Video Games unattractive?

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Video Games unattractive?
00:00This woman went viral for suggesting that the most
00:06unattractive habit, uh-huh that a man can have is
00:10video gaming
00:12Really? Yes Wow and a front to to video gamers everywhere. I like video
00:21What you look like you might agree
00:23I think it's the equipment that comes with the video games that really upsets
00:29Folks women in particular in particular my friends Santos on a video gamer, okay?
00:34He's just not I am but yeah
00:37Comes with you know the equipment the remote the remote all the wires
00:42My good friend Sarah always complains about her husband Tucker and the wires and like how many things he has for said video games
00:49Okay, what is this story? I think she has like four different hair dryers, right? No
00:54No, no, no, but everything has a place and I think it's hard to find a gaming place. Here's what you do
00:59I got some people tell Tucker is it Tucker? Yeah, Akata, whatever Tucker. Yeah, tell him to hit me up
01:05I got a guy who set up his video game console and what's the girl's name?
01:11Sarah Sarah met them. Oh, did I yeah, we'll love it because it's all wireless. You can't see anything
01:17He has some place to hang. They'll hang the console. Okay, that doesn't make it unattractive
01:21Well, I think it just adds it's like I if a guy's spending all of his I I can't get into this again because I'm
01:27Going to get absolutely destroyed people are still mad at me for the sports betting or the fantasy
01:35What I wasn't all over I just said you put too much effort into it if you just blind if you blind picked a team
01:40You'd probably do better than all the effort you put in. I think I feel like it's childish the gaming
01:45Yeah, well people make a lot of money off
01:48Women like cuz you're sitting there you're playing video games all day long and it's like I maybe I mean
01:54That's the only thing that I could guess. It's like are you ever gonna get off the couch?
01:57I mean, how long are you gonna cuz Greg you were there at one point?
02:00How many hours can you sit and play GTA? Yeah, cuz I can play Call of Duty for seven hours
02:05I when I was into Grand Theft Auto, it would be fine if I had the time, right?
02:11I had a lot of parenting to do obviously
02:14I could spend the entire Saturday or Sunday and I think that's what it is
02:17He's trying to beat Grand Theft Auto Vice City, and I think they're like, what are you a teenager?
02:21What do you think you're 14 years old?
02:22You've been playing video games from 12 to 12
02:25So was this the did was this the report where they had a bunch of different things like women ranked? What was the I?
02:31just saw it yesterday and
02:35Hold on. I can tell you about it because it's in my show notes
02:38So it is Liz Wheeler who is a
02:47Who says it's got 18 million views and
02:51She said the least attractive hobby for men according to women is
02:56being a gamer
02:59So second was collecting figurines
03:02Like Star Wars figurines, yeah, I'm does that also. Yeah
03:09Building model trains. Okay, I could see that and here's one that's gonna hit home with your husband
03:16comic book
03:20He doesn't like comic books anymore she said it's
03:24He doesn't like comic books anymore she said it's
03:31It's beyond red flag she says like it's a deal-breaker
03:36What's not to like the 40 year old virgin when you met him like did he have his comics?
03:45No like in his childhood bedroom, yes, you know like collectors
03:50Like the comic books like right but not when I was like meeting him
03:55He kind of broke away from it. Would that bother you though?
03:57If you weren't married and you were back to dating and a guy was a video gamer
04:02Like would you find that you can say it? I I don't think I would find it annoying until
04:08We moved in together like that annoying is different in my mind than unattractive. Yeah unattractive
04:15I think it would I would maybe give me the ick once we lived together and I had to like listen to it in the
04:20But you can hear him
04:24Mouthing off to a twelve-year-old on the other side of the screen. I would find that an egg
04:28Yeah, is it quite possibly in in the case of of your sex?
04:34That it is an activity that a guy really enjoys
04:40That you're not involved in is that possibly why you find it to be the ick?
04:44No, because if women if you like Mario Kart, I would jump in is that maybe what it is
04:49Maybe the man has found peace doing something that you're not involved with and that's what creates the that what that's what makes it
04:57Unattractive to you. Yeah, maybe okay, but I think it's more like, you know, you're you're slinging, you know offensive
05:05Comments at young boys on the our girls on the other side. You should have some of the things that they
05:13Listen when you're gaming your stream and it's fair game and in the COD
05:20That and let me tell you something about those twelve-year-olds those little kids
05:23They are the biggest ish talkers around especially when you get to the gulag before we even get to going
05:29You're already talking smack. I love how old are you now? I'm 49
05:34Arguing with twelve-year-old got no issues with Call of Duty. Yes. I know you threaten them. No, I mean
05:42No, I don't threaten them physically. Oh, but when I do have an opportunity to get the revenge and kill them on the game
05:49Oh, I make sure they know I make sure they know I make sure eat that bullet
05:58There's some 12 year old kid, oh, yeah, Iowa somewhere that is wiggies are
06:08But then again like there are probably a lot of women out there that are up in the know
06:12Like look at twitch you can see these people are making millions of dollars by playing video games
06:18So it's really not like a childish thing anymore
06:20That's the that's the that's the minority of people like for like people who play games like myself, you know
06:27We're not making money doing it. We just love the video game. No, here's Jeff from New Hampshire. What's up, Jeff?
06:34Guy in his early 40s. I have to completely agree. I work with
06:39people and on their breaks they have their gaming computers at work and and they're adults with kids and
06:45You know other things to do when they're playing video games it gives is a straight male with two kids myself
06:51It gives me the ick and it's just it's completely it's sad. It's it's it's embarrassing that that men
06:58Adult men are doing this maybe in your 20s without kids, but I mean, it's ridiculous
07:03I'm awful Shimon wiggy would yeah would beg to differ but that's what they look at being childish
07:08We could be there for six hours just arguing with little kids and wiggy doesn't really have anything better to do I mean
07:17His kids are grown his kids are grown mine are not grown. I'm home
07:20I'm either at work the gym or home with my kids
07:22I don't have time to turn they have video games and if they put their and you're right about the 12 year olds there
07:28They're 10. I put my head their headset on before to try to fix it and you should hear the stuff
07:33That's going on on fortnight. It is unbelievable what these kids talk about. Thanks guys
07:38I mean, you know and I was doing it when my kids were around but you know, and they are they're vicious and generally
07:45They're good too. Like I'm not very good. But see there's a guy like that feel the same way about golf
07:50I mean around a golf
07:52Takes you four hours
07:54Hour to get there, you know, you gotta have no because food drinks afterward
07:59It's a six-hour day like do do women feel this? I'm sure women feel the same way
08:03I have some friends who feel that way. I grew up with a dad who played golf, you know multiple times a week
08:08So I I was so used to it. So that could also be it like my my dad wasn't a video gamer
08:13So I didn't grow up with it
08:14So me meeting Santo and he's not one was normal if I had met a guy who was we moved in together
08:20I would find the ick there. No, it's childish. That's no it
08:24No, cuz Greg brings up a great point
08:26I have friends who didn't grow up with their dad playing golf all the time
08:30So then they get married and they hate when their husband goes in golf
08:32I love it like because they're gone, but they don't know I don't love it because he's gone
08:37I love it because he loves to do it
08:42He's doing something that doesn't involve them but golf they don't look at guys are like go ahead
08:47You gotta go. You're gonna go out and go to some needlepoint circle thing like go but guys don't go to you're gonna go
08:54To a shower for 12 hours. No, but girls don't look at golf to be childish
08:59They just they're just annoyed that maybe they active they can't do it
09:03And or they don't want to do it and the guys gone all day
09:06They don't look at it to be a childish even like the caller who just called up
09:11They view video games as you being kind of it's a childish thing to be doing. Yeah. Well, it's not a childish thing
09:18I mean if you can make a million bucks doing it on why do I need to make money?
09:22Why can't I just be a grown man who loves to play?
09:25I think it's because you're you it's not an active activity and like you're sitting at home if you're sitting at home for hours
09:31Hey, no, I love to sit at home and watch, you know real housewives
09:34so I'm not one to talk but at the same time golf is different because you're out there and you're being active so people can
09:39Treat golf like it's like a workout
09:44It's just I think we know what's going on here. It's not on a trip
09:47I I don't think it's the it's the most unattractive hobby a man can have
09:53I just don't I would not agree with this
09:55I'd like to see what she say if let's say Chan and Tatum was playing Call of Duty with a shirt off
10:01Okay, right about that you're like, oh yeah, oh that's hot
