ABC managing director David Anderson announces intention to resign after almost six years in position

  • last month
ABC managing director David Anderson has announced his intention to resign after almost six years at the helm of the national broadcaster. Mr Anderson's announcement comes just a year into his second term, but he says he is comfortable with his decision and feels the time is right.


00:00The National Broadcaster is a $1 billion a year cultural behemoth in the Australian media,
00:09and the man at its helm has announced he'll be resigning once a replacement can be found.
00:15It is the right time for me and it's the right time for the ABC and it wasn't an easy decision
00:20to make.
00:21David Anderson took control of the public broadcaster in 2016.
00:26He was seen as a safe set of hands after a turbulent period of conflict between management,
00:31the board and the federal government.
00:33People were quite concerned about political interference into the ABC and I stepped into
00:38the role in what was a chaotic time.
00:41That's been I think his biggest contribution over the last five years is that he doesn't
00:45get flustered.
00:47He has a reasonably clear idea of where he thinks the corporation should go.
00:52He was appointed for a second five-year term but he's announced his plan to depart just
00:5712 months in and one year into the organisation's latest five-year plan.
01:03He gave little reason beyond the need for renewal.
01:08Kim Williams took over as the ABC's chair five months ago.
01:13He's been vocal about the ABC needing to improve programming and standards.
01:18In a letter to staff he said David Anderson is a special individual and that the ABC has
01:24been a better place for his leadership.
01:26High profile ABC journalist Laura Tingle told colleagues in her office that as a staff member
01:33she was grateful to David Anderson for the stability he had brought to the organisation
01:37and noted he'd often had to act as a human shield or punching bag for the national broadcaster.
01:44The pressure's been constant can I say for the entire period of time.
01:47The next managing director will face the same pressures, a heated political environment,
01:53cantankerous commercial competitors and an audience rightly expecting innovative programs
01:59and impartial journalism.
02:02The board's recruitment process is expected to take until early next year.
