• last year


00:00:51Much of people give it to me that
00:00:53He go, ah, I'll kill you. I'm on my own
00:01:27Was in Maria, she could take it on the sunny
00:01:31One go people a game on the ticket Smita
00:01:37You gotta give on to sit down that's a gargoyle Smita
00:01:41Checking a church thing you see I can't sit there. Don't check it. It's not a job. I don't know. Do you get Joe
00:01:48So she didn't come on go
00:01:51I'm a good
00:01:52I should be done. And they could get more young you get a true young song in there
00:01:57To the gotcha go on the Indian day. Go on check up on the neck. It's me down go
00:02:04The hassle my son is a singer. I'll keep go the head of the man
00:02:07Hey, sing it in Hong Kong. Oh my god. Oh, yeah, I took a cake. I'm there's a party. Oh, go
00:02:13Who knows a modern your color? Who knows I'm good even to a low?
00:02:17And I'm a monster. I'm a turtle
00:02:22Yeah, I'm back again. You want go
00:02:25So none
00:02:27I'll be a taboo when I can't do I'll don't know how much I'll do it
00:02:32Come on, don't you know? Yes, I do 당신이 가정을 내팽개친게 애생계 때문이었어 당연하지
00:02:39당연히 제이랑 당신 때문에 참 좋다
00:02:42회사에서 인정받고 승진하는게 돈 많은 VIP들과의 사건 영업자리에 가는게 애생일보다 더 중요한 엄마 있잖아 당신
00:02:49그 시간에 애는 엄마를 기다리며 울다 잠들었어
00:02:54그렇게 시간은 13년이 흘렀고
00:02:58제이 또 울다 잠들었어 하루에 한번 얼굴 보기도 힘든데 니가 엄마야 엄마 요즘 다 바쁘잖아 그냥 엄마 할일 해
00:03:05늘 그랬던 것처럼
00:03:23We're lovers, but I've never thought about getting married again. I failed to get married once, but I want to get married again
00:03:32I'm sick of it. I'm sick of it. I'm sick of it
00:03:47Think of you
00:03:54So someone you know
00:03:56Walking by me. She's a
00:04:01singjin young
00:04:03Iran gay
00:04:06I a sangil boda chunyo iso. You know, magic on a number of 있을까요
00:04:10내가 그걸 해내야 만
00:04:13내 딸이
00:04:15앞으로 좀 더 힘들게 이 세상을 살아갈 거라는 게 제 유일한 동기였습니다
00:04:20이 사람 말대로
00:04:22그 과정에서
00:04:25가정에 소홀했던 거 인정합니다
00:04:31앞으로 제가 아이 잘 양역해서 좋은 어른으로 성장시키겠습니다
00:04:46그건 절대 안 됩니다 결혼 생활에서 제게 남은 건 제이 딱 하나 뿐입니다
00:04:52이 여자는 자기 하고 싶은 건 다 했고 커리어도 돈도 있다고요 제이 만은 절대 안 됩니다
00:05:12제판 있어 가지고
00:05:14이제 끝났어요
00:05:15음 해서 바로 갈 거죠 내 차로 같이 가요
00:05:35다시 나갈 거야
00:05:38선배도 원장님 많이
00:05:42제이만 생각하면서 할 수 있을 거니까
00:05:52그런 짓을 버려 놓고도 양육권을 주장할 수 있다는 게 정말 놀라워
00:05:59긍정애로 돌려 줄까요
00:06:02왜 사건 하다 보면은 서로 안 키우겠다고 다투는 사람들도 많잖아
00:06:07적어도 아빠 역할을 놓지 않겠다는 의지라고 생각하는 거 어때요
00:06:11그럼 선배가 좀 나을까 싶어서
00:06:18나 부탁 하나만 하자
00:06:20가사 조사관도 워킹맘이라 차은경 쪽에 좀 더 공감하는 것 같았어요
00:06:24애가 이제 곧 중학생이 될 나이기 때문에
00:06:27이젠 아이의 의사가 절대적으로 중요해요
00:06:31아이의 의사가 절대적으로 중요해요
00:06:38가사 조사관이 제이를 만날 거고
00:06:40사실상 제이한테 선택권이 있는 문제에요
00:06:44그럼 제가 어떻게 해야 합니까
00:06:46내가 봤을 때는 최사라를 버리는 카드로 생각하셔야 됩니다
00:06:53버리는 카드라니요
00:06:55경제력 부분 그리고 사건 본인이 딸이고 사춘기에 접어든다는 사실
00:07:00잘 어필하셨죠
00:07:02아무래도 사춘기에는 동성 부모가 좋으니까요
00:07:05잘 얘기했어
00:07:07이제 제이한테 달려지 뭐
00:07:11이제 곧 양육 환경 조사 시작이네요
00:07:14김지상은 제이 취향으로 방 꾸몄다면서요
00:07:17변호사님도 얼른 하셔야죠
00:07:18제이 뭐 좋아해요
00:07:20유치하게 그런 걸로 선택하랜다니
00:07:26제이한테 엄마 선택해달라고 선물 공세하자는 얘기가 아니잖아요
00:07:31엄마도 제이한테 얼마나 관심을 갖고 있는지
00:07:34그걸 표현하자는 거죠
00:07:42좋은 생각인데
00:07:45한변은 엄마도 안 돼봤으면서 그런 걸 어떻게 알아
00:07:51엄마는 못 해봤지만
00:07:53딸은 해봤잖아요
00:07:57한 변호사님
00:08:04부탁할 사건이 뭐예요?
00:08:06한변이 설명해
00:08:07아, 네
00:08:08양육관 사건인데요
00:08:11가사 조사 보고서 보니까
00:08:13아이가 아빠와 애착이 크다고 쓰여있더라고요
00:08:16우리가 거의 승소인 분위기인 거죠?
00:08:19응, 맞아
00:08:201년간 정말 치열했어
00:08:23고등학생 아들인데 아빠랑 사이가 정말 좋아
00:08:26가사 조사에서도 아빠랑 살고 싶다고 했고
00:08:29이번 기일에 엄마가 포기할 가능성이 커
00:08:31가서 종결만 해주고 오면 돼
00:08:33다들 재판 일정이 겹쳤어
00:08:35오케이, 내가 내일 다녀올게요
00:08:38감사합니다, 변호사님
00:08:43가사 조사에서 아이가 아빠와 살고 싶어하는 마음은 충분히 드러난 것 같은데
00:08:47이쯤에서 조정하고 마무리 하시는 건 어떨까요, 원고?
00:08:53재판장님, 저희가 제출할 증거가 있습니다
00:08:57예, 제출하시죠
00:09:24양육관 소송
00:09:351년을 넘게 양육관 소송을 했는데
00:09:38피고가 친아빠가 아니라는 겁니까?
00:09:42원고는 이 사실을 알고도 숨긴 겁니까?
00:09:46아니면 이제서야 안 겁니까?
00:09:48알고 있었지만 아이의 아빠에게 차마 말할 수 없었다고 합니다
00:09:51그런데 친부가 나타나서 친자 관계 소송을 하겠다고 하여
00:09:55원고는 이 재판 양육관을 얼른 정리하고 싶어합니다
00:09:59친자가 아니라면 더 이상 양육관 재판을 진행할 이유가 없겠네요
00:10:06요축 대리인
00:10:07예, 저희도 오늘 받아봤으니 준비해서 대응하겠습니다
00:10:12예, 그럼 잘 말씀들 나누시고 다음 기일은 조정으로 잡겠습니다
00:10:22양육관 소송
00:10:2518년을 속인 거예요, 알면서도
00:10:28자기 자식 아니라는데 괴롭지만 뭐 어쩌겠어요
00:10:32양육관 사건 끝내고 위자료 청구해야지
00:10:36내가 당사자 불러서 얘기할게
00:10:38이왕 내가 다녀온 김에 잘 마무리해볼게요
00:10:40고맙다, 정우진
00:10:42그럼 잘 부탁할게
00:10:52훌륭하신 변호사님이라고 차은경 변호사님한테 연락받았습니다
00:11:00지금 저희가 예상치 못한 쟁점이 하나가 있습니다
00:11:07거의 종결 직전이라고 들었는데 혹시 무슨 문제가 생긴 겁니까?
00:11:12들으시면 좀 많이 놀라실 것 같긴 한데
00:11:16들으시면 좀 많이 놀라실 것 같긴 한데
00:11:20혹시 애 오면 포기 안 하던가요?
00:11:24아이, 나 진짜
00:11:26서진이가 그렇게 나랑 살고 싶다는데 진짜
00:11:33변호사님 그냥 편하게 말씀하십시오
00:11:35지난 1년간 이 꼴 저 꼴 다 봐서 웬만한 건 놀랍지도 않습니다
00:12:08아, 이제 양해권 이기려고 그런 짓까지 한답니까?
00:12:12갈 때까지 가네, 갈 때까지 가
00:12:14아유, 그거 조작한 거일 거예요
00:12:16상대 측 변호사에게 진의 여부 확인했습니다
00:12:21저 믿기 어려우시면 직접 해보시라고 하더라고요
00:12:27무슨 말입니까, 그게?
00:12:32그게, 그게 말이 됩니까?
00:12:38우리 서진이가 내 아들이 아니면 누구 아들이라는 거예요?
00:12:42우리 서진이 저랑 성격도 똑같고
00:12:46생긴 것도 똑같잖아요, 변호사님, 예?
00:12:49이거 잘못된 거 아닙니까?
00:12:51얘가 우리 아들이 아니면 누구 아들이라는 거예요, 얘가?
00:13:26우리 먼저 간다, 내일 봐
00:13:30솔직히 이 녀석, 뺏겨버리지 않았냐?
00:13:32야, 너도 졸았냐?
00:13:33난 중간부터 정신도 안 나던데
00:13:44학원 끝났어?
00:13:46법원에서 뭐래?
00:13:48내가 가사 조사관한테 한 얘기 엄마한테 전달했대?
00:13:53엄마 많이 충격받았겠지?
00:13:57우리 아들 너무 걱정하지 마
00:14:00어떻게 결론이 나든
00:14:02우리 아들은 엄마 아빠 계속 보고 지내는 거니까
00:14:05누가 우릴 갈라놓을 수 있겠어?
00:14:09아빠, 집에 언제 갈 거야?
00:14:11잠깐 게임하러 넘어가도 돼?
00:14:15알았어, 갈게
00:14:42일어나, 일어나, 일어나!
00:14:55또 이겼어
00:14:56또 졌어
00:14:57점점 상대가 안 되니까 재미가 없네
00:14:59실력 좀 키워
00:15:01아들이니까 져준 거지
00:15:07이제 갈 시간이네
00:15:11빨리 재판 끝나고 아빠랑 살았으면 좋겠다
00:15:14나랑 살면 뭐 맨날 게임하게 해준대?
00:15:17이빨이나 닦고 가
00:15:18초콜릿 먹었잖아
00:15:2018년째 그 소리야?
00:15:22이제 말 안 해도 할 거거든요
00:15:3418 years later
00:15:56얘기는 잘했지?
00:15:58생각보다 더 부정이 깊어 보였어요
00:16:01우리도 이런 사건 처음인데
00:16:03위자료 역대 최대 판결 한번 받아보죠
00:16:07돈으로 보상받을 수 있는 건 아니지만
00:16:09그게 우리 일이니까
00:16:12위자료 청구 취지 확장할게요
00:16:14그동안 지급했던 양육비도 청구하고
00:16:16자기 자식도 아닌데
00:16:171년간 양육권 소송한 비용도 다 청구해야 돼
00:16:22자기 자식도 나몰라라는 세상인데
00:16:25남의 자식을 그렇게 정성으로 키웠으면
00:16:27충분히 보상받아야죠
00:16:3418 years later
00:16:44최사라를 버리는 카드로 생각하셔야 됩니다
00:16:47버리는 카드라뇨?
00:16:49세상에 어떤 판사가
00:16:50내 연애랑 동거하는 남자한테
00:16:52이 양육권을 주겠어요?
00:16:54그리고 어떤 딸이
00:16:56자기가 아는 이모랑 바람난 아빠한테 가겠냐고
00:17:00최사라랑 최대한 멀리 지내
00:17:03저번에 했던 얘기 말이야
00:17:04이혼하고 나면 같이 살 거냐고 했던 말
00:17:07그때 대답 들었으니까
00:17:09더 길게 설명 안 해도 돼요
00:17:11이혼 절차 마무리 되고 나서
00:17:14그때 생각해도 늦지 않으니까
00:17:18나랑 자기는 상황이 다르니까
00:17:20확실하게 말하지 않아서 오해하게 하는 건
00:17:22못할 취지인 것 같아
00:17:24나랑은 연애만 하고 싶다고
00:17:27결혼할 생각은 없다고
00:17:30그 얘기 하려고 왔어요?
00:17:32저번에 충분히 했던 것 같은데
00:17:37가사 조사 한번 해보고 나니까
00:17:39내가 지금 다른데 신경 쓸 겨를이 없어
00:17:42제이랑 이번 주 면접 교섭도 앞두고 있고
00:17:44이혼 후에도 내가 제이 아빠란 사실은 변하지 않는데
00:17:48다시는 그런 이야기 안 꺼냈으면 좋겠어 당분간
00:17:54그럼 우리 애기는?
00:17:56제이는 아빠 케어 쭉 받아야 하는 아이고
00:18:00우리 애는 버려져도 되는 애라는 거예요?
00:18:04우리... 애라니?
00:18:08나 임신했어
00:18:24말도 안 돼
00:19:01준비 다 했어?
00:19:06딱 하루 자면서 공부하게?
00:19:09숙제인데 막히는 문제가 있어서 아빠한테 물어보려고
00:19:13아, 그랬어?
00:19:17아, 싫기는
00:19:20아빠랑 오랜만에 재밌게 놀 시간도 부족한데
00:19:22가서 공부만 하다 올까 봐 그랬지
00:19:29법원에서 아빠 집으로 사람이 온다는 거지?
00:19:33편하게 하고 와
00:19:35아무 말이나 해도 괜찮아
00:19:39아빠다, 나 갈게
00:20:07내 자식이 아니라는 걸 밝히는 재판이라니
00:20:10난 이런 케이스가 제일 하기 힘든 것 같아
00:20:13친생 부인의 소
00:20:16이 이름만 들어도 뭔가 좀 슬프지 않아?
00:20:18안 그래요, 변호사님?
00:20:22친자라는 걸 부인하는 거라니
00:20:25마음 아프긴 해
00:20:29아, 오셨습니까? 변호사님
00:20:34박지안 씨 유전자 검사 다시 하신 결과표 첨부해서
00:20:38친생 부인의 소장 제출했어요
00:20:40추가 사건 수입료는 입금된 거죠?
00:20:42네, 수입료 확인했습니다
00:20:46독하시다 독하셔, 이런 슬픈 소리를
00:20:52어쨌든 고마워요
00:20:54이번 사건은 이후는 이 팀에서 잘 해결해줘요
00:21:31자, 하나, 둘, 셋
00:21:32하나, 둘, 셋
00:21:34하나, 둘, 셋
00:21:40작년 이맘때쯤 왔으니까 딱 1년 됐네
00:21:45아빠가 제일 한 살 때부터
00:21:47매년 꽃 축제할 때마다 여기 데려온 거 알고 있어?
00:21:54근데 왜 꼭 여기 온 거야?
00:21:57같은 공간에 점점 커가는 너하고 오면
00:22:00추억도 함께 성장하는 느낌이 들거든
00:22:25너무 잘 묶네
00:22:29김재희 씨
00:22:30Is it fun to ride the merry-go-round?
00:22:38I like this more than looking for something new.
00:22:43You like old things, don't you?
00:22:46That's why you don't throw things away.
00:22:50I've never seen you get bored when you like something.
00:22:58How's your mom?
00:23:01She always pretends to be strong and fine.
00:23:11Even if you live with your dad, you can see your mom as much as you want.
00:23:15Don't worry too much about your mom.
00:23:30I'll take Jaehee to the OB-GYN tomorrow.
00:23:39Jaehee, take a rest in your room. I'll go buy you a strawberry juice.
00:25:04This is the OB-GYN.
00:25:09Oh, this is Jaehee's room.
00:25:12Come in.
00:25:14We'll talk comfortably.
00:25:16You should take a rest outside.
00:25:35Have a seat.
00:25:42First of all, I should explain what you're doing.
00:25:47As Jaehee's parents, I wonder what kind of relationship you have with Jaehee
00:25:53and what would be the best environment for Jaehee in the court.
00:25:57You have a duty to check that.
00:25:59In the end, you're here to ask me whether I like my mom or my dad.
00:26:04No, it's not like that.
00:26:07Even if my mom and dad don't live together anymore, as Jaehee's parents, for Jaehee...
00:26:13I'm sick of hearing that.
00:26:17I'm going to be honest in front of the adults, too.
00:26:39Jaehee, do you want me to read you a book?
00:26:43It's okay.
00:26:49Good night.
00:26:57Good night.
00:26:58Good night.
00:26:59Good night.
00:27:25I'm in charge of most of the economic activities for my child.
00:27:27It's for you.
00:27:28At that time, the child fell asleep crying while waiting for his mother.
00:27:3113 years have passed.
00:27:33What is it?
00:27:35I'm sorry.
00:27:56The reason why this rose is so precious is because of the time you spent on your rose.
00:28:04But you can't forget.
00:28:05But you can't forget.
00:28:08You are always responsible for what you have tamed.
00:28:12You are responsible for your rose.
00:28:16I like this part the most.
00:28:18You are always responsible for what you have tamed.
00:28:22You are responsible for your rose.
00:28:25Wow, me too.
00:28:27You know Jaehee is a rose to me, right?
00:28:31Read me more.
00:28:32Hey, Kim Jangmi.
00:28:33Now you read it.
00:28:34It's been over 10 years since I read this fairy tale book.
00:28:37Let me graduate.
00:28:39Keep reading this.
00:28:42It's fun.
00:28:43I sleep well.
00:28:46Then I'll keep reading it until I have a younger brother.
00:28:55You are always responsible for what you have tamed.
00:29:02You are responsible for your rose.
00:29:10Our Jaehee.
00:29:13You waited every night like this.
00:30:03You are always responsible for what you have tamed.
00:30:08You are responsible for your rose.
00:30:21You are here.
00:30:22You are here.
00:30:28Oh, that.
00:30:30There was a lot of dust, so I took it out to clean it.
00:30:36Let's get ready to go to school.
00:30:37I'll take you.
00:30:39Change your clothes.
00:30:42I told you not to come here.
00:30:44If someone sees...
00:30:45Whether you see it or not.
00:31:00It was nice to sleep with Jaehee after a long time.
00:31:03I'm going to sleep now.
00:31:04I'm going to sleep.
00:31:05I'm going to sleep.
00:31:06I'm going to sleep.
00:31:07I'm going to sleep.
00:31:08I'm going to sleep.
00:31:09It was nice to sleep with Jaehee after a long time.
00:31:12You must have had a complicated head.
00:31:14You had a hard time.
00:31:15I can't go to the hospital.
00:31:19Dad told me to come with you.
00:31:21Who goes to the OB-GYN during the custody lawsuit?
00:31:24I'm having a hard time because of you now.
00:31:26Why are you so rude?
00:31:27You've been with Jaehee for two days.
00:31:30My child is just getting ready to come out into the world.
00:31:32Are you saying you won't even go see him?
00:31:34How is that the same?
00:31:36Then how is it different?
00:31:38No, life is all the same.
00:31:40But the situation is different.
00:31:42I don't want to fight.
00:31:48Then I won't ask for this until the lawsuit is over.
00:31:54So what happens when it's over?
00:31:57I told you.
00:31:58I don't want to get married.
00:31:59I'm going to live with Jaehee.
00:32:00I'm sure I did.
00:32:02It's not that I'm not a father because I'm not getting married.
00:32:05I'm sorry.
00:32:06I need time to think, too.
00:32:08But that's not now.
00:32:14If Jaehee can't get custody,
00:32:17Then my baby can live with my dad, right?
00:32:24That won't happen.
00:32:27If Jaehee lives with my mom,
00:32:29Let's go and think about it then.
00:32:37Yes, now that my biological wife's custody has been filed,
00:32:40I think the paternal relationship will be well organized.
00:32:43And we'll try to solve it well so that we can get back the custody money you've been paying.
00:32:51I want to get this custody.
00:32:55I'm here to tell you this today.
00:32:58Oh, no.
00:32:59Oh, if you don't organize this paternal relationship properly,
00:33:02You'll have to inherit it from your children later.
00:33:05After you get divorced, Seojin's mom may ask for custody money.
00:33:09I think you're a little drunk on this feeling right now, so your judgment is a little blurry.
00:33:13You're right.
00:33:15I know you're thinking about me.
00:33:19I was hit by that woman.
00:33:21It's not my son's fault.
00:33:24Who said it was Seojin's fault?
00:33:27Park Jae-han is trying to protect himself.
00:33:31I'm doing this to protect myself.
00:33:35Our Seojin...
00:33:39It's not my son.
00:33:43After the documents are organized,
00:33:47I don't think I can live. I'm sorry.
00:34:01No, Mr. Park Jae-han.
00:34:04But I don't think this is right.
00:34:06You have to think about it.
00:34:07You really have to think rationally.
00:34:10You have to give custody money.
00:34:12It's not your child.
00:34:14It's my son.
00:34:16I don't care how much custody money I get.
00:34:34Thank you for giving me time to talk.
00:34:37Are you...
00:34:39Are you pregnant?
00:34:42You saw it.
00:34:43Aren't you putting me in on purpose to see me?
00:34:45No, it's not like that.
00:34:47You think a lot, too.
00:34:49Why do you think about me?
00:34:54Because we're close.
00:34:56Aren't you being too harsh on me?
00:34:58I'm still an elementary school student.
00:35:00You're all grown up.
00:35:02Mom and dad treated you like a kid.
00:35:05You're going to be a middle school student soon.
00:35:07But I think you're all grown up now.
00:35:11I helped my mom at that age.
00:35:13That kid...
00:35:17Is he my dad's child?
00:35:22He's your brother.
00:35:25You're going to be a good sister to Sarang, right?
00:35:32Does my mom know?
00:35:36If your mom finds out,
00:35:38she'll be very sad.
00:35:40The lawsuit will be prolonged.
00:35:42There will be articles, right?
00:35:45I apologized to my mom.
00:35:49Jaehee, I'm sorry.
00:35:52It's all the adults' fault.
00:35:54But you got a lot of love from your dad.
00:35:56Your mom needs you so much.
00:36:00Can you tell the lawyer
00:36:02that I want to live with my mom?
00:36:07I'm so sorry.
00:36:09Did you apologize to my mom, not me?
00:36:30Jaehee, where are you?
00:36:37I'm on my way home.
00:36:54What are you doing here?
00:36:56Did you come alone?
00:36:57I was just passing by.
00:36:59Do you want me to call your mom?
00:37:07I'm really good at going alone.
00:37:09You can go.
00:37:10I know.
00:37:11Jaehee is smart.
00:37:13But I'll see you take the bus.
00:37:16Where are you going?
00:37:23I don't know where to go.
00:37:28You should go home.
00:37:30Which house?
00:37:32Mom's house?
00:37:33Dad's house?
00:37:38When I was your age,
00:37:42I had complicated things at home.
00:37:44So I think I know how you feel.
00:37:48So did that complicated thing work out?
00:37:52Of course.
00:37:54It's all in the past.
00:37:57Of course, I still think about it from time to time.
00:38:17Bye, Jaehee.
00:38:51I'm sorry, Mr. Lawyer.
00:38:53I told you to come at this time.
00:38:56There's no time to apologize.
00:38:58Yes, I understand.
00:39:01Where else can you say that?
00:39:04You can tell me.
00:39:34You're Seojin, right?
00:39:40I didn't get a call, so I came here.
00:39:43There's a reading room nearby.
00:39:45I always had dinner here with the pork cutlet my dad fried.
00:39:49I had a late night snack and went home.
00:39:52I heard you're having a drink with the lawyer here today.
00:39:55Oh, you're close with your dad.
00:40:02My dad has blood pressure, so he shouldn't drink this much.
00:40:08Is everything okay?
00:40:12Of course, everything's fine.
00:40:24Oh, my son.
00:40:26When did you get here?
00:40:27Dad, wake up.
00:40:30I'm home.
00:40:32Oh, my son.
00:40:35Don't go anywhere.
00:40:37I'm not going.
00:40:39What's wrong with my dad today?
00:40:41The lawyer is here.
00:40:42What's going on?
00:40:44Today is the day of the interview.
00:40:46I'll go after I sleep.
00:40:48Don't go anywhere.
00:40:53Does the lawyer look a lot like your dad?
00:41:00No, he doesn't look like him at all.
00:41:04I see.
00:41:08My dad and I are like fish-shaped buns, right?
00:41:10Yeah, it's a fish-shaped bun.
00:41:40Oh, my son.
00:42:01Today is...
00:42:02Oh, my son.
00:42:04That's right. That's right. Good job.
00:42:06Squid and beer.
00:42:07Do you remember the first time I told you about Kim Ji-sung cheating on you?
00:42:13That's right. That's right.
00:42:14One of my friends couldn't lie.
00:42:19Do you know what he said then?
00:42:22What did he say?
00:42:24If my wife is cheating on me, it's over.
00:42:28Why do you live with me?
00:42:29She's the one who teased me.
00:42:32She's the one who teased you.
00:42:34Oh, my God.
00:42:36It's only been a few months, and I've changed my mind about that.
00:42:46What did Park Ji-hwan say?
00:42:49He wants to live as Seo-jin's dad until he can.
00:42:57Is it still fun to have a divorce case?
00:43:00Is it fun?
00:43:01Do you know that you have a little infectious disease?
00:43:03I'm already infected.
00:43:04Hormone virus.
00:43:06It was painful, wasn't it?
00:43:07That's why you can't go home right away, and you're doing this.
00:43:14Before I started working, I thought divorce was not different from a breakup in a relationship where one person commits a mistake and the other person decides to break up.
00:43:26But it wasn't just a breakup between a man and a woman.
00:43:34You know the principle of self-reliance in our textbooks.
00:43:38The principle that the child's happiness should be the first priority.
00:43:41Oh, I saw Park Ji-hwan today, and I knew what he meant.
00:43:56Way to go!
00:43:58Way to go!
00:44:16What does Park Ji-hwan want to do?
00:44:18He's drunk with his new wife.
00:44:22He's my own son, and I don't want to sort out the documents.
00:44:27I can understand that.
00:44:29But after two years, you'll never be able to sue again.
00:44:34Shouldn't we try to persuade him a little harder?
00:44:36I don't think it's going to make any sense to go into a legal situation anymore.
00:44:41I'll give up my wife's hand.
00:44:43We need to negotiate well so that we don't lose money on medical supplies or medical expenses.
00:44:46Please make a good decision and proceed.
00:44:49All right.
00:44:50We'll be back.
00:44:51See you later.
00:45:03I've been in court for over 10 years, and I've never seen anything like this before.
00:45:07Please call and explain.
00:45:10I'm sorry.
00:45:12Don't you think you should apologize to the defendant, not the judge?
00:45:18I'm sorry.
00:45:21How could you do this?
00:45:25Were you with him the whole time you were married?
00:45:27Was it a lie that you were with him?
00:45:29It was just once.
00:45:32Just once?
00:45:34Are you saying that it's okay to do it just once?
00:45:36You even had a DNA test done.
00:45:37Why do you keep fighting for custody for a year?
00:45:40Did you try to hide it from me because Seo-jin and I used you?
00:45:43Did you think that if I won, Seo-jin would let me go?
00:45:46And then you became Seo-jin's mother?
00:45:51You kept lying to me, and it was so hard for me, too.
00:45:57Why are you raising my baby?
00:45:59It's not my baby.
00:46:01Seo-jin wants to live with me.
00:46:03Think about Seo-jin.
00:46:07You can't do it.
00:46:12When you asked me to get a divorce,
00:46:15I thought I was going to do it because I wasn't good enough.
00:46:20He's the kind of guy who fries pork cutlet.
00:46:24Let's say you can give it up a hundred times and do it to me.
00:46:27How can you do that to Seo-jin?
00:46:28How can you do that to Seo-jin?
00:46:37The defendant must have been in pain enough
00:46:41just because he was deceived,
00:46:43but he kept thinking about Seo-jin.
00:46:46Thinking about the shock Seo-jin would get when she found out later,
00:46:50he decided not to take any legal action.
00:46:54Seo-jin's mom.
00:47:02Keep it a secret from Seo-jin for the rest of your life.
00:47:08That's all I want.
00:47:15Just let my son live as a father.
00:47:45I'll give you one suggestion to fix your body.
00:47:48Even if we can't get the custody,
00:47:52let's do the interview without a limit on the number of meetings or days.
00:47:56That's not possible.
00:47:57We're not even friends.
00:48:02We're not even friends,
00:48:03but don't you remember that you took care of me,
00:48:05your wife, and the money for the custody?
00:48:08But if you ask me to limit the number of interviews,
00:48:18it's 18 years.
00:48:20I'm the son who raised 18 years with love.
00:48:25Let's wrap it up so that my dad can see Seo-jin as much as he wants.
00:49:08Thank you so much for letting my son live.
00:49:13You're welcome.
00:49:14Seo-jin is a father and a son.
00:49:18Even if it wasn't for us, Seo-jin would have come to see her dad on her own.
00:49:24It's a good thing that her mom gave up all her property,
00:49:26and in fact, she got back the custody she paid in the past.
00:49:34From now on, I will continue to live as Seo-jin's father,
00:49:39and I will do my best to keep this a secret from Seo-jin.
00:49:47I'll get going.
00:49:49Hey, son.
00:49:52Where are you?
00:49:54You're not drinking today, are you?
00:49:57Is there anything you want to eat?
00:50:00See you later.
00:50:09Thank you for your hard work today.
00:50:10Thank you for your hard work.
00:50:12Thank you for your hard work.
00:50:14Thank you for your hard work.
00:50:15You're welcome.
00:50:17I'll go in first today.
00:50:19Lyrics investigation.
00:50:21Yes, go ahead.
00:50:29Everything will be fine, so don't worry too much.
00:50:48Jeon Byung.
00:50:54What happened to Park Ji-hwan's case?
00:50:58Well, it's good.
00:51:04But why am I so sad today?
00:51:17You did a great job.
00:51:40That room is so pretty.
00:51:43Did you decorate it?
00:51:48My mom and dad are busy filling it up with things I like.
00:51:55It feels like I've been receiving Christmas gifts all at once for 10 years.
00:52:00That kid is so humorous.
00:52:05How can I tell you how I feel today?
00:52:10Can you tell me?
00:52:15Can I tell you my conclusion?
00:52:39Oh, well, I was going to ask you if I could get you a drink.
00:52:44It's over.
00:52:47It's over.
00:52:48I didn't have to say it for a long time.
00:52:52That's good.
00:52:55I'll get going.
00:52:56Yes, thank you.
00:53:11Thank you for driving me home.
00:53:15By the way, lawyer.
00:53:17Is there anything good?
00:53:20What's good about the case and the lyrical investigation?
00:53:24I know.
00:53:26But why do you look happy?
00:53:32I saw the lyrical investigation report.
00:53:34It says that Jae-hee hasn't told me the truth.
00:53:39Did you say you were going to buy a comic book?
00:53:44I'm just guessing.
00:53:47Jae-hee is willing to live with me.
00:53:52He said he was relieved.
00:53:56Actually, Jae-hee asked me.
00:54:00If you tell the lyrical investigator that you want to live with your mom,
00:54:04Is the lawsuit over?
00:54:10But I guess there are a lot of predictions.
00:54:12I'm sure.
00:54:15He's going to be in middle school soon.
00:54:17It's going to be reflected in the child's will.
00:54:19You don't have to worry about custody anymore.
00:54:24Take the last lyrical investigation comfortably.
00:54:30Thank you, lawyer.
00:54:33What is it? Why?
00:54:34It's awkward, isn't it?
00:54:38Jae-hee told me to decorate my room with what I like.
00:54:42No, it helped me a lot to express my interest in Jae-hee.
00:54:53Jae-hee looked a little relieved after the last custody investigation.
00:55:00Can you tell what kind of conversation you had?
00:55:03Jae-hee didn't open his mouth during the first lyrical investigation.
00:55:09He kept saying that he could be honest if he was honest.
00:55:13I'm going to be honest when the adults are honest in front of me.
00:55:19When we meet children during the lyrical investigation,
00:55:22Sometimes children claim that adults are lying.
00:55:32Isn't it because it's hard to believe that mom and dad are breaking up?
00:55:38Children say that when their parents force them to believe what they know and what they don't know.
00:55:45What do you mean?
00:55:47Jae-hee knows everything.
00:55:54Yes, that...
00:55:56The truth about dad's abduction...
00:56:00Jae-hee found out earlier than mom that dad and aunt were cheating on him.
00:56:13Mr. Lawyer, Jae-hee was a little Cha Eun-kyung.
00:56:18Did you know everything?
00:56:20I thought you didn't know.
00:56:23Did you think I wouldn't know?
00:56:29Let's take a look.
00:56:48I'm not a kid anymore.
00:56:51I guess I thought I would never know about dad and aunt.
00:56:55You're here.
00:56:57Where's Jae-hee?
00:56:59He fell asleep while doing his homework.
00:57:26Jae-hee, I'm sorry.
00:57:42You lied to me in front of my eyes.
00:57:44I've never seen my dad get jealous when he likes someone.
00:57:48Even if Jae-hee lives with my dad, I can see as much as my mom wants.
00:57:52Don't worry too much about your mom.
00:57:54I gave you a chance, but I lied to you until the end.
00:58:04And I can't say this either.
00:58:10What is it?
00:58:12Please tell me everything.
00:58:16I heard you have a younger brother.
00:58:19I went to my dad's house and saw a ultrasound photo.
00:58:25Jae-hee asked me to keep it a secret from my mom.
00:58:41How can you hide this?
00:58:43Actually, I shouldn't have told my mom.
00:58:48My mom keeps lying to protect me.
00:58:53I want to protect her.
00:58:56I don't want to be a burden.
00:59:02Just as all parents love their children in their own way,
00:59:07children may be trying hard every moment to protect their parents' way of loving themselves and their sincerity.
00:59:20Is that how children love their parents?
00:59:37Who is it?
00:59:41Who is it?
01:01:21I used to love him a lot.
01:01:30I hate you.
01:01:31You have to pull yourself together.
01:01:34I don't think I have the right to be a mother.
01:01:36What is my role?