The Answer Run S01E04 (2024)

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00:00Hello and welcome to the Answer Run.
00:14It's the quiz where we're so generous we give all our players a 50-50 chance on every question.
00:19It's as simple as that and here is how it works.
00:22Every question has two possible answers.
00:24In this example we've got Jason and Jennifer.
00:27The questions will make their way down the Answer Run at random
00:29and our team will swipe towards the answer they think it is.
00:32So, name of the star of the 2001 film The Wedding Planet.
00:34I reckon that must be a Jennifer.
00:36And then, if I get it right, I bag myself the value of that question.
00:40Name that means healer in Greek.
00:42I'm going to guess that's Jennifer as well.
00:44And that's wrong, which means I lose that same value.
00:48And that is essentially it.
00:50Let's meet the teams taking on the Answer Run today.
00:53I'm Janice and this is Julia and we're from Ayrshire.
00:57I'm Harry, this is Barry, we are from Glasgow.
01:01I'm Jack, this is Harvey and we're from Cardiff.
01:04Welcome to the show, everybody.
01:06How are you feeling?
01:08Confident, nervous?
01:11Confident, that's what I like to hear there.
01:14Well, look, we'll get to know you a little bit more as we play the show
01:17but we need to find out who is going to be first to take on the Answer Run.
01:20Fingers on buzzers, it's your first qualifier question.
01:31Harvey and Jack.
01:33Refrigerator, nice and easy.
01:35Come on down and join me at the Answer Run.
01:41Hello, fellas.
01:43No messing around there with refrigerator.
01:45Jack here was going to say fridge-freezer.
01:47Close to.
01:50He's thrown you right under the bus there, Jack.
01:52It's what he does, it's what he does.
01:54I am guessing you're brothers.
01:57I can tell already from the banter.
01:59Who's the older of the two?
02:00Jack is.
02:01Jack, you're the older brother there.
02:03What do youse both do?
02:04I'm in sixth form, just doing my final year of that.
02:06What are you studying?
02:08Media and Applied Science.
02:10Oh, fantastic.
02:11Right, so a big brain on you.
02:14What about you, Jack?
02:15I'm an apprentice electrician.
02:16Oh, right.
02:17So more practical.
02:18Yeah, my second year of my apprenticeship.
02:20Brilliant stuff.
02:21Great job.
02:22You're certainly never going to be out of work, are you?
02:24Exactly, yeah.
02:25Are you quite similar in character, you two, or very different?
02:27Very different.
02:28Yeah, I'd say that.
02:29I've got quite a big ego.
02:30I'm very competitive.
02:31You are, Jack?
02:33I love someone who admits to having a big ego.
02:35You've got to.
02:36Why not?
02:37So just a very competitive brother, are you?
02:39Growing up, playing games with each other?
02:41Always beating him.
02:42Always winning.
02:43Is that true, Harvey?
02:44Sometimes I get the upper hand, but yeah, he's quite good.
02:47Yeah, OK.
02:48Fair enough.
02:49What sort of things do you enjoy doing away from work and college?
02:52I mainly spend my time either on a computer,
02:56reading subjects I like, playing games,
02:59or sometimes even going to the cinema to watch a movie.
03:02Oh, right.
03:03So you're a big film fan?
03:04I'm mainly an animation connoisseur, I'd say.
03:07So you're well into your movies, you're well into your animation.
03:09Jack, what about you?
03:10What are your specialist subjects?
03:13You into cars?
03:14Fishing and sports, I'd say.
03:15OK, fair enough.
03:16You got a car?
03:17Yeah, I've got a car, yeah.
03:18Fancy one?
03:20Hey, look, Jack's all right!
03:21Don't be done.
03:22All right, well, Harvey, Jack,
03:23you get first choice of today's categories, and they are...
03:29We've got Australia, New Zealand,
03:31Enzin RA, Enzin RO,
03:33and Katherine.
03:35Right, Anne and Katherine.
03:36It could be anyone.
03:37Australia, New Zealand, you any good with them?
03:39I wouldn't say so.
03:41So Enzin RA, Enzin RO.
03:43I think we'll go for the one with RA and RO.
03:47Enzin RA, Enzin RO.
03:49Yeah, I think I'm good at spelling.
03:52If not, then...
03:53It falls on me.
03:54It falls on him.
03:55Well, that's why there's two of you, isn't it?
03:57That's right.
03:58OK, let's prep the answer up.
04:01You're going to swipe left for Enzin RA and right for Enzin RO.
04:05Now, the questions come out at random
04:08and they all have different values.
04:10The harder the question, of course, the more it is worth.
04:13If the question reaches the bottom of the room
04:16before you answer it, that will count as a wrong answer.
04:18That money will come off your total.
04:20You've got 15 questions, 90 seconds on the clock.
04:23Let's put a timer up for the viewers at home.
04:25And your time starts now.
04:28Colombian singer had the 2006 UK number one single,
04:31Hips Don't Lie.
04:32Enzin RA.
04:35That's the one.
04:37Africa's tallest mountain in Tanzania.
04:40Kilimanjaro, so RO.
04:45Roman emperor who, according to legend, fiddled while Rome burned.
04:52I'm going to say RA.
04:54It was Nero.
04:55That's fine.
04:56Title character in the Rossini opera The Barber of Seville.
05:02I'll guess.
05:03Figaro, Figaro.
05:04Yeah, that came to mind.
05:06Capital of Egypt.
05:07Cairo, Cairo.
05:08Cairo, Cairo.
05:09So, RA.
05:11Cairo, very good.
05:13Term for a mountain in Scotland with a peak of over 3,000 feet.
05:18I say RA, I'm not sure.
05:20No? OK, that's fine.
05:21It's a Munro.
05:23Close enough.
05:24Acronym for a UK government emergency meeting held in Whitehall.
05:28Do you know?
05:30What are we guessing?
05:31Arrow, maybe?
05:32It's a Cobra meeting.
05:34Oh, Cobra.
05:35World's largest living rodent, native to South America.
05:39No clue.
05:40No clue.
05:41A good guess, RA.
05:42Good guess.
05:43It's worth £500, it's a capybara.
05:45Surname of the president of Cuba who stepped down in 2008.
05:48So, RO.
05:49Fidel Castro.
05:52Form of address used for a Spanish-speaking woman equivalent to Mrs.
05:59Not bad, is it?
06:00Not bad.
06:01Not bad, 900.
06:03That last one was Senora.
06:06Hey, pretty good, £900, good start.
06:08Not bad.
06:09Happy with that?
06:11Couple of guesses in there alongside a bit of knowledge.
06:13It's a lot harder than I thought it would be.
06:16It's just a classical game show, that's how it is.
06:19Can we get that as a quote in the Radio Times?
06:21We'll have that, we'll have that.
06:23So, let's go through some of your answers.
06:25You've got the president of Cuba, Fidel Castro.
06:27I do have a passing interest in mainly 20th century history.
06:32OK, so you got that one.
06:33But you didn't get the cobra.
06:35Cobra meetings, yeah.
06:36And the Roman emperor who fiddled while Rome burned.
06:40I presume he means on an actual instrument
06:43rather than, like, taking some money off the top.
06:46It was Nero.
06:48Oh, well.
06:49But, Jack, no messing around on Shakira, straight in there.
06:51Oh, I knew it straight away.
06:53Over that way.
06:54You bang that out while you're driving your BMW around town?
06:56Of course I do.
06:57All of them.
06:58I love her.
06:59So, at the end of that, £900, and we'll see you in the next round.
07:02Well done, lads, you.
07:07Let's find out who's next to face the answer,
07:09and here comes another qualifier question.
07:11Julia and Janice.
07:12Harry and Vari.
07:13Fingers on buzzers.
07:14JFK and LaGuardia airports are located in which US city?
07:21Julia and Janice.
07:22New York.
07:23New York.
07:24Come on down and play the answer run.
07:35Hello, ladies.
07:36Hello, Jason.
07:37How do you two know each other?
07:38We met about eight years ago.
07:40Julia was actually my beautician.
07:42Brilliant, and just friends ever since?
07:44Just been friends, uh-huh.
07:45Just became friends.
07:46Same sense of humour.
07:47Well, that helps, doesn't it?
07:48Yeah, lovely, lovely.
07:49And what do yous do?
07:51I've started doing part-time modelling.
07:53Have you?
07:54That I just started doing just at the tail end of last year.
07:56What sort of stuff do you do?
07:58Just the catwalk stuff,
07:59and I've been doing some photo shoots and stuff.
08:01I noticed that a little bit, Janice.
08:02Did you notice that when I was walking round?
08:04The confidence you had as you walked along here was...
08:06I stood at the other end and did all that as well.
08:08Yeah, it was an absolute strut.
08:11What about you, Julia?
08:12What do you do?
08:13I'm a health care worker.
08:14Oh, lovely.
08:15I also like to do art,
08:16and I go to a knit and knatter group, but I don't knit.
08:19Knit and knatter?
08:20I just knatter.
08:21Knit and knatter.
08:22I think that would be a good...
08:23It's a good name, isn't it?
08:24That is a good name.
08:25That feels like there should be a BBC One afternoon show
08:27where I'm like, you're right.
08:28A knit and knatter.
08:29A knit and knatter with Julia and Janice.
08:31And what's that?
08:33And if you won some money today, what would you spend it on?
08:35Oh, we know what we're going to spend it on.
08:37We're going to New York.
08:38And that was the question we answered.
08:39It's a sign.
08:40It was a sign.
08:41It was.
08:42We're going to be pretty women for the day,
08:44and we're going to go round all the lovely department stores
08:46with some money.
08:47All the shopping.
08:48Instead of going to charity shops,
08:49we want to go round the designer shops.
08:51Yeah, why not?
08:52What a brilliant trip that would be.
08:53It would be.
08:54All right, well, you're up second,
08:55which means you've got a choice of these two categories.
08:57Oh, right, OK.
08:59Australia, New Zealand and Katherine.
09:02What are you thinking?
09:03I think Australia, New Zealand.
09:05OK, Australia, New Zealand.
09:07Either of you been to those places?
09:09No? All right.
09:10Let's prep the answer room.
09:13You're going to swipe left for Australia, right for New Zealand.
09:16Once again, you've got 15 questions, 90 seconds on the clock.
09:20We'll put a clock up on screen for the viewers at home.
09:22And your time starts now.
09:25Where the band INXS formed.
09:31Where wombats are native.
09:34Is that New Zealand?
09:35I think so.
09:36I don't know.
09:37That's Australia.
09:39Has won more men's Rugby Union World Cup tournaments.
09:42That's in New Zealand.
09:43Yeah, the All Blacks, of course.
09:47Captain James Cook landed here first.
09:49I don't know.
09:51Was it Australia?
09:53Go for it.
09:54It was actually New Zealand.
09:56Well, that's a zero.
09:57Has mountains over 3,000 metres in height.
10:00New Zealand, I would say.
10:03New Zealand it was, well done.
10:05Has more stars on its national flag.
10:10Australia's quite a few.
10:12Let's be quick, be quick.
10:14It was Australia, well done.
10:15Six and four for New Zealand.
10:17Location of a place named Wallamaloo.
10:20I would say that's Australia.
10:21Would you?
10:24Well done, £100.
10:26Has more sheep.
10:28Do you think New Zealand's OK?
10:30It's actually Australia.
10:33It's a bigger place, isn't it?
10:35Its capital was planned by the US architect Walter Burley Griffin.
10:40Australia, big money, that won 500.
10:42Let's try and keep it this time.
10:44First country in the world to allow all women the vote.
10:47I would say New Zealand.
10:49It is New Zealand, well done.
10:51Yes, yes, yes.
10:53First place of actor Russell Crowe.
10:58What would you have gone for there?
10:59New Zealand.
11:00Well, you would have been right.
11:02Yeah, unlucky.
11:03But £700, good start.
11:04That's not bad.
11:08You've already got a celebration.
11:10A bit up and down as we started off there, didn't we?
11:12It was a bit all over the place,
11:13but you managed to calm yourselves and bag £700.
11:16I'm pleased with that.
11:17Yeah, you should be.
11:18A capital planned by Walter Burley Griffin was Australia.
11:21You got big money on that one, that was £500.
11:23Was that a bit of a guess?
11:24I think it was.
11:25But unfortunately, it was a bit of a tricky one,
11:27the Captain James Cook question.
11:29We all know he made it to Australia,
11:31but he actually stopped at New Zealand first.
11:33I didn't know that.
11:34The year before.
11:35But, hey, £700, nothing to sniff at, is it?
11:38No, delighted.
11:39Well done.
11:40We'll see you in the next round.
11:41Go and strut yourselves back to your podium.
11:47So, two teams have played so far, which leaves one left.
11:50Harry and Vary, coming down to the Answer Run.
12:01Hello, guys.
12:03How do you two know each other?
12:04We're a couple.
12:05You're a couple.
12:06How long have you been together?
12:07Nine years this year.
12:08Nine years?
12:09What's this, since primary school?
12:10You look about 17, apparently.
12:13No, we're engaged.
12:14You're engaged?
12:16When are you getting married?
12:17This year, August.
12:18Oh, we'll have a round of applause on that, won't we?
12:21Brilliant stuff.
12:22Was it a romantic proposal?
12:24Yeah, I guess.
12:29Harry kind of gave it away, because it was for my birthday.
12:33So, we went to Inchkyloch on Loch Lomond.
12:35Lovely little island.
12:37Beautiful place.
12:38But I had to plan the trip, and it had to be somewhere
12:41I really wanted to go, or somewhere memorable.
12:43And I was like, OK.
12:45Hang on a minute.
12:46And then two days, or a day before we went, he asked
12:49if I enjoy wearing rings.
12:53I had to know your size.
12:55I was like, yeah.
12:58Tell us a little bit about the wedding, then.
13:00Harry's originally from Ghana.
13:02He was born in Ghana, so there's going to be a really good fusion
13:05of Scottish and Ghanaian tradition.
13:07Oh, my goodness, I love the sound of this.
13:09It's going to be something like I don't think anyone's seen before.
13:12Yeah, well, I mean, it does sound pretty unique, to be honest.
13:15Which means it will be expensive, so...
13:17Well, yeah.
13:19All right, let's have a look at your remaining category.
13:22So, no choice on this one, unfortunately.
13:24Anne, Catherine.
13:25Is it the one you would have picked?
13:27Probably not, but we'll see how it goes.
13:31Let's prep the answer room.
13:33We're going to swipe left for Anne and right for Catherine.
13:37You've got 15 questions, 90 seconds on the clock.
13:40We'll pop a clock up for the viewers at home,
13:42and your time starts now.
13:44One of Enid Blyton's famous five.
13:47I think it's Anne.
13:50Anne, sure.
13:52Very good.
13:54Actress who won an Oscar in 2013 for her role in Les Miserables.
13:57Anne Hathaway, isn't it?
13:58Les Miserables?
14:00Anne Hathaway.
14:03Lives at Green Gables, according to the title of a 1908 novel.
14:06Oh, Catherine. Catherine of the Green Gables.
14:08Oh, it's Anne of Green Gables.
14:11The name of three wives of Henry VIII.
14:14Oh, three. Oh, no.
14:16Anne Boleyn...
14:17Anne or Catherine, it could be.
14:19It's Catherine.
14:22Australian sprinter who won 400m gold at the 2000 Sydney Olympics.
14:27I'll go Catherine.
14:29Yeah, Catherine Freeman.
14:32Author of the Mallen novels and the Tilly Trotter trilogy.
14:35Tilly Trotter. I've never heard of it.
14:37Sounds like it.
14:40Very good, it's Catherine Cookson, well done.
14:4218th century Empress of Russia, nicknamed The Great.
14:46Catherine the Great, nice and quick with those low numbers.
14:48Learned that on a podcast.
14:49Queen, portrayed by Olivia Colman in the film The Favourite.
14:54The Favourite, it's also Catherine.
14:56It's Queen Anne.
14:58Queen Anne, oh, dear.
14:59Vocalist on the Christmas number one rockabye Blank Marie.
15:03Anne Marie.
15:06Anne Marie, of course.
15:09Comedian and actress who played Donna Noble in Doctor Who.
15:12Catherine Tate.
15:13I love Catherine Tate.
15:14Catherine Tate, oh, he snuck that in there.
15:17Just in.
15:19Swiped just before the time ran out, well done.
15:21Good Doctor Who knowledge.
15:22Good sleeping.
15:23That was brilliant stuff.
15:25You were so confident with Catherine of the Green Gables there.
15:28Catherine of the Green Gables, that's how I knew it.
15:30Absolute confidence.
15:32In fact, even though I had the answer there, I was going,
15:34well, she must be right.
15:35Yeah, yeah.
15:37Can you name the Catherines of Henry VIII?
15:41Aragon, Parr and Howard they are, so three of those.
15:44Was it two Annes?
15:45I knew there was two of each.
15:46Anne of Cleves and Anne Boleyn, the two Annes, yeah.
15:49So, at the end of that run, you've got yourself £700.
15:52We'll see you in the next round. Well done.
15:54Good job.
15:58So, at the end of round one, let's take a quick look at the totals.
16:02Julia and Janice have £700.
16:04Harry and Vari are also on £700.
16:07And in the lead so far with 900, it's Harvey and Jack!
16:14Now it's time for round two.
16:16The teams have all had a go at the answer run.
16:19This time, when you step up, it's going to get a little bit more difficult.
16:22The money will go up with the pressure,
16:24and that's because at the end of this round, unfortunately,
16:26one of you will be going home.
16:28Let's see who's going to get first choice of category.
16:30Fingers on buzzers. Here's your qualifier question.
16:34Which 19th-century British nurse was nicknamed The Lady With The Lamp?
16:40Harry and Vari.
16:41Florence Nightingale.
16:42It was Florence Nightingale!
16:45Come on in and play the answer run.
16:51In round one, you added £700 to your prize pot.
16:55That money is safe for now.
16:57Now, concentrate, because in this round, each question has two values,
17:01a higher amount and a lower amount.
17:03So if you're feeling confident, obviously go high,
17:05not so sure, go low.
17:07But it is all about getting that swipe and timing correct.
17:11In round two, there are three new answer categories, and they are...
17:16We've got ghost, skeleton, animal, vegetable,
17:19Dawn French, Jennifer Saunders.
17:21What are you thinking?
17:23Dawn French and Jennifer Saunders are too similar in my head.
17:26They're both funny. I'm going to get them confused.
17:29OK. I don't know what ghost, skeleton would be.
17:32I can't think what the question would be.
17:35I think animal or vegetable.
17:37It's almost like if you know it, you know it.
17:40OK, I trust you. This is your decision.
17:43No, it's our decision!
17:45OK, animal, vegetable.
17:47Animal, vegetable. OK, let's prep the answer run.
17:50You're going to swipe left for animal and right for vegetable.
17:53Once again, we've got 15 questions,
17:55just 90 seconds to get as many right as you can.
17:58We'll put a clock up for the viewers at home.
18:00And your time starts now.
18:07Oh, it's alternating, isn't it?
18:15No, it's the gherkin.
18:17Oh, the gherkin.
18:19Daikon. This is worth £600. Get your timing right.
18:22Animal? I think it's vegetable.
18:28Carnival of sweets composed by Camille Saint-Saëns.
18:31Carnival of the blank.
18:36Very good.
18:40I think it might be vegetable.
18:42It's worth £500.
18:44It's a small deer, it's an animal.
18:47Racket sport played by Jahangir Khan.
18:50Racket sport.
18:52Racket sport.
18:54OK, animal.
18:56Oh, squash!
18:59Cassava, worth £400.
19:02It's a vegetable, well done.
19:04Used to make falafel.
19:10Can't get that timing right.
19:121987 UK top ten single by Def Leppard.
19:20Very good.
19:25Animal, £1,000.
19:27It's worth £1,000.
19:29Oh, no!
19:30Well done, Wolverine!
19:36That one saved us.
19:40That already took over there, the swiping.
19:42Like, I'm shaking now.
19:44That was intense, guys.
19:46Good fun.
19:47Yeah, you made it good fun.
19:49Should have timed it well, though.
19:51We got into the timing.
19:53We got into the swing of it, I think.
19:54Let's have a little go through some of your questions and answers.
19:5730 St Mary Acts was a tough one.
19:59The gherkin.
20:00I would never have guessed that.
20:02Cassava, of course.
20:04If I got that wrong, I don't think I'd be allowed back home.
20:06Oh, really?
20:08Our favourite food is fufu and that's in it.
20:11Oh, really?
20:13You'd have been in trouble there, then.
20:14Oh, yeah, definitely.
20:15Mum straight on the phone.
20:16I know.
20:17But what really saved you there at the end was cockadoo.
20:21The wolverine.
20:22Just a piece of information that's gone in.
20:24It was one of those things right at the back of my brain was saying,
20:27it's an animal, it's an animal.
20:29Very good.
20:30And I'm going, I hope you're right.
20:31Well, on this occasion, you were.
20:35Head on back.
20:40So, Harry and Vari, we're going to add that £1,500 to your round one total,
20:44which gives you a prize pot of £2,200.
20:48All right.
20:49Great start.
20:50All right.
20:51Let's find out who's next to face the answer.
20:53It's now time for another qualified question.
20:55So, fingers on buzzers.
20:56Julia and Janice.
20:57Harvey and Jack.
20:59Which city is the capital of Finland?
21:02Harvey and Jack.
21:05It's not Oslo.
21:07No, quick.
21:10Don't worry.
21:11Don't worry.
21:12It was Helsinki.
21:13No, I'm never getting there.
21:14Looks like we're frozen.
21:16You are frozen out.
21:17Yes, you're quite right.
21:18It's starting to feel a bit chilly in here.
21:20They even put the lights a bit blue as well.
21:23OK, so, Julia and Janice, this is just for you.
21:26Get this right and you'll be going through the answer run.
21:28Get it wrong and Harvey and Jack will be back in with a shout.
21:31The 2020 TV drama The Queen's Gambit centres around which board game?
21:40It is chess.
21:41Well done.
21:42Come on down to the answer run.
21:49That was good.
21:50No messing around there.
21:51That was good.
21:52Julia and Janice, here we are.
21:54And this is your choice.
21:59What are you thinking?
22:00I think Ghost Skeleton, just for random.
22:03Probably, but no more than...
22:05It's going to happen to the two of us.
22:07How about Dawn French and Jennifer Saunders?
22:09I know you think we would, but...
22:10I feel like it's two funny women.
22:12OK, Ghost Skeleton, Dawn French and Jennifer Saunders.
22:14Ghost Skeleton.
22:15We're going to go Ghost.
22:16OK, Ghost Skeleton.
22:18Let's prep the answer run.
22:21So, last time, you had a bit of a shaky start, but you ended well.
22:24All right, OK, right.
22:26Let's see if we can even it out a little bit on this.
22:29You're going to swipe left for Ghost and right for Skeleton.
22:32You've got 15 questions and just 90 seconds on the clock.
22:35We'll pop a clock up for the viewers at home,
22:37and your time starts now.
22:39Big, Little and Dog in a 1980s storybook by Alan Alberg.
22:46Skeleton, it's the Funny Bones book.
22:49Car model launched by Rolls-Royce in 2009.
22:52Oh, that model.
22:54Is that the skeleton as well?
22:55No, it's Ghost.
22:58In the title of a 1929 Disney short film set in a graveyard.
23:02It's worth £1,000.
23:04Oh, try and get that timing right, you just lost out on 500 there.
23:07Snapchat's logo.
23:09Snapchat's logo.
23:11It's not Snapchat, so it must be Ghost.
23:13It is a Ghost, well done.
23:16Title of 2021 UK top 20 single for Justin Bieber.
23:21Oh, is that Ghost as well? Wait a minute, let's go to 400.
23:24Very good, good timing, it was Ghost.
23:28Orchid regarded as one of Britain's rarest plants.
23:31That's a skeleton as well.
23:33600, wait a minute, 600.
23:36Oh, it was Ghost.
23:38British fashion brand acquired by Tuka Suleiman in 2008.
23:42What's that? Fashion queen? Come on.
23:46It is Ghost, well done.
23:49Name of a coastal area in Namibia.
23:53This is worth £1,000 if you get it right.
23:57Oh, it was Skeleton.
23:59They pursue the main character in the Pac-Man video game.
24:02Oh, that's incorrect. That was Ghost.
24:05In the name of transparent chairs created by...
24:08Oh, just £250 at the end there.
24:11Oh, no, gutted.
24:13There were some tough questions,
24:15but there was some reckless answering going on as well.
24:18It's harder than what you think. You've got to be quick as well.
24:22Oh, but £250.
24:24Just need to keep our fingers crossed and see what happens.
24:27Just have to hope, don't you? You have to hope.
24:30The Rolls-Royce Ghost.
24:31You didn't know about the version of the Rolls-Royce,
24:34the Rolls-Royce Ghost?
24:35You know, it's something that's coming to me now.
24:37Billy Connolly said he bought a Rolls-Royce once
24:39and after having it for six weeks in Glasgow,
24:41nobody would let him out of a junction, so he had to sell it.
24:44Oh, goodness.
24:45So you got more right than you got wrong on that one,
24:47but unfortunately it was just the amounts and the timing,
24:50so unlucky.
24:51Julia and Janice, let's hope it's enough
24:53to take you through to the head-to-head.
24:55Well done. Thank you.
25:00So, Julia and Janice,
25:01we're going to add that £250 to your round one total,
25:04which gives you a prize pot of just £950.
25:08Only 50 ahead of Harvey and Jack.
25:12So, Harvey, Jack, all to play for now
25:15as you come down and face the answer run.
25:26Not going to lie, I'm a bit worried about this one.
25:29Are you really? Why is that?
25:31Because initially we were intending to go for animal and vegetable,
25:35but obviously then Harry and Mahari took that,
25:38so we were then going to do ghost and skeleton,
25:41but then Julia and Janice did that.
25:44It's like a full recap of the show.
25:47And I'm afraid to say that Dawn French and whoever the other one is...
25:54..this is my first time finding out they exist.
25:58But, yeah, look, it's a generational thing, of course.
26:01Totally understand that. Dawn French and Jennifer Saunders.
26:03How old are you, Harvey? 18.
26:05I mean, I think that's perfectly reasonable
26:07not to necessarily know who Dawn French and Jennifer Saunders are.
26:11We're going to set it up anyway.
26:13We are going to swipe left for Dawn French, right for Jennifer Saunders.
26:17Do you know anything about them at all, Jack?
26:19No, not at all. Not at all.
26:21Our plan for this is that we'll just swipe on the ones
26:25we're not sure of when it's at their lowest.
26:29If we do know something, we'll swipe at the highest.
26:32Just mitigate the losses.
26:33Well, look, you only need £100 to go through to the head-to-head.
26:37You've got 15 questions, 90 seconds on the clock.
26:41If this goes well, I'm going to do a lap of the studio, I really am.
26:45We'll see.
26:46Here we go.
26:48Take a breath, stay calm.
26:51There we go.
26:54I'm just quoting Turning Gred at this point.
26:56All right, left for Dawn French, right for Saunders.
26:59Let's put a clock up for the viewers at home.
27:01Your time starts now.
27:04Start with Alfred Molina in Roger and Val Have Just Got In.
27:07There we go, left.
27:08It's a big amount, this.
27:10Just got £1,000, well done.
27:12All right, mitigate the losses.
27:13Appeared in Friends as Emily's stepmother.
27:15Oh, Saunders, maybe?
27:18It was Jennifer Saunders, well done.
27:21Played Idina Monsoon in Absolutely Fabulous.
27:24I'm not sure about this.
27:25Wait until it's 50.
27:29Oh, it was Jennifer Saunders.
27:31Author of Because Of You,
27:33long-listed for Women's Prize for Fiction in 2021.
27:38It was Dawn French.
27:40All right, slow it down now.
27:41Has won more BAFTA awards.
27:42This is worth £1,000, so be careful.
27:44I'm going to say Saunders.
27:47Wow, another £1,000!
27:49It's three for Jennifer Saunders.
27:50Played different characters in each episode of Murder Most Horrid.
27:54I'm not sure about this one.
27:56It's Dawn French.
27:58Oh, no.
27:59Played a moving painting in a Harry Potter film.
28:02You've got to know this, I've no idea.
28:04I think it might be French.
28:06Ah, that's incorrect.
28:07It's only 50 quid.
28:09Performed a 2014 tour called 30 Million Minutes.
28:13That's a French.
28:15Dawn French.
28:18Voice of the Fairy Godmother in Shrek 2.
28:20I know this, I know this.
28:21Jennifer Saunders.
28:24Yes, a cartoon question.
28:26What's the chances?
28:27Daughter Beatty played Kate in the BBC sitcom Josh.
28:32I'm going to say French for 20 minutes.
28:34Oh, it just ran out at the end.
28:38I promised to do a lap at the studio!
28:44Oh, my goodness!
28:46I forgot her name, but when it said Fairy Godmother,
28:49it just immediately came to mind.
28:51A cartoon question, what was the chances?
28:53The scene where she sings Holding Out For A Hero is pretty iconic too.
28:58So that's where I knew that from.
29:02Not only have you managed to bag £2,600
29:05with two people that previously you'd never heard of,
29:08you're now in the lead!
29:12What are the odds?
29:13I mean, the odds are 50-50, thankfully.
29:16Harvey Jack, that was very impressive.
29:19I'm honestly surprised myself.
29:22Well, look, no-one is more surprised than Julia and Janice.
29:25I know, I know.
29:27Yeah, they were in for the shock of their lives.
29:30What a round that was, that was amazing.
29:32That's the way this game works sometimes,
29:34if you're lux in, you're lux in, you know?
29:36There was also a bit of knowledge as well.
29:38The Shrek question worked out for you very nicely.
29:40Jennifer Saunders appeared in Friends.
29:42I like Friends.
29:43You like Friends, so that worked out there as well.
29:45Look, the reason you did so well on that one
29:48was because the two £1,000 questions are the ones that you nailed.
29:52Roger and Val just got in, it was Dawn French,
29:55a brilliant BBC sitcom.
29:57And the BAFTA question as well, Jennifer Saunders has won three,
30:00Dawn French just the one.
30:02I definitely knew them all.
30:03Yeah, of course you do, just stay confident, stay confident.
30:06Harvey Jack, we will see you in the next round.
30:08Congratulations. Thank you.
30:15So we're going to add that £2,600 to the £900 you got in round one,
30:20which gives you a prize pot of £3,500.
30:29Unfortunately, that means we have to say goodbye to Julia and Janice.
30:35You couldn't write it, could you? No.
30:37It was fun, it was fun. We had a great time.
30:40Yeah, definitely.
30:41Well, I'm definitely coming to that knitter natter at some point as well
30:44next time I'm in the area.
30:46Julia and Janice, everybody!
30:52It's time now for the head-to-head, and here is how it's going to work.
30:56The head-to-head is all about being in control.
30:58Both teams will face the answer run at the same time.
31:01Whoever is in play will answer questions until they get one wrong.
31:05Once a wrong answer is given, we'll swap to the other team,
31:08and that will keep happening every time you answer a question incorrectly.
31:11To decide who will start the round,
31:13we're going to have another qualifier question, so fingers on buzzers.
31:16Which slang term for a prison sentence
31:19is the title of a sitcom starring Ronnie Barker?
31:25Porridge it is! Come and meet me at the answer run!
31:36Straight in there, Varee.
31:37A Scotswoman couldn't get a question wrong about porridge, surely?
31:40Exactly, yeah.
31:42So, pretty decent first round, but, wow, what about the lads there?
31:46That was a hell of a performance. That was crazy.
31:48Wasn't it? It really was.
31:49So you need to do everything in your power
31:51to stay in control of the answer run.
31:53Here is today's category.
31:57Venus and Saturn.
31:59Joy of choice.
32:00What do you reckon? How's your space knowledge?
32:03OK, so there are 15 questions,
32:05but this time you've got two minutes on the clock.
32:08Remember, if you keep answering correctly,
32:10you'll stay in control of the board,
32:12but Harvey and Jack, as you can see, they're just waiting to pounce.
32:17You're £1,300 behind,
32:19but there are some big-value questions on this one,
32:22so just make sure you watch the amounts as they come down,
32:25cos they will alternate.
32:27Go high if you're feeling confident, low if you're not so sure.
32:30Answer run, let's prep ourselves.
32:33We're going to swipe left for Venus and right for Saturn.
32:36Harry, Vary, your time starts now.
32:40Sixth planet from the sun.
32:43Wait for 400.
32:44Oh, Saturn!
32:46Unlucky, just for 200.
32:48Worth more points in Scrabble.
32:50Venus, I think.
32:52There's more letters in Saturn, though.
32:54Oh, I don't know, 200.
32:56No, it was Venus. Stop the clock.
32:58You were right, the V there, isn't it?
33:00OK, let's swap over.
33:03OK, ready, boys?
33:04We're ready.
33:05Restart the clock.
33:07Experiences sulphuric acid as rainfall.
33:10I think Saturn.
33:11Yeah, I was going to say Saturn.
33:13Stop the clock.
33:15Oh, that was a big one, 1,500.
33:17Make sure you go low numbers if you're not so sure.
33:20Let's swap positions.
33:22Oh, boy, that was rough.
33:25OK, Harry and Vary.
33:27Restart the clock.
33:29Where women are from in the title of a book by John Gray.
33:32Venus. Venus, 300.
33:35No, Harry!
33:37Oh, no!
33:39I know, I just panicked there.
33:41Harry, what happened?
33:44I think I was focused on the 300.
33:46Is there any moment that illustrates
33:48that women are from Venus and men are from Mars?
33:50It was just that exact moment there.
33:52OK, let's swap over again.
33:54Don't panic.
33:55Oh, Harry!
33:58Harvey and Jack.
34:01Start the clock.
34:02Has more moons.
34:04I think it's Venus.
34:06No, no, I think it's Saturn, so...
34:08Yeah, you sure? Yeah.
34:10£500, it's Saturn, well done.
34:12Well done.
34:13In blue jeans, in the title of a 1962 hit single for Mark Winter.
34:18Venus, yeah, I think Venus.
34:20Venus in blue jeans.
34:22The derivation for the English name of a day of the week.
34:26I'm not sure about that. Saturn, I'm pretty sure.
34:29Saturn for Saturday.
34:31Its day lasts longer than its year.
34:34I think it's Venus.
34:36Yeah, I think it's Venus.
34:38It is Venus, well done, for 2,000.
34:40Title of a 1994 top 20 hit for in spiral carpets.
34:43Blank 5.
34:45Saturn 5, maybe?
34:47Saturn 5, well done.
34:49The rocket.
34:50Made mostly of gas.
34:52Saturn, so wait for it to go for highest.
34:54Correct, it's Saturn for 500.
34:56Name of a Sega games console.
34:58Sega Saturn.
34:59So wait for highest.
35:01Sega Saturn.
35:03Has rings.
35:04Well, that's obvious.
35:06Saturn? OK.
35:08Wait for highest.
35:10It is Saturn.
35:11Not that obvious.
35:13Depicted being born in a famous Botticelli painting.
35:16Venus, I think. Just go for 200.
35:18It is Venus.
35:20Annual award.
35:22Annual awards given by the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films.
35:25The Satans, I think.
35:27Saturn for over 1,000.
35:29Nickname The Morning Star.
35:31Oh! Stop the clock.
35:35That was Venus at the end there, but just not enough time.
35:39What another incredible round.
35:42That was amazing.
35:43You'd never believe it.
35:45Ten consecutive correct answers there, lads.
35:48That was absolutely brilliant. Well done.
35:50I'm sitting here and I can't believe it.
35:52It was brilliant. Harry and Varry, come over here.
35:56Harry and Varry.
35:58Don't talk about it.
36:01Oh, Harry.
36:03It's one of those. I got too excited.
36:05Oh, I know this one.
36:07And just focusing on the money.
36:09It was annoying. It's every question after that.
36:11And you're... Yeah.
36:13It wasn't meant to be.
36:15But you guys did amazing and we're really happy for you.
36:17Thanks, I really appreciate it.
36:19Well, that's very magnanimous of you, it really is.
36:21Best of luck with your wedding.
36:23All right, thanks, Varry and Harry, everybody.
36:25But well done to Harvey and Jack
36:27and we're going through to today's final round.
36:34So, Harvey and Jack, here you are at the final.
36:37I feel like no-one is more surprised than you two.
36:40No. Can't believe it.
36:42It's not what you thought, Jack, when you got up this morning.
36:44No, it wasn't, to be honest.
36:46It was what I was thinking when I called him,
36:48like, two months ago or so.
36:50I was like, hey, Jack, want to do something cool?
36:53Want to be on a game show? It'll be fun.
36:55Fun? We could win some money.
36:57Absolutely. £8,800.
37:00If you won that today, what would you spend it on?
37:02A family trip to Florida. Yeah.
37:04To Disneyland and all the other studios,
37:06cos Harvey really wants to go.
37:08Lovely stuff. And who would go along with you, Harvey?
37:10Well, Jack, of course. Mum.
37:12And your sister? Yeah, of course, Mol.
37:14Our dad, Anthony.
37:16So a full family trip? Full family trip.
37:18Maybe even Jack's girlfriend, if we're lucky.
37:20Well, let's see, eh, Jack? See if Jack's girlfriend comes along.
37:22What's your girlfriend called? Vicky.
37:24All right, well, maybe Vicky. We'll see.
37:26OK, all that stands between you and that money is one final run.
37:31This time, when you give a correct answer,
37:33the questions will turn into a gold block.
37:36You have just 90 seconds to answer eight questions correctly in a row.
37:40Then your stack will reach the jackpot line
37:42and you'll take home your hard-earned cash.
37:45If at any point you answer incorrectly
37:47or if a question hits the top of your stack,
37:49you'll start building again from scratch.
37:52So your thinking time gets shorter the higher your stack gets.
37:56So if you think of an answer, just go for the swipe, OK?
37:59There might not be a lot of time to confer.
38:01No pressure.
38:02If at the end of 90 seconds you reach the halfway line,
38:05we'll give you half your prize pot.
38:08So still a fair amount to get you an holiday.
38:10That's like 4,400.
38:12It's exactly that, yeah.
38:13And now I am saying I'm bad at maths.
38:15Look at that, you're smashing it.
38:17Let's see your all-important final choice of categories.
38:21Duck, goose or pink and purple?
38:24What do you reckon?
38:25Pink, purple, you're going to get the singer Pink, I reckon.
38:29A couple of them, then purple, I have no idea.
38:31Purple, then, maybe?
38:33Yeah, maybe. Duck and goose, then.
38:35Eggs, both of them, though, so...
38:37What do you want to go for?
38:39I'm not sure here. Pink and purple might be the one.
38:42Pink and purple, just a sort of random choice, really, isn't it?
38:45Yeah, tough on that. OK, let's prep the answer run.
38:49We are going to swipe left for pink and right for purple.
38:53We'll pop a clock up for the viewers at home.
38:55Best of luck, let's see if we can get yours to Florida.
38:58Start the clock.
39:00The breast and face feathers of the Australian galah.
39:04I'm going to say pink.
39:05It is pink.
39:07Designer Elsa Schiaparelli's signature shade was shocking.
39:12I'm not sure. Pink.
39:14Shocking pink, well done.
39:16US military decoration awarded for bravery in action.
39:19Blank heart.
39:20The purple heart.
39:22Home shirts of football's Inter Miami CF.
39:28Rhodopsin, pigment in the retina, also known as visual blank.
39:31I'm going to say purple.
39:33It is purple, well done, we're over the halfway line.
39:36Harold's crayon in the title of a kids' book by Crockett Johnson.
39:41In her poem Warning, Jenny Joseph wrote she will wear this colour.
39:45Oh, OK, we start again, we've got enough time, don't worry.
39:48Appears in the title of more UK number one singles.
39:52It's pink.
39:55In dressmaking to cut a zigzagged edge on a piece of fabric.
40:00I'm not sure. Pink.
40:02It's pink inches, well done.
40:04Dick Dastardly's car in the Wacky Racers cartoons.
40:08It is purple.
40:11Blank Collection, 160 novels by Barbara Cartland, published posthumously.
40:14Not sure about this. Pink Collection.
40:16It is pink, well done, one more for the halfway, here we go.
40:19Title of a 2023 UK hit single by Lizzo.
40:21Pink, I think.
40:23Yeah, you sure? Yeah, I'm sure.
40:25It is pink, there we go.
40:27Goes before Sam Piper in the name of a visiting...
40:31Well done, we've made it into the halfway line, fantastic!
40:39Wow, that was incredible, £4,400.
40:43I was nervous for you there, boys, at one point.
40:46You got right up to the top and then gone.
40:49Yeah, that was my fault, I didn't listen, I don't know why, I just swiped.
40:52You just swiped.
40:54Hey, £4,400, that's not too bad, really.
40:57Hey, that's amazing.
40:59£4,400, Harvey and Jack.
41:02That'll get you an absolutely fantastic holiday for all the family.
41:07Maybe your girlfriend can go too, Jack, we'll see.
41:10I hope you've enjoyed yourselves.
41:12Oh, we've enjoyed ourselves, we've loved every second of it.
41:16Well, we have loved having you both on, watching you two,
41:19fantastic brothers, you really are, it's been great to see you.
41:22It's Harvey and Jack, everybody.
41:24I hope you've enjoyed the show at home as well,
41:26we'll see you next time when three more teams take on the Answer Run!