• 2 months ago
Arsenal boss Mikel Arteta on academy players being sold for profit and the consequences of rules


Sobha Traing Ground, London, UK
00:00A lot, a lot. When I had a talk with Emil, I really felt it. First of all because I had
00:14huge gratitude because he came into the team and I gave him the opportunity to come when it was a
00:20tough moment and I think he was the player that made our supporters and the team clicked in a way.
00:27I don't know how to explain it but that was my feeling. Something changed when he came on the
00:31team and he created a different energy straight away. And I have a feeling like I haven't got
00:38the best out of him. Obviously a lot of things happened in that time that are not to happen but
00:43from my side it was really sad because I know how those boys feel when they're in that building and
00:48how hard everybody works at the club to get them close to the first team. So I feel a huge
00:52responsibility after to give them the chance and now okay, can they sustain this level and
00:57make us better? And that's the idea that we have.
01:00Around 10 years ago or so, it was a stated ambition of the club to have a team that was
01:05half academy players, half signed in. Is that possible or realistic in terms of the level
01:12that it is in the investment community? Well, I think the sentence is not finished.
01:19I want to have a team that is half academy, half foreigner, whatever it is, and win the Premier
01:25League, Champions League consistently. Is that the sentence or is it just have it? Have it,
01:29it's possible, we can do that tomorrow. It's to achieve what is something different. I have a
01:33great example, Athletic Bilbao, what they've done only with academy players and basketball players
01:38is remarkable. But can they win now every year the La Liga and the Champions League? That's a
01:43different task. Every rule has its consequences. If somebody has thought about that very early,
02:04that's good. If that's what we want, that's what we want. If you put the upside line,
02:09you know what you can do. A lot of teams are going to play with a high line, you're going to
02:11be offside. If you take that off tomorrow, a lot of teams are going to defend in a different height.
02:16It's like every rule has its consequences and we have to accept that.
02:21Adam Calf, with the transfer window obviously closing next week,
02:25one of the questions I've had this year and last year that keeps coming up is a striker,
02:29striker, striker. If you hypothetically go for a striker, in terms of the factors of cost and
02:35profile, which is the most difficult to navigate?
02:42I don't know. It's not a question that we put ourselves because we have some great strikers.
02:47Gary Jesus is there, Kai has played there, a lot of Mino, Leo has played there and
02:51we believe that we have all the necessities as well and we fully trust our players.
02:56Last year we scored the most goals in the history of this club.
03:00We want to get better for sure and we'll try, but we're going to try with the players that
03:03are already with us.
03:05Away from the pitch, Bukayo Saka has had a mural here at the American Stadium on the
03:10wire. What do you make of it? What's the relationship between Saka and the
03:18North London neighbourhoods? It just seems like you're not following up on
03:22everyone's related stories about Saka.
03:25Well, I think Bukayo is a very likeable person, player, not only here but across the country and
03:32anybody in Europe or the world that knows him, you can sense that he's someone special.
03:37But I think that extending, Bukayo I understand, an academy player, there are many other paintings
03:42outside there. There is one of George Cronkite, which is unbelievable as well and so good to see.
03:49It's a reflection of how people feel about the club and the individuals. It's really good.
03:53Can you talk about the relationship that you have with Sterling Portia on City?
03:59Why is it about Sterling that impressed you so much? Do you think you might be getting
04:03to know him at some point?
04:04His willingness to learn and how he acted in a difficult moment for him
04:09in many levels. I play with a lot of courage, always available, always willing to play,
04:14always want to develop and extra. I was really, really impressed with him.
04:22You've been at Barca now almost five years and you've been through lows or highs.
04:28It feels like you work best when you're under pressure.
04:34Is that how you feel, when you're under pressure?
04:37Well, I think the pressure is something that we put ourselves. That pressure comes
04:43actually giving the team and the club the best possible tools to play the best possible way,
04:50to make sure that everybody is happy and fulfilled at the club and that we win trophies.
04:55That's the pressure. The other part is something that is part of the job,
04:59but it doesn't feel pressure with that.
05:02There's been some stormy times at the club that under you have been very calm.
05:05Do you often strangely worry that you couldn't want there to be that pressure again?
05:12You don't want to be too calm because you may take a bit of a gasp and relax?
05:18I don't see that happening. If there is something that we really want to promote
05:22is that everybody is in their toes, everybody is willing and everybody is with the same
05:28intention, which is to win. Hopefully, we can transmit that every single day.
05:34Last couple, Ed.
05:34I was just going back to the video game with both of them last year. I was wondering how
05:39much you analysed both of them. Did you fall into the same trap on both occasions?
05:49I think there are a lot of patterns there. Efficiency is one of them.
05:56I wouldn't call that a trap. I would call that something else.
05:59But yes, you have to give credit to them and the opponents when they manage to beat you,
06:06whether you merit or not merit. At the end, there are a lot of things that you can analyse
06:10and be very simplistic about it. It's because we lost,
06:13but there are other things as well that are, in my opinion, very relevant as well.
06:17Is there something about United that you would be looking to solve?
06:24I always admire him. I always admire him as a coach,
06:27as a person, what he's done with his teams. He had a difficult time when he was in his
06:34first experience here and he didn't hesitate to take another project
06:38and take it to a completely different level. That tells you as well about the courage of the person.
06:46You seem very relaxed about the new contract,
06:48but obviously the closer it goes towards expiry, the more fans are going to be worrying.
06:53Have you felt them panicking?
06:55I don't think anybody has to panic. I'm in the place that I want to be and I'm really happy.
07:01Hopefully the club thinks the same thing and the players are aware, which in my opinion is the most
07:07important thing, that I look every day at them. When I'm talking to them and we're having discussions
07:13and we're planning things, you sense in their eyes that sense of belief and hunger that is still there.
07:19So you're not expecting long-term?
07:22You're expecting a couple of minutes?
07:25Minutes? I don't know. We've done it in the past, it's never been an issue and I don't expect that.
07:37Well, I'm really sad. It was very difficult news and you can sense the love and respect
07:44and admiration that it was for him. I think what we experienced at the Day of Wolves was
07:49emotional and very unique as well. You can sense it was something very moving for everybody
07:55and especially for his family as well. So hopefully they felt that the club and
08:02everybody that knew him loved him and respected him in the manner that they do as well.
08:09Yeah, thank you.
