Saving Nora Episodes 351-355

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Saving Nora Episodes 351-355 Don't forget supporting me by buying for me a coffee ☕️ Click Here For Watch All Episodes :
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00:20don't forget, share the video, comment, and like. Both the Hunts and the Smiths were powerful
00:27families. If the police wanted to arrest any of them, they needed a lot of evidence. They couldn't
00:34just use some random excuse to detain them that day, for instance. Their reason for detaining
00:40Nora was medical malpractice, but they couldn't arrest her, especially given the fact that she
00:46was old Maddie's doctor. He might die without her there. Moreover, she was Justin's fiance.
00:54The police chief was nervously pacing back and forth in front of the door.
00:58On the one hand, he was dealing with Morris, and on the other hand, he was dealing with Justin.
01:04He definitely couldn't mess with either of them. So how was he supposed to handle this incident
01:09while he considered how to proceed? Morris Ford addressed Justin,
01:14My apologies, Mr. Hunt, but you aren't allowed to take her with you until old Maddie's blood report
01:21is out. Justin cast a puzzled glance at Nora. He hadn't even realized there was a blood report
01:28involved. Nevertheless, he remained as aggressive as ever. I don't care what you're investigating,
01:35Captain Ford. I'm here to bail my fiance out. If you can't produce any evidence that she has
01:42committed a crime, you have to let her go. I believe my fiance has the right to be released
01:49on bail. Or do you intend to deprive her of her rights as a citizen of the United States?
01:56His words shut Morris right up. Justin calmed himself and walked over to Nora, grasping her hand.
02:02Captain Ford, if you have nothing else to say, then we're leaving. However, Morris stopped them
02:08as the two reached the door. He looked firmly at Nora. Miss Smith is not allowed to leave the
02:15station until old Maddie's blood report is out. Justin, glaring, took a step forward. His face
02:22hovered close to Morris's. Morris said coldly, Hear my words. I am completely authorized to
02:29arrest Nora Smith. Mr. Hunt, you have always been a law-abiding citizen. Are you planning to assault
02:37a police officer just to break her out? Would you really ruin your reputation for this woman?
02:43Assaulting a police officer and breaking someone out. Both charges were extremely serious.
02:50Justin sneered. You are detaining my fiance for no reason. Either let her go or I'm leaving with
02:56her. Which will it be? They glared into each other's eyes for a while. The interrogation
03:02room was silent, though neither man made a move. The tension between them could be cut with a knife.
03:09Just then, the police chief rushed over. He stood between the two men. Captain Ford.
03:15Mr. Hunt calmed down. He pleaded. Let's pull ourselves together and talk this out.
03:21He turned to Morris. Captain Ford. Why don't you show him the arrest warrant? We don't want Mr.
03:28Hunt to misunderstand. His words took both Nora and Justin by surprise. An arrest warrant,
03:36if an arrest warrant really existed, then Morris would be justified in detaining Nora.
03:41But then again, if he had had an arrest warrant this entire time,
03:45then why hadn't he presented it right away? Was he trying to keep the case? He was investigating
03:51a secret. After all, the warrant would specify why exactly he was arresting Nora.
03:58Morris let out a grunt. He stared at Nora and Justin for a long time.
04:03Are you sure you want to see the warrant? He finally asked. Justin didn't speak. Instead,
04:11he looked at Nora. Both of them realized that she had become involved in some kind of conspiracy,
04:18something beyond her control. Perhaps they feared she was being framed if they refrained
04:23from looking at the warrant, behaved themselves, and waited for old Maddy's blood test results
04:29to come back and prove her innocence. Then perhaps she would be able to extricate herself.
04:36However, if they looked at the arrest warrant, they would become caught up in the case,
04:42a case that Morris had set as top secret would undoubtedly be a complicated one.
04:48Nora kept quiet for a moment before making up her mind. I'd like to look at it. Her mother
04:54had told her long ago that she must never reveal how talented she was. It would only bring her
05:00trouble. From the looks of it, whatever was going on here might be the origin of all the trouble
05:06she was in. She should never have let anyone find out she was a doctor. Morris frowned after staring
05:14at her for a while. He finally put his hand in his pocket. Nora observed him closely. She had
05:20a feeling that once he took out the arrest warrant, she would come to know all the secrets
05:25that her mother had hidden from her for so long. She couldn't help but be curious just what had
05:31caused her mother to run away to California all those years ago. Morris pulled the document from
05:36his pocket just as he was about to unfold it for Nora to see someone ran in. The person wasn't
05:42wearing a uniform. He ran straight over to Morris, panting from the exertion. He gripped a blood test
05:49report in his shaking hand. Captain Ford, we found abnormalities in old Maddy's blood.
05:56Morris's pupils shrank and his gaze sharpened. He stuffed the arrest warrant back into his pocket
06:02and snatched old Maddy's blood report from the man's hand. He scanned it quickly before turning
06:07to Justin. Mr. Hunt, it looks like there is an unknown substance in old Maddy's blood.
06:14He said gravely, handing the paper over,
06:18I now have enough evidence to suspect that Miss Smith here is involved in a deliberate murder
06:23attempt. Now, do you have anything to say? Justin narrowed his eyes in a slow, calculated voice.
06:32He said, what right do you have to use unknown substances as evidence of attempted murder?
06:38This evidence is too far-fetched. It's purely circumstantial indeed, but there are other
06:44findings in this case. In addition to this, we can detain Miss Smith for another 24 hours.
06:51I expect that in that time, our medical examiner will figure out what this substance in old
06:57Maddy's blood is and whether it's her doing. She cannot be bailed out. Morris waved his hand,
07:04calling over the surrounding police officers. They slowly approached.
07:09Justin frowned. Then Norris spoke up, her eyes wide and determined. I didn't use any medicine
07:15on him, and you can verify that because every time I treat him, the butler is next to me.
07:22If there truly is an unknown substance in his blood, I suspect that old Maddy was poisoned
07:27by someone else. She began to realize just how critical old Maddy's current condition was.
07:34Before she had been arrested that morning, she had noticed that old Maddy was reacting
07:39differently to treatment just before the police took her away. She had arranged for Lily to
07:44return and take over for her. But if there was an unknown chemical in his blood, that meant that
07:51old Maddy was in serious danger. She looked directly at Justin. What's the situation with
07:58old Maddy now? Since being detained, she had lost contact with the outside world.
08:04Justin had sent the Hunt's medical team to the hospital to help with the treatment.
08:09He called them now to figure out what was going on. The call was picked up quickly and a doctor's
08:14nervous voice could be heard on the other end of the line. Mr. Hunt, we've performed a thorough
08:19examination of the patient, but we can't determine the cause of his illness. Every organ in his body
08:26is failing rapidly. If this continues, I'm afraid he won't be alive for much longer. He didn't have
08:33much time left. How long can you guys keep him alive? Justin asked. Two hours at most.
08:41We've communicated with the Smith's medical team. Only Dr. Athena can treat this illness.
08:46If she doesn't get to the hospital in the next half hour, the patient might not stand a chance.
08:52Justin gripped his phone tightly, feeling increasingly anxious.
08:58Why hadn't the Smith's told him about Athena when they informed him of this earlier?
09:03If they had, Nora would already be in the hospital. Two hours had already been wasted.
09:10Justin was furious, but his expression remained terrifyingly calm.
09:14I understand, he replied before hanging up. Justin looked up at Maurice. I'm sure you heard
09:20just now that only Dr. Athena can treat the patient now. I've got to take Nora to the hospital.
09:28Maurice stood in his way. She's only been a doctor for five years, yet she already had the ability
09:35to solve problems that no one else can. You want to know what I think? I think that this is all
09:41part of your plan. As soon as Miss Smith leaves the police station, you will arrange for her to
09:47flee the country, right? I'm afraid I can't let that happen. She cannot leave. Are you going to
09:54take responsibility if something happens to the patient? Justin asked, fuming. Don't you worry.
10:01I'll take responsibility, Maurice said. His eyes narrowed. Nora clenched her hands into fists.
10:07It would probably take half an hour to get to the hospital from here, and convincing this
10:12stubborn man to let her go would probably take even longer. She couldn't let old Matty die.
10:19It wasn't that she couldn't wash herself clean of guilt if he died. After all, the unknown chemical
10:25in his blood would be identified sooner or later, and whoever had poisoned him would be called.
10:31What she was worried about was more personal than that. Old Matty had known her mother.
10:38She had wanted to treat his illness and save his life so that he could tell her what had happened
10:44to her mother. Nora considered this whole mess. If she hadn't insisted on treating old Matty,
10:51he wouldn't have suffered like this. He wouldn't have been poisoned. Trouble followed her wherever
10:57she went. She felt an intense guilt wash over her. But Nora was strong. She wouldn't let a little
11:04guilt stop her. She took a deep breath and a careful step forward. Her demeanor changed,
11:10and her eyes were sharp and cold. Captain Ford, are you letting me go or not?
11:16Maurice Brough furrowed. The surrounding police officers took out their pistols and aimed them
11:21at her. Maurice narrowed his eyes. Miss Smith, this is a police station. I would advise you
11:28not to act recklessly. Nora stared at him. A rage was building inside her, and she was
11:34struggling to hold it back. Just as she was about to lash out, someone suddenly grabbed her wrist.
11:40Nora whipped around. Justin stood there, shaking his head, warning her. He's right, Nora.
11:49This is a police station. You can't fight your way out of it.
11:53Nora glared at Justin, her eyes burning with anger. Of course, she knew that she couldn't
11:59fight her way out, but she also couldn't just sit there and leave old Matty to die.
12:04She took a deep breath and was about to speak when Justin sighed. Anyway, Captain Ford will
12:10be responsible for old Matty's death, so it has nothing to do with you. Nora raised her
12:16eyebrows in confusion. She was about to say something when Justin spoke up. Don't mess
12:22around. He gave her a meaningful look that she didn't know how to interpret. She stared at him
12:29indignantly, so angry that she felt like her head was about to explode. She stood there breathing
12:34heavily, her muscles tight as wire, but before she could react, Justin whipped around and attacked.
12:42His movements were as fast as lightning while the police officers had their guard down.
12:48He rushed at Maurice, but Maurice had quick reflexes. He had been trained in martial arts
12:53for many years and was in top form. He was not, however, as fast as the Irvin School of Martial
13:00Arts, top student. The Irvin School of Martial Arts was famous for its speed and of all the
13:07martial artists in the world. Their disciples were the fastest. Maurice was completely turned
13:13around. He couldn't predict where Justin's next attack would come from. By the time he got his
13:19wits about him, Justin had already snatched away his gun. He was now pressing it against his head.
13:25Don't shoot. Maurice cried, holding his hands up instinctively in front of his face.
13:32Don't move, Justin retorted. The entire police station instantly devolved into chaos.
13:38All the police officers took out their guns and aimed them at Justin, while the bodyguards Justin
13:44had brought with him stood in front of him. Although they were unarmed, they were prepared
13:48to use their bodies to protect him, even though his life was being threatened. Maurice remained
13:55calm. His voice was as steady as ever. Mr. Hunt, what do you think you're doing?
14:01Justin's face was impassive, detached. He lowered his eyes slightly. Captain Ford,
14:08a life is at stake. I'm sorry. Then he turned to Nora and screamed, go. All the police officers
14:16turned toward Nora, but just before they rushed over to restrain her, Justin's calm voice rang
14:22out over the fray. Captain Ford, if you dare stop her, you'll regret it. Maurice pursed his lips.
14:32His gaze was still glued on Nora, but he didn't move. His eyes were cold and impenetrable.
14:39Let her go, he finally said. All of the police officers instantly moved aside to let her pass.
14:46Nora clenched her hands into fists. She would never have expected Justin to go to such lengths
14:51for her. After all, assaulting Captain Ford was a serious crime. She had previously considered her
14:58relationship with Justin to be surface level, only pertaining to the children. But perhaps it was more
15:06than that. Nora didn't have time to think about any of this. She turned and walked out. Her steps
15:12were decisive and quick, becoming faster. Soon enough, she was running. Maurice stared at her
15:18as she left, his eyes filled with anger. Mr. Hunt, do you have any idea what you're doing?
15:25Believe me, I know exactly what I'm doing. Then you must know that the only way to get to the
15:31hospital from here is by driving. And she doesn't have a car. I know. Maurice smiled coldly. Mr. Hunt,
15:41are you really so sure that she's not guilty? Do you even know if she's actually going to the
15:46hospital? Aren't you afraid that she could make you spend the rest of your life in prison
15:51if she chooses to run away? I trust her, Justin said with total certainty. His words caught
15:58Maurice off guard. He was silent for a moment, and then he lowered his eyes. My mother once said
16:06the same thing, he said solemnly. Justin was a little taken aback. What do you mean? Maurice spoke
16:13evenly. 25 years ago, Yvette Anderson was suspected of murder. She deceived my mother in the name of
16:21treating a patient. But can you guess what happened after my mother let her go? Justin frowned and
16:27shook his head. She ran away, and my mother was held accountable for her actions. Now you've
16:34attacked a police captain on Nora's behalf. What do you think will happen to you? Justin lowered
16:39his eyes, hiding his emotions. He tried to keep his voice even and confident. I told you, I trust her.
16:48Captain Ford, please hear me out. Maurice snorted. Even if I do, do you think there are no other
16:55police officers in New York? Do you really think she'll make it to the hospital? Justin's eyes
17:01widened. Captain Ford was right. Nora was escaping alone, and the moment she left the police station,
17:09she would be seen by the other officers at the special department. She would become a wanted
17:14criminal. Meanwhile, four people were climbing out of a black car, parked in front of the police
17:22station. A moment later, Quentin Leary, Warren, and Maureen stared nervously at the door.
17:29Are we really breaking her out? Warren stammered. Lewis didn't seem to care. What else can we do?
17:37She needs our help, but this isn't a good idea, right? Warren said nervously. I've never done
17:44something so reckless before. Well, Uncle Leon let us off the hook for it. Lewis sneered.
17:53The three Smith sons are here. Of course, he'll have our backs. Warren paused for a moment.
18:00Other than Joel, Uncle Leon only talks to Quentin, and not even that often. Do you really think he
18:07cares about the two of us? Warren, can you please shut up? Lewis asked. Quentin's lips twitched as
18:15he listened to the two of them bicker. What are you afraid of? He asked. He had been in tricky
18:22situations like this many times before, and he tried to put on an air of confidence, but in
18:28reality he was also panicking. After all, the Smiths were all law-abiding citizens. When Uncle
18:35Leon had handed over all underground operations to Quentin, his only instruction had been to not
18:41break the law. What they investigated in secret, who they protected, and what they did were all
18:48at the edge of what was legal. Did they really have it in them to do something illegal like this?
18:54As Quentin thought about it, the station suddenly broke out in chaos. A police officer took out his
19:01gun at the door and ran inside. What's wrong? Maureen asked in fear. Lewis hesitated as well.
19:09Did Nora already escape? Warren tapped his head. Can you use your brain right now? Lewis,
19:17how could someone as frail as her have escaped? I guess you're right. He had barely finished
19:23speaking when Nora ran out of the police station. Her hair tie had fallen out and her beautiful hair
19:29flowed behind her as she ran. She looked vibrant and victorious after she flew out the door.
19:35Several police officers stopped in the doorway, all of them pointing their guns at her back.
19:41Warren, Lewis, and Maureen's jaws dropped. They stood there dumbfounded. Nora was very anxious.
19:49The people behind her wouldn't chase after her, as per Captain Ford's orders, but she didn't have
19:55a car. How was she supposed to get to the hospital? Her gaze swept across the parking lot.
20:02Before she saw him, she heard Quentin's voice. Hey, why isn't this car locked? He shouted,
20:10likely for her benefit. And the keys are inside. Nora followed his gaze and saw a familiar car
20:16parked nearby. She immediately rushed over and ripped open the door. She jumped into the driver's
20:23seat and stepped on the accelerator. The car sped away with a loud, aching screech. Several police
20:29officers jumped into their own cars and chased after her. Lewis and Warren looked on, stunned.
20:36Then they turned their heads, only to find that Quentin had disappeared.
20:41Then another car pulled up, blocking the path of the police vehicles.
20:46Quentin got out and casually leaned against the car. Hey, officers, I'm having trouble starting
20:53my car. He called out. Lewis and Warren didn't know what to say. They stood there, flabbergasted
21:00as other police officers began walking over. What are you doing here? One of them asked roughly.
21:10What's your relationship to the fugitive? Louis and Warren looked at each other and stepped in.
21:16They tried desperately to make up some lie. Officers, we initially came here to get help
21:22from the police, Lewis said. Yeah, Warren agreed. But that woman was so fierce. She stole our car
21:31and ran. So what were you here to report? The officer asked. Ooh, my brother hit me.
21:38They said in unison, each brother pointing a finger at the other. They looked at each other.
21:44It's true. I hit him, they said again at the same time. Lewis and Warren were astonished by how in
21:51sync they were. Then just to prove their point, they began to clumsily throw punches at each
21:58other. Maureen was speechless. She clasped her hand to her forehead reflexively. Officer,
22:06ignore them. We're just here to visit someone. We truly didn't expect our car to be stolen the
22:13moment we got out of it. The police officers didn't know what to say. Back in the police
22:19station, Captain Ford stood pinned to the wall. Send someone to guard the hospital.
22:26If the fugitive is found, arrest her immediately. He shouted. Giving orders was the most he could
22:32do right now, as Justin was still holding him at gunpoint. Yes, sir. Send units to guard the
22:38entrances and exits of the airport and rail stations and get her photo into the system.
22:44Justin guarded Maurice vigilantly, but didn't stop him from barking out orders.
22:49Look for her in every corner of New York. If she resists, Morris paused before saying,
22:56shoot. Justin's eyes widened. He pressed the gun harder against Morris Temple.
23:02Captain Ford, aren't you going a little overboard? Morris lowered his eyes. Mr. Hunt,
23:10I don't think you actually know what this woman is capable of. Justin glared at him,
23:16his eyes burning with anger. Morris continued. We found out that she only returned to the country
23:23two months ago. You have two children together. But do you know who she really is? Justin narrowed
23:31his eyes. He knew that she was Athena and the Queen's School of Martial Arts. Top student,
23:39but there seems to be other mystery identities he couldn't figure out.
23:44Maybe he didn't actually know her as well as he thought he did. Morris spoke slowly.
23:50I believe you've looked into her past, too, right? There is no record of her during those
23:56five years overseas. Do you know what she did during that time? Still pointing his gun at
24:02Maurice, Justin pulled a chair over to sit opposite him. He leaned forward slightly,
24:08his tall figure looming. I don't know, but that doesn't stop me from trusting her. Maurice frowned.
24:16Mr. Hunt, you've always been a law-abiding citizen. You're on a different life path than
24:22she is. Justin lowered his eyes. Even if we're not on the same path right now,
24:28we'll eventually get there. Life is full of possibilities, right? Captain Ford.
24:35Maurice could tell that he hadn't shaken Justin. Nevertheless, he maintained his composure and
24:41tried a different strategy. You have no idea just how big the case she's involved in is,
24:47Mr. Hunt. You had better pray that she really went to that hospital.
24:53Otherwise, you will have made an unforgivable mistake. Justin didn't speak. Maurice looked
25:00at the officer beside him. It's been half an hour. Ask the hospital if she's arrived.
25:06Yes, Captain. Ford, Maurice's subordinate, walked across the room and made the call. The police had
25:13already set up a line of defense at the hospital. If Nora appeared, they would immediately arrest
25:19her. One of the officers guarding the hospital could be heard on the other end of the line.
25:24We haven't seen anyone suspicious yet. The officer put the call on speaker so that everyone in the
25:30room could hear the conversation. Maurice gave Justin an insinuating look. Mr. Hunt, did you hear
25:37that? Justin smiled. It's not Nora Smith's style to be spotted so easily. How could a martial arts
25:45master be easily caught? He thought, smiling. Unexpectedly, the officer on the other end of
25:52the line called out Mr. Joel. Please cooperate with our investigation. Justin and Maurice heard
25:58Joel's calm voice reply, don't worry. I'll cooperate fully. May I ask if Miss Smith is at
26:06the hospital? Joel sounded puzzled when he replied, isn't she at the police station? I thought Captain
26:13Ford wasn't allowing bail. We've received news that she has escaped from jail. Her whereabouts
26:19are unknown at this time. If you see her at the hospital, please contact us immediately. I'll
26:25cooperate with the investigation, Joel said in a deep but firm voice. Thank you. The officer spoke
26:32into his phone again. We've confirmed that the suspect hasn't arrived at the hospital. Maurice
26:38stared at Justin. Mr. Hunt, how can you still not believe that she's running away? Why don't you put
26:45your gun down? Or at least take it away from my head. Justin lowered his eyes and looked at his
26:52watch, Captain Ford. This place is about an hour away from the hospital. It's only been half an hour.
27:02What's the rush? Why don't we have a nice chat? Can you tell me a bit about Yvette's case?
27:08And what kind of case is my fiancee involved in? Maurice was speechless. It was as if he was the
27:15one being detained and questioned. It was absolutely infuriating. After hanging up the
27:21phone, the police officer at the hospital ordered his subordinates to patrol the area.
27:26Meanwhile, Joel turned a corner and stood in front of the door to a maintenance room.
27:32He looked left and right to confirm that no one was around before opening the door.
27:37Nora stood inside, leaning against the wall. Not long before, Joel had found her sneaking
27:43into the hospital to avoid the police. When their eyes had met, Joel had frowned just as he had been
27:49about to question her. The police unit leader walked by. Joel had quickly hid Nora in this broom
27:55closet. Nora was surprised that Joel was helping her. Given his law-abiding personality, she had
28:04expected him to help the police arrest her. It was looking more and more like other than Yvonne.
28:10The Smiths weren't all that bad. Nora nodded at Joel in thanks and was about to leave the closet
28:16when he grabbed her arm. What are you actually doing here? Are you hoping that I'll help you
28:21arrange an escape route? Nora looked up at him defiantly. She waited for him to continue.
28:28Joel glanced into the operating room across the hall. Old Maddie's life is on the line,
28:34he said tiredly, and they will probably accuse you of this crime. But although Uncle Ian doesn't like
28:41the Smiths breaking the law, I believe that he doesn't want to see you go to jail. Therefore,
28:47I will help if I can. I'm not trying to escape, just so you know. Joel looked at her incredulously.
28:54But you escaped the station. Nora nodded at the operating room. I'm here to treat old Maddie.
29:02Joel's brow furrowed. Nonsense. You're lying. I've already gotten someone to send a message
29:09to Justin updating him on the situation. Only Dr. Athena can cure old Maddie. So why are you here?
29:16Nora perked up. You got someone to send a message to look for Athena? Yes. The hunters have had
29:23dealings with her in the past. Only Mr. Hunt knows who she is. Nora was suspicious. Who did you ask
29:31to send the message? I asked Yvonne to call Mr. Hunt. Joel said uncertainly. Upon seeing the way
29:39Nora was looking at him, he suddenly realized something. Did Mr. Hunt not hear about this?
29:45Where is he? Although he didn't fully trust Yvonne. She was still Uncle Ian's adopted daughter.
29:52Joel had figured that since they were all members of the Smith family, they would all want to
29:57protect the family's reputation. Never would he have expected Yvonne to pull a stunt like this
30:02during such a critical time. He just couldn't accept that she would do anything to harm her
30:08family. Nora scoffed. You don't believe me, do you? Why don't you ask Justin? Joel took out his phone,
30:16however, before he dialed. Nora reached out and stopped him. He's at the police station right now.
30:23Joel understood what she was insinuating. Did he help you out? Yes? He restrained Maurice.
30:30Nora spoke matter-of-factly. Her voice, even Joel, was beginning to put everything together.
30:36He was pretty sure he knew where Lewis, Warren, and Quentin were. Old Maddie was barely hanging
30:42in there. If they couldn't find Dr. Athena, if they couldn't save him, Nora would be accused of
30:48medical malpractice no matter what. Therefore, Joel wouldn't stop Lewis, Warren, and Quentin from
30:55helping her. He knew how talented Quentin was. If he wanted to help someone, he would make sure not
31:02to fail. Furthermore, Joel had set up a contingency plan to help everyone in the event that things
31:09went south. He had asked for the Smith family's private plane to be prepared at the airport.
31:15If they needed it, it would be ready for them. Joel wasn't surprised that Quentin and the others
31:22were helping Nora, but Justin surprised him. He never would have expected Justin to put himself
31:28in danger. This is ridiculous. Joel said, if Justin helped you escape, he won't ever be able
31:35to clear his name. Nora raised her eyebrows. Let's not talk about this anymore. I need you to help me
31:42get into the operating room. Can you do that? It's useless, Joel stressed. I told you, only a thief.
31:52At this point, Joel realized something. He looked at Nora in disbelief. You're Athena. Yes.
32:00A complicated expression played on Joel's face, a mix of disbelief and admiration.
32:05Who was this cousin of his? Wait here a minute, he said.
32:10He left the workroom and returned a minute later with a white doctor's coat. Nora shrugged it on
32:16and then put on her scrub cap and surgical mask. She lowered her head and followed Joel out of
32:22the maintenance room. The two of them made straight for the operating room. Two police
32:28officers were standing near the door, looking around. They walked up to Joel and Nora with an
32:34air of authority. Who are you? Take off your mask. We need to check. Nora narrowed her eyes
32:42and placed her hand on her mask. Joel took a step forward, an anxious expression plastered onto his
32:48face. What do you think you're doing? This is Dr. Larson, the head of the Department of Neurology.
32:56She was caught in a traffic jam and got here late. Now let her in to treat old Matty.
33:02If we wait any longer, he might not survive. Joel pushed past them and opened the door
33:08to the operating room. Nora slipped in. The police officers chased after her,
33:15but before they could enter the room, they heard a nurse shouting,
33:18Dr. Larson, you're finally here. We need to get started. The patient is in critical condition.
33:26The officers stopped in their tracks. It seemed that she actually was Dr. Larson.
33:32Nora, meanwhile, narrowed her eyes. It had been less than a minute since Joel had announced that
33:39her name was Dr. Larson. It was impossible that these people could have caught on to the
33:44ruse so quickly. That could only mean one thing. Joel had coached them ahead of time. Nora had
33:52always considered Joel to be wary of her the way that Ian was, after all. The two of them had been
33:57cold to her, but maybe she had been wrong about him. It seemed that he could be quite considerate.
34:05Nora shook away her thoughts. She had to focus on saving old Matty's life back at the police
34:10station. Justin loosened his grip on the gun. Two hours had passed at this point, and he was
34:16beginning to regret his actions. Captain Ford, I'm sorry about all this. He handed the gun over
34:24in a gesture of apology. He knew he had been in the wrong today. Morris stood up and grabbed the gun.
34:32He carefully placed it back in the holster at his waist before looking at him. Mr. Hunt,
34:38since you trust her so much, come with me to the hospital. Justin immediately stood up.
34:45I'd love nothing more. Two police officers walked over to Justin, holding handcuffs. His bodyguards
34:52were about to make a move, but he gestured for them to hold back. He extended his hands calmly,
34:59but the two policemen didn't handcuff him. Instead, they looked to Morris for instructions.
35:05Captain Ford, hear me out, Justin pleaded. Desperate times call for desperate measures.
35:12I had no choice but to save her. Please forgive me. His dark eyes glimmered. Morris looked at him
35:20coldly. If I'm in the wrong here, I won't hold you responsible for this. However, if Miss Nora
35:27isn't at the hospital, you will face the full extent of the law. With that, he waved the police
35:34officers away. There's no need for the handcuffs. The two of them walked out of the police station
35:40side by side and got into a police car. Justin's bodyguards followed behind them. A line of cars
35:47headed straight for the hospital. On the way, Morris updated Justin. Old Matty's condition
35:54is worsening. Forensic pathologists and experts have all said that his case is hopeless,
36:01so even if she has truly expert medical skills, he might die. And if he dies, I will definitely
36:08arrest you. Essentially, unless she was able to save Old Matty's life, there was no reasonable
36:15explanation for breaking Nora out of prison. Justin lowered his eyes. I understand.
36:22Morris received a call. He picked up and a voice came through the phone. Captain Ford,
36:29we've discovered what the unknown substance in Old Matty's blood is. Yvonne stared at the
36:34operating room door. Old Matty had been in there for 10 hours now. Beside Yvonne, Florence was
36:41walking back and forth, cursing. She's not Ian's daughter, and she's ruthless. She doesn't treat
36:48the servants like humans. She bullied Old Matty, who was weak and helpless. Fortunately, Ian is
36:55still in the I.Q. and doesn't know what's going on. If he did, he would have raised hell over what
37:02she's doing. Just then, Florence stopped pacing. She looked up at Yvonne with a worried expression.
37:09Do you think Ian's health will be affected if Old Matty dies? At that moment, the lights in
37:15the operating room suddenly turned off. The operation was over. Thank you so much for
37:21watching. Don't forget to subscribe to my channel. Comment and like.
