The Answer Run S01E03 (2024)

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00:11Hello, and welcome to the Answer Run.
00:13It's the quiz where we're so generous,
00:15we give all our players a 50-50 chance on every question.
00:18It's as simple as that, and here is how it works.
00:21Every question has got two possible answers.
00:24In this example, we've got Peter Kay and Peter Andre.
00:27The questions will make their way down at random,
00:30and our teams will swipe towards the answer they believe is correct.
00:33Had a UK number one with Mysterious Girl,
00:35I'm pretty sure that is Andre, so I bag myself £50.
00:39If, however, I got it wrong,
00:41and I said that Peter Kay was older than Peter Andre,
00:45I would lose that same value, and that is it.
00:49It's as simple as that.
00:51Who knew that Peter Andre was older than Peter Kay?
00:53I just found that out right now as well.
00:56Let's meet the teams taking on the Answer Run today.
00:59I'm Tash, this is Dave, and we're from Southend-on-Sea.
01:02I'm Tiana, this is Jamari, we're from Bolton.
01:05I'm Ria, this is Alistair, and we are from Kilmarnock.
01:09Welcome to you all. How are you feeling?
01:13Nervous, but that's right, that just shows you care.
01:16We'll get to know you a little bit more during the show,
01:19but right now we're going to find out
01:21who is going to be first to face the Answer Run.
01:23So, fingers on buzzers, here's your first qualifier question.
01:26In a nursery rhyme, what kitchen device is Polly asked to put on?
01:33Jamari and Tiana?
01:34The kettle.
01:35The kettle, of course it is.
01:37Come on down and meet me at the Answer Run.
01:46Jamari, Tiana, how are you?
01:49Are you? Good stuff, I can see that.
01:51And how do you know each other?
01:53This is my fiancée.
01:54Oh, lovely, congratulations.
01:57So, a wedding planned already?
01:59Getting there.
02:00Getting there.
02:01Because we were planning it and then obviously...
02:03Oh, well, I did want to presume.
02:05I've made that mistake before, it's not working.
02:08And how long have you got to go?
02:1015 weeks left.
02:11Oh, wow, excited, first baby?
02:15Oh, wow, how exciting for you, that's amazing.
02:17So, obviously, right now, that is the thing you're concentrating on,
02:20this little one in there.
02:22Is that why you come on the show, trying to get a few extra pounds?
02:25Yeah, firstly, it's not going to be cheap, so...
02:27No, no, no, I think on average in the UK,
02:31£180,000 a baby costs.
02:33Can we win that today?
02:34Yeah, I think you might be thinking of who wants to be a millionaire.
02:38£180,000 a baby costs between zero and 18 on average in the UK.
02:43So, I know, it's a big figure, but that is spread out.
02:46So, what do yous do for a living?
02:48I'm a teaching assistant in a primary school.
02:51And I work in a warehouse.
02:52OK, great, so, obviously, primary school,
02:54you must have a lot of general knowledge,
02:56lots of little things that have gone in that you've heard.
02:58Yeah, I know stuff about nursery rhymes.
03:01Well, that helped in that first one, didn't it?
03:04And what about you, Jamari,
03:05any other hobbies away from work that might help today?
03:07Er, just... I watch a bit of football, that might help.
03:10Who's your team?
03:12Oh, well, look at that, I mean, I like you the most already.
03:14I'm a fellow City fan.
03:16What about you, Tiana, are you into the football as well?
03:18Yeah, I'm a Manchester United fan.
03:20Right, well, it was lovely to meet you.
03:23When baby comes along then,
03:24what allegiance is baby going to have, do you think?
03:26He's going to be a United fan.
03:27OK, all right, and it's a he already, you know?
03:29Yeah, yeah.
03:30All right, OK, well, good luck with that.
03:33You get the first choice of our categories, and they are...
03:37Franklin D Roosevelt, Ronald Reagan,
03:40tree, flower, cockerel, bull.
03:43I think tree and flower makes the most sense.
03:45I think tree and flower.
03:46It's the most easy, well, not easy...
03:48That's the most we know, like, about.
03:50We'll go with tree and flower, please.
03:51OK, tree and flower, let's set up the answer run.
03:55You are going to swipe left for tree and right for flower.
03:59Now, the questions come out in a random order
04:02and they all have different values.
04:04The harder the question, of course, the more it is worth.
04:07If the question reaches the bottom of the run
04:10and you've not answered it in time,
04:12that will count as a wrong answer
04:13and you will lose that money from your total.
04:15You've got 15 questions, just 90 seconds to answer them in.
04:19We'll put a clock up for the viewers at home,
04:21and your time starts now.
04:24Bambi's skunk friend in the Disney animation.
04:27I'd say flower.
04:28All right, go on.
04:29Flower, very good, £2.
04:33Title of the 2023 UK number one single by Miley Cyrus.
04:39Phlox, for £500.
04:41What do you think about this?
04:43It's a lot of money.
04:45Oh, we've just gone back to zero, don't worry.
04:47Magic Far Away in the title of an Enid Blyton book.
04:51I think flower, yeah.
04:52No, it's the Magic Far Away tree,
04:55where aspirin was derived from.
04:57This is worth £500.
05:01It's from Willowbark.
05:02Oh, my God.
05:03It's a tree.
05:04In the title of a UK number one album by U2.
05:07A tree?
05:09Yeah, Joshua Tree.
05:13Yggdrasil, that holds together the universe in Norse mythology.
05:17A tree.
05:18It sounds like a tree, doesn't it?
05:20It's an ash tree, well done.
05:22In the title of a 2023 Leonardo DiCaprio film
05:25about an oil discovery on Native American land.
05:28We'll go with flower.
05:30Killers of Flower Moon.
05:32Oh, yeah.
05:33In the name of the plant with a scientific name, helianthus.
05:37We'll go with tree.
05:38I think flower.
05:40It's a sunflower.
05:42Conservative party logo.
05:47It's an oak tree.
05:50On the crest of Blackburn Rovers FC.
05:52That one's flower.
05:53He wanted a football question and he got one.
05:55Oh, just nipped it there at the end.
05:59Well done.
06:03Well, that was an up-and-down first round, wasn't it?
06:09So you didn't get Magic Faraway Tree.
06:12I thought tree.
06:14But maybe you might be a bit young for Enid Blyton, maybe.
06:18Do you not read them at primary school?
06:20Not that I remember.
06:21No messing around when it came to Blackburn Rovers, though,
06:24you wanted a football question and you got one.
06:26So, not a bad first round.
06:29We'll see you in the next round.
06:36It's time now for another qualifier question,
06:38so fingers on buzzers, teams.
06:40This is for Dave and Tash, Ria and Alistair.
06:43Which American tennis player won her first Grand Slam singles title
06:48at the 2023 US Open?
06:52Dave and Tash.
06:53Koko Goff.
06:54It is Koko Goff, well done, smashed it.
06:57Come on down to the answer room.
07:07Hello, you two.
07:08So, what's your relationship?
07:09Well, Dave's my stepdad and we met when I was about 18.
07:13And what do you do for a living?
07:15I own a restaurant in Southend.
07:16Oh, dear, is that a new venture?
07:18Yeah, so we took it over last year,
07:20but it's been around for about 20 years.
07:22What sort of food?
07:23It's a bit of a mix, so we do fine dining, a bit of lunch,
07:26a bit of everything in between.
07:27Very nice.
07:28Dave, you visited this restaurant?
07:30I do, I drink in there, but, I mean...
07:33You've got to help me with the funds.
07:35Yeah, of course, of course.
07:36But what about you?
07:37What do you do, Dave?
07:38I packed in working in the city a few years ago,
07:40but I just do a bit of gardening now, Chase.
07:42So you do a bit of gardening around Southend?
07:44Yeah, yeah.
07:45Are you enjoying that?
07:46Yeah, it's out in the fresh air and it's more of a hobby than anything.
07:49So you'd have been all right at tree and plant?
07:51Well, I don't know about that.
07:52Tree and flower?
07:53It was a tough round, to be fair.
07:55It was.
07:56Any hobbies, any interests?
08:01Do you want to let us know?
08:02Support Manchester United, sorry.
08:04Oh, see, that's why you were keeping it to yourself.
08:06Fair enough, I wish you would have now, actually.
08:08What about you, Tash, interested in sport?
08:10No, I don't know anything about it,
08:12so I'm really hoping that we don't get anything about sport
08:14unless Dave can answer all of them, but...
08:16Well, you obviously both get on very well.
08:18What do you get up to?
08:19We're best mates.
08:20We just got back off holiday together,
08:22so we were touring around America.
08:24We're always up to schemes and doing stuff we probably shouldn't be doing.
08:28Brilliant stuff, that's great.
08:29Dave, you look a bit reluctant, to be honest.
08:31Are you dragged along by Tash?
08:33No, I will.
08:34He didn't know I'd signed him up to this.
08:37I told him he'd come round to my house for a beer
08:39and I said, oh, we've got an interview in ten minutes, so...
08:42And here you are.
08:44Oh, pleased to see you. Don't worry about that, that's great.
08:46So you're second to the answer run, so you get this choice of categories.
08:52We've got Franklin D Roosevelt, Ronald Reagan, Cockrell and Bull.
08:56I think we'll go for Cockrell and Bull.
08:58So you're going to go Cockrell and Bull?
09:01Happy with that, Dave?
09:02Yeah, yeah, why not?
09:03OK, here we go. Let's set up the answer run.
09:07Let's swipe left for Cockrell, right for Bull.
09:10Once again, you've got 15 questions, 90 seconds on the clock
09:13to get as many right as possible.
09:15Let's put a clock up for the viewers at home and your time starts now.
09:20A capon is a type of this.
09:22Yeah, Cockrell.
09:26Appears on the badge of Tottenham Hotspur.
09:32Fathered the Minotaur in Greek mythology.
09:34It's got to be a Bull, yeah?
09:36Right, it's a Bull there.
09:38The cartoon character Foghorn Lego.
09:44I say, I say, boy.
09:45In the name of a major shopping centre in Birmingham, the Bull Ring.
09:51A proclamation by the Pope.
09:55Shall we go for Cockrell?
09:57Oh, it's a Bull.
09:59A bit of a guess.
10:001959 UK top tension by Tommy Steele.
10:03Little White Bull, of course it is.
10:07Boris Johnson unveiled a big blue one in Trafalgar Square.
10:12Go with a Bull, you sure?
10:14It's a big old Cockrell there.
10:16Lucky, don't worry.
10:17The mother of a Basilisk in legend.
10:20I'm pretty sure it's a Cockrell.
10:22Well done, it is Cockrell, £500.
10:24Kellogg's Cornflake mascot, we've all seen it.
10:27It's a Cockrell, there you go, nice and easy.
10:30An investor who believes the market will rise soon.
10:34Is it a Bull?
10:36A Bull.
10:38Worth 50 points in darts.
10:40Bullseye, yeah.
10:41It's got to be the Bull, the Bullseye, yeah.
10:44Logo of Pathé News.
10:46Oh, it's a Cockrell, well done.
10:48Cockrell, well done.
10:50Oh, hey, not bad at all.
10:54I think we thought that was going to be ours.
10:57Hey, I tell you what, you smashed that, didn't you?
11:00I like the fact that, Tash, you were swiping,
11:03but Dave, more like minority reports, you were just giving...
11:06It's that one, it's that one!
11:10Great stuff.
11:11OK, so I've worked out the dynamic between you two there already,
11:15just from watching you.
11:16So a proclamation by the Pope is a Papal Bull,
11:20which was a tough one.
11:23And Boris Johnson unveiled a huge blue Cockrell...
11:26Yeah. Trafalgar Square.
11:29So many jokes, but it's BBC daytime, Dave.
11:32Yeah, online.
11:33I know, what can I do? My hands are tied, my hands are tied.
11:37Other than that, you absolutely smashed it, well done.
11:40£1,350 going in your prize pot, and we'll see you in the next round.
11:44Well done.
11:50So, two teams have played, which leaves one left.
11:53Ria and Alistair, come on down to the Answer Room.
12:05Hello, you two. Hiya.
12:06How do you know each other?
12:08We're married.
12:09You're married? Yeah.
12:11Said it like a question. Yeah.
12:13Are we?
12:14How long have you been married?
12:15Almost five years, but we've been together for 11.
12:18Any family at home, anyone cheering you on?
12:20No, we've just got our wee dog.
12:22Yeah? Yeah.
12:23Aw, what's the dog called? Teddy.
12:25Teddy, little Teddy. And what do yous do for work?
12:27I'm an admin manager for the Scottish Ambulance Service.
12:30Oh, right, OK, so that's quite an exciting job, then.
12:32Behind the desk. Oh, is it? OK.
12:34Part of the ambulance service, that must be.
12:36Yeah, yeah. You must get some stories, yeah.
12:38And doing some good, of course, as well.
12:40And what about you, Ria?
12:41I work for the Social Work Department for the local council.
12:44OK, so both of you quite giving jobs, then, yeah.
12:47OK, well, let's hope you get something for yourself today, eh?
12:50What about hobbies, Ria?
12:52I like to bake. OK.
12:54Not brought us anything today, though, no?
12:56No, so that's the problem.
12:57I try and not do it because I just want to eat it.
13:01And we like to walk Teddy.
13:03OK, so walking Teddy.
13:04Obviously, those two things go hand in hand, though, don't they?
13:06Cancel each other out.
13:07You can have something to eat and then go for a long walk.
13:09Yeah, that works out.
13:10And what about you, Alistair?
13:11I like my sport. Yeah?
13:12Football and golf.
13:13Lovely stuff.
13:14Any subjects you're hoping to avoid?
13:16Politics. Yes.
13:18I think we all are, really, in our way, aren't we?
13:21Let's avoid it.
13:22Not very good with history, either, so...
13:24History. Not interested in that at all?
13:27Just not good at dates.
13:28OK. Fair enough. That's a tough one,
13:30especially knowing what category is left as well.
13:33Right, Ria, Alistair, you have been left with...
13:38You didn't want politics, you didn't want history,
13:40and you've ended up with Franklin D Roosevelt, Ronald Reagan.
13:43Famous bakes.
13:45Historical politics, there you go.
13:46That's the way the cookie crumbles.
13:48All right, let's set up the answer run for you.
13:50You never know.
13:51You never know how it falls.
13:53So you're going to swipe left for Roosevelt, right for Reagan.
13:56Once again, you've got 15 questions, 90 seconds on the clock.
14:00We'll put a clock up for the viewers at home,
14:02and your time starts now.
14:05His First Lady championed the Just Say No campaign.
14:08Ronald Reagan. Nancy, of course.
14:11Served as 32nd President.
14:13Just pick one, yeah.
14:14Yeah, Roosevelt, well done.
14:17A bridge crossing from Maine into Canada is named after him.
14:20I'm sure there's a Roosevelt Bridge.
14:22Go for it, go for it.
14:23And there is, for £500, well done.
14:26Said Mr Gorbachev, tear down this wall at a speech in Berlin.
14:30Yeah, absolutely.
14:32Berlin Wall, of course, it was Reagan.
14:35Was one of the big three at the Yonta Conference.
14:38Never heard of it.
14:39I think go Reagan.
14:41It was Roosevelt with Churchill and Stalin.
14:44Was elected to serve a record fourth term.
14:47I've got no idea, I'm guessing again.
14:49Pick one, just anyone.
14:50Roosevelt, come on, have a good think about this, guys.
14:52Co-starred with a chimpanzee in the comedy film Bedtime For Bonzo.
14:56That has to be Reagan.
14:57Yeah, it has to be.
14:58Reagan was an actor, of course, before President.
15:00Oh, OK.
15:01His First Lady was named Eleanor.
15:03Yeah, that's Eleanor Roosevelt.
15:04Eleanor Roosevelt, of course.
15:07Said, I owe my life to my hobbies, especially stamp collecting.
15:12Something in the back of my mind says Reagan.
15:14Go for it.
15:15Well, it was wrong, it was Roosevelt.
15:18Had White House dogs named Lucky and Rex.
15:22I'll go with Roosevelt, I don't know.
15:24It was Reagan.
15:25We're back to £50, come on, let's get one more.
15:28Was described as Margaret Thatcher's.
15:30Yeah, that's £50.
15:32Was a six-carat gold.
15:36Ooh, that was tough there at the end.
15:38You managed to get quite high at one point,
15:41you were sort of £700, £800.
15:43You lost a big one.
15:44You lost a big one on the stamp collecting.
15:46The thought in the back of your mind was wrong, unfortunately.
15:49And it cost you £300.
15:52Roosevelt at the Yalta Conference with Stalin and Churchill.
15:56And I thought you were going to get the fourth term one,
15:59because, of course, famously, in modern American politics,
16:02they only have two terms maximum,
16:04so you have to go right back in time for someone to get a fourth.
16:08Yeah, but do you know what?
16:09In the moment, it's hard, isn't it?
16:11I understand.
16:12But at the end of that, you have added £100 to your prize pot
16:16and we'll see you in the next round.
16:24So, at the end of round one, let's take a quick look at the totals.
16:28We've got Ria and Alastair with just £100.
16:31Jamari and Tiana with £400.
16:33And in the lead so far with £1,350 is Dave and Tash.
16:38But it can all change in round two.
16:41Teams, you've all had a go at the answer run so far.
16:45When you step up this time to the run,
16:47the money and the pressure go up alongside each other,
16:50because at the end of this round, one of you will be going home.
16:54Let's see who is going to get first choice of category.
16:58We saw how important it was in round one,
17:00so fingers on buzzers.
17:02What does this mean?
17:04What does the Spanish phrase Feliz Navidad mean?
17:08Dave and Tash.
17:09Merry Christmas.
17:10Well, a Merry Christmas to you as well.
17:12I'll see you at the answer run. Come on down.
17:22Well, you smashed round one.
17:2411 out of 13 correct.
17:28It can all change, of course.
17:30This round does get a little bit more difficult,
17:32but at least for now you know that money is safe.
17:35If you won some money, what would you do?
17:37You'd drag Dave somewhere else around the world?
17:40We said about that.
17:41I desperately need to get some things done in my restaurant,
17:44so it will probably be... Of course.
17:46..spent, unfortunately, on things like that.
17:48Not at all. Investment for yourself and for the people of Southend.
17:52Flying the flag for Southenders.
17:54Lovely stuff. All right.
17:56In this round, each question has two values,
18:00a higher amount and a lower amount.
18:02They'll alternate as the question makes its way down the answer run.
18:06If you're really confident, go for the high one.
18:08If you're not so sure, go low.
18:10It's all about risk and reward.
18:12In round two, there are three new answer categories
18:15and you get first choice.
18:17So we've got Tom Jerry, whiskey rum, Ariana Grande, Taylor Swift.
18:22What ones would you choose?
18:24What would you choose out of all of those?
18:27You don't strike me as a Swifty, Dave, if I'm honest.
18:30I like it, it's good.
18:32Tom and Jerry, I grew up watching them.
18:34Yeah, but you don't know if it's going to be Tom.
18:36It might be, like, Tom something, Jerry something.
18:38Yeah, that's right, Tash.
18:39I think we're going to go for Tom and Jerry.
18:41You're going to go for Tom and Jerry? Yeah.
18:43Let's prep the answer run.
18:44You're going to swipe left for Tom and right for Jerry.
18:48You've got 15 questions once again.
18:50We'll put a clock up for the viewers at home.
18:52Best of luck. And your time starts now.
18:55In the title of the 96th film, Tom Cruise as a sports agent.
18:58Jerry Maguire, hang on. Wait, go for 400.
19:01Jerry Maguire, 400, well done.
19:04Greenfield, co-founder of ice cream company with Ben Cohen.
19:07Oh, Ben and Jerry's. One sec.
19:10Ben and Jerry, that's it.
19:13Term for a male turkey.
19:15I feel like it's a Jerry. Do you feel like it's a Jerry?
19:17Do you want to go 300? Go on then, yeah.
19:20Oh, it's a Tom, unlucky.
19:23A flang word for a chamber pot.
19:25This is worth £1,000. Jerry pot, definitely, yeah.
19:27OK, hang on. No, no, by and large.
19:29Well done, Jerry.
19:32The cat in the Tom and Jerry cartoons. Tom, right.
19:35It's a Tom cat, of course.
19:39Margot Ledbetter's husband in sitcom The Good Life.
19:41Tom, Tom, yeah. Tom, The Good Life.
19:43Right, we'll go 200 then.
19:45Oh, lucky, it's Jerry.
19:48Lieber, co-writer of Jailhouse Rock and Hound Dog.
19:52It's worth £600. Jerry, are you sure?
19:54Confident? Yeah.
19:56Well done, it is Jerry, Jerry Lieber.
19:58Texas-born model who was married to Rupert Murdoch.
20:01Jerry, yeah. Wait, let's wait for 400.
20:04Jerry Hall.
20:07Fairy tale character called Thump who falls into a pudding.
20:11Tom Thump.
20:14Springer, TV talk show host.
20:17Jerry, Jerry.
20:19In the name of the band who had a UK hit single with In The Summertime.
20:22Jerry, Mungo Jerry, Mungo Jerry.
20:24Oh, no!
20:26What are you doing? I was waiting for the concert.
20:28Hi. You're really comfortable.
20:30I've always loved Mungo Jerry, I met him tonight.
20:32Dave is absolutely furious.
20:34One of my favourite songs in The Summertime.
20:36One of your favourite songs? You say you met Mungo Jerry as well?
20:39Well, it was a look-alike, but to me it was him.
20:42It was him, I see it.
20:45Tash, I've got to say, I can see why you hang around with Dave.
20:48He's good fun, isn't he?
20:50I tell you what, he's never dull, is he?
20:52Gets the hump, but he's never dull.
20:54That's all right, that's all right, we all do.
20:56So, I tell you what, you smashed it, to be fair, though.
20:58There was a couple of moments, a couple of wobbles.
21:00Tom is a male turkey.
21:03I should know that, in a restaurant.
21:05You should do, yeah.
21:06And you got slightly mixed up with the good life question.
21:09Yeah, I speak the tongue good way.
21:11Mungo and Jerry, wasn't it?
21:13That's right, Mungo's husband.
21:15I know, I'm sorry, Dave, they tried to trick you there.
21:17No, no.
21:18And the answer you were most sure of there, Dave,
21:20was the chamber pot there.
21:22Yeah, yeah.
21:23When we were young, Nan had one.
21:25Oh, really?
21:26Yeah, yeah, an old cherry pot, yeah.
21:28Well, look, Dave and Tash, £2,500.
21:31I'd say you're safely through, but you just never know in this game.
21:35We'll see you very shortly, thank you.
21:37All right, merry Christmas.
21:44So, Dave and Tash, we're going to add that £2,500
21:47to your round one total,
21:49which brings your prize pot to £3,850.
21:53Well done, that's brilliant.
21:57OK, Jamari, Antiana, Ria and Alistair,
22:00quite a way to go here,
22:02but you're just looking at trying to beat each other, really,
22:05to make sure you get through to that head-to-head.
22:07Who is next to face the answer run?
22:09Here comes your next qualifier question.
22:12Fingers on buzzers.
22:14Who was in command of the British fleet at the Battle of Trafalgar?
22:19Ria and Alistair.
22:20It was Admiral Nelson.
22:22It was Nelson, well done.
22:25Come on down and join me at the answer run.
22:34So, a few incorrect answers in that first round.
22:37So, we're going to try and fix that, aren't we, in this round?
22:40As you can see, there's some big numbers coming down.
22:43And a reminder, at the end of this, one of yous will be going home.
22:46If you won some money, what would you spend it on?
22:49So, someone's due a big birthday very soon.
22:52Really? Big four-0, Alistair?
22:54Yes, it is, thank you for that.
22:5721 again.
22:58So, we're hoping to go on a nice holiday.
23:00Oh, lovely. Where would you go?
23:02Well, I've got family out in Australia,
23:04so I'd really like to go there, because I've never been.
23:06Wow, that would be amazing.
23:08All right, well, we'll see what we can do.
23:10There are two categories remaining, and they are...
23:17So, no history, no precedence in politics at the moment.
23:22We don't know.
23:23Yeah, what are we thinking?
23:24I think probably whisky and rum.
23:26I'll take that.
23:27Yeah? Yeah, I think so.
23:28OK, whisky and rum.
23:30Let's prep the answer run.
23:33We're going to swipe left for whisky, right for rum.
23:36You've got 15 questions, 90 seconds to answer them in.
23:39We'll pop a clock up for the viewers at home.
23:41Best of luck. Your time starts now.
23:44Is an ingredient in Bailey's Irish cream?
23:46Oh, I've forgotten.
23:48Watch the timing.
23:50Is the UK export value of over £6 billion in 2022?
23:57Title of a book by Compton Mackenzie, Blank Galore?
24:02You've got to get that timing right.
24:04Is in the NATO phonetic alphabet?
24:09Just take a moment, take a breath.
24:11The name of an island in the Inner Hebrides?
24:16There you go.
24:18There you go.
24:19Is in a daiquiri cocktail?
24:25Was David Cameron's luxury item on Desert Island Discs?
24:30It was whisky.
24:32Traditionally consumed on Burns Nights?
24:35What a gem of a question.
24:37£200, well done, it was whisky.
24:39Produced by Bruno Mars brand Selvarae?
24:42It's worth £1,000 if you get this right.
24:44It is rum, well done.
24:46Is in a rusty nail cocktail?
24:49It's worth £600.
24:51Go low if you're not sure.
24:54Its name is derived from a term meaning water of life.
24:59It is whisky, for £500, well done.
25:02Was issued daily to sailors in the Royal Navy until 1970?
25:07Ho, ho, ho, in a bottle of rum?
25:09In the jar, in a traditional Irish song?
25:13Yeah, you just nipped that one at the end.
25:17That's better.
25:18Whisky in the jar, hey, that is better, look at that.
25:22Who knew?
25:23What a turnaround.
25:24What happened to the steadiness and the calmness of Alistair
25:28in that rally?
25:29You were all over the place, fella.
25:31Didn't work in the first round, did it?
25:34I had to change it up a wee bit.
25:35Yeah, why not?
25:36But the numbers of the amounts coming down.
25:40So Ria, Alistair, a brilliant turnaround, well done.
25:44Let's hope it's enough.
25:46Off you go.
25:52So, Ria and Alistair, we're going to add that £3,850
25:55to your round one total, giving you a prize pot of £3,950.
26:01Look at that, in the lead.
26:04What a turnaround.
26:06So that means, Jamari and Tiana, you are last to play.
26:09Come on down to the Answer Room.
26:17OK, so if you won some money today, I know we've got baby on the way,
26:21but is there anything else you might treat yourself to?
26:23We're moving house, so just furniture and stuff for the house.
26:26And a little holiday. I want a babymoon.
26:28A babymoon, that's a new word, I've not heard that before.
26:31Is that pre-baby?
26:33Yeah, pre-baby, like a holiday before.
26:35So basically like the last fun holiday you can have.
26:37As two of us, yeah.
26:38For quite a while, yeah.
26:40OK, you have been left with Ariana Grande and Taylor Swift.
26:46How's your Swift-Grande knowledge?
26:49I'm not Swifty, but I'm an Ariana Grande fan,
26:52so I'm hoping that helps me out.
26:54Process of elimination, if you know it, is Grande.
26:56If you don't, it's probably Taylor Swift, maybe.
26:59OK, well, look, you've ended up with Ariana Grande and Taylor Swift,
27:04so we're going to prep the board for you.
27:07I'll swipe.
27:08So you're going to swipe left for Ariana Grande,
27:10right for Taylor Swift.
27:12You need £3,500, so do keep an eye on the amounts as they come down.
27:18If you're feeling brave, or even slightly reckless,
27:21go for those higher amounts.
27:23You've got 15 questions, but just 90 seconds to answer them in.
27:27We'll put a clock up for the viewers at home.
27:29Best of luck. Your time starts now.
27:33Release the perfume fragrance named Cloud.
27:36Ariana for £500, well done.
27:39Release more UK number one singles.
27:43It's Ariana.
27:46Often sings in the very high-pitched whistle register.
27:50It is Ariana for £200.
27:53Her parents owned a Christmas tree farm.
27:57Taylor, yes. One of her Christmas songs named after it.
28:00Debut album is titled Yours Truly.
28:05Oh, it's Ariana!
28:08Flew back from Japan while on tour to attend the 2024 Super Bowl.
28:12We all saw that story.
28:14Try and get her timing right.
28:16Has directed several of her own music videos.
28:20It's Taylor Swift, I'm afraid.
28:23Spotify's most streamed artist of 2023.
28:27Well done for £500, good timing.
28:30Has collaborated on several songs with Ed Sheeran.
28:33Taylor Swift.
28:35Taylor Swift.
28:37Was born in Florida.
28:42Ariana Grande.
28:43Oh, you just missed out there.
28:45Played Bumble Arena in 2019 film Cats.
28:51Oh, lucky it was Taylor Swift.
28:54Born in 1989.
28:58Yes, well done. Let's see if we can get there.
29:01Has won more Grammy Awards.
29:05So close!
29:08That was so close at the end there.
29:10Did you know the answer to that one?
29:13The Grammy Awards one?
29:15Yeah, Taylor Swift it was, with 14.
29:17Ariana Grande, just the two.
29:19How's that one at the beginning then?
29:21Who released more UK number one singles?
29:24It cost you £1,000.
29:26Oh, guys, I'm absolutely gutted for the three of you.
29:29I really am.
29:30Jamari and Tiana, you banked £2,150,
29:33which is a great amount.
29:34Unfortunately, even added to your round one score,
29:37only brings you to £2,550,
29:40which means, sadly, we're going to have to say goodbye
29:43to you guys today.
29:44I hope you've had a nice time.
29:45We have, thank you.
29:46Yeah, lovely stuff.
29:47Best of luck with everything.
29:49Best of luck with baby.
29:51Jamari and Tiana, everybody.
29:54So that means Dave and Tash, Ria and Alistair,
29:57you guys are going through to today's Head to Head.
30:00Well done.
30:04Here is how it's going to work.
30:07The Head to Head is all about being in control.
30:09Both teams will face the answer run at the same time.
30:12Whoever is in play will answer questions
30:15until they get one wrong.
30:16Once a wrong answer is given, you will swap places
30:19and that will happen every time somebody gets a question incorrect.
30:23To decide who will start the round,
30:25we will play a qualifier question.
30:27Fingers on buzzers.
30:30This is an important one, guys.
30:32Which Andrew Lloyd Webber musical tells the life story of Eva Perón?
30:39Ria and Alistair.
30:41Evita it is, yes.
30:43Come on down.
30:44Let's face the answer run.
30:53So you managed to pip Dave and Tash there,
30:55so you are in control of the answer run.
30:58Any questions you're hoping might pop up here?
31:00More alcohol.
31:01More alcohol.
31:02The questions are just to get us all through the show.
31:05Yeah, yeah.
31:06Fair enough.
31:07Well, look, it could not be closer, could it?
31:09Wow, £100.
31:10Nice answer there on Evita.
31:12I saw Tash, you knew the answer as well there,
31:14just not quite quick enough.
31:16Today's Head to Head category will be...
31:21Well, that's helpful, isn't it?
31:23Wednesday and Thursday, what does that mean?
31:25Not a clue.
31:26Not a clue.
31:27Could be anything.
31:28But sometimes that helps.
31:30It can help because it can be so broad,
31:32it makes the questions a little bit easier,
31:34but let's hope it is on this occasion.
31:36There are only 15 questions.
31:38You have two minutes now on the clock to answer them.
31:41Remember, if you keep answering correctly,
31:43you will stay in control of the answer run,
31:46but Dave and Tash, as you can see,
31:48ominously hovering behind you there, waiting to pounce.
31:52Once again, each question will have two values.
31:55Alistair, keep an eye on that.
31:57You're feeling confident, go high.
31:59If you're not so sure, go low.
32:01Answer run, get ready.
32:05You're going to swipe left to Wednesday, right to Thursday.
32:08Rhia and Alistair, your time starts now.
32:11In the name of a Sheffield-based professional football club...
32:15Sheffield Wednesday.
32:18..the day UK general elections are traditionally held on.
32:24The first day of Lent.
32:27Go low on Wednesday. Wednesday, Wednesday.
32:29Ash Wednesday.
32:31Of course it is. Let's go for that higher amount.
32:33Named after the Norse god of thunder.
32:35I see. Thursday, four. Yeah.
32:38Makes sense, let's try and get that higher amount, guys.
32:412018 UK top ten single by Jess Glynne.
32:43It's worth £1,000. Thursday.
32:46It's Thursday, well done. Big numbers.
32:49Day that New Year's Eve falls on
32:51if Christmas Day is on a Friday.
32:57Thursday, well done.
33:00Donnerstag in German.
33:02It's worth £1,000.
33:05Stop the clock.
33:08Let's swap over.
33:13OK, so this could still go anyway.
33:16£2,150 in it.
33:18Look out for those big numbers.
33:20Dave and Tash, let's start the clock.
33:24In the title of Richard Osman's debut crime novel.
33:26Thursday Murder Club, isn't it?
33:28Thursday Murder Club, well done.
33:31Thanksgiving holiday is on this day in the United States.
33:34What do you think? You think it's Thursday?
33:36OK, sure. It's Thursday, well done.
33:39In the nursery rhyme,
33:41day on which Solomon Grundy got married.
33:43It's worth £2,000. Do you know what it is?
33:45You sure? Yeah. Really sure? Yeah.
33:47It's Wednesday, well done.
33:51Title of a 1980 UK hit single for the Undertones,
33:53Blank Week, worth £1,500.
33:56Are you sure it's Wednesday? No.
33:58No? OK.
34:00It is Wednesday, well done.
34:03Day Eric Carle's very hungry caterpillar ate three plums.
34:06I've got no idea.
34:08Go low if you're not sure.
34:10Stop the clock.
34:12It was Wednesday.
34:15My goodness, my heart's going.
34:17Let's swap over again.
34:19Ria and Alistair, you take over control
34:22and there is only £850 in it.
34:27Your time starts now.
34:29Known as hump day. Wednesday.
34:33Wednesday for £300, well done.
34:36Child full of woe in the common version of the traditional rhyme,
34:39worth £1,000.
34:41Are you sure? No, it's Wednesday.
34:44Just the £500.
34:54That was so close.
34:58I actually can't believe it.
35:01Guys, come and join us.
35:03Come and join us.
35:06Oh, Ria.
35:12Mate, I can feel your frustration.
35:14That was so close. You got the right answer.
35:16You knew what the answer was.
35:18If you'd have got the £1,000, it'd have been you guys going through,
35:21my goodness, through the skin of your teeth, Dave and Tash,
35:23there at the end.
35:25Oh, mate.
35:28Easy done, though. What a turnaround from round one, though.
35:31To be here and for it to be that close.
35:34£50 between you.
35:36Oh, guys, you've been great contestants, though.
35:38I hope you've enjoyed yourselves. Yeah, it's been great.
35:40I hope you've enjoyed the experience today.
35:42We've loved having you on here, we really have.
35:45You've been great fun, so I'm very, very sorry.
35:47Commiserations and genuinely gutted for Ria and Alistair,
35:51but well done to Dave and Tash.
35:53Scrape through by the skin of your teeth.
35:55We'll see you in the final. Well done.
36:01Oh, Dave, Tash, what a journey.
36:04I know. I'm knackered.
36:06How do you feel?
36:08Still nervous, but... Feels really bittersweet.
36:11I just feel like I cheated to be here a bit, really.
36:14No, I know, but that's how it works.
36:16That's how the game is, unfortunately.
36:18I know I was gutted for them as well, but here you are on merit.
36:21You've smashed it all the way through, you've been consistent,
36:24you've got here, and your knowledge has served you well.
36:27So will it get you your prize pot? That's what we're hoping.
36:30Currently, that stands at £6,850.
36:35Give us a reminder of what you're going to spend that on
36:37if you win it today.
36:38I'm going to paint my loo at the restaurant.
36:40You're going to paint your toilets. That's what we want.
36:44We're going to pay it in gold leaf.
36:47Nearly £7,000.
36:49What else are you going to spend it on?
36:51I don't know, a little spend-up, a little holiday.
36:53Yeah, a little break somewhere, that'd be nice.
36:55A little break, the pair of you, maybe, go for a little adventure?
36:58Yeah, it'd be nice, wouldn't it? Yeah.
37:00What about you, Dave?
37:01Like I said, I'll just probably sort the kids out, being honest.
37:04Yeah, fair enough.
37:05Yeah, saves me spending my own money on them, doesn't it?
37:08Yeah, exactly that, exactly that.
37:10Well, all that stands between you and that incredible amount of money
37:14is one final run.
37:16This time, when you give me a correct answer,
37:18the question will turn into a gold block
37:21and you have just 90 seconds.
37:23Answer eight questions correctly in a row
37:26and your stack will reach the jackpot line
37:28and you'll be taking home £6,850 of your hard-earned cash.
37:32If at any point you answer incorrectly
37:35or if a question hits the stack,
37:37you'll start building again from scratch.
37:40So your thinking time gets shorter as your stack gets higher.
37:45So I know when you've been working together before,
37:47you've been conferring a little bit,
37:49so you might just have to have a think about how you work.
37:51You might have to just get in there, Dave, and give it a swipe.
37:54If at the end of the 90 seconds you reach the halfway line,
37:57we will give you half of your prize pot.
38:00So still a decent amount of money.
38:02Let's see your all-important final choices of categories.
38:08Belgian, Denmark, Baker, Miller.
38:12That was a hell of a face, Tash.
38:15It's not great, is it?
38:17Well, I don't know, what are you thinking?
38:19I'm leaning towards Baker and Miller, I don't know what you think.
38:22You think surnames and... Yeah.
38:24I feel like you've just got a bit more room with that.
38:26I feel like there's going to be a lot of geography,
38:28a lot of, like, currency questions with the top one.
38:31Presidents and prime ministers and famous people.
38:34Kings and queens. Yeah, of course.
38:36You feel a bit more confident with Baker and Miller?
38:38I think we've got more of a shot with that.
38:40OK, fair enough.
38:42Let's prep the answer run.
38:46Left for Baker, right for Miller.
38:50Dave, Tash, best of luck.
38:52We'll put a clock up for the viewers at home.
38:56Start the clock.
38:58Street where Sherlock Holmes resides at 221B, Baker Street.
39:03Emmerdale actor who won I'm A Celebrity in 2021.
39:07Oh, I've got no idea. Do you want to go Baker?
39:09Yeah, go on.
39:11It's Danny Miller. OK, we start again, loads of time.
39:14Brewing company founded in Milwaukee
39:16that has brands called High Life and Light.
39:19Miller Light. Miller Light.
39:21Miller Light.
39:23Third husband of Marilyn Monroe.
39:25Miller. Arthur Miller.
39:27Playwright Arthur Miller.
39:29A storyteller in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales.
39:32I feel like it's Baker. Are you sure?
39:34No, I'm...
39:36I'm afraid it's Miller. Don't worry, still time.
39:39US skier who won gold at the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics.
39:43Any idea? No. Shall we go Miller?
39:45Go on. Bode Miller, well done.
39:48The name of the first dog to twice win the English Greyhound Derby.
39:52Very good, admit to Miller.
39:54Tom and Colin have played the Doctor in Doctor Who.
39:57Of course it is, Baker.
39:59Conservative MP made Home Secretary in 1990.
40:02Kenneth Blank.
40:04Baker. We're at the halfway point.
40:06£3,425 if it stays like this.
40:08Played Michael Scofield in Prison Break. Went with Miller.
40:12The 1920s US-born entertainer
40:14noted for a banana skirt costume, Josephine...
40:17Baker, correct. Two more.
40:19Fabulous Boys in the 1989 film,
40:22It's Baker. Good enough.
40:24Comedy partner of Alexander Armstrong with whom he co-founded
40:26Top Media, it's Miller!
40:34Well done.
40:36He smashed it, mate, he smashed it.
40:38Fantastic, what about that?
40:41The Loser Game painting!
40:43I'm a Loser Game fan!
40:45Wow, how do you feel?
40:47I don't know. I'm going to cry.
40:50It's like the World Cup.
40:52What a moment! You absolutely smashed it all the way through.
40:55Great knowledge, but actually it was you at the end who got it.
40:58I don't let it hurt.
41:00I sort of bring it on like this 12th man.
41:02Well done.
41:04What a couple of brilliant, brilliant players.
41:06I hope you've enjoyed yourselves.
41:08Everyone's been so lovely, it's been amazing.
41:10Yeah, fantastic.
41:12You've been a great players, you really have.
41:14Dave, I don't think we'll see your sort again, I've got to say.
41:16You're a one-off, you really are.
41:21I hope you've enjoyed this show at home, we'll see you next time
41:24when three more teams take on the Answer On!