Gina Hayward gives her opinion on the new segment of the Fernleigh Track Canva reel

  • last month
Nords Wharf resident Gina Hayward gives her opinion on the new segment of the Fernleigh Track in Belmont South on her first bicycle ride on the trail.
00:00So, what's your name? Gina Hayward. And where's home? North Wharf. And is this your first trip on the New Fern Lake Track?
00:07On my bike it is, yeah. I did walk on it the other week. You've been hanging out for this? Yeah, I have, yes, for ages.
00:14What's the best part?
00:16Probably the going past the lagoon and being able to watch the birds as I walk or cycle past and being away from the traffic.
00:25Just away from pollution, just in the bush.
00:28So you'll become a regular? For sure. Great, thank you.
