Upaya Meningkatkan Literasi dan Inklusi Keuangan

  • last month
Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) terus berupaya meningkatkan literasi dan inklusi keuangan, untuk mewujudkan Indonesia maju 2045. Tingkat inklusi keuangan di Indonesia saat ini masih diangka 75,02%, sementara itu indeks literasi keuangan penduduk Indonesia sebesar 65,43%.


00:00Indonesia's Financial Services Authority continues to increase financial literacy and inclusion to create a more advanced Indonesia in 2045.
00:12The level of financial inclusion in Indonesia is still at 75.02 percent.
00:17Meanwhile, Indonesia's population financial literacy index is 65.43 percent.
00:23The level of financial literacy and financial inclusion is the foundation to support economic growth and improve the welfare of the people.
00:34Not only that, financial literacy and inclusion is also one of the weapons to create a more advanced Indonesia in 2045.
00:41Based on the National Survey of Financial Literacy and Inclusion or SNLIK in 2024 from the Financial Services Authority,
00:48the National Survey of Financial Literacy and Inclusion indicates that the level of financial inclusion in Indonesia is still at 75.02 percent.
00:55Meanwhile, Indonesia's population financial literacy index is 65.43 percent.
01:01The Chairperson of the Commission on Financial Literacy and Inclusion, Maendra Sireger, said that the Gincarkan program is being prepared as an effort for all stakeholders
01:08to orchestrate a national movement to increase financial literacy and inclusion to support economic growth and improve the welfare of the people.
01:19The level of financial inclusion in Indonesia is still at 75.02 percent.
01:27Meanwhile, Indonesia's population financial literacy index is 65.43 percent.
01:32The level of financial inclusion in Indonesia is the foundation to support economic growth and improve the welfare of the people.
01:44We believe that strong financial literacy and inclusion is the key to increase liquidity, market depth,
01:54and financing to boost national economic growth.
02:03Maendra said that the OJK still sees illegal financial activities and online gambling,
02:08as well as low-income communities that need special attention such as women, young people and students,
02:14MSMEs, 3T communities, those who live and work in the future, as well as people with disabilities and migrant workers in Indonesia.
