Never Give Up! _ Islamic Cartoon _ Kaneez Fatima Cartoon in English

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Never Give Up! | Islamic Cartoon | Kaneez Fatima Cartoon in English | 3D Animated Cartoon | Kaneez Fatima 3D Animation Cartoon Series | Madani Channel English

Kaneez Fatima is a 3D animated cartoon series in Urdu/Hindi/English for kids produced by Dawat-e-Islami.

It entertains children as well as teaching them the fundamental principles of living in the society. It also gives Islamic education, tells Islamic stories and teaches prayers for various occasions.


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00:00Kani is a Fatima, good girl, Kani is a Fatima, everyone loves her, she is a Fatima
00:13Mashallah Raika, you've got wonderful marks
00:17I came fifth in the class
00:19So what? There are so many students in the class
00:22Every student can't come first
00:24Mashallah, in the entire class you've got the fifth position
00:28In the whole class there are only four students who have higher marks than you
00:32You have no idea, I told Areeba that I'll be first this time
00:36But now she's going to make fun of me
00:38You don't need to worry about it Raika
00:41I will explain Areeba not to make fun of you
00:44And teasing each other is not a good habit anyways
00:47And if you wanted to come first only for the reason that
00:50You could prove yourself to be better than your other class fellows
00:54Then Raika, this is not something nice either
00:56If we have any good attribute in us, then we should thank Allah Almighty
01:01But we should not consider ourselves to be better than other people
01:05I'm sorry, now I won't think this way
01:09But still, I should have come first
01:13It's okay Raika, don't be so sad now
01:22Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
01:26Waalaikumussalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
01:29Come on Raika, let's have food
01:31No sis, I don't want to eat anything
01:34What's the matter Raika, why are you so sad?
01:36How much hard work I did, but still
01:40You are behaving as if you failed your exams
01:43No, I didn't fail, but I didn't come first either
01:47So what Raika, it's obvious that the more you work harder
01:51The better marks you will get in your exams
01:54Like it is normally said, man jadda wa jadda
01:57Meaning that he who tries becomes successful
02:00But you also come first all the time
02:02It's alright Raika, now do more hard work and study even harder
02:06Inshallah you will come first in the next exams
02:11But what if I don't come first in the next exams either?
02:14First of all, let's eat first
02:16Why are you upset with food?
02:18If you delay eating once the food has been served
02:21Then blessings and food depart
02:23Our beloved Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa alihi wasallam has taught us that
02:28It is very important for us to respect the food
02:31Come on, let's go and eat
02:55Oh Subhanallah!
02:57Oh no!
02:58Sister, you just scared me
03:02I'm sorry Raika, you got scared because of me
03:05My intention wasn't to scare you or to make you worried
03:09Let's see how much courage Allah Almighty gave to this tiny ant
03:13It never gave up
03:14Hmm, it's gone now
03:16Raika, first thing first
03:18We should make sure that we don't bother any living being like this
03:22As you were just bothering this ant by blocking its way again and again
03:26So avoid this
03:27We should make sure that we don't trouble animals either
03:30Did you know that once there was a woman who oppressed a cat and treated her very harshly
03:35So despite her being pious
03:40Secondly Raika, did you see that the ant never gave up?
03:43Despite you bothering it and blocking its way again and again
03:47It never lost hope
03:48It kept making efforts to advance forward
03:51And then it eventually succeeded in attaining its goal
03:54When even a tiny ant doesn't give up
03:57Then how can you when you are a human?
04:00Allah Almighty made humans as best of their creation
04:03So we should make sure that we don't give up at any cost
04:06What you're saying is right
04:08I should not lose hope and courage in this way
04:11Inshallah in next exams
04:13I'll study even more harder
04:15And try my very best to come first in those exams
04:20Jazakallah sister for showing me the right way and guiding me
04:24Ameen wa alyakum
04:36It's the wrong aim and just the right
04:40Everyone loves her
04:43She is free
04:45Khufra naka khufra naka khufra naka khufra naka khufra naka
04:51Come on Raika, let's play
04:53No Reba, there's exam right after the break
04:56I'm revising for it
04:57Don't revise so much that you forget everything
05:01In any help you're not going to come first anyways
05:04You watch, this time I'm going to be first in class
05:07Trying to come first, make sure you don't end up last
05:11No Reba, you shouldn't say like this
05:13Our beloved Prophet s.a.w. has forbidden us from
05:17Quarrelling and making fun of others
05:19On such occasion, you both should back each other, motivate and encourage each other
05:25Yes sister Ghanis Fatima, you're right
05:28I'm really sorry
05:30No it's okay, it's fine, just be careful next time
05:37Sister, Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
05:41Waalaikumussalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
05:44Calm down Raika, you can also fall down by running so fast
05:48Mashallah, you seem to be very happy
05:51Yes sister, look at this, I've come first
05:55Mashallah, thanks to Allah almighty
05:59Did you see Raika, I told you isn't it?
06:01Yes sister indeed, you were right
06:04Dear children, we should never lose hope in the mercy of Allah almighty which is never ending
06:09And never give up the hard work
06:12Look at this, congratulations
06:15Let's go and have lunch now
06:17I'm sure mum and dad will also be very proud of me at home today
06:22It will be so nice, we'll have so much fun
06:25Look at my report card, look at my marks
06:28I'm really happy today
06:31Good girl, good girl
