Working like a Donkey || Acharya Prashant

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Full video: From Suffering to Serenity: A Transformational Odyssey || Acharya Prashant (2020)
00:00There's no substitute to hard work.
00:02If you want to avoid labouring like a donkey, labour like a royal elephant.
00:07Labour you cannot avoid.
00:09Those who want to avoid labouring at all become donkeys of donkeys.
00:13Mules of mules.
00:14The world makes you labour so much.
00:16The world makes you sweat so much.
00:18You squirm, cringe.
00:20It's not that you are being toasted to a feast by the world.
00:24Are you?
00:25If labour you must, why not labour for the right thing?
00:28If suffer you must, why not suffer for the right cause?
00:31Those who don't subscribe to right causes, are they all enjoying?
00:35They are suffering.
00:36There's no promise that you won't suffer if you live rightly.
00:39But at least it would be right suffering.
00:41And one hallmark of right suffering is that it reduces the sufferer.
