• last year
TPS Headteacher Mark Marande talks about the overall GCSE results for 2024.
00:00We're super proud of all of the achievements of the Class of 2024.
00:05They've gone on to do really, really well in their exams.
00:08They're one of the year groups that were most affected by Covid in some ways
00:12because when they joined us, they had one term in Year 7 with us
00:16and then it was straight into lockdown after Christmas.
00:19So they missed some really crucial, you know, coming to secondary school,
00:22joining secondary school, they missed some really, really crucial bits.
00:25So because of that, I think this makes these results extra special.
00:30Well over three quarters of our students achieved the all-important 4,
00:34which is the old C grade in English and Maths.
00:37So that's well above national and local Hampshire averages as well.
00:40So we are really delighted with their results.
00:43In terms of some special mentions, because in every year group
00:46there's always some students who you sort of,
00:48and some groups of students you really want to specially mention.
00:50I think this year we look at our Ukrainian students.
00:53So we had four Ukrainian students in this year group who fled
00:57from Ukraine following the war there in 2022.
01:00They joined, you know, in the middle of a school journey
01:03and our community I was really, really proud of.
01:06They welcomed them so wholeheartedly really
01:09and made them feel like this is their school
01:11and it is their school now, which is wonderful.
01:14And they've achieved some phenomenal results.
01:16All of them have picked up several grade A's and A stars,
01:19which is 7 to 9 in the new system.
01:22So we are extra specially proud of them as well and all the students.
01:26And we really want to wish them the very best for the future.
01:30Starting GCSEs can be a slightly nervous time for students
01:34because they're the sorts of results that they will carry with them
01:36to their next stage of education.
01:38And I think that the biggest tip we always try to give to the students,
01:41and I'll be honest, I don't always listen as much as we'd like them to
01:44to this bit of advice, but it's to start that revision early
01:47because I think cramming, you know, it doesn't work.
01:51So start that revision early and also not to worry about it too much.
01:55You know, you need to get what you need to get to the next stage of your career
01:59and not make it this all-consuming thing.
02:01You know, there is a lot to life.
02:03GCSEs are an important part of it, but they are just one part of it.
02:06So that kind of balance is important as well.
