jhnk 23 Aug

  • last month


00:00Aliya, you are complicating the character a bit.
00:14Don't be scared.
00:15There is no need to be scared.
00:16Understand the situation.
00:17The hero is leaving you forever.
00:18There is some misunderstanding between you and him.
00:19You are not able to tell him the truth even if you want to.
00:21Sorry, Sanjeev.
00:22By mistake...
00:23There will be some mistake.
00:24Because now your eyes are just focused on Aditya Kapoor.
00:25What happened to you?
00:26I am sorry.
00:27It's nothing.
00:28Did you eat lunch?
00:29I am full.
00:30Why are you talking like this?
00:31I am just not feeling well.
00:32I want to sleep.
00:33Don't be afraid.
00:34I won't be here.
00:35I'll take you to the hospital tomorrow.
00:36I'll go to the hospital tomorrow.
00:37Come on.
00:38I am scared.
00:39I am scared.
00:40I don't want to go.
00:41I will not leave you.
00:42I will take you to the hospital.
00:43I won't go.
00:44I will not let you go.
00:45I'll take you to the hospital.
00:46I won't let you go.
00:47Focus, Janak. You have to remember the lines.
00:53You want to stop him, but he's not stopping.
00:55He won't be able to tolerate the truth.
00:57What will you do in such a situation?
00:59What will you say so that he stops?
01:01Maybe something that's in my mind, but I haven't told him.
01:06Or he heard, but he's not listening to me.
01:09Or he's not listening to me.
01:11Or he's not listening to me.
01:13Or he's not listening to me.
01:15Or he's not listening to me.
01:17Think about it.
01:18What would you have done if this had happened in your life?
01:21Be natural. No need to act.
01:24Sir, give me five minutes.
01:26Take your time.
01:27Improve yourself.
01:29Okay, sir.
01:32Call the girl who came with sir.
01:35Sure, sir.
01:36Let's take her audition.
01:37Done, sir.
01:40Ma'am, are you ready?
01:42Please come, ma'am.
01:46Janak, you're ready.
01:51Don't be scared.
01:52Think before you speak.
01:54Very confidently.
01:57When you go there, sir might get you to do something new.
02:01Give him a different kind of situation.
02:04Imagine yourself in that situation.
02:07And speak from your heart.
02:09I'm very nervous.
02:11It's okay. It happens.
02:13But whatever you do there, do it confidently.
02:16Look, Janak.
02:18The way you dance on stage,
02:20express it in front of the camera.
02:24You'll do it. I know.
02:26All the best.
02:39Nikhil, give her the slate.
02:43Janak, give me your profile.
03:00Introduce yourself.
03:01Hi, sir. My name is Janak...
03:03Don't look at me.
03:04Look at the camera.
03:10Hi, my name is Janak Raina.
03:12I'm from Srinagar.
03:14I've never acted before.
03:16I did an act with Aditya sir.
03:20And I did a modelling assignment.
03:22But there were only a few dancing videos and a photoshoot.
03:31Very good.
03:32Janak, have you read the script?
03:35Janak, imagine that you love someone.
03:40And that person suddenly stops understanding you.
03:43Your situation is such that you can't tell him the truth.
03:47He wants to leave you.
03:49He wants to spend his life with someone else.
03:55You want to stop him.
03:56So how will you stop him?
03:58You can't tell him the truth.
03:59And you can't tell him that you haven't done anything wrong.
04:03Express this scene in your own words.
04:07You decide the boy's name.
04:13Shall we try a take?
04:14All the best.
04:19I wanted this house to be connected with love.
04:22Not with money.
04:25If they can't stay with me even till I die...
04:32Do whatever they want.
04:36You didn't listen to me.
04:38What's left to listen?
04:41I'm sorry.
04:44You brought me into this house as a daughter-in-law.
04:46You said that I have to take care of this house.
04:49I have to keep this family together.
04:51I couldn't do that.
04:54I failed.
04:56This house is falling apart because of me.
05:05And I don't want that to happen.
05:07So we should leave this house.
05:12Please allow us to leave.
05:16Where will we leave this house?
05:18Where will we go? Tell me.
05:22We can do one thing.
05:23When I get married...
05:25All of you can come to my house and live together.
05:29You always talk about marriage.
05:31Your sister is dying to become a bride.
05:34She has forgotten everything.
05:36You are also married.
05:37Don't you have any shame?
05:43Bablu will take you somewhere else.
05:45But tell me.
05:46If you leave...
05:48Can you live without your parents?
05:53So it's better...
05:55You take us with you.
06:06I want to say something.
06:08Tell me.
06:09Dad, this house...
06:10This house is yours.
06:12Why will you two leave?
06:14And if anyone leaves...
06:16We will leave.
06:18Not you and mom.
06:19Yes, dad.
06:20You have worked hard all your life to build this house.
06:24You and mom can't leave this house.
06:36A house is built with bricks and stones.
06:38I won't take it with me.
06:41If my family is not in this house...
06:45How will I live alone?
06:48A house is built with family.
06:51With people.
06:53With respect.
06:56This is just a house.
07:03You are not listening to us.
07:05You should understand what is in our mind.
07:09And you are silent about our decision to leave.
07:12What should I say?
07:14Can you find a boy for Appu and get him married?
07:22No, right?
07:25I didn't want it either.
07:27But when that boy came and talked about marriage...
07:30Dadu bhai.
07:32That boy came here to talk about marriage.
07:34Have you ever thought why he came here?
07:37He is greedy for property.
07:43Open your eyes and see.
07:45Appu is like a winning lottery for him.
07:48Nothing else.
07:57Roll camera.
08:04Don't get me wrong.
08:07Listen to me once.
08:12Why don't you understand me?
08:15Earlier you used to understand without saying anything.
08:18And now...
08:21Without listening to me...
08:24You don't leave me.
08:42Sir, please don't go like this.
08:45I beg you to forgive me.
08:50Please don't do this.
08:52I know whatever I did...
08:54You must be feeling that...
08:56That what I did was wrong.
08:59But I was helpless.
09:00What did I do out of helplessness?
09:04The time we have spent together...
09:07Looking at that...
09:09Just once...
09:10Just once...
09:11Trust me once, Janak bhai.
09:15Don't leave me like this.
09:17Sir, no.
09:20Sir, I can't leave you like this.
09:26You had told me that...
09:30That you love me the most in the world.
09:35I am your life.
09:38Your entire world.
09:44If that's true, then all this...
09:50You want to go away from my life, right?
09:52You want to go away from my life.
09:54You want to leave me, right?
09:56Then I won't stop you.
09:58But just once...
10:01Just once tell me that it was a lie.
10:05Tell me that you don't love me.
10:08Then I won't stop you even for a moment.
10:12But if this is not true and you really love me, then...
10:17Then why are you doing this?
10:20You are hurting yourself so much.
10:22You are hurting me.
10:24Why are you leaving me to suffer in that pain?
10:27Please sir, don't do this.
10:29But still you feel that...
10:31The amount of love you have in your heart today...
10:36You can stay away from that love.
10:39You can lead a happy life.
10:43Then I won't stop you.
10:46I won't let you go.
10:50But one day...
10:52There will be a day when...
10:55When the truth will come out in front of you that...
10:57The accusations that were put on me...
11:00They were wrong and false.
11:02And then you will regret it.
11:04And I don't want you to go through that regret.
11:09Please don't leave your Janak.
11:12Don't leave him.
11:14Stay with me.
11:17Stay with me.
11:23Because your Janak can't live without you.
11:27Let him come.
11:48Very nice. Cut. Cut. Cut.
11:50What an excellent performance.
12:01They live in pride.
12:03But they have a different perspective on life.
12:06And Lalon is very different.
12:08He is not greedy for money and property.
12:12I spoke to him.
12:14He told me that he wants the blessings of his elders.
12:17Nothing else.
12:21He will keep Appu very happy.
12:23He just wants us to trust him once.
12:25Dad, whatever is happening is wrong.
12:28That boy is not trustworthy.
12:31The environment in which he grew up...
12:33No one can come out of it as decent.
12:36And anyway...
12:38Kaku was telling me that he has a lot of complaints against him.
12:40Complaints can be against you, Lalon.
12:43It can be against anyone.
12:45But to prove that complaint, we need evidence, Lalon.
12:49You will get the evidence with time.
12:51What will you do then?
12:53You must be married by then.
12:55How will you get rid of Lalon?
13:00Is Appu going to live in this house?
13:03Hey, this is my house.
13:05You can come as you wish.
13:07I will come here.
13:10Whatever happens in Appu's fate...
13:12He will get it, Vibhashyam.
13:16Everyone knows that...
13:18That boy is a thief.
13:20Even then you want to get your granddaughter married to that boy?
13:24Tell me one thing.
13:26Since when is it so important for us to get Appu married?
13:30Birth, death and marriage...
13:32All three are in God's hands.
13:34That means birth, death and marriage...
13:37All are in God's hands.
13:39No one can say anything about it.
13:41Our marriage is also in God's hands.
13:50Since when did Lalon become a thief, Tanuja?
13:54Why such a big accusation on him suddenly?
13:57When there was a need for work in this house...
13:59When he was called here...
14:01Then why didn't anyone think that...
14:03We are letting a thief enter the house?
14:05Sister-in-law, he came to our house.
14:07He did a job.
14:08He took money for that.
14:10He didn't work for free.
14:13And anyway...
14:14Chhoton was dealing with Lalon.
14:16So Chhoton must know about his deeds.
14:21Our job was to alert you.
14:23Rest, whatever you want to do...
14:24It's up to you.
14:35Aunty is here.
14:37Grandpa is here.
14:43Harshi, congratulations.
14:46Congratulations, Harshi.
14:48Congratulations, Harshi.
14:50All of us saw your performance.
14:52What an amazing performance.
14:54And I knew that...
14:55You are going to win.
14:56And anyway...
14:57Who was there to face you?
14:59I know.
15:02What happened, mom?
15:04How are you?
15:05Be happy, son.
15:07I am fine.
15:08How are you both?
15:12You won.
15:14I have good news for you, son.
15:18I am getting married.
15:24I am getting married.
15:35Didn't you get married, Titu?
15:37Then why won't I get married?
15:38Why are you so surprised?
15:41Yes, son.
15:43Appu's wedding has been fixed.
15:51Appu and Lallu will get married in the nearby temple.
15:55That's what I have decided.
16:04There was no agreement in the house.
16:06That's why...
16:08I am not getting married.
16:15You just had to see all this?
16:18And I don't want this wedding...
16:19and this house to be filled with people from the colony.
16:22I will have to keep an eye on the house all the time.
16:26Who knows...
16:27what our future relatives might steal and take away?
16:33Ani, I am telling the truth.
16:35You don't know.
16:39What a great job!
16:41Please, please.
16:43Where did you get this diamond from?
16:47It was amazing, Janak.
16:48I think sir will also like your performance a lot.
16:51Yeah, yeah. Exactly.
16:55You were born to be a heroine.
16:59Okay, I said yes.
17:01But forget it.
17:02What difference does it make?
17:04Sorry, sir.
17:05There was a little confusion.
17:07I made a mistake in the name.
17:09It's okay.
17:10It's okay.
17:11What's there in the name anyway?
17:13By the way, this situation...
17:14didn't match up with your life.
17:18That's why you performed very well.
17:20Very natural.
17:21But, well done.
17:22You did a great job.
17:25Okay, while you were performing,
17:27did you feel dizzy?
17:28What happened?
17:34Hey, Janak, Janak.
17:38Janak, are you okay?
17:40What happened?
17:41Is he unwell?
17:43My head...
17:44My head is spinning.
17:46Dada, get the chair.
17:48Give water to madam.
17:53Here, Janak.
17:56Did you eat anything since morning?
17:58Did you have breakfast?
18:02Didn't he eat anything since morning?
18:05No, sir. It's not about eating.
18:08My head is just...
18:13Janak, you fainted in the morning.
18:18You should have eaten something.
18:21I can go to the washroom.
18:23Okay, listen.
18:24Yes, sir.
18:25Take her to the washroom.
18:28Ma'am, please.
18:29This way.
18:33Sir, what do you think?
18:34Is there a chance?
18:36My brother, there is a chance.
18:38Such an innocent face.
18:39I was looking for her.
18:41She performs so well.
18:42She feels so good.
18:44I think,
18:45your chemistry will go well with her.
18:49Film is a super hit, my brother.
18:52I was thinking
18:53that we should invite her next week
18:55for an audition with costumes and make-up.
18:57Okay, sir.
18:58You should also come.
18:59Let's click a nice photo.
19:01Whenever you say, sir.
19:03Okay, listen.
19:04She is in Mumbai right now, right?
19:05Of course, yes.
19:09Thank God.
19:10Ani and I were already married.
19:15If mom had come to know about this relationship, then...
19:18Then what would have happened, Arshi?
19:24Don't people who live in the colony
19:25are humans?
19:26Ani, I was just...
19:27Are they bad?
19:28Did they commit a crime?
19:29Is the law different for them?
19:31Are they not a part of the society?
19:32What are you trying to say?
19:34you speak according to your thinking.
19:36But I am thinking about both of us.
19:42If I had known that
19:43my in-laws are going to form a relationship
19:45with the people who live in the colony,
19:47then maybe
19:48I would have thought about it 10 times
19:49before coming to this house.
19:52That's the point.
19:53You are right, Arshi.
19:59Yes, son.
20:00People always look for a house higher than their own
20:02to form a relationship.
20:04But here...
20:08Here, there is a me.
20:13Who says that
20:14we are making a relationship with them?
20:23Yes, but...
20:24you were saying it yourself a while ago.
20:28Borda and Boro Baudi
20:29have kept the marriage in the temple
20:30so that both the families
20:31stay away from each other.
20:33But Appu is a part of this house.
20:35And they should get married in this house.
20:42It doesn't matter
20:43what the boy does,
20:44who he is and where he lives.
20:45Look, I don't think
20:46it's right to get them married in the temple.
20:48Ani, what are you saying?
20:50Mom, this is my opinion.
20:51If you all keep your word,
20:52then I have every right to speak my mind.
20:54Okay, fine.
20:56Fine then.
20:57None of us will stay in this house
20:59during the wedding.
21:13You guys are going to leave anyway.
21:15Before or after the wedding.
21:17What difference does it make?
21:24That means, Baba,
21:25you really don't care
21:27whether we stay in this house or not.
21:29I have kept my word.
21:33I have said what I think
21:34and what I want.
21:41Baba, this house belongs to everyone.
21:43Everyone should keep their word.
21:44I will do whatever I can.
21:47Appu will get married in the temple.
21:58If you all can come
21:59to give him your blessings,
22:01then I will feel good.
22:03That's all I want.
22:05Baudhi, please.
22:06My son doesn't want to be involved
22:08in this useless drama.
22:09He doesn't want to get married.
22:11He doesn't want to get married.
22:13Keep your son away from this useless drama.
22:17Tanuja, your son has grown up.
22:20He knows what is right and what is wrong.
22:27And I don't think
22:29he needs an invitation
22:30to attend his sister's wedding.
22:34But as far as I know Annie,
22:35wherever Appu gets married,
22:36he will definitely be with her.
22:38Right, Annie?
22:39Look, Chhotu,
22:40I am not thinking about
22:41my sister's wedding.
22:47Let Baba come.
22:48I will talk to him.
22:53Appu is a part of this family.
22:55She is my elder sister.
22:57She can marry anyone.
22:58But she will marry this family.
23:11Knock on the door.
23:17Ma'am, are you okay?
23:27Ma'am, are you okay?
23:28Maybe I ate something wrong.
23:32This usually happens
23:33when you don't sleep all night.
23:35Let me help you.
23:36No, I will manage.
23:38Ma'am, you need help.
23:51Chhotu, are you feeling okay?
23:55Sir, she has vomited a lot.
24:04Will she get married?
24:06Will she get married?
24:07Yes, she will get married in this house.
24:09Yes, everyone from my in-laws
24:11will come to see the house.
24:14There will be a lot of food.
24:16And sweets too.
24:17My favourite is rasmalai
24:19and gulab jamun.
24:21And Annie,
24:22promise me
24:24that I will get married at home.
24:26Because Baba has said
24:28that he will get me married in a temple.
24:31Everyone gets married at home.
24:33Then why won't I get married?
24:35Of course, Appu.
24:36I promise.
24:37I promise.
24:38You won't get married in a temple.
24:40You will get married in this house.
24:41Just like I got married.
24:43Just like Baba got married.
24:44Just like that.
24:45Just like that.
24:46Just like that.
24:55how can you make such a big promise
24:57on behalf of all of us?
24:59Don't worry, Arshi.
25:00If Srishti aunty has a problem with this marriage,
25:02you can go home for a few days.
25:07you got married and came to this house.
25:09But Appu,
25:10Appu has spent her entire life in this house.
25:12What is the problem
25:13if the daughter of the family
25:14doesn't get the right of this house?
25:20That's why we should not consider this marriage
25:22as a burden or a compulsion.
25:23We should consider it as our duty.
25:28you will get married
25:29and from this house.
25:31Thank you, Annie.
25:44Oh, I forgot.
25:45One minute.
25:47Guess what?
25:48What have I got for you?
25:54He gets chocolate only for me and you.
25:59This is your mom.
26:00Do you want to eat?
26:01Of course.
26:08I am getting married.
26:10First of all, I will have sweets.
26:22Look, Chanak.
26:23Now we should not take any risk
26:25in your safety.
26:26We will get free from here
26:27and go straight to the doctor.
26:30I don't want to go to the doctor.
26:32I will rest well
26:33and sleep well.
26:35I will be fine
26:36if I sleep well.
26:39acting is not an easy job.
26:40It requires hours of hard work
26:41and dedication.
26:43And it is physically stressful.
26:44That's why it is very important
26:45for you to be physically fit.
26:49You want to do acting, right?
26:51Then start taking care of yourself.
26:54And what is the problem
26:55in going to the doctor?
26:56It's nothing like that, sir.
26:57I take care of myself.
26:59That's how it is, Chanak.
27:01You fainted in the hotel room
27:02in the morning.
27:03You fainted.
27:04You have a head injury.
27:05You fainted again.
27:06You vomited.
27:08we have to go to the doctor.
27:10his work is done
27:11on your behalf, right?
27:12Yeah, yeah. Perfect.
27:14Should I take you to Dr. Mathew?
27:15Do you have his number
27:16or should I give it to you?
27:17I have his number
27:18but I will have to go to the town
27:19to meet him
27:20because it is very far.
27:22It will be evening
27:23if we go from here.
27:24I think
27:25I will go to Amravati Hospital.
27:26Their head is my friend.
27:29our work will be done quickly.
27:31show it to a good doctor.
27:35Okay, listen.
27:36If you get a chance in my film,
27:38will you be able to do it?
27:39Of course, sir.
27:40Why not?
27:41Oh, my brother.
27:42Let him answer.
27:43Sorry, sorry, sorry.
27:44I won't say it now.
27:45You talk to your heroine yourself.
27:47Yes, sir. I will do it.
27:48I will have to do it.
28:05Janak, say whatever you want to say quickly.
28:06We don't have to disturb you.
28:08I want to give you information.
28:10Very important information.
28:12Because what happened to me,
28:14I don't want it to happen to anyone else.
28:18You have been talking nonsense since then.
28:20Say whatever you want to say
28:21and finish it.
28:22I don't want to listen to anything she says.
28:23You will have to listen.
28:25Please forgive me.
28:26I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings.
28:31But the thing is, sir,
28:33I am going to be the mother of your child.