EastEnders 23nd August 2024

  • last month


00:29I've told you everything.
00:33I wish I'd done it sooner, but I'm... I'm doing it now.
00:38Let's talk again about each and every occasion you had sex with her.
00:48She was a willing participant, more than willing.
00:53Look, they'll find traces of something in her blood,
00:57in the baby's blood, whatever. I'll be proved right.
01:00She'd had a drink when she admitted it,
01:02why would she lie?
01:06Tell me again what she said.
01:10She said she'd looked up drugs that kill babies in the womb,
01:14or words to that effect.
01:18She bought the stuff online.
01:20But after all that, it didn't work.
01:23Thank God.
01:25I felt guilty reporting it.
01:27Please just tell me I did the right thing.
01:31Despite her age, despite the vulnerable position you'd put her in,
01:35despite the fact she'd been missing all that time...
01:40Ethics versus law.
01:43Is that the best use of our time?
01:45We'll find out exactly who acquired it.
01:48When, how, with what bank account.
01:52Maybe she used cash.
01:56I think she said she got it online, maybe.
01:59Maybe I've misremembered.
02:02You seem fairly certain, according to DC Green's report.
02:09Oh, don't forget bread.
02:11Right, OK, yeah, bread, shampoo, apples, Sam's Biscuits.
02:15Write it down. No, no, no, I want to do it.
02:17This is good for my brain. Spaghetti.
02:19Spaghetti. OK.
02:21Right, look, I think we should get a cab to the hospital.
02:24It's Nine Metres Park and they've shut the top level.
02:26OK, I'm just glad you're coming with me.
02:32I never want to leave your side.
02:34OK, but listen, we can't be sharing a bed together again.
02:38Yeah, but all we did was cuddle this time.
02:41Oh, but, Leanne, all we did was cuddle this time.
02:44OK, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, point taken.
02:46Let's just, er, let's just get through this afternoon, shall we?
02:50OK, so, bread, shampoo, apples, Sam's Biscuits, spaghetti.
02:55Sam's Biscuits, spaghetti.
02:57Yeah, he's a clever boy.
03:04I'm guessing they've already tested it.
03:08Hospitals keep hold of some centres, believe it or not.
03:11They found me suprostyl in Lauren's.
03:19So she did do it?
03:24Not according to her bank account.
03:26Unless, of course, she misremembered and she paid cash.
03:33Maybe she used a friend's debit card.
03:36Seems unlikely she'd have thought it through to that extent.
03:39Covering her tracks?
03:41That doesn't seem far-fetched at all.
03:43No worries you covering your tracks.
03:46That's not so hard to believe, is it?
03:48You know how these things work.
03:50Took the necessary precautions.
03:52I let you check my bank statements.
03:54Maintenance search history.
03:56You're trying to spin a lack of evidence as guilt.
03:59You don't seem overly upset.
04:01You know, for someone who thinks the mother of his child
04:04tried to illegally abort it.
04:06Well, I've had some time to come to terms with it.
04:09Yeah, poor Dee Dee, by the way.
04:13I knew she'd find out eventually.
04:16I should have told her about the baby.
04:22But I left it too late.
04:24Do you know that's the first thing you've said that I actually believe?
04:27Lauren told you who attacked her.
04:30She gave you his name and he's in prison.
04:32Yeah, you were forced to drop it.
04:34You said, but the fact remains,
04:36you linked him to Lauren's DNA,
04:40whether you chose to pursue it or not.
04:43So I'm still not entirely sure what I'm doing here.
04:53They found that stuff in the placenta.
04:56They can't think he did it.
04:58What, can't they? What, three doctors?
05:02They won't believe him.
05:04DS Wayne doesn't believe him.
05:07They're watching me now.
05:09They're watching me now.
05:16What have they asked you?
05:20Have you ever taken mysoprostol?
05:24Do you take recreational drugs?
05:26What other drugs have you taken in the past?
05:28You want birth control?
05:30Are you in a relationship with the baby's father?
05:33It will all be about safeguarding Lauren.
05:35No, he told them I did it.
05:39And if they can't prove it was him,
05:41they'll just assume he's telling the truth.
05:44I mean, mothers have been charged in the past.
05:48What, when the baby survived?
05:52They think I'm a danger to him.
05:55Have you spoken to the safeguarding team?
05:59Have you told them everything?
06:01Yeah, I told them everything.
06:04That I slept with him for money.
06:06That he beat me up, that I was taking handouts off him.
06:12Well, according to this, mysoprostol's legal.
06:15It's used to treat stomach ulcers.
06:19It's used to induce labour legally.
06:22So I see.
06:24They've got clipboards, you know,
06:26and they're just making notes and whispering it.
06:29It won't be for long.
06:31Soon you'll both be out of here.
06:34They'll see what a good mum you are
06:36and you will be able to hold him and feed him.
06:40No, they think...
06:41They think I got hold of that stuff.
06:44That I tried to kill...
06:46That I tried to kill my own son.
06:49No, listen.
06:52Joel tried to kill your son.
06:55The same way he nearly killed you.
06:57And I'm going to make sure the whole world knows it.
07:01Who's the latest, Mr Derry?
07:04Is there a long line of teenage girls that...
07:06If so, where are they?
07:10These young, disadvantaged girls.
07:14Why wouldn't they speak up?
07:17We're working on it.
07:21You know, I often work as a duty solicitor.
07:25I've had many, many clients.
07:28The young and the downtrodden amongst them.
07:31They, thanks to you all, are often the ones who need us the most.
07:36Yeah, and many of them come to rely on you.
07:39Some of them feel like they owe you.
07:42Oh, no, correction, actually.
07:46You feel like they owe you.
07:50I mean, they're not so keen, but they oblige.
07:54For cash.
07:57See, now you're just improvising.
08:01If you're going to charge me, set bail.
08:03If not, you can escort me to the door.
08:10250 quid?
08:14200, from our joint account?
08:18There you go. You can tell your sister they're fixed.
08:20You do it.
08:22I beg your pardon?
08:24Brube's fixed him!
08:26Right, I didn't mean like that. I could do that.
08:28Have you got any ideas?
08:29What about...
08:31This, Ty? 250 quid? From an ATM?
08:34Oh, yeah, erm...
08:36Well, I had to get engine oiled, didn't I, from the car parts centre?
08:39Company card was playing up, so I just got the cash out.
08:42Kev's going to transfer it.
08:44I'll remind him.
08:46How's your other family? Any funny phone calls?
08:50I'll ask them later, thank you.
08:51Or what, at the hotel we're paying for?
08:54Right, it's not my other family.
08:56You know it's not. It's not like that.
08:58And no, I won't be going to the hotel.
09:00Or what, in case the bad men see you?
09:02Come on, love, this is delicate, you know that?
09:05You're smart enough to understand.
09:07I sure were.
09:08Right, just watch it, will you?
09:12Ruby, wake up!
09:18Buffering. Broadband's a joke.
09:21They were going to bring in the mega-fast stuff round here,
09:24but they scrapped it.
09:26They don't mind me bringing him, do you?
09:28We can't stop long.
09:30I can't believe it was Joe.
09:33I'll take that with a pinch of salt, mate.
09:35One week it was someone else, next week, who knows?
09:39You do believe it, though.
09:41You don't think he was telling the truth about Lauren?
09:44Everything pointed to Nathan.
09:45Everything pointed to Roy.
09:47Right. My brother doesn't need to hear there's bicker, does he?
09:50Is Dee Dee OK?
09:53How much?
09:54250. I said it was for engine oil, but obviously it wasn't.
09:58It was for Adam's fee,
09:59looking into if I've got rights and all that kind of stuff.
10:02Look, I'm sure she won't ask, but if she does,
10:04just tell her that you owe me and you're going to pay me back.
10:07And what happens when I don't?
10:09Well, just transfer me the money, isn't it?
10:11You know, I'll get the cash and...
10:12Try it on.
10:13She'll go spare.
10:14You'll just end up in a bigger mess.
10:16I'm trying to save you the headache.
10:18You'll just end up in a bigger mess.
10:20I'm trying to save you the headache.
10:22So you're not going to help me?
10:23I am helping.
10:26Right, here you go.
10:27What about the time you forgot about Rosie's parents' evening, eh?
10:30And Sally got suspicious.
10:31I don't remember that.
10:32Well, I do, because I bailed you right out, mate.
10:35I told her some story that the geography teacher said
10:37that Rosie talks a lot in geography.
10:39I saved your bacon.
10:40Absolute no recollection.
10:42Well, she was going to ring the school and you'd have been toast.
10:44We all get toasted eventually.
10:46Don't I know it.
10:48How many years you been waiting to cash in on that one?
10:50Yeah, I've been biding my time.
10:52I'm done with lying time.
10:53What, so if Fiz asks, you're just going to land me in it?
10:55You've already said she won't ask.
10:59At risk of being indelicate,
11:01there was no hoarding that you were aware of.
11:05Well, the flat seemed fairly orderly.
11:08Oh, that's good news.
11:10Good old Cathy.
11:12Yes, yes.
11:13Still miss her now and then.
11:16Mum did accuse Nathan.
11:20Yeah, only cos Joel made me.
11:22Right, and what did the police say, then, when you changed your mind?
11:25I didn't change my mind, I just decided to tell the truth.
11:28No, they're going to see through that, Lauren.
11:30Not with evidence, they won't.
11:32Well, what about the DNA in Nathan's van?
11:34I've never even met the guy, or been in his van.
11:37Right, so they've got the first bloke you said did it,
11:42and they've got the second,
11:44who's now claiming that you tried to kill your own baby.
11:46You were just as bad as your cousin.
11:48Everyone's just rubbish detectives.
11:50I'm just saying, Lauren, it's not going to look good, is it,
11:53you living in his flat willingly.
11:55Right, and what other options have I got, Max?
11:58What's up in tailing with you?
12:00Bet your lot would love that, wouldn't they?
12:02Me in a box room with a newborn baby.
12:04Good afternoon.
12:07It was Joel.
12:12You've heard, then?
12:14Yeah, well, Dee Dee's Joel.
12:16Yeah, he was threatening Lauren, she was scared.
12:19Right, Max, I'll tell him.
12:20And they've arrested him now.
12:21Well, did the police not have the decency to let you know?
12:23I don't believe they have.
12:25On one occasion, with regard to Mr Curtis.
12:28Well, they can keep Nathan Curtis where he is.
12:32Are you joking?
12:40It was the police.
12:44They've let him go.
12:59But you have told the police, right?
13:01Yeah, last night.
13:02Right, and you've blocked all withheld numbers?
13:04No more calls.
13:06Look, it'll be over soon and we'll keep you safe until the trial finishes.
13:13I'll miss him, you know.
13:15He'll miss you.
13:17Seems to like it around here, doesn't he?
13:19With his sisters being so local and...
13:21I know, I know.
13:22Hey, I taught him where they count his song, you know.
13:24Well, just the chorus, anyway.
13:26These boys in green?
13:27Yeah, yeah, that's the one.
13:28He picked it up pretty quick, you know.
13:32Bet you can't wait to get back, can you?
13:35Yes and no.
13:37Maybe I could take him to a game one time.
13:40I mean, if he was more local, then I could get a season ticket, you know.
13:43I took the girls once, but they're not that bothered, actually.
13:45I took them to see the Wethy Countesses, but they're...
13:48Anyways, Weatherfield County Women's Football Team or Wethy Women,
13:51whatever you want to say.
13:52A season ticket, that just means that you can go to every single game.
13:54Oh, I know what a season ticket is.
13:56My uncle and two cousins have them in Bucharest.
13:58Oh, right. Stour?
14:02I don't want to support that team.
14:04Well, they play in red, not green.
14:07Well, everybody plays in red, don't they?
14:11And what's this one?
14:12And that's yellow.
14:15There you are, Kev.
14:17You know what, I reckon that's why she blackmailed me.
14:20I didn't join the Dots, either.
14:21Too busy trying to get her through the Merchant of Venice.
14:25It's a play.
14:26I know what the Merchant of Venice is.
14:28GCSE text.
14:29Came as no surprise to me, all this.
14:31Brought his car in once.
14:33Don't know which was earlier.
14:34In with the engine.
14:35Not Joe.
14:36We pulled the wool over Dee Dee's eyes.
14:37They were getting married.
14:38Oh, it's women for you, isn't it?
14:42It is. They get dazzled.
14:43See what they want to see.
14:45You've been listening to The Enlightenment Hour with Kevin Webster.
14:49Still, it's a bit of a curveball for the police mind, isn't it?
14:52Says there's one bloke and then another.
14:54Well, that's your new friend, Kit.
14:56Did he eat that food enough for you, Kev?
14:58Well done, mate.
15:00Bit of rest and relaxation.
15:01Hot pot, back pages.
15:05Right, I suppose I'd better descend to earth.
15:08You giving up on her?
15:09Not answering her phone, half an hour late.
15:12I don't know. Stood up by his own missus.
15:14Who was it this week?
15:15Bethany Platt.
15:17Told you, more room to themselves.
15:20See you later, my dear.
15:25What can we do for you?
15:26You heard it here first.
15:27It was Joel Dearing.
15:28Old news.
15:30Released without charge.
15:33Tried being Roy.
15:35Loftus Appeal.
15:36Four game suspension.
15:39Where do you see yourself in ten years' time?
15:41Oh, that's a good one.
15:43Erm, ten years.
15:47I don't know, it's difficult to say.
15:49Let's try something else.
15:51Can you tell me about an incident in the workplace where you've had to think on your feet?
15:55On my feet?
15:57Er, let's see.
16:00How far away is the Earth from the Moon?
16:04They're never going to ask me that.
16:06What, are you looking up?
16:07This is just a list of random questions now.
16:09Well, I'm not going for a job with NASA.
16:11They might want to test your general knowledge.
16:13Look, they're never going to ask me how far away the Moon is, are they?
16:16Well, have a guess though.
16:18Oh, I don't know.
16:20Fifty miles?
16:21Fifty miles?
16:23Approximately 240,000 miles.
16:27Bang on.
16:28What about Mars?
16:30Er, 140 million miles.
16:34Er, who's getting interviewed here, me or him?
16:37How fast can an elephant run?
16:41Wish me luck.
16:42You won't need it.
16:43I'm nervous.
16:44Nerves are good.
16:45Twenty-five miles an hour.
16:47That's how fast an elephant can go, rapid.
16:49Oh, I need to get the tram.
16:51You'll smash it.
16:53Oh, can't stop.
16:54Oh, right.
16:58She's bricking it.
16:59Why did she leave?
17:01Had her fill, I think.
17:02Oh, we've all had our fill, Kirk.
17:04She never left under a cloud.
17:05No, I never said she did.
17:07She left under a clear blue sky.
17:08Yeah, yeah.
17:09Still, we'd love to now.
17:16It's good news.
17:17Let me say that straight away.
17:18Oh, er, well, that's fantastic.
17:21Everything came back clear.
17:23No need for chemotherapy.
17:25Is this a dream?
17:27We'll do bloods, follow-up scans.
17:29You'll be in and out of the garage for a while.
17:33And how often will that be?
17:35Usually every few months for the first two years.
17:37Less frequently after that, if everything looks good.
17:41I feel like dancing.
17:44What are the chances of it coming back?
17:46It's always difficult to say.
17:49But I think we can be optimistic.
17:58Well, if they aren't charging me, he can do what he likes.
18:00He won't come near you. He'd be mad to.
18:02Yeah, that's going to stop him.
18:04You know, I told him everything and still it's no good.
18:07He'll come after me and he'll finish me off.
18:09He won't do that.
18:11You told me this wouldn't happen.
18:12You promised me and so did that copper.
18:14And I stand by what I said.
18:16OK, we will get him.
18:18Will they let Nathan go?
18:19No, they'll let everyone go but me.
18:23You know, he knocks me up, he batters me,
18:25he tries to kill my baby but then again he's a solicitor
18:27so he gets away with it.
18:30You know, I was better off on the run.
18:32That's not true, Lauren.
18:33Will they let Nathan go?
18:35The stuff they found on those memory sticks, I don't think so.
18:37Yeah, but the evidence, her DNA.
18:39Look, let's just let the police work it out, OK?
18:42Yeah, good luck with that.
18:44Well, you're the one that told them it was him.
18:47Why should anyone trust me?
18:49Let's just keep the faith, OK?
18:54I'm going back to the hospital.
18:59Look, I'm... I'm sorry for being mad at you.
19:02I'm sorry this has happened.
19:12He helped me look for her.
19:14All he wanted was to get there first.
19:16Please, just let us do our job.
19:17Feel free, don't let me stop you.
19:19To be clear, we locked up Nathan Curtis,
19:22the man you thought was guilty.
19:24Maybe they're in it together.
19:26Just go home.
19:27What did Ellie say?
19:28Because these blokes stick together, it's organised.
19:31Until more evidence comes to light, this is where we find ourselves.
19:34I'm sorry if you feel disappointed, but we're not all here to please you.
19:37We are trying to get a conviction based on fact.
19:40You're letting Joel get away with it.
19:42Miss Platt...
19:43So if I bump into him in the street, what am I supposed to do?
19:45What are any of us supposed to do?
19:47We advise you to report any suspicious behaviour.
19:49And what would be the point?
19:51Could his behaviour get any more suspicious than it already is?
19:54Lauren has literally told you that it was him.
19:57That is all the proof that you need.
19:59If only.
20:00Oh, one more thing.
20:02That time that my mum's flat got broken into,
20:05when nothing was taken...
20:07I don't know anything about that.
20:09That was the day that Joel agreed to help me.
20:12He found out about the bank statements
20:14that Lauren was using my credit card.
20:16Do you remember?
20:17I came to see you that day.
20:19You brushed me off then, just like you're brushing me off now.
20:22But what if that was him?
20:24What if he's actually madder than any of us realise?
20:28It's Wayne's world.
20:30They've been calling that for donkeys, apparently.
20:32Someone wrote totally excellent on the whiteboard once and she blew a stack.
20:36She's good police, though.
20:38Ah, maybe.
20:40Well, if Joel attacked Lauren, why is he still on the streets?
20:42Have you heard anything?
20:44Your mum's interview.
20:45She's been gone hours.
20:46Yeah, well, maybe she met an old school friend and they ran off together.
20:52You could have said good luck to her.
20:53Be the bigger man.
20:54I still don't know why you fell out.
20:56Acting tough in front of him.
20:58He loves his mum, you know.
20:59Who doesn't love their mum?
21:01I like it when we all get on.
21:10What are you doing back?
21:12Toilet. How about you?
21:14Oh, I just nipped back to sort this lot out.
21:16Oh, right.
21:17Um, where are the girls?
21:18Oh, Evelyn's took Ruby into town.
21:20Hope's on the rack.
21:22How was she?
21:25Um, yeah.
21:26Um, no more phone calls to that squad and she's told the police.
21:30And what about Kevin?
21:32Has he paid our money back yet?
21:36Look, Fiz, I lied to you.
21:38Look, it wasn't engine oil that I bought.
21:41I paid Adam to find out what my options are.
21:55Thank you for giving me the time of day.
21:57I know I don't deserve it.
22:00This whole thing with Lauren is over now.
22:04The slate's been wiped clean.
22:08Take me back.
22:24That fling with Lauren was the worst mistake of my life,
22:26but I have learnt my lesson, I swear.
22:28Yeah, right.
22:31You're the only person I ever wanted to be with,
22:33but it was driving me crazy,
22:35but it was driving me crazy, the fact that, you know,
22:37we could be close, but we couldn't...
22:39Now what? Jump into bed whenever you liked?
22:43So it's my fault, was it?
22:45No. No, that's not what I meant.
22:47That was a stupid thing to say.
22:49But very revealing.
22:51So what, you had a need,
22:53but you were happy to exploit a young girl
22:55to satisfy betraying me in the process?
22:57You make it sound...
22:59Exactly like it was!
23:01You're pathetic.
23:08..I was weak, and I couldn't be more ashamed.
23:11I hate myself for letting you down.
23:15So what, Lauren's telling a pack of lies, is she?
23:20I did a terrible thing,
23:21but God knows I'm paying the price for it now.
23:26You know me.
23:28You know me.
23:30You must do, after all we meant to each other.
23:33You have to know that girl is lying.
23:39I don't know what to believe any more.
23:44Give me your phone.
23:46My phone?
23:47Yeah, and your work phone.
23:49If Lauren's lying,
23:51there'll be nothing on them to corroborate her story.
23:54Take them.
23:55For as long as you like.
23:56There's nothing on there for you to find.
23:59We'll see, won't we?
24:01Where are you going?
24:05This will take time,
24:06so you can either wait here,
24:07or you can come back later.
24:08It's up to you.
24:12I'll wait.
24:20You do know he's lying, don't you?
24:22You do know she's going to flip when she finds out.
24:25Well, hopefully she won't.
24:27How are you going to get custody of Dorian without her finding out?
24:31Well, that's the thing,
24:32it doesn't actually have to go to court.
24:34She's his mother, Ty.
24:35Do you think she's just going to leave him here with you?
24:38You've lost your mind.
24:39Look, I don't want her to leave him here.
24:43I want her to stay, too.
24:45For Dorian's sake.
24:47Right, and why would she do that?
24:49Well, it's Dorian's life that matters.
24:51And he'll have a better one around here with us around him.
24:54Elena's been happy here once, she can be again.
25:00Nice one.
25:06Cheers for this, mate.
25:08You got any plans for this evening?
25:10Oh, I thought I'd stroll along the beach,
25:12casino, drink some Scarlet Johansson,
25:15come back to Earth for the footy.
25:18Or maybe a pint of hot pot.
25:21Early night in a rented room over a boozer, who knows?
25:26What about you?
25:27Usual table at Savoy?
25:30You can get fed up of a place.
25:32Look, I don't want to pry.
25:35Told you, you won't get very far with that attitude in a CID.
25:39I've been thinking, yeah?
25:40If you can forgive Bernie after everything,
25:43then maybe I could go easy on me now.
25:47I told you, it's just baby steps for me and her.
25:49Although I still can't forgive the fact that she missed mine.
25:53See how it goes.
25:54But you're still giving her a chance.
25:56Maybe I should do the same.
25:59Listen, I wouldn't presume to advise...
26:02No, no, please, presume away.
26:05Well, if you want my opinion, she was bang out of order.
26:09You know, if you got caught holding money for them knock-offs,
26:12your career would have been up the spout before it started.
26:15She was panicking.
26:16She had her back against the wall and she chose herself.
26:19Tells you a lot.
26:23It's going to be humiliating for them.
26:25No, it won't be, because...
26:27people that matter will understand the situation, won't they?
26:32I've got a son and I want to be part of his life.
26:35I probably won't even have to see Alina that much.
26:38What about if we have Word Day, like couples do?
26:41Just going to be their prime position to pick up the pieces.
26:46She will.
26:50I know how this starts.
26:52You pop round to pick Dorian up,
26:54you stay for ten minutes just to be polite,
26:56then you stay for 20 minutes, have a brew.
26:59Then you stay for an hour.
27:01And a lot more besides.
27:03No, look, you're getting carried away.
27:05None of this is going to happen.
27:07I don't want it to happen. I won't let it happen.
27:11Even if I believe that, what about Hopi?
27:13What's she going to make of all this?
27:15Because she's already struggling, isn't she?
27:17And that's when she thinks of going home.
27:19Rat, I'm not pretending this is all going to be easy.
27:22And I'm sorry if it came across that way.
27:26But he's my son.
27:28I can't abandon him the way I was.
27:32I have to make this work.
27:34And I can't do that without you.
27:41Boyfriend was looking for you.
27:45Barnaby's worst nightmare, that.
27:47Do you know where Punter's been stood up?
27:49Yeah, well, I didn't mean to,
27:51but I went down to the police station and it got a bit messy.
27:54Ah, yeah, Joel Fuller's all.
27:57You never really visualise creeps like that
27:59in a sharp suit or a high-powered job, do you?
28:01Not you as well.
28:02Just because Joel was involved doesn't mean that Nathan isn't.
28:06Well, did the police say that?
28:08What do they know?
28:09I tried to tell them that these perverts hunt in packs
28:11and I should know that better than anyone.
28:13Why would Lauren lie?
28:14Because Nathan is a manipulative scumbag.
28:17He probably did a number on her, just like he did to me.
28:19Well, you're probably right about him being, you know, manipulative.
28:24But from what I can see, I think Lauren's probably telling the truth.
28:27Why would she lie before?
28:29And why would Ellie lie?
28:31They both said that it was Nathan
28:33and that only makes sense if Nathan and Joel were in it together.
28:40What's this?
28:43Your stuff.
28:45You can't have found anything on my phones.
28:47How naive do you think I am?
28:49You know, I was sat in there scrolling and it occurred to me,
28:52you wouldn't be so stupid as to leave anything incriminating on here.
28:55What? So I'm some master criminal now?
28:57What world do you think I live in?
28:59Every day we both work with clients who use burner phones
29:02as a matter of routine.
29:04Who do you think I am, Saul Goodman?
29:06There's no trace of anything suggesting a relationship with Lauren on these.
29:10No sweet nothings, no arranging a meet-up,
29:13no desperate pleas or apologies by text.
29:16Well, I'm not just going to leave them there for you to stumble across, am I?
29:19Oh, so you did cover your tracks, I rest my case.
29:22I can't win it. No, you can't, and neither can I.
29:27Yesterday, you...
29:29You're my everything, Joel.
29:32My be-all and end-all.
29:35You turned it all to dust because it was all a lie, wasn't it?
29:39It's all been a lie and now I just want you gone.
29:43You're not thinking straight.
29:45I went back to the police station on my own accord.
29:48Why would I do that if I had something serious to hide?
29:50Because you knew Lauren's placenta would get retested
29:53and you'd have to explain away the misoprostol.
29:55So you got into the police first and told them she'd taken it herself.
29:59I'm really not that smart.
30:01Oh, I think you are.
30:04But please do not take that as a compliment.
30:12You know, I can't believe you would be so thick
30:15as to let that scheming little cow deceive you.
30:18Yeah, well, that used to be your job, but not any more, eh?
30:21Now get out.
30:24Oh, you all right, Roy?
30:26Didn't expect to see you here.
30:28That's what I said.
30:30Well, I thought I'd drop in and see how she's doing.
30:34I don't think you cared.
30:36I mean, you've got every reason not to.
30:39I don't have the tenacity for grudges.
30:44I've got to go.
30:46I've got to go.
30:48I've got to go.
30:51So, how are you? Are you feeling better?
30:55Yeah. I mean, I'll be happier when I'm away from here.
30:58Right, so you are still planning on leaving, then?
31:01I just need to get away from Joel.
31:04Well, if Joel is as relentless and cunning as you say he is,
31:10he might be more difficult to escape than you think.
31:15Yeah, losing yourself in a community where you're not known
31:18might be of help to Joel.
31:21Remaining amongst friends who care about your welfare
31:24might be the smarter option.
31:26Yeah, especially with a baby to support.
31:28There are a number of organisations, as well as people,
31:31that could help you.
31:33People who, well, could understand the ordeal that you went through
31:37and offer specialised support.
31:40I mean, you're better off here.
31:42You're not going on the run.
31:44It didn't do you any good last time, did it?
31:47I thought it for a while.
31:50Not for everyone.
31:53I'm sorry, Roy.
31:55You know for what I put you through.
31:57Well, it wasn't so much you as the police.
32:01And the press.
32:03The hue and cry of social media.
32:06Though I would be lying if I didn't say I wish you'd come forward sooner.
32:11Aside from losing Hayley, it was the worst experience of my life.
32:17I wish I'd come back sooner to tell the police,
32:19but I was just scared to death of him. I mean, I still am.
32:22Yeah, I understand.
32:29You were quiet on the way home.
32:35As if I'm just trying to absorb it all.
32:37Double ditto.
32:41Well, now it's starting to sink in,
32:43I feel like there's too much space to think.
32:45I don't follow.
32:47Well, wherever I went, it was always in here, you know?
32:50The cancers.
32:5124-7 it was my go-to.
32:53Any time, any place.
32:55And now you don't know what to do with your thoughts.
32:58Well, when I was diagnosed, I just put everything on hold.
33:01I mean, you don't think about the future, cos...
33:04I don't know, it would have felt like flicking the Vs at fate, asking for it.
33:09I suppose now you can give fate the finger.
33:12No, nobody can afford to do that.
33:14I was like Schrödinger's cat.
33:16Dead and alive all at once.
33:18I can't pretend to know what that means or what it feels like.
33:22Come on.
33:26You're off the tightrope now, you've got the all clear.
33:30Trouble is, I'm not quite sure what to do with it.
33:34How about we start with a glass of something cold and sparkling?
33:38Yeah. Yeah, sounds good to me.
33:49You again. I'll have to make you a bed up here.
33:52Yeah. Yeah, well, that's exactly what I'm trying to avoid.
33:56Erm, so I've decided to come clean.
34:01A confession? That'll make life easier.
34:04Not really, I just, I didn't tell the whole truth earlier.
34:08And what's brought on this sudden attack of conscience?
34:11I thought you lawyers were immune.
34:14Yeah, well, like I say, I prefer my own bed to that of a custody cell.
34:18And I want Dee Dee to come to her senses before she ends up in one.
34:21And where would that happen?
34:23Well, she did something very silly
34:26after I told her about the one-night stand
34:28and Lauren attempting to kill Frankie.
34:30You, er, you never mentioned this conversation before.
34:34I was trying to protect her.
34:36But she needs protecting from herself.
34:39I still don't follow.
34:41Well, it's obvious that she and Lauren both felt rejected by me
34:45and then they cooked up these ridiculous allegations between them.
34:49Sounds more like conjecture to me.
34:52But we'd best get it on tape.
34:54You want to come through?
35:13You scared us.
35:16I thought you were him.
35:19You know, it's took us all day to cook up the courage
35:22to come out here just for some fresh air.
35:24Yeah, I bet. Surprised you even took the risk.
35:28Yeah, well, sometimes you just have to get away from that hospital smell, you know.
35:34I didn't expect to see you.
35:36Yeah, well, I didn't expect to hear that Nathan was in the clear.
35:42Come, I'm sorry if I missed you about...
35:45I'm just a bit confused, to be honest.
35:47Are you saying that he wasn't involved?
35:49I hadn't even heard of this Nathan until he was arrested.
35:51So why did you tell the police that it was him?
35:53Because Joel made me. He wanted to keep everybody looking.
35:56That's why he convinced me to lie about Nathan, even though we'd never met.
36:00Are you sure? Because that...
36:06What are you doing here?
36:08Well, Ryan said that you might drop by
36:10and I was a little bit worried after the lunchtime no-show.
36:13Yeah, well, I got waylaid and we're actually in the middle of something, so...
36:17No, it's all right. You're not interrupting anything.
36:20Not the vibe I'm getting.
36:21I'm simply trying to find out the truth.
36:23And I told you the truth.
36:26Look, I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner.
36:29And I know how upsetting it must have been for you,
36:31having everything dragged up again.
36:32This isn't about the past, this is about the here and now
36:35and the damage that Nathan can still do if you let him.
36:37Look, if she says that Nathan's innocent...
36:39Then she's wrong. Or she's lying, one of the two.
36:41Bethany! I'm not lying.
36:43It was Joel. It was all Joel.
36:45It can't have been. There is so much evidence.
36:48Nathan literally followed you on Ovids
36:49and Ellie said that he groomed her. How do you explain all that?
36:51I don't know. I think you do.
36:53I think you know a lot more than you're letting on.
36:55There's no point to this. We need to go.
36:56No! Yes!
36:57Look, I get that you're upset, but Lauren's been through enough already, OK?
37:01This isn't over. I know that Nathan's up to his neck in all of this.
37:10I'll try and smooth things over so you don't have to worry about anything.
37:13OK? OK.
37:19Look, I know how bad things got.
37:22You know, with me going missing and that.
37:23And I just wanted to say I'm sorry.
37:26I know.
37:28And I do get why you did what you did.
37:31I'm scared you must have been.
37:35OK. No hard feelings.
37:40I suppose I'd better go in. Yeah.
37:42See you. See you.
37:47There'll be other jobs.
37:48Not unless it's as a car crash dummy, the interview I've just had.
37:52Anybody can have an off day.
37:54Well, some of us have off lives.
37:56I'm constantly making the wrong choices.
38:00When I have a sliding doors moment, I just get my head stuck.
38:03You're not beat till the day you give up.
38:05Yeah, well, in that case, I'm beat.
38:07What I'm saying is, you've just got to keep going.
38:09And one day, if you're lucky, you'll get...
38:12Did we get you quick?
38:13I'm already dead to some people.
38:16That's what this is all about. It's not what to do with a job.
38:19No, it's all part of the same stinking hole.
38:22Is it?
38:23I've failed at everything, even being a mum.
38:25You two just need your heads banging together.
38:27Why don't you go over there, buy him a drink and sort things out?
38:32Have you ever thought about becoming a counsellor?
38:34No. Do you think I should?
38:36Absolutely not. I'm going home.
38:39Oh, you went to the bistro.
38:41Well, you really have pushed the boat out.
38:43Yeah. Nothing but the third best champagne we do on a day like this.
38:47Well, I'll have to develop a life-threatening illness more often, then.
38:50Oh, don't say that. I don't think I could go through this again.
38:54No, I wouldn't be too keen myself, however good the champagne.
39:01What for?
39:02I don't know.
39:03I don't know.
39:07What for?
39:08Oh, this. Everything.
39:11I wouldn't be here without you.
39:13Yeah, I wouldn't be anywhere else.
39:17I don't know what we're going to do when Diane gets back.
39:20Well, for now, let's just enjoy the bistro's third best champagne,
39:25the food and just being together.
39:28You know, I've had to try and live in the moment for months now, so...
39:31one more night won't hurt.
39:39Hell, he looks stronger every time I see him.
39:42He's a tough nut like his mum.
39:46I don't know about that.
39:49You know, earlier today I pretty much decided that I was going to run away
39:53once Frankie were good to go.
39:55What, because of Jo?
39:59Look, I'm... I'm sorry about this morning.
40:01I shouldn't have had a go at you.
40:03You're in shock. We all were.
40:06I believe in town won't fix anything.
40:08I know.
40:11Brian managed to talk some sense into me.
40:15Well, I'm glad, cos it looks like we're going to need to stick together.
40:20Yeah. DS Wayne called me earlier.
40:23Jo's been down the cop shop again.
40:25He sat her down and told her we put our heads together
40:28and made the whole thing up to get back at him.
40:31Yeah, but she doesn't believe him, surely?
40:34She's sceptical, but the whole woman-scorned cliche
40:38plays well with juries.
40:40At the very least, it muddies the waters.
40:42Yeah, well, it's not true.
40:44Yeah, we know that.
40:46I just hope when the time comes we can convince the courts of it.
40:51Yeah, Jo certainly knows how to play dirty.
40:56Luckily for us, so do I.
40:59So, is she all right?
41:01A little.
41:02Left her at the flat, thinks she wanted some time on her own.
41:05One can understand a confusion, man.
41:09Oh, I couldn't help overhearing you chat.
41:12I'm sure your Bethany must be wondering
41:14what Lauren's DNA was doing in this chap Nathan's van,
41:17if Jo's a guilty party. I certainly am.
41:20Well, maybe you've just got too much time on your hands.
41:22And I'd appreciate it if you stuck your beak in your half-a-bitter
41:24and not my daughter's business.
41:26It's a bit of a mystery, that's all. I was only taking a polite interest.
41:29Well, you'd be taking an impolite kick in your dry roasted
41:31if you don't wind your neck in.
41:34That's him told.
41:36I knew he was right about one thing.
41:39It is a mystery.
41:43One that we could deal with solving
41:45if we want Bethany to have any sort of peace.
41:47Do you think that Kit could be involved, like we thought?
41:49Do you know what I think?
41:50I think there's been too much amateur detective work as it is.
41:52I mean, Bethany's pulled out a load of threads
41:54and all she's managed to unravel is herself.
41:56I can't argue with that.
41:58Here you go, boys. More now, for the day you've had.
42:00I'll get these. Keep the change.
42:02Oh, thanks again. Nice meeting you.
42:04That's heart.
42:05Although you might want to save that sympathy for Fiz.
42:07She's been through a lot lately, hasn't she?
42:09I mean, she's stood by us till now.
42:11Till now?
42:12Yeah, yeah, she's finding it difficult
42:14with the thought of Alina living local, you know.
42:16Well, that is a...
42:18hell of a lot to ask of her.
42:20I know that. What choice have I got?
42:22Here's my son.
42:24I mean, it half killed me when I lost Jack.
42:29I'm sorry.
42:30No, I don't want to pick the bones out of that.
42:32That was an impossible situation, but, you know, this isn't.
42:35It's difficult, I get that, but we can make it work.
42:38I mean, we have to.
42:40We can't lose another son.
42:43The blue one.
42:48It's got some silly water.
42:51Yeah, it's definitely her.
42:53She's sitting in the bar with her kid.
42:55Thank you so much. Thank you.
42:59I don't understand.
43:00How did you manage to get hold of his phone?
43:02Oh, he handed them over gladly,
43:04cos he thought he was pulling the wool over my eyes.
43:06Go on.
43:08Well, I said I wanted to check them to check out your story.
43:11Like, I haven't already worked out he'd have used a burner phone
43:13for all of that.
43:14But he was so pleased with himself,
43:16he actually waited in the living room whilst I sat on my bed
43:19and loaded the Trekker app to his phones.
43:22It'd go apey, wouldn't it?
43:24Mm, wouldn't it just?
43:26But now the app is on your phone, so you don't have to be scared.
43:29He never goes anywhere without his phone, not even the shower.
43:34So, what are we going to do?
43:37So, yeah, you'll know where he is at all times.
43:40Really? Yeah, it'll be right there on the screen, OK?
43:43So if he tries popping in,
43:45you make sure security are waiting to greet him.
43:48Better yet, the police.
43:53I can't tell you how much peace of mind this is going to give us.
43:56Yeah, well, I said I'd bring down Joel.
44:00And unlike him, I keep my promises.