Respect Sacred Papers _ Islamic Cartoon _ Kaneez Fatima Cartoon in English

  • 2 months ago
Respect Sacred Papers | Islamic Cartoon | Kaneez Fatima Cartoon in English | 3D Animated Cartoon | Kaneez Fatima 3D Animation Cartoon Series | Madani Channel English

Kaneez Fatima is a 3D animated cartoon series in Urdu/Hindi/English for kids produced by Dawat-e-Islami.

It entertains children as well as teaching them the fundamental principles of living in the society. It also gives Islamic education, tells Islamic stories and teaches prayers for various occasions.


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00:00Gunny's Fatima
00:02Good girl, Gunny's Fatima
00:04Everyone loves her
00:06She is truthful
00:09She stops the wrongs
00:11And enjoys the right
00:14Everyone loves her
00:17She is truthful
00:19She stops the wrongs
00:21And enjoys the right
00:27Gunny's Fatima
00:29Good girl, Gunny's Fatima
00:31Everyone loves her
00:33She is truthful
00:36She stops the wrongs
00:38Where's the answer gone?
00:41Hold on, let me just shut the window
00:49Bye bye, may Allah protect you
00:59Yay! Wow!
01:04Wow, that's wonderful!
01:06Once more, let me fly it
01:14Oh wow, how nice it is!
01:16It's so much fun!
01:20Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu
01:23Wa alaikum assalam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu
01:28Brother Ghulam Rasool,
01:29why did you stop recitation of the Quran
01:31as soon as you entered the house?
01:33Unity remains in the house
01:35by reciting Surah Al-Ikhlas
01:37after entering the home
01:39and it brings blessings in the sustenance
01:41Anyhow, I came for a reason
01:43I'm going to put sacred papers in the box
01:46If you have any kind of sacred papers
01:48in the house,
01:49I'm going to put it in the box
01:51I'm going to put it in the box
01:53I'm going to put it in the box
01:55If you have any kind of sacred papers
01:57in your room or anywhere,
01:58could you kindly get them for me please?
02:00Alright Brother Ghulam Rasool,
02:02I'll just have a look
02:03Jazakallahu khairah
02:07Let me make another one
02:12Oh no!
02:13Raika, what have you done?
02:14You ripped so many pages of your notebook
02:16and wasted all of them
02:18Look at this mess
02:19May Allah Almighty forgive us
02:21Raika, this is not nice, it's really bad
02:23Hold on a sec, sis
02:24Let me explain
02:25This was my rough notebook
02:27which was full
02:28That's why I asked mum to buy me the new ones
02:30This notebook was of no use at all
02:33Raika, remember one thing
02:35Whatever we write in our notebook
02:37we need to make sure that we respect it and honour it
02:40Because remember,
02:41all those things that become a means of teaching us knowledge
02:44we should give them all a lot of respect
02:47We should make sure that we don't throw them on the ground
02:49and waste them and disrespect them in this way
02:52But sis, there's no hadith or any verse of Quran written on it
02:56It was just a rough notebook
02:58Raika, whatever we write in our notebooks
03:01regardless of whatever language it is in
03:04we should make sure that we fully respect it
03:06And in particular
03:08we need to make sure that we don't disrespect sacred papers at all in any state
03:13That's fine sis, but first of all tell me one thing
03:16That, what is meant by sacred papers?
03:19Raika, all such papers
03:21that have the verse of the Quran written on them
03:24or any part of it
03:25or any name of Allah
03:27or a name of any of the Prophets
03:29or of the Auliya
03:30or any such thing or any such name
03:33Respecting which is obligatory, meaning first upon us
03:36Every such paper is known as sacred paper
03:41This is truly really bad
03:43Please forgive me sis, I will not do this again in future
03:46Jizakallahu Khaira
03:48May Allah Almighty grant you steadfastness
03:52Thumma Ameen
03:53But sis, what is steadfastness?
03:56Ok Raika, let me explain you what steadfastness means
04:00Steadfastness means to remain firm on any action, work or intention that you make
04:06Like right now you just said
04:08that you will never do this again ever in future
04:11So I made a dua for you to Allah Almighty that
04:15May Allah Almighty enable you to remain steadfast on the pious intention that you just made
04:22Sis, what about my notebooks?
04:25Yes Raika, don't worry, I told mum about that
04:27She is just making a list of things to buy right now
04:30She will add that in as well
04:32Jizakallahu Khaira
04:36Brother Ghulam Rasool, here you go
04:38Brother Ghulam Rasool, where are you taking this?
04:42Raika, I am going to put this sack of sacred papers in the sacred paper box that we have on our street
04:48Sis, why not sell these papers to the guy who buys second hand papers?
04:52No Raika, I have seen on these papers that there are many respectful and noble words and sacred names written on them
04:59It is not right and appropriate to sell them as you have just suggested
05:03Did you see? There is Bismillah written on it
05:05We should make sure that we respect these sacred writings
05:08The final messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, has stated
05:12The one who picks up such a piece of paper from the ground which has Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim written on it
05:19Out of the respect of Allah Almighty, Allah Almighty will include him among Siddiqeen
05:25Siddiqeen? What is meant by Siddiqeen?
05:28Raika, Siddiqeen are those people who tread upon the path of the Prophet, peace be upon him, with sincerity
05:36Instead of doing this to the sacred papers, we should try and gather them and put them in the sacred paper box
05:42And for this purpose, the Arabic Islamist boxes of sacred papers are the best option for us
05:48Because they have a proper system in place from the point of collecting the sacred papers to disposing them respectfully according to Sharia
05:56Dear children, if you ever come across any such paper on the way
06:01Or you see any such thing on your way which contains any sacred words
06:06Or any verse of the Holy Quran or any Hadith written on it
06:10Then make sure to pick it up
06:11After that, clean it properly and ask an elder person to put them in the available boxes of sacred papers
06:19In your locality with utmost respect and reverence
06:23Jazakallahu Khairan
06:28I'm sorry
06:30Good girl!
06:31Good girl!
