A Life at Stake (1954) [Film Noir] [Drama]

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#ClassicFilm #FilmNoir #TimelessClassicMovies
A Life at Stake (1954) [Film Noir] [Drama]

Down-on-his-luck Los Angeles architect and builder Edward Shaw (Keith Andes) is approached by Doris Hillman (Angela Lansbury) with a business proposal: buying land together, on which he would build houses that she would then sell, using her experience as a former real estate broker. Her husband, Gus Hillman, a wealthy businessman, would be willing to contribute half a million dollars as capital for the venture.

Doris quickly seems interested in more than a purely professional relationship. Shaw starts an affair with her and accepts the business offer. However, an accidental discovery leaves him convinced that the Hillmans' interest lies less in the long-term profits of the venture than in the $175,000 key man insurance policy he took on himself as a precondition for the deal, and that an attempt on his life is imminent.

Madge, the younger sister of Doris, develops a romantic interest in Shaw as well. Without knowing what Doris has planned, she reveals to Shaw that her sister was married previously to a man who died in Wyoming when his car crashed over a bridge. Shaw ends up drugged by Gus Hillman and barely keeps his car from going off a cliff.

The police are skeptical about his story and the insurance company refuses to cancel the policy, Hillman having portrayed Shaw as a man who is trying to steal his wife. Madge teams with Shaw to try to foil her sister's scheme, but Doris lures him to a mountain cabin and shoots him with a gun. A wounded Shaw sees both Hillmans struggle then fall to their deaths through a clifftop doorway, just minutes before Madge and the cops arrive.

FilmNoir #TimelessClassicMovies #ClassicFilm
00:01:13Oh, he's there all right, but he never leaves, he just sits there sort of staring out of the
00:01:43window most of the time. Now I ask you, a man of his age who stares. Are you a bill collector?
00:01:50No, I'm a lawyer. That's what they all say. They think they throw a scare into us, I guess.
00:01:56Well, he's a weird one, that fella. Really? Him and his thousand dollar bill. Thousand
00:02:04dollar bill? Framed like a picture and a setting on the table. And him without enough money to
00:02:13eat on.
00:02:44Who is it? My name's Pearson, remember me? Sam Pearson. Can I see you for just a minute?
00:03:00Just a second. Come in. Mr. Shaw, last time I saw you, I was representing some real estate
00:03:19people at Pasadena Deal, remember? Well, have you had your breakfast?
00:03:27No, not yet. I was just going out for it. Always have a cup of coffee here first. It helps.
00:03:34Helps what? Your pride? Oh, come now, Shaw, you're not the first man who lost his shirt.
00:03:40I don't mean that literally, of course. Come on, let's have some breakfast. Be my guest.
00:03:46What was that?
00:03:51What are you trying to sell me?
00:03:54Success, my boy. Bigger than you ever had before. A half a million dollars behind Shaw
00:04:04I had a partner once who used to talk like you. He wound up robbing me blind.
00:04:09Partner in Shaw Incorporated?
00:04:11That's right.
00:04:13He was a gambler, wasn't he?
00:04:15Yeah. He gambled away $37,000.
00:04:19Not a bad fella, though, I hear.
00:04:21No, just a bad poker player.
00:04:34That isn't all the money in the world.
00:04:37No, but it was all I had.
00:04:41Not quite all.
00:04:42Look, all I ever wanted was good friends, good home, a good business.
00:04:49When I lost the business, I lost the home and the friends.
00:04:53Isn't that the usual?
00:04:55No, I don't mean it that way.
00:04:58All my partner and I put in Shaw Incorporated was $10,000.
00:05:03The rest was their money. Friends' money. Life savings, most of it. Wiped out.
00:05:09May I ask you a question?
00:05:11Sure, you will anyway.
00:05:19As long as I can keep from spending it, I'll get going again.
00:05:24You actually believe that?
00:05:27I sure do.
00:05:29And when you get going again, you'll pay back every cent of all your friends' money.
00:05:33That sounds pretty noble, doesn't it?
00:05:36I don't know that my clients will like that.
00:05:41Would you consider going into bankruptcy?
00:05:45Wiping out all your debts and starting all over again afresh?
00:05:49No, no, I guess not.
00:05:51You could have done that months ago.
00:05:55You're not noble, my boy.
00:05:57You're a hard head.
00:05:59Nobody's ever going to teach you anything except yourself.
00:06:02Now, come on, let's get out of here and go and get some breakfast.
00:06:04Wait till I wash.
00:06:14What's down the hall?
00:06:22I'm going to get some water.
00:06:33That was a cynical thing to do.
00:06:36Safe too.
00:06:54I'm Edward Shaw.
00:06:55Mr. Pearson phoned and made an appointment for me.
00:06:57Mr. Hillman's not home.
00:06:59With Mrs. Hillman.
00:07:01What are you selling?
00:07:04Mrs. Hillman told Mr. Pearson I should come right out.
00:07:07Mrs. Hillman's in the pool.
00:07:09Well, where would that be, in the middle of the six-car garage?
00:07:12I don't know.
00:07:14I don't know.
00:07:16I don't know.
00:07:18I don't know.
00:07:20I don't know.
00:07:21Well, where would that be, in the middle of the six-car garage?
00:07:24Go around the back, that way.
00:07:26The pool is just the other side of the guest house.
00:07:32You better call out when you get to the guest house.
00:07:34Sometimes she swims in the nude.
00:07:37Don't worry about it.
00:07:38So do I.
00:07:54You're Edward Shaw, aren't you?
00:07:56I'm Mrs. Hillman.
00:07:57Hey, did you bring your pretty $1,000 bill?
00:08:00Word gets around.
00:08:02No, I left it at Pearson's office.
00:08:04Oh, what a shame.
00:08:06Hey, do you like our lovely pool?
00:08:12I don't know.
00:08:14I don't know.
00:08:16I don't know.
00:08:18I don't know.
00:08:20Looks all right from here.
00:08:23Didn't Mabel tell you to call out when you got to the guest house?
00:08:27I didn't hear you call.
00:08:29No need to.
00:08:30I peeked first instead.
00:08:32You were expecting company.
00:08:33I didn't expect to find you unprepared.
00:08:36That'll be enough, Mr. Shaw.
00:08:38Enough of what?
00:08:39I invited you out here just to discuss business.
00:08:50Now, where were we?
00:08:52About the talk business, according to you.
00:08:55Do you want a drink first?
00:08:56Thanks, yes.
00:08:57Help yourself.
00:09:02I'll just have a Coke if you don't mind.
00:09:04My husband doesn't like me to drink during the day.
00:09:07He thinks it's a bad habit to get into.
00:09:09Alcohol, I mean.
00:09:11I'm alone most of the time.
00:09:12He travels a lot.
00:09:14He thinks I should have a business to occupy me.
00:09:18Do you know anything about the building business?
00:09:20I know real estate.
00:09:21I ought to.
00:09:22I used to sell it before I was married.
00:09:24How long have you been married?
00:09:25Six years.
00:09:27Long years?
00:09:29Short, happy years, Mr. Shaw.
00:09:34Well, the building business is a little different from real estate, you know.
00:09:38Not so different.
00:09:39Let's go.
00:09:41I'll see you later.
00:09:42I want to handle the real estate.
00:09:43I want to buy up lots of beautiful California property.
00:09:47Then you build your little houses on it.
00:09:49I sell the houses and the property.
00:09:51Well, how can we miss?
00:09:52You handle the real estate, Ann?
00:09:55And what part of the business does your husband figure to handle?
00:09:57My husband?
00:09:58Not mine, I hope.
00:09:59My husband doesn't figure to handle anything.
00:10:02You mean he just buys up the real estate?
00:10:05And what part of the business does your husband figure to handle?
00:10:07My husband.
00:10:08Not mine, I hope.
00:10:09My husband doesn't figure to handle anything.
00:10:12He just puts up the money,
00:10:13and then sits back with a little prayer each night that it'll come back.
00:10:17He just puts up the money.
00:10:18Then it'll be just you and me.
00:10:21Don't you think you'd like that?
00:10:24Sounds like it might work out.
00:10:26But you're not too sure.
00:10:28I have to chase around the mulberry bush a few times.
00:10:31How much money?
00:10:33Mr. Pearson told you, half a million.
00:10:36Fifty thousand to start with, and fifty thousand every three months.
00:10:39Just to keep you from getting lonely, huh?
00:10:42My happiness means a great deal to my husband.
00:10:44I'm sure it does.
00:10:46But what I'm not sure of is who's nuts, him, you, or me.
00:10:49Or maybe it's Pearson.
00:10:51Did he recommend that you buy in with me?
00:10:53No, it was our idea.
00:10:54How come?
00:10:55I like your houses.
00:10:57Where did you see my houses?
00:10:58Pasadena. You sold quite a few there, didn't you?
00:11:00A dozen or so.
00:11:02My cousin lives in one.
00:11:03Cousin Evie.
00:11:04She swears by it.
00:11:05I think it's wonderful.
00:11:06It's wonderful.
00:11:09Hand me that towel over there, will you?
00:11:12This top gets so uncomfortable when it's damp.
00:11:21There, that's better.
00:11:24Now, what were we talking about?
00:11:26I, uh...
00:11:27I can't imagine why, but...
00:11:29Somehow it's flipped my mind.
00:11:32You mind if I cool this off a little?
00:11:33I mean, brace it up?
00:11:34I told you before, help yourself.
00:11:40Oh, there's a...
00:11:41A little matter of some money the company owes.
00:11:45I've managed to pay off some of it.
00:11:47Stands out about 30,000.
00:11:49Mr. Pearson told me.
00:11:50Owed to some friends of yours?
00:11:54Male or female friends?
00:11:58I just wondered.
00:12:00And you insist on paying them off?
00:12:02Sure, I insist.
00:12:03Else, no deal.
00:12:05Well, I'll have to talk to my husband about it.
00:12:07He'll be coming back early next week.
00:12:11Married six years, huh?
00:12:13Makes you pretty young when you were peddling real estate.
00:12:1618 to 22.
00:12:17My father was in it all his life.
00:12:19I loved it.
00:12:20I turned out to be his best salesman.
00:12:22Where was this?
00:12:24San Diego.
00:12:26Big naval base there, isn't it?
00:12:32It's a salesmanship.
00:12:34Some of us have it, some don't.
00:12:37Aren't you getting a little bit fresh, Mr. Shaw?
00:12:41Yeah, maybe I am.
00:12:45Well, Mrs. Hillman, I'll think it over.
00:12:47What about tomorrow?
00:12:48Can I stop by about the same time?
00:12:50Sure, business here.
00:12:52Yeah, I like your office.
00:12:55Don't be ridiculous, Mr. Shaw.
00:12:57I wish I thought I was, but I'm not.
00:12:59Stop being ridiculous, Mrs. Hillman.
00:13:30Mr. Shaw?
00:13:33You're wanted on the telephone.
00:13:36A woman?
00:13:37No, a man.
00:13:39He says his name is Mr. Pearson.
00:13:42I'll be right down.
00:13:59Hello, Pearson.
00:14:01Mrs. Hillman phoned a little while ago.
00:14:04Her husband's up in San Francisco
00:14:06and said she was flying up there tomorrow afternoon
00:14:08to talk to him about that $30,000 in debts.
00:14:11She wants to see you Friday night.
00:14:13Night, huh?
00:14:15That's what she said.
00:14:17What did you think of her?
00:14:21She likes you.
00:14:23I like you.
00:14:25I like you.
00:14:26She likes you?
00:14:28I think you'll make a great team.
00:14:31Thanks, Coach.
00:14:46Mr. Shaw?
00:14:49Oh, Mr. Shaw?
00:14:53You told me to knock when it got dark tonight
00:14:54in case you was asleep.
00:15:03I got a message for you, too.
00:15:05I'm decent.
00:15:07Come in.
00:15:12You ought to sleep at night instead of in the daytime.
00:15:15It'd be much better for your health, too.
00:15:17Yeah, I'll try to remember that, Mrs. Pilts.
00:15:19My, look at this bed.
00:15:21Oh, say, a Mrs. Hillman called you.
00:15:22She didn't want to talk to you on the phone,
00:15:24but she said to meet her here at nine.
00:15:27Real sweet, nice woman, I thought.
00:15:30I think you can always kind of tell, don't you?
00:15:32She sounded so refined.
00:15:53Hi again.
00:15:55Don't just stand there.
00:15:57You've seen girls before.
00:16:01Is that what you are?
00:16:03I hope you didn't mind coming here.
00:16:05This apartment belongs to a friend of mine.
00:16:07She's in Palm Springs.
00:16:09I promised I'd take care of her cats for her.
00:16:12That's okay.
00:16:14I like cats.
00:16:16It's nice and quiet here, and we don't have to worry
00:16:18about the cats.
00:16:19I like cats.
00:16:21It's nice and quiet here, and we can be all alone
00:16:23and talk without being interrupted
00:16:25by the telephone and visitors, you know.
00:16:27That's swell.
00:16:29I even made the hors d'oeuvres.
00:16:31Of course, they're not as good as Mabel's.
00:16:33Your maids?
00:16:37You mean you didn't bring her?
00:16:39Well, of course not.
00:16:41I'm crushed.
00:16:43Well, try one.
00:16:45Not bad.
00:16:47What is it, rattlesnake meat?
00:16:49Did you know Mr. Pearson told you
00:16:51that I flew up to San Francisco to see my husband?
00:16:55I told my husband that I liked you very much.
00:16:57Oh, you probably want a drink.
00:16:59Or would you rather have a cup of coffee?
00:17:01Whatever you say.
00:17:03I'm ready for anything.
00:17:05Well, I sort of feel I could drink myself.
00:17:07I think this calls for a celebration.
00:17:09Will you mix them?
00:17:11I like scotch light with lots of water.
00:17:13Oh, I forgot the tray.
00:17:15Watch out for the cats.
00:17:19Come on.
00:17:36Don't you think this calls for a celebration?
00:17:38What does exactly?
00:17:40My husband has agreed to pay off the $30,000 in debt.
00:17:43That's what does exactly.
00:17:45Isn't that wonderful?
00:17:47Sounds pretty good.
00:17:49I just fell down stiff with shock.
00:17:51I thought this was the only thing
00:17:53that was holding up the deal.
00:17:55As far as you're concerned, the deal's settled.
00:17:57Well, you certainly gave me the impression
00:17:59that this would settle it.
00:18:06You should honk about giving impressions.
00:18:10When do the debts get paid off?
00:18:12Providing I agree.
00:18:14Well, not all at once, of course.
00:18:16We'll make an allotment for them
00:18:17as we go along.
00:18:19That's fair enough, isn't it?
00:18:21Out of those $50,000 chunks?
00:18:23Yes, you can't expect my husband
00:18:25to put up any more money, can you?
00:18:28I'll buy that.
00:18:30To our partnership.
00:18:33Starting tonight.
00:18:40I feel just luscious.
00:18:43Oh, uh,
00:18:45how much insurance do you have?
00:18:49Yes, you know, life insurance.
00:18:51Carried by the corporation
00:18:53to protect all the money that's invested in it.
00:18:55Just in case.
00:18:57$35,000 last time I looked.
00:19:01Well, that isn't very much.
00:19:03It's $35,000 more than I carry in myself.
00:19:06My husband was very specific about the insurance.
00:19:09Key man insurance, it's called.
00:19:11Key man?
00:19:13Yes. For instance,
00:19:15I couldn't have the corporation take it out on me
00:19:17if anybody can sell real estate.
00:19:19In San Diego?
00:19:21Oh, stop it.
00:19:23What I mean is it would be perfectly simple
00:19:25to find another real estate man to take my place.
00:19:27But nobody could take my place, huh?
00:19:29Oh, no.
00:19:31And not build those nice little houses
00:19:33as cheaply as you can.
00:19:35You design them.
00:19:37You know, the material that goes into them.
00:19:39Where to get the material,
00:19:41what kind of labor to hire.
00:19:43Well, they're just like your babies.
00:19:45You seem to know a good bit about it.
00:19:47I do, very carefully.
00:19:49Goodness, that's all we do.
00:19:51Talk business.
00:19:54You mean that's all you ever do?
00:19:56More or less.
00:19:59Then you like that?
00:20:01I don't mind.
00:20:04Well, if you ever want to get away
00:20:06from the office water cooler and live it up a little,
00:20:10maybe a little music will get this party airborne.
00:20:15Mr. Shaw.
00:20:17That's formal.
00:20:21How much insurance do you think we ought to have?
00:20:23How much does your husband think we ought to have?
00:20:25Quite a lot.
00:20:27After all, it's a huge investment.
00:20:29He was talking about $300,000.
00:20:31Oh, but I insisted that premiums would be too high.
00:20:33He agreed to take off $50,000.
00:20:37Leaving a quarter of a million?
00:20:41That's not too high, is it?
00:20:45Not if you're a mountain goat.
00:20:49I'll see you around.
00:20:51Where are you going?
00:20:53Look, Mrs. Hillman, I'm wise.
00:20:55Now that I'm hooked,
00:20:57I'm supposed to agree to anything, isn't that it?
00:21:01First the pool and the swimming suit.
00:21:03Now this teepee and the war paint.
00:21:05This is one scalp you don't get.
00:21:07You can't talk to me like that.
00:21:09I'm doing it.
00:21:11And here's another thing.
00:21:13Nobody's getting rich when I show.
00:21:15Don't touch me, you're horrible.
00:21:17You're wonderful.
00:21:20But not to do business with.
00:21:22Get out of this apartment.
00:21:24That's me you hear whistling in the street.
00:21:45Come on.
00:22:15Come on.
00:22:45Come on.
00:23:15I can see you too, Edward.
00:23:46What were you doing?
00:23:50I couldn't sleep either.
00:23:56It was a terrible thing to accuse me of.
00:23:59I know.
00:24:01It doesn't have to be a quarter of a million dollars.
00:24:03I know that too.
00:24:19My husband will never agree to it.
00:24:22Who cares what your husband agrees to?
00:24:31Please don't.
00:24:38Please, darling.
00:24:54That's all for now.
00:25:00Hey, when am I going to see you again?
00:25:02How about this morning at 10 o'clock?
00:25:05Pearson's office.
00:25:07Meet my husband.
00:25:09He's coming in on the early plane.
00:25:17Now, let's be sensible, Mr. Shaw.
00:25:19If you were a banker,
00:25:20I came to you and asked for a loan of $500,000.
00:25:23Would you allow me to put up 175,000 security?
00:25:26That's a different thing.
00:25:27Yes, it's a different proposition, I know.
00:25:29But the principle is the same.
00:25:30But Mr...
00:25:31Let me finish, Mr. Shaw.
00:25:33I don't ask and I don't expect.
00:25:34To get full security the way a bank does.
00:25:36But I do ask and expect 50%.
00:25:41But do you get it?
00:25:46I see your point.
00:25:48That's a good question.
00:25:50You've done business before, my boy.
00:25:53Do I get it?
00:25:56All right, Pearson, where do I sign?
00:25:58Right here, sir.
00:25:59Top line.
00:26:02Miss Adams said I should come right in.
00:26:03I'm sorry I'm late,
00:26:04but Madge and I have been shopping.
00:26:05Mr. Shaw wants you to meet her.
00:26:06Come on in, Madge.
00:26:08This is Mr. Pearson,
00:26:09whom I don't believe you've met,
00:26:10and Mr. Shaw.
00:26:11This is my kid sister, Madge.
00:26:12How do you do?
00:26:14Hello, Mr. Hillman.
00:26:15I'm glad to see you, Madge.
00:26:16Nice to meet you, Miss...
00:26:18Doors always forget.
00:26:20You run along now, honey.
00:26:21I'll catch up with you in about an hour.
00:26:23All right, Mr. Hillman.
00:26:24See you later.
00:26:26You run along now, honey.
00:26:27I'll catch up with you in about an hour.
00:26:29Glad to have met you, Mr. Shaw.
00:26:31Same here.
00:26:32Doris tells me you design houses,
00:26:33and they're wonderful.
00:26:34You see, I studied commercial art,
00:26:35and I think designing...
00:26:36Not just now, dear.
00:26:37We're in the middle of a business conference.
00:26:40Sorry, Doris.
00:26:41I didn't know you asked me
00:26:42and just as a magnanimous gesture.
00:26:44Now, Madge...
00:26:49You know, one of these days,
00:26:50when you introduce me to somebody,
00:26:51I'm actually going to finish
00:26:52the sentence about myself.
00:26:54That is, if you happen to lose your mind.
00:26:56And lose your voice.
00:26:57Now, you're not going to stand me up
00:26:58at Orbox, are you?
00:26:59Stand you up?
00:27:00I'd rather strangle myself.
00:27:07Doris, she gets more like you every day.
00:27:09Now, where's that line, Pearson?
00:27:10Right there on the top, sir.
00:27:11You mean we're signing now?
00:27:14Yes, we'd have signed long ago
00:27:15if you hadn't spent so much time shopping.
00:27:17Four closets full of clothes,
00:27:18and all she ever wears is a bathing suit.
00:27:24Oh, come on, Doris.
00:27:25Shaw and I ought to be down
00:27:26at the insurance company now.
00:27:38What's the matter with you?
00:27:39Give Shaw the pen.
00:27:53I guess Madge really did upset her.
00:28:26I, I bet you're surprised.
00:28:27I'm Madge, remember?
00:28:28Oh, sure, I remember.
00:28:29Doris said she'd be about an hour late.
00:28:30She asked me to meet you
00:28:31and said for us to go ahead and eat.
00:28:32Come on, let's go.
00:28:33Let's go.
00:28:35Come on.
00:28:36Let's go.
00:28:37Let's go.
00:28:38Come on.
00:28:39Let's go.
00:28:40Come on.
00:28:41Come on.
00:28:42Come on.
00:28:43Come on.
00:28:44Come on.
00:28:45Come on.
00:28:46Come on.
00:28:47Come on.
00:28:48Come on.
00:28:49Come on.
00:28:50Come on.
00:28:51Come on.
00:28:52Come on.
00:28:53Come on.
00:28:54for us to go ahead and eat.
00:28:55You two have made up, huh?
00:28:57Two, please.
00:29:10You didn't think I was really sore, did you?
00:29:12Doors might go on like that all the time.
00:29:15May I call you Edward?
00:29:19I'll have the beef stew and coffee.
00:29:21I'll just have a chef's salad and coffee later.
00:29:24Doris is such a wonderful girl.
00:29:26Of course, she treats me like a baby.
00:29:30How old are you?
00:29:31Almost 22.
00:29:32I have my own studio apartment.
00:29:35I'm not as strong as Doris.
00:29:36I guess that's the trouble.
00:29:38See, I'm sensitive, so she dominates me.
00:29:40Even when she had a tragedy,
00:29:41a real tragedy in her first marriage,
00:29:43didn't bother her a bit.
00:29:45What first marriage?
00:29:47Oh, I thought you knew.
00:29:49Oh, she'll brain me if she finds out I told you.
00:29:54But I just detest people who start to tell you something
00:29:56and then don't finish it, don't you?
00:29:58I think it's just cruel.
00:30:03Well, Doris married a man named Narleski when she was 18.
00:30:07She met him down in Mexico when he was on a toot.
00:30:10What happened?
00:30:11Did he toot too much?
00:30:13You're laughing at me.
00:30:14That's an old word my mother used to use.
00:30:17No, he was killed.
00:30:18A real tragedy.
00:30:19One night he fell asleep while he was driving
00:30:21and drove off a bridge.
00:30:22Up in Wyoming somewhere.
00:30:24And that didn't bother Doris?
00:30:26Well, she outmarried Hillman.
00:30:28Mr. Hillman was Narleski's business partner.
00:30:31That's how Mr. Hillman happened to come into all the money.
00:30:33The insurance, I mean.
00:30:37Life insurance?
00:30:39Oh, a fabulous amount.
00:30:40Way up in the hundreds of thousands.
00:30:43Narleski was a uranium exporter or something and...
00:30:49What's the matter?
00:30:50Pay the check, will you?
00:30:55Mr. Shaw!
00:30:56What did I do?
00:30:57Did I say something that offended you?
00:30:59No, no, no. You were fine.
00:31:01Tell me something.
00:31:03You got a cousin that lives in Pasadena?
00:31:05Oh, I don't think so.
00:31:06Cousin Evie lives in one of my houses.
00:31:08No, cousin Evie lives in Portland.
00:31:12Oh, Mr. Shaw.
00:31:13I mean, Edward.
00:31:14Will you do me a favor and not tell Doris I was here?
00:31:16She just asked me to phone you and tell you she couldn't make it
00:31:19and I...
00:31:26I couldn't find anybody to send for it, Mr. Shaw,
00:31:28so I went out for it myself.
00:31:31Anything else right now?
00:31:33How much money has Hillman given us so far?
00:31:35Ten to start with.
00:31:36Three checks for two, five.
00:31:38Seventeen, five.
00:31:41When's the rest of the first 50,000 due?
00:31:43You want some of this paint?
00:31:45No, thanks.
00:31:46It's due June 1st.
00:31:47It's due June 1st, if you haven't changed it.
00:31:51And today's May 22nd, huh?
00:31:57Nine days.
00:31:59Has something happened, Mr. Shaw?
00:32:01No, not yet.
00:32:03But you can count on it the next nine days.
00:32:08Tell me, Mary.
00:32:11Do I strike you as a...
00:32:13suspicious type character?
00:32:16I mean, say, a guy who wouldn't trust his own mother with a skate key?
00:32:20No, Mr. Shaw.
00:32:22You're not just saying that because you work here.
00:32:25Oh, come on, Mary, be frank. Have some guts.
00:32:29You'll lose your job, but have some guts.
00:32:39Yeah, that's me.
00:32:41Suspicious character.
00:32:42I peep over my accountant's shoulder when he's signing the checks.
00:32:46Cop gives me a ticket and I wonder if he's really a cop.
00:32:49I lock the office every time I go out in the hall because of this.
00:32:56Shaw Incorporated.
00:32:57Just a moment, please.
00:32:59It's Mrs. Hillman.
00:33:06I'm sorry I couldn't make lunch. Did Madge phone you?
00:33:09I was up on the hill looking at some property and there was no phone.
00:33:11Madge wanted the car, so I let her have it.
00:33:13Darling, the property's just what we want.
00:33:17Put those darling houses on it and they're gonna sell for a fortune.
00:33:20You've just got to see it.
00:33:27Sorry, Mary wasn't here.
00:33:30You mean right now?
00:33:31Well, of course.
00:33:32I'm in a gas station on the corner of Barham and Cahuenga.
00:33:34You can make it in 15 minutes.
00:33:36I'm tied up now.
00:33:38Darling, what's the matter?
00:33:40You just heard it. I'm tied up.
00:33:42But at least we could look at the property together and we'll spend a little time.
00:33:47Maybe I'm sick of sneaking around when he's home.
00:33:50Getting five minutes here with you, ten minutes there.
00:33:53But he's going away soon, darling.
00:33:55Listen, you've got to see the property tomorrow morning or we may lose it.
00:33:59Shall I pick you up?
00:34:02Yeah, here.
00:34:04Yeah, here. Early.
00:34:28Gee, you scare easily. The brakes just slipped, that's all.
00:34:31Brakes slipped?
00:34:32I'll get Mr. Hanauer. He promised to show us around.
00:35:01Can I help you?
00:35:03No, this is going to sound funny.
00:35:05Go ahead. Maybe it won't.
00:35:08See you later.
00:35:10See you later.
00:35:30Somebody's trying to kill me.
00:35:33You know who or are you just guessing?
00:35:37Look, I didn't come in here to cut up.
00:35:40It's a 53 Pontiac, Hoffie.
00:35:42Blue convertible.
00:35:46Hey, maybe you didn't hear me.
00:35:48I heard you.
00:35:50I heard you got an engine number.
00:35:54Look, if you know who, maybe we can help you.
00:35:57If you don't, what can we do?
00:36:00If you're still trying to cut up...
00:36:01Look, how many people do you think come in here just like you,
00:36:05who say somebody's trying to kill them?
00:36:07How many?
00:36:08How would I know?
00:36:09Four or five a week.
00:36:10Sometimes three in one day.
00:36:13Not one of them that I know of has been hurt yet.
00:36:16Fred, dig out that Collins file for me, will you?
00:36:28Think it over for a minute.
00:36:30See if you got anything real to go on.
00:36:42Lieutenant Hoff will talk to you.
00:36:46That door.
00:36:52Where did this death in Wyoming take place?
00:36:57I don't know.
00:37:00You see, Shaw, nothing.
00:37:03All you've got to go on is the word of a 21-year-old girl.
00:37:07And this car thing.
00:37:08Maybe Mrs. Hillman wasn't lying.
00:37:10Maybe the brakes were slipping.
00:37:14Maybe I'm going nuts, too.
00:37:16Maybe this isn't even a police station.
00:37:22You understand our position, don't you?
00:37:24I mean, we get this kind of thing shoved in our faces all day long.
00:37:27Most of them are crackpots.
00:37:30You know why I talk to you?
00:37:34Tell me, Uncle Jack.
00:37:36All right, let's simmer down, partner.
00:37:39I talk to you because you don't look like a crackpot.
00:37:42You don't sound like a crackpot, that's why.
00:37:44But I'm acting like one.
00:37:45I didn't say that.
00:37:46But that's the idea.
00:37:47All right.
00:37:49Well, look up Hillman for you.
00:37:50How's that?
00:37:52Now, where can I get in touch with you?
00:37:55Wrap twice in my coffin.
00:38:01A stumble-bum with a champ's mouth, huh?
00:38:03Catch him, get his address.
00:38:06And write out a squeal on him.
00:38:21Nothing wrong with these.
00:38:22Nothing wrong with these brakes.
00:38:23Stops in a dime, stays there.
00:38:26Want to try it yourself?
00:38:27No, no, no.
00:38:28I told the owner I'd bring it right back.
00:38:31After the test.
00:38:40Oh, there you are.
00:38:43Mrs. Hillman's been trying to reach you all afternoon.
00:38:46She wants you to meet her at Mountain Lodge tomorrow night
00:38:49to close the deal on that lake property.
00:38:51Do you want me for anything else?
00:38:52No, thanks, Mary.
00:38:54Good night.
00:38:55Good night.
00:39:21Good night.
00:39:51Good night.
00:40:10I was hoping I'd find you here.
00:40:12I just had to see you.
00:40:15I bet you think I'm awful.
00:40:17Why would I think that?
00:40:19I lied to you.
00:40:20I told a lie about Doris being late for lunch that day.
00:40:23You probably think all the rest were lies, too.
00:40:27Were they?
00:40:28Of course not.
00:40:30But you couldn't tell whether I was a big liar or not.
00:40:33What are you typing?
00:40:37I heard you as I was coming in.
00:40:38Peck and pray.
00:40:39Oh, it's just an office memo.
00:40:41A likely story.
00:40:43Groucho says that on TV all the time.
00:40:45If it's just an office memo, why are you hiding it?
00:40:48I'm not hiding it.
00:40:51Let's get out of here.
00:40:56Come on.
00:40:57I bet it's a love letter.
00:40:58I just love to read other people's love letters, don't you?
00:41:05You see?
00:41:06You were hiding it.
00:41:07I wasn't going to read it.
00:41:08I just wanted to find out.
00:41:12Funny thing.
00:41:14I believe you.
00:41:17How about a nice big joke?
00:41:20Oh, I'd love it.
00:41:22Oh, I just remembered something.
00:41:26I just had a nice big thick juicy steak.
00:41:50THE END
00:42:20THE END
00:42:38Wait till you hear this one.
00:42:40I'd like to, but I better take off.
00:42:42It's almost three.
00:42:44Oh, it is?
00:42:45First it's nine and then whoosh, it's almost three.
00:42:48Where does the time go?
00:42:54I wonder.
00:42:58You better go.
00:42:59I'll get your coat.
00:43:20THE END
00:43:51You sore about something?
00:43:57Just plain miserable, huh?
00:44:00I have to go up the mountains and meet Doris tomorrow to close the deal.
00:44:04I'll call you as soon as I get back.
00:44:06All right.
00:44:20THE END
00:44:21THE END
00:44:22THE END
00:44:49Darling, oh, it's so good to see you.
00:44:52Where'd you get the car?
00:44:54I rented it.
00:44:55We're gonna have dinner with Collins tonight.
00:44:56We should be able to close the deal.
00:44:58I was gonna leave you a note.
00:45:00I tore it up.
00:45:01I thought it'd be more fun to tell you myself.
00:45:03I've got a surprise for you, too.
00:45:05I bet.
00:45:22You were just great, you know.
00:45:24I'm so proud of you.
00:45:25We've got our first piece of property and it's just at your price, too.
00:45:33Hey, watch it, will you?
00:45:35Where are we going?
00:45:36That's the surprise.
00:45:37To our cabin.
00:45:38What do you mean, our cabin?
00:45:40Mine and my husband's.
00:45:41It's way up on the top of the mountain, the very top.
00:45:44You can look down and see for miles and miles.
00:45:47Well, that's great.
00:45:49Let's go.
00:45:52Come on.
00:46:19Something the matter?
00:46:27You manage everyone up here?
00:46:28Sure, lots of times.
00:46:30But for goodness sakes, why?
00:46:31I just wondered.
00:46:33I bet she comes running to you with the troubles all the time.
00:46:36Not her.
00:46:37She's too independent and stubborn.
00:46:39Come on.
00:46:51How do you like it?
00:46:54Not bad.
00:46:56Come on.
00:47:08Scary, isn't it?
00:47:09We used to have a porch built out over there, but nobody felt comfortable on it.
00:47:12One of these days I'm going to put a great big picture window there.
00:47:17What's the matter?
00:47:19What's the matter?
00:47:26Come here, I want to show you something else.
00:47:28No, thanks.
00:47:29I'm quite comfortable right here.
00:47:32What's been the matter with you lately, Edward?
00:47:34How lately?
00:47:36I'm serious, darling.
00:47:38Nothing that I know of.
00:47:41You've been avoiding me.
00:47:42Even when I see you.
00:47:44It's not the same.
00:47:46That's logical.
00:47:48Nothing stands still, Doris.
00:47:50But I don't want it to stand still.
00:47:52I want it to grow.
00:47:53So that nothing can stop it.
00:47:55Not you, nor me, nor anybody.
00:47:57But most of all, not you nor me.
00:48:01I thought you might like some coffee.
00:48:03It's good on a cold night like this.
00:48:05I brought some cookies too.
00:48:07What are you doing here?
00:48:09I was worried about you, darling.
00:48:12I wanted to see how you and Charles were getting along.
00:48:15Black or white?
00:48:16Black or white.
00:48:18Do you have any brandy?
00:48:21Not here.
00:48:22Cream will do.
00:48:25That's fine.
00:48:29You forgot the sugar.
00:48:31Oh, so I did.
00:48:34I forgot.
00:48:36Oh, Doris.
00:48:37Of course, it should be ladies first.
00:48:40I forget whether you take cream or sugar.
00:48:42It's been so long since we've had breakfast together.
00:48:48We're all civilized people.
00:48:50Sit down.
00:48:51We might as well be comfortable.
00:48:52What do you want, Gus?
00:48:54An understanding.
00:48:56If this partnership is to continue,
00:48:59it is to be confined to business hours.
00:49:03That's fairly clear, isn't it?
00:49:05Pretty clear.
00:49:06Wouldn't you say it was, Doris?
00:49:08Please, Edward, will you shut up?
00:49:15It was pretty clear to her.
00:49:24I must be running.
00:49:25Don't finish your coffee. Have a cookie.
00:49:27No, thanks.
00:49:34Oh, Mr. Hillman.
00:49:36It was nice of you to come all the way up here
00:49:38just to tell me not to work overtime.
00:49:41Good night.
00:49:45Good night.
00:50:15Good night.
00:50:36How did you know I'd come here?
00:50:38Your attitude.
00:50:39What's that got to do with it?
00:50:40You couldn't wait to get Shaw alone.
00:50:42This was the best place.
00:50:43You're drunk.
00:50:44Sure, I've had one or two.
00:50:47It's a long ride up that mountain.
00:50:50It's a long ride down, too.
00:50:59That's better.
00:51:01Now you stay here and have some fun with Gus, huh?
00:51:43Oh, my God.
00:52:13Oh, my God.
00:53:00Now, just what was it I was supposed to have put in the coffee, Mr. Norman?
00:53:03Some kind of a drug, according to Mr. Shaw.
00:53:07That would be funny if it wasn't so serious.
00:53:09Do you realize, Mr. Shaw, that you're accusing me of attempted murder?
00:53:13I sure do, and it's not hard.
00:53:17I'm perfectly willing to do anything I can to clear this matter up.
00:53:20Not only for my own reputation, but for Mr. Shaw's peace of mind.
00:53:25I don't want anybody laying awake at night
00:53:27wondering if I'm going to murder them.
00:53:29So it'll help by canceling the policy?
00:53:32I'll be glad to do it, even though it leaves me out on a limb
00:53:35with a huge investment.
00:53:36The policy is non-cancellable.
00:53:37Yes, I know that.
00:53:39But if the president of your company is willing to cut corners
00:53:42and make an exception in this case, I will cancel the policy.
00:53:46And I'm sure that mostly all companies are willing to cut corners at one time or another.
00:53:50Is that fair enough?
00:53:52Sounds fine to me.
00:53:54Cancel it today?
00:53:56Right now.
00:54:01I'm satisfied.
00:54:02Well, that's fine.
00:54:03You know, Mr. Norman, what's the matter with Mr. Shaw?
00:54:06He suffers from a guilt complex.
00:54:11He's in love with my wife.
00:54:15Perhaps I should refresh my psychology, Mr. Hillman,
00:54:18but what's that got to do with it, if you get what I mean?
00:54:22He's afraid I might kill him.
00:54:25So he cooked up this story to get your protection.
00:54:28When he and my wife arrived at the casino,
00:54:30the last person in the world they expected to find there was me.
00:54:33Am I clear?
00:54:35Did you and Mrs. Hillman expect to find Mr. Hillman at the cabin?
00:54:39They thought I was safe and sound in Los Angeles.
00:54:41I can prove it.
00:54:44Is that true?
00:54:49I'm sorry, Mr. Shaw, but the policy is non-cancellable
00:54:52and I see no reason to discuss it any further.
00:55:00THE END
00:55:22Oh, Miss Hillman.
00:55:24No, he ain't.
00:55:26He was here about, uh, oh, noon, I'd say,
00:55:29and then he packed in a hurry, I tell ya.
00:55:32Yes, packed!
00:55:34Well, he was...
00:55:36Miss Hillman?
00:55:49I've called every place, Mrs. Hillman.
00:55:51It's fantastic. He seems to have disappeared completely.
00:55:54Today's the 27th, isn't it?
00:55:56And he took his $1,000 bill?
00:55:58I imagine so.
00:56:00When I came back from lunch, he was gone and so was the bill.
00:56:28THE END
00:56:58© BF-WATCH TV 2021
00:57:28© BF-WATCH TV 2021
00:57:44Hey, Joe, where you been? You're late!
00:57:58© BF-WATCH TV 2021
00:58:29What on earth's the matter with you?
00:58:31I had a little scare, that's all. I'm all right.
00:58:33You got my message, huh?
00:58:35Yes. I was so glad to hear from you.
00:58:37The maid let me in. Was that all right?
00:58:41I guess you think I've slipped the cog or two, huh?
00:58:47They sure got themselves a beautiful setup.
00:58:50Insurance policy I can't shake. Police think I'm psycho.
00:58:54Gets to you after a while.
00:58:55Not knowing where it's coming from, or when, or what, or how.
00:58:58I'm taking that $1,000 bill and coming up on the other side of the world.
00:59:02No shakes, no cold sweat, and no tramps.
00:59:05That's why I wanted to see you, to say goodbye.
00:59:08Why haven't you left before?
00:59:10Is it because you're in love with a tramp?
00:59:13I'm sorry I said that. After all, she is your sister.
00:59:17If you're not in love with her, are you in love with somebody else?
00:59:22Not even a little bit?
00:59:24Not even a little bit?
00:59:29Maybe. A little bit.
00:59:31And that's why you haven't left?
00:59:37Maybe staying is like the $1,000 bill.
00:59:40Gives me something to cling to.
00:59:51Looks pretty good, doesn't it?
00:59:52Not to me.
00:59:53I think putting that bill in a frame was sheer sentimental drivel.
00:59:57That's cute. Let's hear it again.
01:00:00Here you are about to throw away your whole life by going off to the Australian bush or someplace.
01:00:05And you're going to use that, that thing to do it.
01:00:08What's wrong with that?
01:00:09Can't you use all that money here to fight back at Doris and Mr. Hillman?
01:00:13All I'm fighting here is my nerves.
01:00:21I'm only 21.
01:00:24And I know when you're 21, you think you know more than anybody else in the world.
01:00:30But I think I know what's wrong with you.
01:00:34You won't stop thinking about it, really.
01:00:37Until you stop running from it.
01:00:39Or I could stay here and keep on being a sitting duck.
01:00:42Well, not if you do something about it.
01:00:45Go see Doris. You can handle her.
01:00:46You mean if I went to her, went back to her, she'd turn on Hillman?
01:00:50If there was, you know, a showdown between you and Doris and Mr. Hillman, she would.
01:00:55And then the whole plot would come out.
01:00:56And if Doris turned against him, Mr. Hillman wouldn't dare do anything.
01:01:00Just how do we get the showdown?
01:01:05If Hillman sees you and Doris together...
01:01:08Where? On a trip or someplace?
01:01:10Well, why not a trip? Las Vegas or anyplace.
01:01:13Using what for money?
01:01:44Where is he?
01:01:46I'll take you to him.
01:01:48Why did he send me this?
01:01:51He said with you money talked.
01:01:56He also said that you could choose the place and spend the money any way you liked.
01:02:02Providing, of course, that he spends it with you.
01:02:05But why? Didn't he think I was trying to do away with him?
01:02:08Of course not. He never suspected you at all.
01:02:11He thought Mr. Hillman was trying to...
01:02:13But why didn't he call me direct?
01:02:17Well, I'll have to run along.
01:02:22I'll be late for class. Doris, will you run me down to school?
01:02:25Honey, I can't. I'm late.
01:02:27Here. Take a cab and run.
01:02:29Gus is in Chicago and I've got to call Pearson.
01:04:42LAS VEGAS
01:04:51What happened to Las Vegas? Did it move?
01:04:54We're headed toward Big Bear country.
01:04:55Come on, let's make the light.
01:05:09What's bothering you?
01:05:10Now or then?
01:05:13Las Vegas. You're about 35 miles wrong.
01:05:16I must have taken the wrong road.
01:05:21Ask me what's bothering me now.
01:05:24Why ask what I already know?
01:05:26Your cabin, huh?
01:05:29No roulette, no dice, no big flowing dresses?
01:05:34No husband?
01:05:36Gus is in Chicago. You know that.
01:05:38I only know what you tell me.
01:05:41Tell me more.
01:05:43Just tonight, Edward.
01:05:45Up there it's like being on top of the world.
01:05:48We could go to Vegas tomorrow.
01:05:54Go on. Drive.
01:06:11LAS VEGAS
01:06:35And we thought if Edward and Doris went away together
01:06:37and we let Hillman know they were away together,
01:06:40well, that would do it.
01:06:41Do what?
01:06:42Well, play Hillman and Doris against each other.
01:06:44I know Doris.
01:06:46And if she got mad enough at Hillman, she'd tell Edward everything.
01:06:49Split and conquer, huh?
01:06:53Now Shaw is in Las Vegas.
01:06:55Only Mrs. Hillman knows that he suspects her,
01:06:58so she'll know he's trying to trick her.
01:07:00Shaw hasn't shown up at the Sands yet, Hoffie.
01:07:02Neither has that Hillman dame.
01:07:03Sorry, miss.
01:07:04What about Mr. Hillman?
01:07:05Well, he checked out early this morning.
01:07:06Was asking the airlines about getting him to Big Bear.
01:07:08Big Bear? Not Vegas?
01:07:10He and Doris have a cabin up near there.
01:07:12Oh, yeah, this.
01:07:13The life insurance people just called it to me over the phone.
01:07:15Miles Norman's office.
01:07:17From Laramie, Wyoming.
01:07:19Nolesky fell asleep and drove off bridge 12 miles north of here.
01:07:22Reopening case to confirm suspicion of sleeping pills.
01:07:25Details later.
01:07:37It's beautiful, isn't it?
01:07:39I might even ask you to drink it out of my slipper.
01:07:43Champagne's for good things.
01:07:46Here's to fun.
01:07:50And to love.
01:07:56What's the matter, Edward?
01:07:59What's wrong?
01:08:01I don't know.
01:08:03I just feel like I'm going to die.
01:08:05What's wrong?
01:08:07You're not going to spoil our little party?
01:08:09Our party was spoiled a long time ago.
01:08:13It's happened to me like this since I was a kid.
01:08:16Something nice happens and it always manages to get messed up.
01:08:21What's wrong, Edward?
01:08:23You've sneaked around too many corners, I guess.
01:08:26I just like to walk down the street once in the sunlight.
01:08:29But we've had a wonderful time the past few weeks.
01:08:31The best I've ever had, something that could go on forever.
01:08:34You feel that way just as I do.
01:08:37You know, it's a shame.
01:08:39We'd be awful good together.
01:08:41If only I could trust you.
01:08:44Is trust something that you wrap up in a package and give to the person you love?
01:08:48Or is it in my eyes, in my heart?
01:08:52Read my heart, Edward.
01:08:55I'm trying, Doris.
01:08:57But they're things.
01:08:59Things like, why did we come to the cabin?
01:09:01Edward, listen, I was just trying to test you.
01:09:04I wanted to get rid of Gus so that we could be alone,
01:09:07so that I could make you love me like I love you.
01:09:09You're lying, Doris.
01:09:11I'm not lying, Edward.
01:09:13Lies, all of it lies.
01:09:16Edward, I love you.
01:09:32Oh, darling, this is all I've wanted.
01:09:35This is all I've ever wanted.
01:09:37Just you, Edward.
01:09:44And we could stay here forever.
01:09:46Yes, forever, darling.
01:09:52What about Gus?
01:09:57Edward, we've got to get away from here quickly.
01:10:01Gus, he's coming here. He'll be here any time.
01:10:05Then it was going to be tonight.
01:10:07Yes, but it's all changed now.
01:10:09Please, Edward, let's go.
01:10:10I am going.
01:10:12But, Edward, you love me.
01:10:13You told me you love me.
01:10:14Tell me, Doris, how does it feel to kiss someone you're planning to kill?
01:10:17Will they look sweeter when you know you'll be the last to kiss them?
01:10:20Are they?
01:10:21No, Edward.
01:10:22Tell the truth for a change.
01:10:23Tell me how much you loved me when your husband fed me dope.
01:10:26Do you love me more than you love Narleski?
01:10:27Tell me, do you?
01:10:29Please, please, Edward.
01:10:30Come along and talk.
01:10:32Tell me how much our love will grow and grow.
01:10:34Keep telling me until you kill me.
01:10:37You're not fit to live.
01:10:39Oh, no, Edward.
01:10:41Edward, Edward, where are you going?
01:10:43I'm getting out of here while I'm still alive.
01:10:45Edward, please don't leave me.
01:10:52Put down that gun.
01:11:06Oh, Edward.
01:11:08Edward, I didn't mean to, but you were leaving me, Edward.
01:11:11I'm sorry.
01:11:12Please forgive me, darling.
01:11:17What's happened here?
01:11:18Is he dead?
01:11:20No, he's alive.
01:11:23You idiot.
01:11:24Why did you shoot him?
01:11:25You spoiled everything.
01:11:26Pull yourself together, stop that.
01:11:28I shot him, can't you see?
01:11:31You loved him a great deal, didn't you?
01:11:36Does anybody know you brought him here?
01:11:40Good, that's perfect.
01:11:42A lover's rendezvous.
01:11:44Ending in a suicide.
01:11:46A double suicide.
01:11:51You're a clever girl, Dory.
01:11:53You know that a woman might kill her lover
01:11:54when he threatens to leave her
01:11:56and then follow him herself later?
01:11:58Gus, you're horrible.
01:12:00Yeah, we're a pair, aren't we, Dory?
01:12:04It's too bad you couldn't have remembered that.
01:13:26You all right?
01:13:34Here, let me give you a hand.
01:13:36Who needs drivel anymore?
01:13:41Get his head!
01:13:43Get his head.
01:13:44What are you doing?
01:13:46He's dead.
01:13:47Get him.
01:13:48Get him.
01:13:50Don't do it.
01:13:51Don't do it.
01:13:52Don't do it.
01:13:53Get him, get him.
01:13:55Get him, get him!
01:13:57Get him, get him.
01:14:00Get him.
01:14:02Get him.
01:14:03Get his head!
01:14:05Want to tell me what you're thinking?
01:14:25Highs and lows.
01:14:27Oh, what's that?
01:14:32The feelings you get.
01:14:35But just from certain people.
01:14:44Doris was practical.
01:14:46She liked men.
01:14:47She liked money.
01:14:49No nonsense.
01:14:53I never met anybody like her.
01:15:08Things may be a lot different than you think.
