:52What do you want Natsuki to do?
11:59I want her to be happy.
12:01I want her to be useful to me.
12:05A few days later.
12:08It's done.
12:10It looks delicious.
12:14I'm a high-performance girl.
12:17If you follow the order, you'll be able to use your abilities.
12:23Don't worry.
12:24The problem is the taste.
12:25Don't worry.
12:27Have I ever failed?
12:30You seem to have lost your memory.
12:36It's delicious.
12:41How is it?
12:42Is it delicious?
12:43Is it delicious?
12:44Are you happy?
12:46When I see her angry face,
12:48I don't want to get angry,
12:51but it's delicious.
12:55But why did this happen all of a sudden?
13:01Do you have any plans for tomorrow?
13:04I don't have any plans,
13:06but why did this happen all of a sudden?
13:10Why don't we go somewhere together?
13:23Hurry up!
13:25Don't run so fast.
13:27I can't keep up with you.
13:29Oh, that's right.
13:34Here you go.
13:35I'll carry you on my back.
13:37No, it's okay.
13:39You already have your backpack, right?
13:41Oh, that's right.
13:43What's in it?
13:45It's a secret.
13:47Well, whatever.
13:49So, where do you want to go?
13:51Well, shopping is the basic.
13:55What's that paper?
13:58It's a secret.
14:00It's just a secret.
14:02Well, whatever.
14:06Is there anything you want?
14:09No, nothing in particular.
14:12You came even though you don't have anything?
14:14Even if I don't have anything in particular,
14:16it's important for us to come together.
14:18I see.
14:20You're like Catherine or Minamono Irijie.
14:23It's a bit monotonous, isn't it?
14:28Did she run away after closing the store?
14:40Is there something wrong?
14:47It's just the two of us.
14:50If things get out of hand, you'll get hurt again.
14:54Now that it's come to this,
14:56we have to prove that we're right.
15:02Here you go.
15:08It smells good.
15:13Is it good?
15:16But it's sweet and delicious.
15:18You can eat mine, too.
15:22Natsuki-san is nicer than usual today.
15:25Well, that's how it is.
15:27It's a date.
15:31Then, Natsuki-san, take a bite.
15:36It's a date.
15:43It's sour, but it's good.
15:46I'm glad it's good.
15:55Can I see your shoes?
15:57Yes, of course.
16:00You have a lot of new shoes.
16:02It's been a while.
16:04Which one do you like, Natsuki-san?
16:06It's not mine. It's Atori's.
16:09You've been wearing it for a long time, haven't you?
16:14How about this one?
16:15It's just the right size.
16:23Yeah, it's summer, so I think it's good.
16:26But it depends on the functionality.
16:29I'm Natsuki-san's support, so functionality is important.
16:33For example, that!
16:35It looks harder to move than this.
16:38But there's less difference in height.
16:41I'll get closer to Natsuki-san.
16:44I think this is very functional.
16:51How is it?
16:53It looks good on you.
16:55It's different from what I usually see.
17:01Yeah, it looks like you've grown up.
17:06You don't like it?
17:08No, but can you walk?
17:22What is this?
17:26Why did you make these shoes that are only functional?
17:31Well, it's fashionable and cute.
17:35Are you sure you like it?
17:37Yes, it's what Natsuki-san chose for me.
17:45So, what's that?
17:49It's a lunch box.
17:51Oh, that's right.
17:53I'm sorry it's the same as yesterday because I only taught Minamo how to make hamburgers.
17:59No problem.
18:01But I didn't know you could make it so beautifully in such a short period of time.
18:06It's for Natsuki-san.
18:08That's right. Let's call this sandwich Natsuki-san's miracle.
18:12What's that?
18:14Well, whatever.
18:16Let's eat.
18:20What's wrong, Natsuki-san?
18:23No, it's nothing.
18:24It's not nothing!
18:26You're crying!
18:28No, I'm just scared because it's so delicious.
18:33Robot Ai!
18:37And analysis!
18:42There's so much mustard!
18:45No, this much is more exciting.
18:50I wanted to make it perfectly and make Natsuki-san happy.
18:54No, it's better if it's not perfect.
19:00That way, you can feel the heart.
19:03My heart?
19:10Natsuki-san, you've changed.
19:13I wanted you to be happy about that.
19:18Yeah, because I think you have a heart.
19:25What do you think, Atri?
19:27Do you think you have a heart?
19:34Natsuki-san, you think you have a heart, don't you?
19:37You'd be happier if I had a heart, wouldn't you?
19:44I think I do.
19:49I've never become a person, so I don't really know.
19:54Maybe it's because I'm happy, sad, like, or hate.
20:00I feel like there's something stronger than what I've learned.
20:06I see! I knew it!
20:20It's cold and nice!
20:22It's suddenly getting deep, so be careful.
20:25It's a crab!
20:29Isn't that a trap?
20:32Is that so?
20:36You fell for it.
20:37What are you doing?
20:41You can't do that!
20:45I'm not going to lose to a stupid robot!
20:49You've committed even more crimes!
20:52I won't forgive you!
20:55You're so stupid!
20:57You said that again!
21:03Why are you laughing?
21:06I don't know.
21:08Are you that happy that I have a heart?
21:13I think so.
21:19Why are you happy that I have a heart?
22:10One, two, three!
22:40One, two, three!
22:41One, two, three!
22:42One, two, three!
22:43One, two, three!
22:44One, two, three!
22:45One, two, three!
22:46One, two, three!
22:47One, two, three!
22:48One, two, three!
22:49One, two, three!
22:50One, two, three!
22:51One, two, three!
22:52One, two, three!
22:53One, two, three!
22:54One, two, three!
22:55One, two, three!
22:56One, two, three!
22:57One, two, three!
22:58One, two, three!
22:59One, two, three!
23:00One, two, three!
23:01One, two, three!
23:02One, two, three!
23:03One, two, three!
23:04One, two, three!
23:05One, two, three!
23:06One, two, three!
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23:17む゚ă‚čăƒ»ăƒŽăƒŒăźăăźă‚ă„ă ă«
23:37Thank you for watching!